@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar


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@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

so “we know businesses would leave in droves so of course we don’t train on their data, but you customers are stupid and so we’ll train on all of your private shit”

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

There have been so many selfies from actors working on marvel movies of them just literally working on green screens. There was one, it may have been Julia Louise Dryfus, I don’t remember exactly, but they were on a bridge in LA that was supposed to be Boston, and they literally made everything green screen except for the handrail. It’s nuts how much they’re putting on VFX artists and they absolutely should have a union

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m sorry, but it really is. I’m a developer and have been in IT for years and it was still one of the most complex apps I’ve ever dealt with. It’s up and running now, but not without dozens of hours of tinkering, trial and error, weird niche forums, thousands of reddit and stack overflow posts, and honestly learning python

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

americans will use anything other than the metric system

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

If you’re having issues with morals I’ll help out, don’t worry bud.

MLMs are pure scum of the earth. My mother was a part of Mary Kay in the 90s. She was always a bit socially awkward so MK gave her friends immediately, outings she could go to, everyone was so happy to be included. In the beginning she did okay, she sold some makeup and was happy with everyone, but her upline told her she needed to do more.

Now with MLMs you buy the product up front and then it’s in you to sell it. Making rank is based on how much product you buy, not really how much you sell. So I remember growing up with her storeroom of makeup. Shelves and shelves of makeup. Because if she wanted to keep her friends and keep going her upline told her she had to do more, start hosting parties, get some downlines yourself.

So she did, she pushed, and she hustled, and had parties all the time and she made it all the way to the Mary Kay director level. She got the Grand Am award for making it so far! It was awesome!

Until it wasn’t. You see that huge amount of sales, that pushing? She had to keep doing that just to maintain that level. To keep going she would need to keep doing the insane amount she did for that month forever.

The car by the way? It was a lease, in her name. Just Mary Kay would pay the car payment as long as she kept the status.

Dad worked for the government making a simple salary. She didn’t have a real job. Her sales slipped because she had sold to all of her friends already. She tried to expand but her social network was tapped out. On threat of being demoted and the her being responsible for the car payments she kept buying product, what’s one month or just buying a bit more so they’ll pay for the car? So she can keep the friends?

It was only a matter of time. She dropped status and they stopped paying for the car. She was ostracized for not hustling enough.

Dad left for dozens of reasons but not in small part due to money issues and quote: “I don’t have enough money to get lunch with my friends at work”. They repod the car, and finally the bank took the house.

It’s been 25 years from that and she is financially destitute. She works retail in her 70s because her entire life plan revolved around Mary Kay. They don’t offer retirement, savings, or benefits, and she bet everything on her marriage working out perfectly. So no retirement, no savings, no income. The prime earning period she had was spent giving money to this shill of a “company” so she could feel like she belonged and was helping the family. Her money issues are not solely on MaryKay, she never learned how to properly manage money, but MaryKay and other MLMs prey on people who do not have financial literacy promising them that their worry about bills and mortgages and putting food on the table will be a thing of the past, if they just hustle a bit more.

MLMs prey on moms who live at home who are desperate for friends and community. They rely on people who are not financially smart enough to know that you should never pay to be a part of a company. They’re sneaky, you make choices you know feel wrong but don’t end up biting until it all collapses

My mom’s story is not unique, but it’s personal. Check out LuLaRich on Netflix for info on LuLaRoe and how leggings have destroyed countless moms, Betting on Zero which is the story of Herbalife, and John Oliver does a great segment on MLMs and how unregulated they are.

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Goddamn I’ve been looking forward to a release for years now but goddamn this is sad.

THE MAJORITY OF THE MAP IS ALREADY DONE IN RDR2. JUST REBUILD THE GAME AS DLC FOR THAT. Ffs we’re all willing to shill out major dollars for Rdr1 to be remade in rdr2s engine and with West Elizabeth already existing in RDR2s map you could easily just continue on from the end of 2 into 1!

Hell most of the characters are in 2 as well! Port the quests and voice acting over, not saying it’s not massive but ffs that’s the 60 dollar DLC we’d ALL gladly pay for!

Goddamn studio execs are morons.

Edit I see that there are rumors and speculation that a full PS5/XSX/PC remaster is also possible, but at this point I’ll believe it when I see it. I really hope so, but I’m just so annoyed with how game studios handle this now. If they need cashflow in between major releases then do what Witcher did with Blood & Wine. We don’t need a new engine for every small release, release a decent DLC and honestly I’d pay $50-60 bucks for it. Blood and Wine deserved the $40 and honestly maybe a bit more. If they redid RDR1 as DLC to RDR2 I think it’d be very fair to pay $60 for it and it wouldn’t require a whole new engine.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s probably true sadly, but still only ps4 and switch… Which I guess are the two systems that don’t have back compat.

That’s the thing about rdr1 though, they could basically name their price a true remaster and tons of people would buy a full one too. You could set a ludicrous number like 150 and I shamefully would still buy it if it were a good remaster.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Not for full price, usually this would be a 20 dollar straight up purchase, and for games like Skyrim if you already owned a copy you’d get the upgrade for free. This is a cash grab.

A release on a modern console worth 50 dollars would have been a remaster. See Halo MCC and Mass Effect Legendary edition there for examples of good rerelease price vs payoff

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Big +1 for Xenia, most people here are technical enough to get it working. RDR on Xenia (canary specifically) worked extremely well for me, had exactly 2 crashes through my whole 50ish hour playthrough.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Honestly play it on Xenia canary. I did and it was honestly pretty damn great, I can’t think of anything that went wrong

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“but what about MY comfort” says the insufferable assholes who make everyone less comfortable by reclining on a plane. Like they’re the only ones uncomfortable on a plane and they’re the only ones smart enough to figure it out.

No, you aren’t the smart one who figured it out and everyone else are NPCs, you aren’t the main character, you’re the asshole of the story.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

The point is they should get out of their way on their own instead of taking up the whole aisle.

It’s the same as when you’re walking in a busy city, don’t stop to talk/figure out where you are/take photos right where you are, kindly move to the side of the sidewalk to allow others to pass. Being aware means you shouldn’t need people to tell you when you’re in the way, you should make the effort of taking two steps to get out of people’s way before it’s ever an issue.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’ll only buy them if they’re official MadCatz brand.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

People don’t use them? Rechargeables are so easy and alkaline are so expensive! Rechargeables are about the same price now as alkaline but you get to continually recharge them forever! Why aren’t people doing that???

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I use rechargeables for basic things, keyboards, mice, remotes, and I swap them out maybe every couple of months. I wouldn’t call that annoying. For critical things though I do use alkaline, and that’s for emergencies. Flashlight has a set of rechargeable D’s ready to go but I also keep alkaline ones right next to it in case the power is out for longer. Smoke/CO detectors use alkaline because they can go for so long before needing to be replaced

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yes lemmy.ml was getting overloaded so they turned it off. Try to find other instances that may be aligned with the community you want to create. (I host a music one for example)

What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?

There are a lot of GOP-controller legislatures in the USA pushing through so-called “child protection” laws, but there’s a toll in the form of impacting people’s rights and data privacy. Most of these bills involve requiring adults to upload a copy of their photo ID.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

which I think we all agree on. There are ways that we could enforce age verification (the best one so far is that the browser itself checks your age, then a website tells the browser that it must do an age check before loading, which then your ID is never transmitted or logged for these sites). But politicians don’t want to think about that, they love this because it plays into their surveillance state.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I don’t know exactly but the two big things I’ve seen, and again I’m not the engineer of it or anything, but

  1. Your browser would have to implement some sort of 3rd party ID checker that the results could then be stored in a non-adaptable way (specifically parental controls I think would need to be set up), then when a site is loaded it reports to the browser the minimum age limit and the browser decides if you can see it or
  2. You could register your ID on a third party ID checker site that does not log data, only verifies that you are of age. Then on load websites could then check against this third party service to verify the user is 18+.

Know that yes this is a limitation of a browser, and that’s why it’s viewed as a compromise, a word that a lot of people have forgotten. None of us really want to have to prove it, but if there is a need to prevent children from accessing content (and tbh there is a need), then I’d rather have it be done in a privacy focused way.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Again, 2 huge points I pointed out, I am not the developer or the privacy focused engineers who are putting forward these ideas, and again, compromise. The option of “I don’t want to do it” may not be on the table anymore. If it’s going to happen, it would be better to compromise and instead push a privacy focused approach.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I mean they’re already doing that, there’s already a handful of states that require porn sites check a user’s ID before granting access, that’s why I keep reiterating compromise, because it’s already happening. And the version they’re pushing is we hand over our ID to ever site which then of course would be subpoenable. So, again, I don’t know why you’re thinking these solutions are the bad ones, the bad ones are already in place and being used, they’re just trying to roll it out nationwide now.

And again, I really feel like I keep repeating the same point over and over and over and over and over again, if it’s going to happen, which they’re really trying to push through and looks like they are going to, a compromise would be to at least have a privacy focused approach.

Zoom/discord/twitch self hosted options

I’d like to host a game night for friends and family where we play games like jackbox. I’d like to self host the service and give anyone a url and possibly a user name/password combination to access it. I’d like audio and video support as well as the ability to screen share and have a text chat option. I know there are a...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

+1 as a discord replacement though, if op wants all in one then jitsi sounds like the way to go, but if they’re looking for a drop in discord replacement revolt has been making progress

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Like this is somehow the fault of sync’s dev. Go ahead folks, the donate to lemmy button is at the top of the page, go ahead and click on it if your morals are so true.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

My conservative family still asks if I’m safe here in Seattle because they “hear so much about it on the news”. They still think Seattle is just always being with protests and the libbrerl government is just running the city into the ground.

Which Seattle and most cities have problems, all cities have crime, but no more than usually. It’s just that people live in cities. Per Capita crime in a big city can and is around the same of a rural area, but people don’t think in terms like per Capita.

But fox news loves to spin that to keep rural people afraid, keep them thankful for their backwards laws and ideas. Because what really happens when you move somewhere like Cali? You meet people from different backgrounds and religions and suddenly your views might be challenged a bit

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly right! Conservatives will say this about literally any nearby city, the only thing I’ve been able to come up with is that they’re petrified of the city, just pure fear. Even something as small as Madison they’ll dogwhistle up and down on because they’ve never been and they’re terrified of it. Anything new or different is bad, of course.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh no I’ve seen pure fear, bringing rural friends to my city to hang out has had legit fear with them. It’s stuff that will pass, but simple things like jumping on a train to go downtown or walking down a busy street will freak them out. Crowds and people sure, but there is truly a layer of fear that they’ve been taught about going into cities

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

of course it’s legal. You clicked “I agree” once 8 years ago when your aunt sent you a zoom link, that means they can watch everything you ever do ever again for any purpose, and that’s completely fair. /s

We need to ban the TOS model. There is no way artists uploading to DeviantArt 15 years ago could have known that their art was going to be trained on, there’s no way that should be legal. We shouldn’t be forced to sign away all rights for our content so it can be used in ways that don’t even exist yet so we can join a video call. When we had landlines we had laws about this, but we’ve never seen anything like that for the internet.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh yeah it did, they weren’t going for mass adoption, but there was a niche market that needed it and they filled it. Preorders took a year to produce. Being successful and profitable didn’t use to mean literally every person needed to own one

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

It’s because 99.9% of the time when someone says “I just want you to know about the side effects” they

  • Have learned it from YouTube or the internet and do not possess a medical degree
  • Do not fully understand what is reported as a side effect, or that most reporting databases are treated as "Could it even remotely be possibly attributed to a vaccine, if so then post it here and let the experts figure out"
  • Will not admit that experts are in fact, experts, and that they should be relied on more than random internet people
  • Will continue to argue on any point for eternity, never listening to any counter points

We have heard it, we understand it already, we are informed. The risks are minute and rare, vaccines are some of those things that we each take a tiny risk so that society as a whole can survive and continue without these horrible diseases. If you are unwilling to take a vaccine that has a <0.01% chance of giving you a minor side effect because you are so selfish that you can’t see what herd immunity is, then that says more about you than any side effects would.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

LOL dude no, get out of here. I was told when it came out that 200,000 had died of the vaccine. That’s an entire mid size city in the US, gone. Poof. That means everyone in the US would know at least several people who have died from it. Stop acting superior, it’s a proven fact, government or not.

You are selfish for being afraid of a vaccine. You are selfish for not being brave enough to go get it to add to herd immunity to protect those who cannot get protection of it. You do not have some secret knowledge of government conspiracies, you are not Nero of the matrix and do not have everything figured out while we are dumb NPCs. Go, be brave, get the shot, and move on to something else in your life. If you get a side effect that lasts more than a day, I will personally buy you a coke for being wrong.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I love that he keeps referencing “the government” and “the US government” as if they control what other countries do. Like Sweden would give two fucks what the US government is trying to hide, they’d be telling everyone.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

No dude, that’s my point. Even if the US government wanted to keep it a secret, why haven’t we heard anything from Australia? Switzerland? Sweden? The EU in general? The US government does not “control the world” dude, you know that right? If it was unsafe and the US was censoring it… other countries wouldn’t have to follow our rules. That’s what I’m saying. if it’s a conspiracy, then it would have to be a global conspiracy beyond anything we’ve ever seen, with zero leaks, with zero doctors coming forward breaking oaths, with no rogue governments.

There definitely wouldn’t be some video posted on freaking YouTube about it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh and the deceased! We be hearing about them world wide, oh and the families of the deceased. What about the friends of the deceased! With that many of those people who have been kept quiet now too. How many hundreds of millions are in on the secret now?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

The pastors and morticians of friends and families, the secret crematoriums, the morgues who process all of these cases

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

The millions of nursing staff, from pediatricians to elder care, ho elder care homes that one is probably huge. Again friends and family of all these people

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Wow this conspiracy just keeps going, all of these people are all in on it. All of them just silently shredding documents and hiding numbers. Wow okay let’s keep going with who else is involved.


Just think of the missing tax revenue! How are they hiding it all?! Man that one must be hard because you have to hide it somewhere else while also keeping the secret going

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Good point! Manufacturers of meds, everyone in the supply chain there would have to know so they’d be able to produce more. This is good I was wondering how the supply chain fit in. Truckers suddenly supplying more medication secretly under the cover of night, this all makes sense, this is good keep me going. Who else knows that haven’t told us yet?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Insurance of course! Think of all the extra hospital bills that they’re paying out. Of course they would all be in on it which means that HR an employer is mostly are too because they have to pay for the extra sick time and the extra insurance premiums!

What are the benefits to the US Electoral College system?

So I’m a New Zealander and I have a pretty good idea on how the electoral college system works but it honestly sounds like something that can be easily corrupted and it feels like it renders the popular vote absolutely useless unless I’m totally missing something obvious?...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Don’t forget the 18 people from Wyoming who really enjoy it too, they get to be counted the same as hundreds of thousands of new yorkers

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m loving that business people are starting to see what modern day AI actually is. Us in the tech industry have known it ever since a first came out, very interesting technology with some real promise and applications, but not true AI. The article is right, it cannot create anything, it can’t generate new concepts, by definition everything is derivative of previous work.

They’re definitely some areas of business that can really benefit from this, but there’s also a lot of limitations of it as well. It’s ending up not being the perfect solution to end all labor that everyone assumed.

But worries me is in the future when we do have actual intelligent AI that can think, this just shows how business will immediately react to it. An excuse to finally get rid of all of us workers so they can buy their 18th yacht

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yes yes yes I get that, but it cannot create some brand new concept. It can make an amalgamation of things it can see, it can predict things, but only on ideas that have happened before, because something somewhere along the line it was trained on. I know what you’re saying, but it doesn’t have creative spark, it doesn’t have imagination, it doesn’t have life… yet.

It does a great job at creating derivative work, you can even ask it to create a new style - but that style will by definition be somehow derived from something it was trained on. Until it can think and beyond that - have imagination, then it’s limited. In short, we need Data, not just data.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Okay you’re really just trying to pick an argument and I’m not going down that path. Everyone who works on llms knows the limitations. Llms can’t think, they can’t create, only give a probability on how close things are to what’s requested. I know what you’re trying to say. It’s not accurate. Humans can truly think, they have consciousness, they learn. At this point llms cannot truly learn. This is all I’m going to say about it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Eh I’m gonna take his well thought out comments as what he thinks over a quick reply he didn’t have a chance to think out

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh good, even less reasons to watch it!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Dudes just a pro Russia troll, and blocked

Help me help a coworker not be an incel?

Personal background: I strongly feel just about everyone grows up and has something shitty about them. I know growing up I definitely thought and said some less-than-ideal jokes about women, minorities, etc. And while some of that was the proverbial ‘the times’, and some was growing up in a sheltered hyper Christian southern...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

oh for sure, you can’t tell them they’re being toxic, they’ll take that as a badge of pride. Personally that’s probably why that statement hit me so hard, it wasn’t anything that I could latch onto to say “Well that’s just some feminist idea” or some other BS, it was just a man that I looked up to, so casual, just brushing it off. He didn’t even care about it. It just blew my entire worldview up. and not in the “Whatever man fuck society way” but in a “eh they can judge if they want, I don’t care”.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Out of context there, he was just so casual and chill about it. It was more “they don’t care if other people are judging them” and they shouldn’t, no one should. Of course the subtext applies that “as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else”.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yup, I remember the core-js debacle, one dude literally supporting the entirety of the internet, tried everything he could just to get some funding from literally anyone, that was the 40 dollar mark I got, he got 40 dollars to maintain core-js. I’m sure even Lemmy here uses it.

He would receive threats on his github on this project he started for fun saying there were bugs, or they needed features, and he said he even received death threats for just asking for funding. Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Google all use core-js but none of them gave him anything for using it anywhere. He even asked them all if he could just come work for them and maintain corejs since they all use it so heavily, none of them responded. So he just gave up, and said basically screw everyone, no one wants to support me, my family has sacrificed too much for this project that no one wants to pay for, and he got a real job and stopped updating core-js.

It’s a sad story. Everyone here loves to praise FOSS, and if we lived in the Federation we’d be able to support FOSS simply by using it, but if you’re using it and not supporting the developers then you’re not truly a FOSS supporter. I’m really honestly ashamed with how people here have acted in this thread, principals are great but so few are willing to put their money where their mouth is. The donation button for Lemmy devs is right at the top, how many people in this thread have even clicked on it, let alone donated?

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