@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar


@[email protected]

Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at !taylorswift )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

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Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually?

While child labor is viewed negatively, apparently child labor and child slavery aren’t the same thing, and child labor though it could still be exploitative/cruel in other ways, can be done voluntarily by the child, and with fair treatment/compensation/etc....

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Exactly the jobs you’d offer a teenager are not careers, but if you’re exploiting children you’d want to think they’re careers. A low laying fast food job can seem like a career if you dangle a meaningless promotion in front of them

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Agree, op honestly sounds like someone who was offered something and is upset that they are too young to accept it.

I was like that, I worked fast food and they offered me a trainer position, but I was “stuck in school” and “wasn’t allowed to speak for myself”. I honestly thought about dropping out for a while.

If I had done that my life would have been so so so fucked. Unless you’re literally inheriting a company it’s not worth it, and even then I don’t know what dad would pass on a company before the child finished school.

Let’s see. If I had accepted that job and not waited to finish school I’d be making… 8 times less than I do right now according to my quick napkin math. Trust me, school is more important OP

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Sounds like all we’re waiting for is studios to pay their workers fairly then

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Jay Foreman is a treasure, before my first trip to the UK I watched his videos and they were some of the most informative ones there. Both for learning how to read a tube map and also getting some of the history

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

We built a country with almost no public transportation, made it extremely car oriented, have actively pushed against bike lanes, and now parents are wondering why e-bikes aren’t very safe. They’re not even the best alternative, it’s just in this weird car-centric society we built they’re the only alternative.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s how I’m feeling… Reviews are coming in pretty positively. Can you pick it up on steam and play now?

Amazon CEO reportedly told remote employees: ‘It’s probably not going to work out’ - The Verge (www.theverge.com)

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy recently told employees that those who do not want to return to the office at least three days a week should consider finding employment elsewhere. According to a recording obtained by Insider, Jassy stated “It’s past the time to disagree and commit,” adding that if employees cannot commit to the new...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Easy layoffs without having to pay severance, can just claim they refused to move.

Amazon built up half the property in south lake union and Bellevue and now they’re trying to justify why they did that. God knows they could have saved a ton of money if they hadn’t.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Second the first bit. I’m a software dev and it’s generally known that anything I write for a company is not mine. I can talk about it for future employers, I can think about how I solved past problems, but what I wrote is the company’s. I do not own it and I claim no ownership.

Op here is not only looking at disciplinary actions but possible legal action taken against them if they try to rip this stuff without written permission.

If you do it for a company, it’s the company’s property. Not yours.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

By definition you can’t have some of these things open source, CSAM/NSFW detection needs to be closed source because people are constantly trying to get around it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Sweet, so us instance owners are literally fighting off a CSAM attack here on lemmy, and a lot of instances have shut down because of it. So, you’re stepping up to host now and will deal with the feds and the laws that are broken? Great, thanks.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Seeing how I had to become very knowledgeable because I’m an instance owner in the last few hours because of Lemmy and bad actors, this is absolutely not true.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That is literally not the problem, it’s not security. It’s obfuscation on purpose so things can’t be reverse engineered. I agree with you in most other cases, but this is one I don’t. It’s the same reason there aren’t public hash lists of these vile images out there, because then the people out there will change them. Same with fuzzy hashing and other strategies, these lists and bits of code must remain private so they aren’t tipped off to their stuff tripping the content.

This can’t be a cat and mouse game all the time when it comes to CSAM, it must work for a while. So I’m fully on board with keeping it private while we can, it’s the one area I am okay with doing that. If it’s open bad actors will just immediately find a way to get around detection and all modes of knowing it will be obsolete until we find another way, and in that time we’re waiting to find another way they’re going around posting that shit everywhere, then it doesn’t matter how open source Lemmy is, because all of our domains will be seized.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That discussion is happening, right now the prevailing idea is that it’s an instance admin opt-in feature, where you can host it yourself or use a hosted tool elsewhere to prevent it. on top of that, instance admins should be allowed to block federating images, so things uploaded on other instances are not federated to us and instead those images are requested directly from your instance. That would help cut down on the spread of bad material, and if something was purged on the home instance it could be purged everywhere

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Yeah on top of that it sounds like the people who did see it are pretty shaken up, apparently it was real fucked up. So not only blocking it from ever hitting the servers for legal reasons, but on top of that just so no one needs to see that. There are third party tools that will analyze it and block it automatically, and we’re hoping to get those online quick

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Right, and I said that if you’re so against it then you set up and run you’re own instance. I don’t think that’s very reactionist personally, I’m telling you to go do it yourself if you believe so much in it. Until then I don’t really care about how you feel about deserving free speech or censorship when you’re not willing to host it yourself. (There are tools that have one click deploy online, all they need is a credit card, feel free to get started today, tell everyone you allow all of the content)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

lol nope, I think this one is hilarious. Wants unlimited free speech and to never be censored but will do nothing themselves to support it, just demands it of other people. The only way to be truly free is to host yourself, and as we’re seeing people will go out of their way to still try to ruin that too.

Thanks Magic, and saw your profile is Seattle, hello fellow Seattle-ite :)

Someone knows what happened to [email protected]?

I suppose the community was unfortunately eliminated because of the politics of the instance where it is hosted, but I am not sure, if I directly go to the community there is nothing, it does not seem to exist anymore. And maybe it’s related to one of the post of a mod no long ago, which was asking someone to join as a mod...

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Thanks, we’re back up and running (for now), but we’re being veerrrrry cautious. Moved everything to a much safer hosting and turning on every protection I can. Lemmy devs hopefully will be adding more options and protections in the near future. This is supposed to be a hobby project after all

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Is the site down? Is email down for everyone? Is CSuite/ the entire business operation down? Then it’s high priority.

Otherwise it’s low priority.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I LITERALLY cannot do my job while this is happening!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

We’re also the only species who raises animals just to eat them later. I’m not a vegetarian, I’m just planning out that you’re logic isn’t exactly perfect there.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Looking at my game purchases a year and as a pretty heavy gamer, I come out just over the cost of game pass. Big thing is that I get to keep my games without needing to re-up the subscription.

Yeah right now when there’s a lot of games coming out it seems great, but middle of COVID I remember nothing was coming out, and I would have had to keep paying for the games I had already played.

Nah, I’ll gladly keep buying them.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Be wary of the unifi ones. I just got the Unifi enterprise 8-poe and the SFP overheats constantly. There’s a bug in the firmware where the fan doesn’t kick on, from the forums I read it’s because “users don’t like fan noise”, but uh, I also don’t like my switch crashing and freezing to where I have to do a full power cycle to get it back on. If you go unifi read reviews first, get something with active cooling.

If it’s just on the first bit of your network, could you do a pfsense/opensense box with a 2.5gig card? Then everything after that could be whatever you need

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Do we have a PR or issue tracking that? That’s a pretty major item I’m looking forward to

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I see where you’re going with this, but no, people really are just absolutely horrible. The fact is that with other social media they’re just already very set up in managing this so we never see it. Lemmy wants to be open, this is the flipside of that openness.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Good, hopefully next release

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That’s what we’re pushing the lemmy devs to do. Honestly even if they want to use proprietary tools for this instance I’m okay, I’ll happily go register an Azure account and plop an API key into the UI so it can start scanning. Lemmy should have the guardrails to prevent this from ever hitting our servers.

In the meantime, services like cloudflare will handle the recognizing and blocking access to images like that, but the problem still comes down to the federation of images. Most small hosters do not want the risk of hosting images from the whole of the internet, and it sounds like there is code in the works to disable that. Larger hosters who allow open registrations can do what they please and host what they please, but for us individual hosters we really need tools to block this.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m saying when it comes to this I don’t care if it is or isn’t proprietary, frankly I’d be down if we used multiple ones. I’m all for my morals but when it comes to CSAM as long as it works. That’s the most important, and yes I’d probably use multiples

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Halo not even in the list and it shouldn’t be

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

From what I read it was specifically made by people unfamiliar with the Halo universe to bring Halo to more people. A good idea on paper, but hiring writers who never played the games, never read the books, and were told to stay away from the source material? Not only did it not attract new fans but it also kept die-hard fans like myself away, so there was no one else to recommend it.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Tineye usually produces better results

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

CFL, Hobby Lobby, anyone who donates to anti LGBTQ I’m actively avoiding. It’s mid 2020s everyone, let it go already

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Best answer, Lemmy, like all social media follows the 90-9-1 rule of social media. Of 100 people, 90 will lurk, 9 will comment, and only 1 will actually post anything.

There are people in the communities that want to talk, but you gotta be the one to post.

Hey take it as your opportunity to become a name in a community!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Noo I’m out of town! But what a time to do it!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“unlimited storage” was definitely a thing back in the day when the average high end user had a couple of TBs of data, but anyone using that now is just stupid. Full on stupid.

Average high end users can and do have hundreds of TBs now. Companies are entering into the PB ranges. I feel no sympathy for a company who is just now figuring this out. Yes it’d be nice to have unlimited storage as a user, but as a company there is no sense to the cost anymore, and they should have done this 8 years ago

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

“I followed some guide online for a completely unrelated issue because it said it could make my games go faster and I rm -rf’d something important looking”

Deck and Linux are great because they give you the power to customize anything, but with that power comes responsibility, and I think OP is learning that. Without diagnostic logs or chat logs, I can almost guarantee if they just flashed it and started over it’d be fine but from this thread I doubt OP even knows how to do that (which is completely fine and normal, if they had asked for help on how to do that rather than be a snobby jerk)

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

WARNING: This command requires sudo priviledges, only continue if you are sure you know what you’re doing! [y/N] >

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

ah right right right in this case it makes sense. Sudo just gets in the way, stupid valve and their warnings and protections, just do everything as root! We joke because we were all like that once, and you only gotta destroy your bootloader once to learn

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

This is fair, but why my eye goes to all the requests for both diagnostic logs and chat logs. Looking at OP’s history, they’re very anti-valve, to the point where I don’t even know why they bought a deck if they’re so annoyed with Valve.

I think for me, working computer repair, I laugh at people like this because they just embody the Flander’s parents meme. “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!” and it’s just so painful at this point. Here’s this person, having honest issues with their deck, they provide no information useful to help anyone diagnose it and then refuse to give any information that might actually be useful. To me, they’re the client who slammed the thing down on my counter and said “IT’S BROKE. FIX IT”.

That’s why I make fun here, because I couldn’t when I worked there. The fact is you do catch more flies with honey, and this person smells and looks like vinegar to me. If you go in with a negative attitude you’re going to get a negative response. When I was deciding warranty claims if something was borderline I would usually try to find an exception or way to help the person out, things go shitty, tech can be confusing, I get that. If someone came in screaming and angry at me I’m focused on getting you out as quickly as possible because you’re being a jerk to me, and so if I see it’s not covered I’m not wasting any time finding an exception for you, get the hell out.

That’s why the chat logs are so important here, how did this person approach the situation? Did they go through troubleshooting steps with the agent? Did they respond to the questions? Were they honest? Or did they go in, lie, yell at the person that the device is stupid and broken and that they demand a new one? At the end of the day you’re dealing with people on the other end, and I’m guessing this person is learning a very important lesson in kindness.

(and I know the comment is coming where someone says “Yeah buuuuut everyone should be treated the same” and I’ll pre-respond to that anyone who says that clearly has never worked food service or retail before and that no one deserves to be emotionally battered over something as trivial as a broken gaming device)

This came out longer than I expected, but hey maybe OP will read it and noodle on how they handled the situation.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Why when I call into my ISP I usually just follow along with the script. I do know a thing or two about networking, but guaranteed I know nothing about your stack or how yours works. I can say with detail things like “I’m not pulling an IP address, I’m using pfsense”, but I wouldn’t dare assume to know why I’m not.

What’s funny is that dunning kruger applies. The more you know the more you realize how little you know

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

LOL proving my point so succinctly. Later my dude

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

And that was 8 years after its massively successful predecessor. They could have released 3 more games and earned so much money in that time

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Last I heard they had some 250 headcount and they just did 50 layoffs. Bioware was already on life support and ea is just playing with the plug

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

What do you want us to do? We cut their funding, we forced them into layoffs, we demanded unrealistic timelines, we have zero idea of how single player games are made, we’ve mismanaged the IP and done nothing with it for a decade now - and they still won’t be profitable!

  • EA management
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

No one is saying you can’t if you don’t have access, we’re saying it’s ridiculous that we don’t have actual decent transit infrastructure. You should use your car if it’s the only option, but it’s ridiculous that it is the only option.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

crypt is pretty simple honestly, go through prebuild but it’s essentially just sitting on top of another remote. So I usually use the convention {remotename}-crypt. It’ll simply rename and encrypt anything and then pass it into the remove you already set up. A good way to test it is once you’ve copied some stuff over with the crypt set up try to mount it using rclone mount and try to read some of your files, it should be fine.

Don’t forget to back up (securely, and obviously not on your encrypted share) your rclone config! if those keys are lost than so is your data.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I do, but it’s more of a don’t forget how it was made thing for me. I encrypted my file and put it on another cloud provider in case I lose it

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