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I love Vanilla too, but if he’s concerned Gnome is to heavy for his laptop…


As a complete Linux noob coming from Windows, I’d say Mint is the way to go. If you’re worried about Cinnamon being too heavy, Mate is much lighter and a lot of fun. I’m especially fond of their file browser Caja.

Your second choice, Fedora, is my go to system, and I’ll cheerfully sing it’s praises. If you want to go that way, check out the KDE, Cinnamon, XFCE, or LXDE spins, but I will say it’s a bit less beginner friendly. Make sure you enable the non-free repositories when you log in for the first time!


They’re talking about a possible KDE spin, but last I saw it was a low priority. Since all the custom GUI tools ate being made in GTK4. In order to do up KDE the way they’re doing Gnome and keeping the desktop as “vanilla” as possible, it would be a pretty big job converting all that stuff to QT I would think.


I’m looking forward to playing with a Nix container. I honestly can’t think of a single Android app I want to run on my desktop… But it’s gonna be fun for you!


Okay, that’s hilarious, but I fucking hate that meme. Not as much as that one with Pooh in a top hat, but I still hate it.


Kinda feel like the number of times pastors, priests, and other religious leaders have gotten caught doing this reflects some kind of pattern, I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…


most Christians now days represent almost everything Jesus spoke against.

As an atheist, I find it surreal that I behave more in line with Christ’s teachings than most Christians I know. And I know the bible better, which is also weird.


I recently got into a long, really dumb argument. I used the phrase “lesser of two evils” and what seemed like fifty people (actually two or three) seemed to think that meant I approved of, strenuously endorsed, and would defend the actions of the “lesser evil.”

To me, this seemed like a basic misunderstanding of what the phrase meant, so I defined it. Their response to my definition was to say the same sort of thing they’d already said while claiming to totally know what “lesser of two evils” meant.

I lost my cool, and explained what the phrase meant again. One of the folks explained themselves calmly while the others seemed to think I was a congenital idiot because I kept repeating myself.

I don’t want this to get any longer, so I’ll just say that we were talking past each other. Nobody (well, except fr the one guy who stopped to explain what he meant) was really comprehending what the other person said. So everyone was a dumbass, basically. Story of my life, really.

At least, I think that’s what happened. Watch the asshole who called me a liar and an idiot show up here to not explain how I’m a liar and an idiot again.


Yes, that was the gist of their point I think. The thinking being that choosing the lesser evil is still choosing evil. My point was that if evil is going to win no matter what you do, isn’t it better to pick which evil you’re going to have to deal with?


Yeah, that’s the one. I figured I’m small potatoes so no one’s gonna bother looking it up. It never even occurred to me that someone might have already seen it lol.


Are you familiar with the U.S. Presidential electoral process?


Kinda curious as to what actual Asian folks, whether currently in Asia or of Asian descent, think.

I don’t use the term anyway because I’m an old grognard and couldn’t grok the lingo, but it seems to me that they’re the ones other folks should be listening to on this.


You’re not charging enough.


I install and set up operating systems. It’s something I do to my own computer regularly, but I’ll cheerfully do for someone else because it’s fun.

Linux is my favorite, but I can do Windows, Free/Open/Dragonfly BSD, Haiku, and given time to research others as well. I keep meaning to give NetBSD a shot…

It gives me a focused task with a specific end goal that requires some technical knowledge, but mostly preparation, research, and troubleshooting skills. The activity can sometimes lift me out of a depressive episode for a while.


Well, they all have their own strengths. I guess my favorites would be, in no particular order:

  • Arch - Elegant and minimalist, Arch is where you go if you want to learn how your system works. But what I love most about Arch is the wiki. About 75% of the time, I can solve any problem I run into on any distro by referencing that wiki.
  • Debian - easy to use and with rock-solid stability. The website is terrible though.
  • Fedora is the one I always come back to, though. It’s got a great balance between cutting edge and stability, it’s easy to use, I’m strangely attached to DNF, and it just sorta feels like home. The community is nice too.

I like some others; Nobara is great if you’re a gamer, KDE Neon gives you an awesome and stable KDE environment, and Linux Mint is perfect for.beginners.


I have! NixOS is great, I’m a big fan. I suppose if anything could replace Fedora as my favorite, Nix could.


Honestly I promise you’re better off using a better organization system than dump it on the desktop… But I can totally solve that problem for you!

It’s a little tough to explain, but what you’re looking for is a different Desktop Environment. Fedora Workstation uses Gnome, which doesn’t do desktop icons by default. I love it, but it’s not for everyone.

Fortunately, this is Linux so you have a choice!

If you want to stick with Fedora, use the KDE or Cinnamon spin. Check the Fedora Spins page:

KDE is super customizable and modern, with lots of fun stuff you can do with the desktop, while Cinnamon is a bit less flexible but more familiar for folks coming from Windows. Either way, you can clutter up your desktop to your heart’s content 😁.

Either way, it’s still Fedora underneath.

If you really want to try something not Fedora, then you could go Linux Mint if you like the way Cinnamon looks; they invented that Desktop Environment, and make what might be the most beginner friendly Linux Distro:

If you’d rather KDE and want something. other than Fedora, then I can suggest KDE Neon. It’s actually handled by the KDE project itself:

Hope that helps, and if you have any more questions, I’ll help if I can.


Heya. I’m an American, and I’ve got to say thank you. I seriously look forward to calling someone a “ball violin” in English, but if fully intend to add klootviool and and klootzak to my day to day swear bank. Those are so satisfying to say!


That is elaborate, vulgar, and 100% delightful. I love hearing stuff like this. Cursing in American English is so boring lol


Oh that is fantastic. I need to use that one.


Oh fuck, I’m dying 🤣😂

Klaphat. I need to remember that.


It absolutely is. Many insults are.


I can’t speak to running Scrivener, but other folks have that covered, so I thought I’d weigh in on your “extra irrelevant info.”

If it were me, I’d just give them Fedora. I set up my partner’s computer with it and they were fine. They adapted to Gnome like it was nothing, and everything went smoothly.

If you’re worried about the UI, you could use some Gnome Extensions to set it up like Windows (dash to dock, Arc Menu, etc.) or set up a KDE, Cinnamon, or XFCE spin to work like Windows.

Mint is an okay choice for beginners, true, but if you’re setting it up for them and will be their tech guru, any significant advantage is kinda lost. You’re the one who’s going to set up the starting packages and the DE and all that, which nowadays is about 90% of the advantage Mint has over Fedora when it comes to beginners. Because of that, since you’re tech support, you should just set up what you’re most comfortable running support for.

That’s just my opinion, though.


This describes me in literally every online argument I’ve ever had.


I’ve only been to an IKEA once, and I’ve never bought their furniture, but my best guess is the meatballs.

On a semi-related note, if you haven’t read the book Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix, you really should.


Wow, they’ve really gone all in on AI. It looks like impressive work! I wish them luck!


I take it you have a different opinion?


I agree with everything but the “it makes no difference” part. Thinking it makes no difference is a privilege a whole shit ton of people can’t afford.

They’re both horrible. Capitalism sucks. But to say there’s no difference? That’s just delusional. You’re missing the trees for the forest.

Until that “true change” you’re talking about happens, I’m not willing to sit by and let women, immigrants, minorities, and LGBTQIA+ people get fucked over even worse than I am. And fuck you if you are.


Edit: Sorry, wrong starting sentence. I meant to say:

Clearly not browbeaten enough.

Lesser of two evils means we’re fucked either way, but one way slightly less. It means there are not good choices, just less bad ones. If you sat through the Trump presidency and still think there’s no difference, then I don’t know what the fuck to tell you. If you can’t look at how fucked trans people are in Florida and other red states right now and still say there’s no difference, then go fuck yourself.

They’re both shit, but one of wants to fucking murder my friends. There’s a fucking difference. And if I sound mad, it’s because people saying shit like this vote dumbass third parties that can’t possibly win, or sit out an election because of protests. People are fucking dead because of this dumbass “there’s no difference” bullshit.

You wanna tear down the system and stat over? Fine, great, get going. I’ll even help if it looks like you might have a prayer. But right now, there is no hope. There’s just mitigation of harm. Your idealism gets people killed.


Ugh. I’m not pro establishment. People who are pro establishment think it works. People who are pro establishment have hope

Where the fuck did you get that out of what I wrote? Do I sound hopeful? Or like I think the system in any way works?

Or is that just your canned response when someone disagrees with you and you can’t think of a decent comeback?

Is that what you kids call a “cope”? It sounds like a “cope”. My generation just calls it “What the fuck are you even talking about?”


you voted and still got roe v wade overturned.

Roe v Wade got overturned by a Supreme Court that was stacked by the Republicans during the previous administration you absolute waste. You’re literally arguing against your own point.

And again: what fucking part of any fucking word I’ve typed makes you think I’m happy with the Biden administration.

Oh, wait! You’re not actually reading anything I’m saying! You’re just shifting goalposts and regurgitating talking points! Holy fuck, it’s like talking to a communist version of my mother.

Don’t talk to me unless you actually know something. Take your useless idealism elsewhere.



What word did I say that made you think I’m happy with the Democrats? That I actually support them rather than hate them just marginally less than the fascists in the other party?

It’s all fucked. And the Supreme Court was stacked by the last administration, so you’re arguing against yourself buddy.


I’m reading what you’re saying, it’s just so dumb and trite it might as well be embroidered on a tea cozy

The fact that I feel the same way about you probably indicates that this is a pointless waste of time on all sides.

And what is your vote doing to stop that? Anything at all?

In the Biden election? Nothing. Roe was done for as soon as Trump won. It was on life support, but people refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils pulled the plug.

I’m tired dude. I’m just so fucking tired.

Do what you want. You’re not gonna accomplish any more than I am so I’m not sure why I cared enough to get worked up. We’re all fucked no matter what. Do your little protest vote or whatever the fuck. I’m sure it’s gonna do so fucking much.


I tend to repeat myself whenit appears that my audience isn’t listening. You’re the third person who seemed to think that “lesser of two evils” meant “if one guy’s bad, the other guys good.” People in this thread keep acting like I’m happy with the Democratic party or something.

So, since it seemed like you didn’t understand what I’d said, I repeated myself. I’m pedantic for the same reason: you’re either ignoring what I’m saying or don’t understand it. Either way, I apparently have to spell it out.

Nice use of the word “esoteric”. Did you find that in the word a day calendar this morning? It doesn’t really apply here, though, because nothing I’ve said is esoteric. It’s not arcane, obscure, or in any way difficult to understand. And I don’t think it is.

I just think you’re either being intentionally obtuse to rile me up, or you really don’t get what I’m saying.

It’s all good, though, dude. I’m tired. I’m just so fucking tired. I’ve been watching this shit unfold for close to five decades, sometimes while getting shot at, and I’m tired.

I’m mad, but I fucking give up. My position - despair - isn’t worth fighting for and I don’t know why I briefly thought it was. I fucking surrender.

Let me know how that revolution you guys are never going to have goes.


the distinction is you keep repeating shit everybody knows, whereas I (and other leftists) are trying to explain you to a new concept

I keep repeating shit because you keep not hearing me. You still think I’m trying to defend the Democratic party. You still think I find the Biden administration defendable. If you understand “lesser of two evils” so well, why do you think I’m trying to defend a party I keep calling evil?

So I’ll tell you what, I’ll deal with the “new concept” part of what you said when you explain that to me. Once I understand why you think I’m defending a position that I haven’t once defended, I might be able to move on.


Look, I’m really tired here. And I’m formally apologizing. I have so radically failed at making my point that you think I’m a reactionary. I’m not. I’m utterly convinced that the whole world is completely fucked, and the absolute best we can do is try to tread water as long as we can before drowning. Reacting? To what? To what end? The system’s irrevocably broken, I can’t do anything about it, so what’s the point?

And I’m not particularly smart. I mean, I know some stuff, and I’ve been through a lot. But smart? Meh. When I was in the Army, I drove a tank for a living. Does that sound like the career choice of a smart man?

I’m just so fucking tired. Please tell me how anything you’re doing will help. No sarcasm, I want to know. How do you move forward?

I’ll quit shouting. I just don’t have the spoons.


How. How am I doing that? I’m too tires to fight you, I’m just looking for information at this point.


Who says I’m okay with it?

I hate it.

I just can’t see any way to fix it.


Then tell me how we fix it. Tell me what I can do.


So your answer is essentially don’t vote, or be really rude with your ballot in protest.

Okay. I can do that.

How does that help? What does it accomplish?


No. I’m not. That’s like saying that acknowledging the existence of the Chicago Bears means I’m a football fan.

I’m arguing that the establishment exists and there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m arguing for despair.

All I have left is harm reduction. Which is also 100% hopeless, but it keeps me from jumping off a building because no matter how ineffective it is, it’s fucking something.

If you have a better idea, please. I’m all ears.


Under the policies of the lesser evil, billions will die as you say.

Under the policies and rhetoric of the greater evil, a woman just got brutally murdered in California for the crime of hanging a fucking flag outside her shop.

My point, as I have been trying in vain to make this whole time (but apparently don’t have the writing ability to convey) is that if you’re fucked no matter what you do, then do the thing that hurts your friends less.

If you have some other course of action that can lead to actual change, then tell me. If you have some other course of action that will help my trans friends today, then tell me. Because billions dying over the next century doesn’t mean much to people who get shot, stabbed, or beaten to death today.

I want to believe there’s a better way, though, so explain it to me.


I didn’t say Biden. I never said Biden. I never brought up his name. I at no point defended the actions of his administration or his party.

All I said is that the other guy is worse, which means you vote to try to have it not be the worse one. That’s explicitly not a defense of any party. It’s an attack on them both. I’d repeat my initial phrase, but apparently even though everyone seems to think it means I’m defending someone, trying to drive it home has gotten me labeled a congenital idiot.

And you’ve been misrepresenting me and jumping up and down on me ever since.

And nobody has presented me with a better option. They just keep calling me names, saying I’m repeating myself, and saying “they’re all the same” and “Biden bad!”

So please, for the next election, give me an action I can take that has some sort or hope of getting us all out of this collective shit show.


Have you seen Sophie’s Choice? If not, this won’t make much sense, but When Sophie chose Eva over Jan, was she endorsing Jan’s death?

Because I don’t think she was, but by the reasoning you’re using on me here, you would have to think Sophie endorsed Jan’s murder. As far as I can follow your logic, Sophie was not only in favor of Jan’s death, she supported it fully, and could find no fault in it.

We were going to have Trump or we were going to have Biden. No third choice I made - or anyone else at the time made - could do anything to change that. So, even though I didn’t like the creepy, handsy, corporatist faux-progressive ancient douche, and didn’t care all that much for his former boss, or his party, I chose him. Because the other guy had shown himself to be worse. All the same bullshit, plus rabble-rousing hate speech, direct attacks on my LGBTQIA friends, and more. He was empirically worse.

If you can, somehow, read that as an endorsement, then I’m relatively certain we’re not speaking the same language, and this has all been a huge waste of our time.

And fuck off with calling me a liar. I haven’t. If my language skills have failed me, and I haven’t managed to get my meaning across, fine. If I’m wrong, fine. But I didn’t set out to deceive anyone, nor have I intentionally or knowingly made a false statement.

Edit: grammar


Sorry. In what way have I knowingly told a falsehood? I’m lost, because I may be kind of an idiot, but I was present for this whole conversation, and I’m pretty sure I at no point tried to deceive you or anyone else.


The people counting the votes see the dissent.

Assuming they’re not machine counted, fine. What does that accomplish?

Low voter turn out delegitimizes the system. If only 30% of people voted it is easy to say the system is corrupt and that outside pressure is justified. If 30% of ballots are being thrown out it calls into question the entire system.

Okay. So say the system is “delegtimized” this way. What now? That doesn’t change anything as far as I can see. The asshats in power will just… keep being in power, because no matter how morally, ethically, or even rationally unjustifiable, the corrupt system is, it’s legal.

I’m/not saying you’re wrong. I don’t think you are. I just don’t see what it accomplishes.

In the long run, it means revolution I guess. But in the meantime, how do we stop old ladies from getting murdered over pride flags (to use a recent example)? Cristofascists and those that profit from them winning elections legitimizes their hate. It empowers the twatknuckles that support them. Even dumb crap like calling COVID the “Chinese Virus” spurs on hate crime.

How do we deal with that?


I… don’t get you. I feel really dumb, but you’re going to have to explain it to me a bit more.

I get that no one is better than anyone on a basic human rights level. That makes intuitive sense to me. And I’m all for a cultural paradigm shift. I’m also 100% in favor of a massive overhaul of the entire government, up to and including a complete re-write of the Constitution and the bill of rights (I feel like we, as a nation, can do better than a founding document that defines some humans as being worth only 3/5ths of others, for instance).

But how?


Okay, I think I understand now.

What you’re talking about sounds wonderful. It sounds hopeful, like things could actually change. It’s not all that crazy to think it could work. It’s not really all that different from what the Founders were setting out to do, but with an extra two and a half centuries of cultural advancement and the knowledge that all people really are created equal - not just white dudes who own property lol.

So yeah. I get what you’re saying. And I can totally respect it. And anyone saying you not voting helps the opposition is kinda missing the point of opting out. Kinda like I was missing the point until someone (you) finally took the time to explain it properly, and I took the time to listen.

So thank you.

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