@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar


@[email protected]

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Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

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@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is embarrassing for them. I can understand ousting a CEO, but the board needs to go into that and leave it with confidence. If I were an investor I’d be very nervous about the state of the company, this shows they are very unsure about the future of the company. I’d say no one is at the wheel right now

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Man I wonder how conservatives will justify still driving fossil fuel cars now, because we all know they will. They keep using “Dangerous and terrible lithium mining” as their first and foremost excuse, if we get cheaper and easier to make batteries I wonder what the next scapegoat will be.

I know, lithium mining is terrible, but we all know that they don’t actually care about it being terrible. They’re just regurgitating what Fox has told them

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Obviously this newer technology is only marginally better for the environment, so it’d be stupid to even try it. Who cares if it’s only partially better? So I’m completely justified in using my outdated fossil fuel vehicles that we know are 100% terrible for the environment.


@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

We can have both - they aren’t mutually exclusive. I both want better public transport - but also acknowledge there are towns with populations of 800 people in the midwest where it’s going to take a century before they even start thinking of having bus routes - let alone rail lines.

Electric vehicles are a now solution. Public Transport is a solution that will take centuries in areas like that.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I think we’re seeing a natural evolution, and it’s in no small part due to corpos using FOSS to their own will. FOSS works if everyone is playing nicely, but corpos aren’t.

For example. You build a small piece of code that helps out a huge chunk of developers. You release it for free, and let them use it however they want. A ton of small projects and apps are made easier thanks to you and your work, and you get called out from them. However, a giant corpo then takes this, uses it in all of their brand-name solutions, and then sells those solutions for millions of dollars becoming one of the most profitable companies in existence. You don’t get a dime for your work, even though without your work their work would have been much more difficult.

This is the story of core.js, who’s developer is currently in search of work to feed his family in Eastern Europe, while Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and pretty much 90% of the web use his code. He used the MIT license which allows this.

I think a lot of developers have seen this and are wise to it. GPL licensing is on the rise. I know when I read his story I immediately changed my tone from “FOSS/MIT Licensing is the best most moral way to go” to “Oh fuck those corpos, they could have at least said thank you”.

Personally I hope more devs push for “Open source, but check the license” so they get credit where credit is due. I think it’s completely fair for them to use a license that says “You are free to use it however you want - but if you start charging for your product I get a cut.”

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s the gist of GPL.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Fine yes I was mixing up that charging for it and the gotcha of “If you want to use my source code, then your code also needs to be at least GPL”, as in no closed source. So yes, they can make profit off of it, but then they also have to open source their code

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is what I was remembering incorrectly, thank you for the correction

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Playing through CP2077 for the 4th time now, this time with the dlc. Really does change the flow of the game, just a couple missions in so far.

In a couple weeks I’ll be spinning up a new factory with friends in Satisfactory too! Getting excited for that.

Shameless plugs for both !cyberpunk2077 and !satisfactory for those interested

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Ah so another day of sales falsely advertising something as “end to end encrypted” when they have no effing clue how it works.

However then for the devs… HTTP still? How did that happen? I’m usually very forgiving for engineers (I am one, why I’m salty about sales), but these are pretty jr level issues. Unless… the offshored it or only hired jrs then I completely see how it happened.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It could be. It could also be a bunch of cheaper junior devs who have never done devops. I’ve had to teach a lot of fresh engineers about devops because while they can code, they’ve never had to deploy a service before.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s really what I expect, to me I see this all as young engineers pushed to finish as fast as they could, didn’t know any better, and no one thought of granting any time for the devops pipeline to be shored up.

Which of course then falls on leadership for thinking they could take the cheap way out and not listen to their engineers. Any senior or higher would be screaming about the vulnerabilities, so leadership either didn’t listen (ego and greedy) or they didn’t hire anyone with the expertise (cheaped out)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Which is obviously what they were counting on, fingers crossed no one notices we’re using http

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m so annoyed at him for you folks over there.

Transit projects ALWAYS go over budget and over time. That’s just what happens.

But they are never regretted after they are built. Those expenses are only terrible to people as they are built but as soon as it’s done people can’t imagine how they lived before it. Transit projects always at least break even in the long run. They really are “if you build it they will come”

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Damn, time for wild thoughts as to why. I wonder who the bad guy is here. Did Sam want to focus on profit? Does the board and they’re hiding behind that? I have no idea.

Still this is a scene right from Silicon Valley, the founder being voted out of their own company

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I recently just switched to Pop! and it’s so crazy how much fun linux is now! I was pulling my hair out at Ubuntu because of things like Snaps, trying to get nvidia to work, and so many weird quirks. (My audio just had a low buzzing noise until I reconfigured Pulse, scaling had to be manually set in a config file, I had to change a few nvidia configs to get my games to play at over 30fps, and no native flatpak integration obviously because of snaps)

But with Pop everything just works! Flatpaks are in the pop shop, the distro had an option with nvidia configured out of the box, it’s been the easiest linux setup I’ve ever had. I need to go deeper into the weeds with Fedora and Arch, but goddamn Pop is going to be my go-to from here on out.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I have literally never used these points shop. What does it even have in it?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

yeah that’s kinda what I always figured

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly what I worry about. I’m toying with AI at home, as a software engineer I kind of have to if I’ll want to remain employable. I see where it’s good, where it’s not so good.

Automating human’s jobs away completely? We’re a long way off. Most times you see a “wow AI did this?” it was hand picked by people as the best result out of dozens, and then usually tailored past then. It does some really cool stuff to about 80% of the way of a semi usable product, but then it needs humans to fine tune. Plus coding things, sure it can get you started much quicker or give you functions, but we’re decades away from being able to interact with an AI to the point where it can maintain your entire ecosystem. I can’t imagine the complexity there.

What it does do a great job at is seeing patterns, and pointing out those patterns. Exactly what the people you describe want it for. “Given this person’s medical history, should we insure them?” “How likely is this person going to default on their loan?” and quite literally Minority report style is what I’m afraid of. “Given everything we know about this person, what crimes are they likely committing?”

The old “don’t do anything wrong and no one come looking” kinda goes out the window with that. It’s going to be able to make predictions on you based on other’s behavior. I definitely see some “We got a warrant because our AI told us you were up to no good” and some 99 year old judge saying that’s okay.

and don’t think that just because governments are heavy and slow that they won’t do this. They’ll have some hot shot contractor come up, build it for them, and they’ll get to use it with little to no oversight because “the government doesn’t own it”.

The jobs thing is a distraction so we don’t see what dystopia AI can really bring us into.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

To boldly go… and fix any random transporter accident

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah for a while I used Adblock plus and ublock. With this adblock plus was just tripping youtube so it was an immediate uninstall. Stupid article is stupid

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I mean, I just did? Used both for 5 years like that and only had a problem now

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’ll never understand how the railroad workers union was only allowed to strike on a specific day for a specific time and then were forced to go back to work. Apparently they are labeled “critical” for the nation and then can’t strike??

Like, uh, that’s literally the point of the strike. Highlighting how critical they are and that you should give them the meager asks they wanted. If some low-wage earners can shut down the entire country because they are upset about earning peanuts - well then maybe it shows they shouldn’t be earning peanuts.

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Sr Engineer here, 15 years experience

I’ll level with you, I’m all for fake it till you make it, it’s part of our jobs. Imposter syndrome is real and can be a struggle because we are smart, we are capable

However, there’s about a dozen red flags going off around this gig that are largely unrelated to you. A few of them I noticed

  • The firm hired a Jr, it’s no secret that you’re a Jr. A common practice from firms is to label them as Srs even though they are not qualified. They do this frequently so they can charge more. Your firm put you in a position that you weren’t ready for. That’s not your fault. (I was labeled a Sr by my second firm after 2 years of experience. I thought it was a compliment. It was not. Looking back I was wildly Jr)
  • I don’t see any actual process in the development - not even waterfall. This leads to exactly what you’re feeling - stress, unsure of what work you’re supposed to be doing, unsure of timelines, unsure of who even you report to or who the feature is for.
  • No one gathering requirements. It’s true this is a skill I expect my engineers to have. My senior engineers. A Jr fresh out of college I would expect to be teaching them things like requirements gathering - but at the same time I’d put you on a team with a strong PM to help you get started.
  • Your firm knows you are struggling and isn’t doing anything to help. This is the biggest red flag. I’ve worked with great firms. I’ve worked with firms like yours. Let me be clear. They are not working with you, they are not helping you. You provide them a service and they honestly don’t care how the project goes - they get their money as long as you stay at that company.

Dude(tte), I hate to tell you, but the best thing is to start searching for something new. I’m not saying within your firm, I’m saying a whole new gig completely. It’s going to feel wrong, like you’re burning a bridge, but from what I read they’re setting you up for failure. Take it as a lesson, know your limits. This is one of those things that we all have learned the hard way. (For example, in every interview I do now I ask “What is your development process like” and “What is your average workload”)

I’d stay there for now, but job hunt behind the scenes. Learn what you can, failure the best teacher is, but move on. It’s not you, your firm set you up for failure.

Let me know if you need any advice, I contracted for my first 8 years and I’ve gone through what you have. Always happy to talk about shitty consulting firms.

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Even if bots were non existent there’s an insanely high demand for not a lot of supply. People really need to start going into things with better expectations, knowing that it’s going to be a madhouse and more than likely they will have to wait.

I remember trying to get a 3000 series graphics card in 2020. Shit just hard to get now, gaming is more profitable than movies now. Fact is day 1 it’s always going to be like this - forever

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is one of the best memes I have ever seen.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Take THAT space coyote!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I don’t think they’re saying that no one thought of it, but he’s right as a programmer those edge cases are always pushed out, kicking the can down the road. That doesn’t mean VW isn’t liable - it’s their fault still - they should have been able to help. But we can understand how it happened.

They probably called some guy on the 24/7 help line making minimum wage who will get fired if he ever gave out a free service and probably gets dinged if a call gets escalated. Those processes probably don’t exist. They sure as hell will now.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah this is exactly like the time Verizon refused to connect the firefighters in the middle of a wildfire because they had “used too many minutes” or something stupid like that. Megacorps need to be held accountable for emergency situations that don’t fit their neat little T&Cs.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right? This wasn’t “No don’t take my data but also find my car” it was “Please for the love of god find my car my child is in there” followed with “Right for a modest fee of $150 ma’am we sure can”.

Has nothing to do with privacy. Maybe they ask a boilerplate “We have to ask but you do give us consent right” followed by a “What the fuck do you think fucking yes!”, but not asking for money. That’s not the time.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It’s insane to me how poorly they treated workers before and got away with it, but then decided to just keep pushing the envelope like the workers would never say that’s enough.

Game devs get shit from all sides. They’re pushed to work hard for long hours, during crunch they’ll frequently miss weekends and nights from their families. It is common that they burn out and their family life suffers. Most developers in the community avoid game studios because they know what it’s like, so studios attract Jr developers who are less qualified and don’t know any better. And we haven’t even talked about the putrid shit they get from gamers when they release a buggy game, that they probably did know about and desperately wanted to fix but execs forced them to release anyway.

Yet they still want more from them. And now execs are all shocked Pikachu that they’re finally organizing to unionize. And they absolutely should

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

What? Are you suggesting I drive a smaller truck just to help other people? Are you saying I crash into people? I need that giant truck! Do you know how much I haul and tow every day?! I mean, I don’t, I commute back and forth to work every day in it, but I need to do that. My coworkers see that truck next to their cars and think “Damn, that guy drives a Truck”. Maybe if they see how big of a truck I drive it’ll make up for the crippling social anxiety I have that I just keep pushing further and further down, maybe it’ll make up for not getting that promotion I worked for. Now they’ll have to notice me. So no, you aren’t taking away my F350 Mega Macho Man-Manliness Super Truck. How else will people know I’m a man?

Which is why we call them ESTs. Emotional Support Trucks.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

But… Click bait titles suck. Automatic downvotes for click bait.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I agree, when I first came over from Reddit I was a bit disappointed because I could get through this feed so quickly. However, tallying up how many hours I spend here. It’s still two or three a day which is honestly too much. So I think now I can say if I can still feel like I spend too much time here but also get more hours back in my life. I’d say I won

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly. The initial bite of “oh that’s it” is really the addiction to Reddit I had that I needed to be weined off of. Really Lemmy is still a ton of content, especially once you get subbed everywhere. We just don’t have that corpo added addictive element of “You need to be here or you’ll miss something”

What Lemmy communities would you like to share that we may not know about?

I’m noticing an influx of Reddit users today, maybe revolving around their weird bug they had today. I know this question pops up semi regularly, but for those just getting their foot in the door maybe we can help show them what else is out here on the Fediverse to help them get started....

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

To mods here at !asklemmy, I know this is on the edge of rule 3 and 4, I’m seeing a lot of newbie questions though and was hoping this could head off a thousand new posts of users asking what and how to use lemmy. Actually, I’m going to add some of that to the post.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Didn’t know about newtolemmy, just added it on the post! Thanks!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

and subbed, after being in /r/hometheater it’s good to see the core beliefs over here too. You’re TVs are too high

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Wow I had no idea this entire instance existed, and there’s some heavy following too, I’ll definitely be subbing to some of those communities

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It’s always nice to see some jokes stick around, I hope when I die this is still a joke. (No sarcasm either, I truly love it and how much it annoys some people)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh cool, subbed to the spooky one!

Would it make sense to have #CashAwarenessMonth

Maybe December? So we all take money out of banks, at least current month salary, and spend cash only. I think that is something that shouldn’t be hard to do and it would show if we, the people, have any power left to make positive changes for the future or we can just surrender and eat bugs....

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

best take. Dems don’t follow Biden religiously. He’s just better than the godawful alternatives that are on the otherside.

I will stay informed on the issues, but unless the GOP does a 180 on about most of their platform I’m kinda forced to vote Dem (Stop denying climate change, stop trying to de-humanize LGBTQ, stop the culture war shit, come up with a real gun control plan, those would be a start). Hooray 2 party system.

I just turn off the news now, all sources are meant to keep us angry in an “us vs them” situation and never really talk about the real issues, so instead of it just flare up my anxiety and anger I’m just going to keep my headphones on and play games. Someone ping me if suddenly the GOP decides to be pro-humanity again and I need to reconsider my vote.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Spot on friend. Trumpers look at us and think we like Biden as much as they like Trump. Noooope. There were way better candidates. If anything the Dems are the party of the status quo and republicans are the party of “Fuck anyone who isn’t rich, white, and male”. I’d love an actual progressive party - I don’t see anything that the democrats have done in the last 8 years that has actually been progressive.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Wow. This video is… Well someone is a bit upset.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I know right? It’s like we just mutually respect each other, love spending time together, but encourage each other to be their own person as well. The shame we feel together… /s lol

But yeah I don’t understand the mentality of “She needs to be subservient” and “you need to be the alpha” and “gender norms”. it sounds exhausting. These guys have no idea what they’re missing. Sure, we split cleaning 50/50, I’m honestly a terrible cook but I do all of the dishes while she cooks, and then after that? We hang out and play video games together every night. Dudes have no idea what a healthy relationship can be like

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