@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar


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@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Most of the deniers I know are in the Midwest. They’ve had “hundred year storms”, draught, and winter cold now for about 5 years in a row and it didn’t phase them. Finally this year they were blanketed in wildfire smoke (and in the 25 years I grew up there we never had smoke) - and finally some of them are starting to realize something is up.

Oh everyone else says it’s a thing, well nothing happened to me so it’s obviously fake.

but now that it is happening to them directly it might be worth looking into

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I don’t know enough bout registrars to know for sure, but I don’t know if this is namecheap’s doing. This is the only increase I’ve seen in years, I think those actual domains have gone up in price. I may be wrong though

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I mean, just make sure you’re blaming the right people is really what I was trying to say

"Automated Racism": China's Hikvision still sells Uyghur-tracking surveillance cameras, powered by America's Nvidia (ipvm.com)

Despite assurances for years that Hikvision has stopped minority analytics, just 7 months ago local PRC authorities awarded a $6 million contract that explicitly requires Hikvision analytics to identify Uyghurs (维族), powered by NVIDIA hardware, security specialist IPVM says.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah this really is an on Nvidia, it’s like someone buying a TV and then watching torture or something on it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I mean… No? It’s never over over, it’s just we reached herd immunity. These are just shot updates, just like our annual flu shot. The pandemic is over, but that doesn’t mean COVID was eradicated

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I was literally just arguing with someone a couple weeks ago here about how while you can recline on a plane, it’s generally not an okay thing to do because there’s a person behind you who has significantly less space. No matter how many different ways I tried to explain it to them it always came back to basically “but I deserve my space”.

They’re just unaware other people exist at all. But god knows if someone reclined into them they’d be complaining about it for days.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

While no doubt several are, never doubt the rage a Karen can have while stone cold sober. Don’t you know? They deserrrrrve special treatment!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Very neat, it’s on my list now for when I concert my HTPC over. The last hurdle is that I will use it for Plex, so HDR is a must. I know Linux is getting close there, but if it’s my main driver I have to wait

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

So is Valve I know, they’re hoping to have it with SteamOS 3.5, and I think they’re going right to the kernel for it. Hopefully someone gets it in soonish, it’s looking like it’s pretty close

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

GTA 5 had story dlc promised and ready to go but then they realized online would be more profitable and scrapped it all. It’s a real shame, there are areas of gta5s story that definitely show they were meant to be more but they just left it.

Sad thing is I’ve never paid a cent for online, played maybe 3 minutes of gta5 online, got griefed multiple times and left. Story mode I’ve played at least 4 playthrough and I would have paid another 60 bucks for a solid dlc.

Idk why game companies stopped doing paid story dlcs. They’re profitable, easier to build because they aren’t a whole new game, and tide people over as game development gets longer and longer.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Or post new content. I see lots of posts about people bitching that there isn’t enough content they like, but few of them posting any content.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Anybody who uses that phrase is just so unaware of how they sound. To accuse everybody else of not thinking is just so arrogant. Oh look at me, I’m the one who figured it out, all I had to do was start thinking. No one else is thinking

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I always said that opening crawl should behave been the movie. How Palestine came back, grew power, and the opening 10 seconds of him searching for the stones. That should have been half of the movie

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Talk about an easily triggered snowflake. Ahh they have a flag presented! I need my gun to protect my fragility!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Lol this reads like the white Christians who say they’re the most persecuted group in the country

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Ugh, this joke can just die already. It was fun when it came out when I was in high school over 10 years ago. We had fun, everyone laughed, it was great. Now just let it die.

Seriously just let people enjoy things, please. If someone likes football then let them. If they like video games or movies then that’s okay. If you don’t like something you can very easily just not say anything. Don’t demean someone because of what they enjoy - it says more about you than them.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

And without doing a better GPU what’s really the point? Slower frame rate and a bit more resolution? Not what’s important in a portable console for me.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I loathe the trend where I pay money and they still expect me to sit through ads. That’s why we all left cable to start with.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh my god I didn’t even know about that one. Why?? Browsers read them fine

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

mRNA vaccines. You can literally code a vaccine now. That’s just mind blowing to me.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Pine tree growing on the roof, classic.

Looks like one of those drawn city backscapes in Star Trek

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

conservatives made a whole smear campaign against her to try and silence her and demoralize her, and she’s only stood up even more for it. Can’t say she’s done nothing if they’re trying so hard to discredit her

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Think it was very brave of her to stand up and say that, to say she wants the right to life, to not be forced to inherit a dead planet, and that’s a very bold and self aware statement for a teenager to make. It’s one that obviously made a lot of people uncomfortable because it shoves what we’ve all been complacent in in our faces. To have a child tell us to our faces that we’re all responsible for killing the planet (and especially those in charge) and that it’s their lives we’ve ruined - well that takes a lot of guts. (and it needs to be said)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar
  • Snacks - stock up at the grocery store, you’ll spend way more across the states in gas stations
  • Advil/pain reliever - you’ll get headaches staring at the road for that long, and muscles will cramp up
  • Water. So so so much water. Soda is fine but bring a few gallons of water
  • Get a good charger system for your phone, and make sure you can hook it up to your car reliably

Oh and most important, bring peace of mind by getting your car checked before going. Go in and ask for a full inspection, tires, brakes, fluids, belts. I had a belt burst 8 hours from anywhere and had to sleep in my car, just get that stuff checked now

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Mass Effect on replay definitely is not about looking realistic, but damn does it have a style

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Satisfactory is a great example. In no way realistic looking but at the same time it is.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I think if you’re trying to model completely agnostically on every language possible translating entire words and existing known pictograms to what they mean. Then there might be a slight chance that kind of deciphering part of it. Just because humans usually come back to similar symbols and maybe it can pick up on something that we can’t. But it would be a long shot to be sure

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Isn’t loss of awareness where they seem unresponsive and you should pretty much call a doctor because it could be a seizure? Why is this a meme?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Get rich quick! Buy my $600 box set and you’ll be on your way to financial independence

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

People who vote for “freedom” sure love taking other people’s freedom away, don’t they?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

You’re in selfhosted, so most people here are going to suggest you self host something like pfsense or opnsense, which would give you everything you need, but you know being self hosted you’re going to have a steep learning curve.

Otherwise go pick up any router at best buy, they’re all assorted levels of garbage.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

clickbait is stupid. It’s 125GB.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Scrummaster here. Interesting enough, Agile was built to be completely developer driven, to reduce meetings and stress on developers and reduce waste time. Instead we have what I have coined “corporate agile”. Agile has been bastardized and ruined by corporations to sneak in their bullshit.

For example, the most basic rule of Agile is that it should be Team driven. This means:

  • The team should drive how many meetings happen and when they happen. (You always have a planning and daily standup, but length, time of day, how they run, should all be developer chosen)
  • The team should decide kanban/sprints/sprint length, wip length, everything. They should decide what process works best for them, with hints and guidance from the scrummaster
  • The team should decide what points mean and how they represent work items. Points should never be linked directly to time or be a limitation (i.e. you should never point something as ‘4’ hours, because now you have business looking at that like it’s some expectation, and all developers know that that doesn’t work.

Instead I’ve seen

  • Director/senior business people demand extra meetings, followups, random bullshit meetings that are not relevant to the developers and really should have just a PO.
  • Company wide mandates on sprint length, expected capacity per sprint, meetings, times, “one size fits all” when in reality no team is the same
  • Points that are treated as punishments. “You said this would get done in 26 hours”. Code doesn’t work that way, and all it does is teach developers to lie.

So, I’m very burnt out as a scrummaster. We get no power, and us who truly do believe in true agile are shot down continuously because people who don’t understand developers or development want us to micromanage, and I hate micromanaging my teams. If they let me actually do my job I could get them all the data they need, but they think they know agile better than I do.

Thanks for letting me rant. I’m sorry Corporate Agile has failed you

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

as a scrummaster who pleads incessently with management to let me actually run scrum correctly, this hits home, and it makes me sad. I could chat for hours with you about how stupid people ruin the Agile process

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly right, scrummasters should be outside of the business and developer chain so they can uphold the process first and foremost. One of the phrases I hate the most is “we’re in crunch time, we don’t have time for process.” No, that’s when you need process the most! It doesn’t matter if it’s crunch time or whatever, PMs and business sometimes needs a reality check on what is possible and what isn’t, and developers need someone in their corner that isn’t also their manager.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Definitely not, Scrummasters should not be connected to the project at all. Their job goes directly against it, a PM is a stakeholder who will ask for everything to be done immediately, and needs to get stuff done. A Scrummaster should be neutral, and should uphold the process and defend the dev team.

Common scenario:

  • PM: "I need this task done immediately"
  • Scrummaster: “This task does not have any definition, and the team is already working on things. Once you have requirements we can discuss options on prioritization for next sprint”

That right there highlights where a scrummaster should be working. Most companies do treat them as neutered dogs though, and don’t give them the power. True scrummasters have the ability to push back on PMs and defend their teams, keeping developers out of it so they can stay heads down. (Less useless meetings)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yup. The hard reality is corporate america doesn’t like the role because they literally are meant to disrupt and defend the team, to push back on business and show them when things aren’t realistic. So instead of making realistic asks for dev teams, they neutered the scrummaster and removed the position in most cases

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Probably right, in my experience you’re describing a Product Owner, someone who is neutral on the business side who takes care of prioritization in a netural way vs a Project Manager, who does have requests, asks, and demands of the dev team

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

So so so so tonedeaf. Video where Linus is stepping down? Sure, throw it in as a laugh, he’s the butt of the joke, it was funny. Where you’re being accused of serious wrongdoing in public? Not so funny. Read the room, folks

scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Maybe it’s being in corporate america for a while, but holy shit that made my head literally swivel back to the video after kinda paying attention. That is definitely not something you say in corporate america, let alone literally listening to a speech about harassment.

You never even get close to anything sexual in corporate america. Just steer clear. I don’t care if it’s funny, or you think it’s funny, or if you think everyone else will think it’s funny, you don’t. You avoid the topic completely. Make the joke later at home or with your friends but not in the workplace.

Even if the joke is only partially offensive, it’s offensive. (If you aren’t sure if it is or not - you don’t make the joke. You’re instincts are trying to tell you it’s not the right place) You don’t do that in the office, and to do that seconds after the meeting it shows how fucking terrible it is there. I’ll be honest, I was taking Madison’s allegations with a grain of salt, but that just solidified to me what the culture is like. If they don’t have HR nipping that shit in the bud, what else are they letting fly

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right?! Have you talked to them first? “Hey, harasser, you know you keep grabbing my ass and I don’t like that, could you not?” Literally every harasser will laugh in your face and say something like “You love it” to trivialize it. Any HR person knows that that’s now how that works.

Did you catch “Our 3rd party HR provider”? So they outsourced HR. How am I not even a tiny bit surprised?

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh I’m all for 3rd party oversight, but what it sounds like is this is one of those outsourced HR teams from overseas that are more or less paperwork pushers. They’re commonly used to avoid having to pay for actual HR that, you know, actually does human relations. These are separate from 3rd party oversights, which usually are separate from a full HR team.

They usually provide super super duper helpful 1-800 numbers where you, as an employee, can call and complain about something, feel better, gets logged in a report, and nothing then is done. I did work for consulting companies that used these and shockingly, they are terrible.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

for sure, and yeah you probably wouldn’t make that joke then, but the person who did clearly knew what they were saying and still decided to. Freaking read the room man. (them, not you)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly, he should have called it out, right there. Yeah embarrassing for the person, but they should be embarrassed.

That, right there actually is what we’re stopping. That sort of joke was okay in the past, even up to this meeting, but no longer going forward. That’s the last one, and this is this entire group’s one and only warning

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“but the first question will be did you talk to them”. Definitely pushing that we’re going to encourage you to solve your own problems with your harasser

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m glad that worked for you, but that doesn’t mean it works for everyone, and it shouldn’t have to. Anyone should feel safe going and asking for help to stop someone they feel uncomfortable around.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I wouldn’t say prude by any means, people aren’t afraid of sex. More they don’t want even the hint of a possibility of getting sued.

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