@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar


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@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is the biggest issue in our country tbh, there’s a reason rural people are more bigoted and it’s because they don’t see LGTBQ+/other races/anyone different at all in their tiny world, and not knowing creates fear.

Living in cities you’re constantly surrounded by so many people that you just ignore everyone, and for the most part are just “let everyone do their own thing”. People really need to step out of their comfort zones.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Smaller studios that do agree with new contracts shouldn’t be punished because the big guys don’t want to budge. A21 already has a temporary agreement, they should be rewarded for their compromises, not refused to work with after they worked with them.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Agree with you, I remember where the person is talking about, press x to walk on guarma, which did drag on, but they were shipwrecked and he didn’t know what was happening yet. Rdr gets exceptions to me because it’s so cinematic, to me the game is realistic, but so much that you aren’t playing a game, you’re watching a movie.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Red dead 2 is significantly shorter of a playthrough than some RPGs. Much much shorter than Valhalla. But it’s a significantly better game

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Nope your right, just a lot of nerds adopted early, admittedly I am one lol. Start curating your feed and you’ll get the hang of it, and there’s a ton of other stuff here too. I’ve found a bit of everything, not as much as reddit but we’re growing. Hell if you like pop music or Taylor swift I’ve started communities for them

Remember the first forums on the internet were about Star Trek so it makes sense that it’s one of the biggest lol

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I actually have one, my wife got it for me from Amtrak!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Honestly people need to stop offering emulators as paid official things. They are not, they are workarounds so we can play legacy games but we all know the big corps don’t like them and view them negatively.

This is just playing with fire, same with dolphin on steam.

Meta Just Proved People Hate Chronological Feeds (www.wired.com)

Meta conducted an experiment where thousands of users were shown chronological feeds on Facebook and Instagram for three months. Users of the chronological feeds engaged less with the platforms and were more likely to use competitors like YouTube and TikTok. This suggests that users prefer algorithmically ranked feeds that show...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

yep note that it didn’t measure addiction or how much screen time in a day or anything, the only metric is “more is better”, which ask anyone and they’ll say it’s the opposite

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

As 30 rock predicted, 30 rock will become reality. Quick go find Tracy Jordan!

Also they responded “there is no truth to this report.” . Clickbaity title

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It’s all a hoax, it’s not a big deal, it’s just hot out.

My family is from Iowa, where they’ve had record breaking storms 3 out of the last 5 years, heat waves lasting longer than ever in history, record cold, and to top it off, wildfire smoke for the first time ever. (Note that this is after they made fun of Cali for being Cali and being on fire). No, none of these events have registered as connected in any way.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Their tiny brains just can’t comprehend the difference between weather and climate. I have had meager success explaining that climate change results in worse extremes, colds get colder,hots get hotter, and storms get stronger, but even then it’s only some of them that actually listen. The rest are like “I’ve got it allllll figured out” and refuse to listen, then drive off in their 0.7mpg Ford Tahoe Super Manly Man Maker to go to the grocery store 8 blocks away.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“Amazing dad, do these cycles usually happen in the span of a lifetime?” I don’t expect you to say that, I already know his answer. It’s whatever Fox News told him to say

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Truly the american way. What? Give up a tiny bit of convenience to help other people?? Freedom! Liberty!

The true arrogance of the average American is driving their big pickup and thinking they deserve to destroy the planet.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

You see it’s a conspiracy, Sleepy Joe wants us to keep using fossil fuels so the liberals will vote him back it so it looks like he’s doing something! The last thing he wants is for us to stop using fossil fuels! I bought an EV today just to spite him

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Boomers never left the 70s

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

We’re on nuclear, solar, and hydro where I am, something like 90-95% of my energy is clean. Demand your local energy go green!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

and god forbid you tell conservatives that all of those options can exist in this world, and that people have different opinions. (and that’s okay)

heyfrancis, to asklemmy
@heyfrancis@mastodon.social avatar

What can we do to keep the web open?


@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly right, gonna be some big corpo push that it has to get done because “1% of our userbase is getting around the ads, that’s 1% of our profit we need!!”. And as a web dev, sure I could say I refuse. and then get demoted, fired, and they’ll get someone else to do it anyway.

The saving grace is that this will be expensive to do, and Google has proven time and time again that their tech isn’t trustworthy or long-term to most companies. If this does get through, that’s how I’d pitch it to my company. Google gets ideas, gets bored of them, throws them away or changes them so drastically that we have to redo all the work anyway, so it’s not worth doing any time soon. A great case of this is AMP, and while there are some pages that did switch to AMP, the vast majority of sites didn’t bother with it. Not worth the investment. Granted this is different because its ads, and we should by no means rely on this and give up the fight.

First line in the sand is to say this goes against the web’s foundations directly and that Google is actively trying to monopolize the internet.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Agreed but you do need to be willing to tinker a bit. Even ubuntu required a lot of tinkering to get working on my system. I’m all for getting people to switch, and it’s much easier than it was 15 years ago when I started, but for most people they’re not going to just install linux. We definitely are in the <1% of users.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah, but you can’t tell me that the levels of tweaking are the same.

For example. I have never had to go in and modify conf files for nvidia drivers on Windows to be able to run basic games. My ubuntu install? Definitely had to.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s how I’d approach it. All of their programs are just hell to maintain, and one that actively blocks users will be worse. Even simple things like Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics for some reason still need someone touching the code at least once a year

Star Trek 4 - Everything You Need To Know (www.looper.com)

J.J. Abrams rebooted the “Star Trek” franchise in 2009, and since then, the three films in the new Kelvin timeline have been a smashing success. Altogether, the first “Trek” reboot, 2013’s “Star Trek Into Darkness,” and 2016’s “Star Trek Beyond” have grossed more than a billion dollars at the global box...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Welcome to modern “journalism”

[News, Call for Action] The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide (www.eff.org)

The U.K. Parliament is close to passing the Online Safety Bill, which threatens global privacy by allowing backdoors into messaging services, compromising end-to-end encryption. Despite objections, no amendments were accepted. The bill also includes content filtering and surveillance measures. There’s still a chance for...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

People glady give up privacy under the guise of helping children, while nothing is actually done to protect children. More at 11.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Which really sucks because us in tech know there’s more that we could be doing for sure, but politicians/big tech would rather grandstand with these BS policies that get the masses to agree, while giving up freedom, and not actually solving any problems.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Why do I feel like it isn’t the death of the internet as we know of, but rather the sharding of the internet. The corpo plaza internet is clearly emerging, we have to make sure we support and hold up the everyone else internet

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

*To avoid government regulation

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Was going to say… ask any Christian what their favorite parts of America are and they’ll prattle off exactly what corporations want them to say.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

They seriously watch Christmas specials all about anti-consumerism and finding the real meaning, then immediately go out and buy buy buy. Legit riots on black friday just to save a bit. It’s so disconnected that it’s just baffling to me. Our family has strict spending limits on gifts - if we even give them at all. We have enough stuff, keep your money

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s the sticky thing, from the initial standpoint I get it, how trustworthy is this device? Everyone hates captchas and jumping through hoops to prove they’re not a bot, and bot traffic now dwarfs human traffic on the net. BUT…

They can turn up the dials whenever they want. Who decides how trustworthy a person is? What if I prefer Firefox (and I do) and they aren’t as “attested” to Google? What if they decide me using an “untrusted” OS means that I can’t access my bank? These are the giant glaring details that are conveniently overlooked.

These are all also things that would conveniently also push out all other browsers and “proper” OSes from the markets, if they got the inkling to do so. Which I mean, this is Google we’re talking about, the company that decided Don’t Be Evil didn’t belong as their mantra.

Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed (httptoolkit.com)

Apple has deployed a system called Private Access Tokens that allows web servers to verify if a device is legitimate before granting access. This works by having the browser request a signed token from Apple proving the device is approved. While this currently has limited impact due to Safari’s market share, there are concerns...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“Sorry, your device appears to be running Linux, please only use approved Apple or Windows devices to log in, with our required surveillance system pro installed. Thanks.”

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

which initially reading sounds like “I mean that’s fair”, but then no actually it’s not. It’s not their fault studios keep rejecting good ideas for movies and instead doing reboots ad neaseum, sequels of sequels, and boring bland flat stories. If studios are so worried about failures… maybe they need to stop making such crappy movies instead of blaming actors.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’ll take a lower salary at a start up for a percentage point.

These aren’t startups. This is WB, Paramount, Disney, and Netflix. An actual indie studio, A24, already made a tentative agreement with the guilds.

Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?

To be more specific, my parents raised my siblings and me to “respect” them, saying "yes sir, and “no ma’am” to everything they said. Spankings, all of that. Typical super conservative evangelical parents. Before I learned better, I was that way too. I went to college and since then have embraced the left more and...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Whoever downvotes this man, out of touch. We have almost 8 fucking billion people on this planet. Our resources are already stretching. We have enough kids already, 10 is just purely arrogant, and seriously do people not think about what sort of world their kids will grow up in?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said on Monday that the company will appeal the verdict and has “always developed technology independently and competed on the merits of our ideas.”

Bull. Good for them, glad the small guy won out, hopefully it doesn’t get overturned on appeals. Google/Microsoft/Amazon/Apple have always stolen IP once they got big enough, usually with the hopes of either A) buying the little guy out or B) running them out of business. Glad the little guy one out for once.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

God forbid parents take any responsibility here and admit they just need to vet games more. Why is it not mentioned in that article at all how kids are purchasing games now? There are age settings for digital purchases already, if they’re set to a an adult account let’s hold the parents responsible rather than punishing everyone else

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m all for this. I’m excited for games to have truly generative NPCs that I can talk to and have conversations with - but I want the voice actors who were used to generate those models to be compensated for it.

I think most people would even pay extra for it. Take the skyrim mod where you get a follower, like the article lays out. I think most people would gladly have a follower with AI based voice be an extra DLC, where the base game is as normal but for say, $10 bucks more you get an AI companion. I think that’d be a fair tradeoff, and the voice actor gets compensated fairly for it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I think the example of the NPC follower in Skyrim is a great place for it, being able to ask your follower “which way to Riften?” is kind of neat, giving them commands like “go stand by the rock and attack the wolf when they get close”. For actual dialogue, take Johnny in Cyberpunk or Liara in Mass Effect, there’s no way AI can stand in for voice actors.

I’m thinking shop owners, random NPCs, etc. Little bits of dialogue.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

wait he actually built that?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This makes the most sense. Man he’s trying really hard to not admit that a subway works pretty well, isn’t he?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s what bugs me about all of his “inventions”, is that they aren’t really new ideas, or even if they are they’re wildly expensive for the benefits. Cities like Vegas look at him and thought “Oh wow finally we’ll solve traffic with these new ideas!” when really they just need to invest in actual proven infrastructure like subways and commuter rail.

It’s well known that Elon pitched the hyperloop in California because he wanted to kill California’s high speed rail, because he’d rather have people buy Teslas then have an inexpensive fast way to travel between cities. He delayed the project for years over his wild claims, and people are still hesitant to it thanks to his selfishness.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right, but then multiply that guide x1000 systems, losing google enterprise, switching over to a unix directory system, setting up infrastructure, network shares, printers, and everything and it’s not just a guide - it’s a team of people working for weeks to get it set up. Of course to us it’s easy, it’d just be a computer or two. To an entire company/school it may be over a million dollars to swap over

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Really if they were going to do anything it’d be thin clients, the real “immutable” distro

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right, for a huge enterprise they would probably honestly consider it, but a school with ~1000 students? Less? It’s going to be cheaper to trash those and get new ones. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s a terrible waste and Google is horrible for putting them in this situation, and I’d love for the open source community to offer some scripts for wiping, installing ubuntu, setting up ACLs, connecting to a domain, connecting shares, etc, but still most schools are going to see this and just say “Okay google how much money do you need for us to keep working?”

Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem (www.theverge.com)

Mastodon, an alternative social network to Twitter, has a serious problem with child sexual abuse material according to researchers from Stanford University. In just two days, researchers found over 100 instances of known CSAM across over 325,000 posts on Mastodon. The researchers found hundreds of posts containing CSAM related...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Block hash lists then? Something like a community driven hashlist for CSAM would work, of the majority of federated instances report it as that type then it would get added to the list. Instances could then choose what lists they wanted to block.

…instances could also show what lists they subscribe to so they users could see what sort of moderation they choose

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

All of it of course comes back to parents not actually wanting to parent. The rules are already in place. Literally all you have to do is not buy Timmy the game.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Jesus what a stupid take, to actually believe that liberals are “experimenting on children”. Seriously. Stop and really really think to yourself if that’s happening. What, is this some horror movie with a terrified child with a single bulb swinging overhead, while the doctor evilly rubs his hands together. “Ah ha, yes, now to destroy traditional America evil laugh

Surgeries, gender altering surgeries, are usually held off until 18, and if they’re not I really don’t understand why the government needs to have a say in something that a parent and child decide on. Drugs, puberty blockers have no long term effects and even then again, why does the government need to step in and say what a doctor should or not prescribe when the parents have been informed. and even then these are usually the minority of trans kids, and even then most parents do in fact have rules in place to wait until 18.

You know really what most liberals want? For people to be comfortable with themselves. To not have big government tell them that if they feel more comfortable wearing jeans and a tshirt over a dress that they should be allowed to. That if a child says “I don’t like playing with monster trucks, can I play with a doll instead?” that we can say yes, absolutely you can.

I truly don’t understand how anyone can be against that. I really don’t understand why people think they need to have a say in how other people raise children. This all from the party of “small government”, but then demands that they raise children a certain way.

But I’m sure by now you’ve completely ignored my point, and you have more fox news rage bait responses readied up to fire back at me. Please, tell me how you want big federal government to tell us what to do.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Okay most of these are in fact just conservative talking points. A couple hypotheticals for you then.

A 16 year old male has felt like a female since they were 8. They have worn dresses, they went by another name, they do not want to be male. They have asked their parents for oh, 4 years to be put on blockers to help them lower their voice and cut down on facial hair, they legitimately want this. Let’s just assume the drugs are 100% safe, as safe as drugs ever can be. Would you be okay with this?

Follow up then, who decides when the drugs are safe? Is it when your family doctor says they are? When the FDA says they are (or whoever your equivalent is)?

Reason I switch this to hypotheticals is because the argument isn’t about if they are safe or not, it’s about consent. If drugs/procedures are safe is already well defined in all of our governments. You’re right, a 10 year old can’t get a tattoo because there is no need for a 10 year old to get a tattoo. But should it be allowed for a 17 year old who has fully swapped to female after 9 years of acting as one? I’m legit asking you if they should. and if you’re answer is no, why is it no, truly?

I’m asking this way because really I’m trying to get you to see our side, that it’s not as “crazy” as conservative media is making it out to be. You actually already agree with us for the most part, that people should be allowed to dress and act the way they want, and honestly that’s 90% of what they’re fighting for, literally just to exist, to not be demonized. This one bit here is honestly just a small concern to most liberals, but it’s been blown waaaaay out of proportion by the media. To me it’s a detail, a footnote in the argument on the trans rights movement.

I actually think you and I are closer on this than the news articles would have us believe. My personal belief is that if the drugs are safe and approved by doctors, and they are reversible, I would let my kids go on them. I, as a parent, would not let them have anything irreversible done until they were 18. Personally I would sit them down and say something like “I completely understand, and I understand that you are in high school and feel like this is forever, but I want you to go into this with a full clear head knowing you made the right decision, not because of what factors in school make you want, but because you yourself want it”, and personally would have them hold off until 18. Anything reversible is fine, but again I think we agree, kids are fickle, I know I was, I thought long greasy hair was totally in. It was not.

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