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Wetterbericht bekommt man am besten direkt von meteorologischen Institutionen, gar nicht von Journalisten, egal welchen.


Cannot confirm. The most upvoted comment I’ve ever written on Lemmy was exactly about Israel/Palestine:

I don’t know if this will change now that I’ve drawn attention to it.

New extensions you’ll love now available on Firefox for Android (

Today, Mozilla announced more than 450 new extensions (software that adds new features or functionality to the browser) to users on Firefox for Android at Mozilla’s AMO Android page. This milestone marks the launch of a new open extension ecosystem on mobile where developers are now free to create and publish extensions and...


Ad blocking and playing music in the background


Wer ist “niemand” und warum betreibt er www.shö (auch wenn nur als Weiterleitung)?


EU-Parlament hat verdammt viel zu melden, insbesondere im Internet, wo wir uns gerade aufhalten; so ziemlich alles, was das Internet in irgendeiner Weise reguliert (Artikel 17, TERREG, DSGVO, DSA) ist mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit EU-Recht.

In diesen Fragen sind Parteien “links” der Mitte normalerweise etwas (!) besser als jene “rechts” der Mitte; aber die größeren “linken” Parteien sind bei Gott ebenfalls keine Organisationen für Grund-, Freiheits- und Bürgerrechte im digitalen Raum, nicht einmal ansatzweise.


Moving into my own apartment mainly.

But also: politicians and other celebrities being younger than me.

(I mean of course Justin Bieber is younger than me and has been a celebrity for a long time, but that used to be the exception, now there are so many.)


Look up notepadqq, these guys are doing a Qt port. But you can also use Kate or VSCodium, these are pretty similar if not better.

Was genau ist der Reiz an Microblogging? German

Beim Umstieg ins Fediverse hab ich mir auch auf einer Mastodon-Instanz ein Konto erstellt. So richtig dabei geblieben bin ich jedoch nicht. Vorher bei Twitter war das ähnlich, hab ich nur ab und zu für kleine Kollaborationen genutzt (z.B. Schlefaz gucken oder ein Voting bei einem Event)....


Ich habe es früher auch nicht gut verstanden.

Mittlerweile verstehe ich: Für normale Leute wie mich ist Twitter bzw. Mastodon im Wesentlichen ein RSS-Reader. Man folgt den Quellen, die man lesen will, und bekommt diese in umgekehrt chronologischer Reihenfolge angezeigt. Es hat aber wenig Sinn, dort etwas zu posten, wenn man selbst keine oder kaum Follower hat.

Für Politiker, Aktivisten, Journalisten, andere Prominente, auch Organisationen ist es im Wesentlichen eine Werbeplattform. Man kann darüber seine Follower daran erinnern, dass man existiert und etwas zu sagen hat. Man kann sie so informieren, was man derzeit tut. Da ich in diese Kategorie nicht falle und keinen Bedarf habe, für mich selbst Werbung zu machen (ganz im Gegenteil, im heutigen Internet bin ich froh, nicht die Aufmerksamkeit der falschen Leute auf mich zu ziehen), poste ich dort nicht.


Debian testing. Seriously. That is reasonably easy to install and configure unlike Arch or Gentoo, but doesn’t come with “user friendly” corporate crap like Ubuntu and its derivatives.


Most likely the best distro for KDE is KDE neon, but that doesn’t mean that much.

I use it on Debian testing and am very satisfied with it, KDE has never been so stable.


I frequently use DDG for an initial search. When it doesn’t give me good results, I frequently find better ones on Google.


All of this is only relevant if you use the web client. I don’t. I have email accounts both on gmail and on other providers and normally access all of them with Thunderbird and K-9 Mail.


and then federate with Mastodon?


I once read about a man who was arrested in (I think) either Serbia or Croatia who told the police that he was taking the “fifth amendment” because he’d seen that on TV in a dubbed American show and thought he could do that there too.

ETA: And many people in German-speaking countries think that if you get arrested by police in a German-speaking country, you are read a translated Miranda warning: “Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Alles, was Sie sagen, kann vor Gericht gegen Sie verwendet werden. Sie haben das Recht auf einen Anwalt. Wenn Sie sich keinen Anwalt leisten können, wird Ihnen vom Gericht einer zugeteilt.”


Like the Internet ten years ago???

You realize that ten years ago was 2013, not 2001 or something? The Internet was not quiet in 2013, in fact I found it a lot more engaging then.


If everyone joined the largest instance, then the decentralized aspect would become kinda moot. That would give lots of power to the owner of that instance, almost like on centralized social media.


Could Bluesky not just implement ActivityPub too? Is there a reason why they are not doing that?

What are your criteria for upvoting/downvoting?

I hate that I always compare Lemmy to Reddit, but Reddit used to have (not sure if they still do) guidelines called “Reddiquette” that included guidelines about upvoting and downvoting. I don’t remember the specifics (and sending too much of my browser traffic to Reddit makes me feel dirty) but one of the guidelines was...


Upvote: it is the same thing I was going to comment, or it is an extraordinarily good post that stands out from the masses

Downvote: it is objectively wrong or doesn’t add to the discussion at all

Vast majority of everything, I neither upvote nor downvote.


I think the history is such that a “PC” is a computer compatible with the “IBM PC” which Macs were historically not and modern ones aren’t either.

But I still like “Windows computer”, we can abbreviate that to “WC”.

Is there any way to reverse degrowth of the niche communities on Lemmy?

Like others, I came over when Reddit was banning 3rd party apps. Many communities were being started and I wanted to help. So I chose one community to form here and try and grow. And we did! There was a time a short while in the little KC Chiefs community was in the top 100 communities on Lemmy world. I knew that wouldn’t last...


I really just think the reddit/lemmy structure isn’t very suited to small communities.

For small communities we should have a platform structured like a traditional web forum with flat threads and thread bumping. This causes people to get endless streams of discussion even with relatively few users.


Yes. In my teenage years, these kinds of web forums were the norm, now they are almost as outdated as Usenet or mailing lists. I think that is a shame because I found web forums utterly addictive while on reddit and lemmy I tend to quickly run out of things to read.


Verkehrsflächen werden auch in Österreich oft nach Personen benannt. Schulen, Kindergärten etc. nicht.

Benennungen nach Personen, die in irgendeiner Weise ideologisch angehaucht sind, bedeuten dann halt auch, dass sie, wenn der Zeitgeist sich ändert, wieder geändert werden müssen.


Wusstet ihr, dass Wien eine Straße hat, die einfach nur “Hauptstraße” heißt? Die liegt am westlichen Stadtrand, also ist sie nicht die Hauptstraße von Wien; früher war sie die Hauptstraße der eigenständigen Gemeinde Hadersdorf-Weidlingau, 1938 wurde diese Gemeinde eingemeindet und die Hauptstraße umbenannt in “Adolf-Hitler-Straße”, 1945 wurde die Umbenennung wieder rückgängig gemacht, die Eingemeindung aber nicht, deshalb hat auch im Jahr 2023 Wien noch immer eine Hauptstraße.


You think you’re going to get a better answer by asking that here rather than by reading the Wikipedia article or a media company’s summary of what Hamas is?!

As neutrally as possible:

Hamas is an organization in the area of historical Palestine. It has been governing the Gaza Strip, a small piece of land between Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, since 2007.

Ever since then, Israel has been blockading the Gaza Strip. Every few years, eg. in 2014 and 2021 and now again, Hamas fires rockets at Israel or otherwise attacks it, to which Israel responds with airstrikes.

Palestinian narrative: Israel is a settler colonial state that has taken away Palestinian land and is imprisoning Gazans in Gaza. Fighting against that is legitimate resistance against oppression. Israel’s goal is ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Israeli narrative: Israel is a safe haven for the historically oppressed Jewish people. Arabs have plenty of other countries for themselves. The aim of Hamas is to eliminate the Jewish state and maybe even the Jewish people. Israel is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties in its airstrikes against Gaza.

The actual truth: There is no such thing as the actual truth. There is a reason why this is the most difficult conflict in the world.

inb4 people with strong opinions on both sides tell me their opinion is obviously right and the above is nowhere near neutral


Of course. If you read older history, you’ll notice that this used to be an Arab-Israeli conflict with Arab states on one side and Israel on the other. They fought wars against each other like in 1948, 1967 and whenever the Yom Kippur War was.

Nowadays Arab states and Israel aren’t anywhere near as hostile to each other as they used to be, so the conflict now is mostly between Israel and Palestinian organizations (PLO, Hamas).


Point taken. The point was mainly that the escalations (to which Israel responds with airstrikes or invasions) happen every few years. Most of the time, people in other parts of the world don’t really hear about what’s going on there in the media. The times when we do are probably because such an escalation happens (e.g. now).

Your links don’t work for me by the way, I can see in the source code what you meant to link to, but they don’t display as links for me.


See? I wrote above I would get answers from people with strong opinions insisting that their narrative was the only correct one. Thank you for confirming that.


The funny thing about this comment is that it tells me nothing about whether you are sympathetic to Israel or to the Palestinians, they might both write exactly this and think they’ve completely destroyed me.

I looked into your comment history and see you’re pro-Palestinian, but I would not have been able to guess this just from this comment.


No, that was the world that ended in 2012.

Why Mozilla is betting on a decentralized social networking future (

The mission-driven tech company behind the Firefox browser, Pocket reader and other apps is now investing its energy into the so-called “fediverse” — a collection of decentralized social networking applications, like Mastodon, that communicate with one another over the ActivityPub protocol.


I have never understood why so many people find the structure of Twitter/Mastodon more appealing than that of Reddit/Lemmy.

I like it when I read other people’s thoughts on a matter, then react to them by adding relevant thoughts of my own and hoping people will react to mine too. Like on a traditional discussion forum (or for even older people, newsgroup or mailing list). That is what Reddit/Lemmy does reasonably well, although not quite as well as those traditional discussion forums.

On Twitter/Mastodon I have to have original thoughts of my own to be able to post anything at all, and even if I do have some, no one will read them if they aren’t already following me.


So are they going to release non-AGPL (probably MPL) implementations of fediverse software? That would be real progress.


Yes, I guess so. I have no interest in becoming any kind of celebrity. That sounds stressful and can make you a target for harassment.

I prefer it when I can post my thoughts anonymously without anyone knowing or caring who I am. If a thought is good, it doesn’t matter whose thought it is.


The unpaid volunteers make the good product. It used to be that their decisions actually meant something on Wikimedia, in the last ten years more and more decisions have been made by paid staff through office actions. That is what you are funding if you donate to the WMF.

Wikimedia used to be a force for good. Not anymore.


They didn’t exist yet when I was an early teenager, all we had were emoticons that might be replaced by images by the forum software, so of course I think they’re stupid /s

Without sarcasm, it is a good thing we have standardized symbols now and don’t have to implement emoticon replacement into forum or chat or social media software. If only because half of such implementations replaced any occurrence of the number 8 followed by a closing parenthesis with 😎 even when that wasn’t the intended meaning (one can think of many other times one would end a parenthetical statement with the number 8).


I have not followed this stuff very closely. Here’s a question. This article says:

People took issue with how the Web Integrity API would bring DRM to the open web.

Has there not been DRM on the web for many years by now for videos?


You think the veto power is not a real power?


Eventuell hast du (heutzutage im Zeitalter der Debit-Mastercard/Visa-Karten) schon eine, aber ich hatte lange Zeit nach dem 18. Geburtstag noch immer keine Kreditkarte (also Visa/Mastercard). Du wirst früher oder später eine brauchen, es gibt mehr Dinge, als man glaubt, die man nur damit bezahlen kann.


Flugreisen, Hotelbuchungen sind oft nur mit Visa/Mastercard möglich, zu bezahlen.


That says it is speech to text, not text to speech


und das ist auch gut so. EU-Recht ist schwieriger wieder zu ändern als nationales Recht, wenn man draufkommt, dass etwas nicht funktioniert. Das heißt, es ist gut und richtig, dass die EU nur Dinge regelt, die notwendigerweise in allen Mitgliedsstaaten gleich sein müssen, damit Binnenmarkt etc. funktionieren. Sexualstrafrecht kann ruhig von Mitgliedsstaat von Mitgliedsstaat unterschiedlich sein ohne böse Konsequenzen.


Wikipedia is by its own standards a propaganda organ for the status quo (a mainstream encyclopedia that summarizes mainstream science, history and journalism).


That sounds awesome. What license will it be under? I think the world really needs a Lemmy implementation under a more permissive license than the AGPL.


I think frankly the AGPL shouldn’t even be considered a free license. Merely running the program, even modified, shouldn’t require you to publish the source code you run on your machine without distributing it.

In terms of practical advantages, a more permissive license will boost fediverse adoption by businesses, which I think is desirable.


This was funnier on reddit where there could be only one “superbowl” sub and it was taken by enthusiasts of superb owls. It is less funny on a platform where “superbowl” on other instances can still be a community for Super Bowl fans.


Neutrality isn’t a thing. Everything written about something as contentious as this is propaganda.

For attempts to be neutral, try Western mainstream media or Wikipedia (which mostly just summarizes Western mainstream media anyway).

For one sided propaganda for Israel, try

For one sided propaganda for Palestine, try

Read all those and choose for yourself what parts of which sides you want to believe. Or don’t. You can also live in peace and happiness knowing that the conflict exists without thinking about it too much because in the end it doesn’t really matter what you think about it anyway.

Do you think the Internet and websites with 'voting' systems encourage hivemind thinking and discourage any debate or discourse? Solutions?

I ‘upvote’ more or less all posts I interact with (sometimes I forget to vote). I feel like we should bring back open dialogues and heavily dissuade people from simply disregarding someone’s entire belief system or ideals based on 200 characters of text (an example)....


Most posts I come across on lemmy/reddit, I do not vote on at all. I upvote when it is the same thing I was going to say, or when it is extraordinarily insightful or otherwise something more people need to see. I downvote when it is plainly objectively wrong or doesn’t add to the discussion at all. The vast majority of posts and comments are neither of those. For example, I haven’t voted on anything in this thread.

I liked the old structure of phpBB-style message boards where posts were just sorted chronologically and if there was a voting system, it didn’t affect sorting. I found those a lot more engaging and they facilitate actual back-and-forth debate rather than naturally turning into one-sided circlejerks. I am not sure they can scale to current numbers of Internet users though; we would have to test in practice how to make that structure work nowadays.

Stack Exchange already has a system where if you downvote, you lose one reputation point, a small deterrent against downvoting.


Optimist: The glass is half full.

Pessimist: The glass is half empty.

Realist: The glass is twice as big as necessary.

Excel: The glass is the 2nd of January.


JavaScript has created a cross-platform world in which people can do most things without being locked into their OS. That is a good thing.


I don’t disagree with that at all. But better that it runs in the browser’s sandbox than that you have to install it to your machine which would work only under certain OS.

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