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Depending on what you’re looking for, you might just want a computer monitor. Those are essentially “dumb TVs” without Internet connectivity or an operating system, and they have HDMI connections, so there you go.

You can also look into commercial TVs, although more and more of those are “smart” these days. Even if they’re smart, and they tend to be a bit more pricy, they aren’t preloaded with crapware and usually have excellent warranties. So that’s another option.


Whether they’re online or not, if they’re preloaded with crapware they’re preloaded with crapware, and they’re still technically “smart”. If you’re trying to avoid dealing with those smart UIs, then they’re still a problem.


Yup, although I don’t currently. It’s my preference, but not a strong one. I’m 48 and American.

I don’t really have a good reasofor preferring it. I guess I just feel more involved and in control. Fun story, I didn’t learn to drive a manual until I was in my mid thirties.

s20, (edited )

Safely? Make a backup on an external drive. That’s at least safe-ish. Not trying to be flippant, this is just the only way I know that would qualify as “safe”.


Who in the world would like that many options.

KDE fans?

Awww, Plasma fans, you know I’m playin’.


Seriously, I envy you guys. Every time I try to use Plasma, I end up spending all my time tweaking the desktop, and by the time I’m done, I realize I’ve just recreated the Gnome workflow…

s20, (edited )

I had to look up Fitts’s law, and I’m not sure I get it. Could you explain what you mean?

ETA: I kinda feel like mine was about KDE not being a fit for me personally, and yours was a slam on Gnome rather than a statement of personal preference.


I mean, almost. I can pull it off on my desktop, but I can’t get the touchpad/touchscreen gestures to work right on my laptop.

Kinda looking forward to Plasma 6 to play around with, though. Might even be enough to get me to switch for a while!


Really? I’m not a tiling WM kinda guy, but I thought Forge was decent.


did i explain well?

Yes, thank you!

I personally love the feature set of Gnome, but I can see your point. Compared to other DEs, it might seem like a lot of wasted space. And I guess in a way it is, but I don’t miss those other functions.

The top right corner doesn’t even need a click to go to overview, which brings up my desktop view and the app launcher - that’s the bottom left and bottom right functions you described in one place, which makes sense to me since in my head they’re related.

The top right is still close maximized windows, but because of the way the Gnome workflow is structured, I don’t really use minimize basically ever, so I don’t miss it. Also in the upper right we have volume control and battery feedback.

I never have more virtual desktops than I’m actually using. Everything is exactly where I expect it to be. My brain is wired for the Gnome workflow, and extra options justbatent needed.

I’ve used Dolphin’s terminal in file manager thing, and while I can see the utility, I prefer my right-click -> open in Console setup. That’s just me, though.

Eh. It takes all kinds to make the world go round, I guess. FTR, I am a huge fan of the KDE project. Their contributions to the Linux world are massive and cannot be overstated. Krita alone is amazing, and I used calligre as my main office software for a few years.

I’m just not a Plasma guy. ¯_ (ツ) _/¯


True. Also, folks with cancer tend to lose weight, so cancer needs to be discussed as a practical weight loss solution.

/s, for anyone who can’t tell I’m being an asshole.


Yes. That’s exactly what his definition means.

I can kinda appreciate what he’s trying to say, but I think “default” might be a better word than “native”, but I’m not an expert.


NASCAR American.


Sorry, the whips? I don’t know enough about NASCAR to get that joke, maybe.


I hate that I saw the word “threadiverse”, knew exactly what it meant, and was still like " ugh frakkin’ kids today gotta have a word for everything… "

Getting old sucks. I don’t recommend it, but I also can’t think of a better alternative.


This works, and I’m speaking from experience. Nothing makes a short nap more effective at clearing cobwebs than coffee right beforehand.

If you can manage both, do this and then go for a walk for about 20 minutes before your interview. Physical activity can also help wake up your brain, and a walk shouldn’t get you sweating like heavier exercise might. Showing up for an interview sweaty isn’t a good look.

what's everybody's thoughts on Alma and Rocky Linux?

Tbh I do not know the ins and outs of rhel based distros, so these have caught my interest. I’ve tries live usb of both and I really did like the feel of alma. Rocky I thought felt like every other GNOME system… But I clearly dont really know much about these sort of distros and their capabilities. Are these considered...


I don’t see much point to enterprise distros unless you have a specific reason to use one, i.e. specific business or server applications. So unless you need it for that, you’re better off with a desktop Linux - Fedora if you want to stick with rhel’s sphere, Debian if you want super stable.


I can see that, but if that’s what they’re afraid of, then unless they need enterprise, Fedora is an empirically better choice. It’s more up to date, and it’s where RHEL updates come from (well, kinda).

If you’re afraid of missing out on new fun stuff, any enterprise OS will be a bad fit for your use case. Here’s the breakdown as I see it; this is me, YMMV:

  • If stability is vital, use Debian
  • If stability is more important than bleeding edge but still important, use Fedora or OpenSuse Tumbleweed.
  • If you want to get to know your system better and gain a better understanding of how Linux works, use Arch, but be ready to fix stuff if you break it
  • If, for some reason, you have a lot of time on your hands and want absolute control over your system, use LFS.
  • If you need enterprise, use Alma or Rocky

I’ll cheerfully recommend other distros for more niche needs; I don’t have anything against other distros (except maybe Arch derivatives that seem more like a GUI installer, a software set, and some user scripts…), but those are all my go-to recommendations.


I wasn’t forgetting either, I just don’t generally recommend either of those distros.

I don’t recommend OpenSuse Leap because I honestly can’t, for the life of me, see a use case for it. Debian is better for stability, Fedora is more up to date and still pretty solid. Tumbleweed represents another step into cutting edge land with its rolling release model, and I like it for that, and Yast is great and all, but Leap has outlived its purpose. It also seems like Suse agrees with me since last I heard, Leap was going to be discontinued.

I don’t generally recommend Gentoo because it’s a weird middle ground between Arch and LFS, and I’m not sure what it’s for anymore. Don’t get me wrong - I’ve done the Gentoo thing, and it really is excellent… but these days, it seems weird to me to want to go that far and not take the last couple steps to just build from scratch. Unless you’re in it for portage, which I can totally understand. Portage is awesome.


Hey, I’ve seen the “batteries included” thing several times related to ublue, but I don’t understand what it means here. Could you explain?

I know what the idiom generally means - everything you need to get started - and even the origin of the expression. I just don’t know what the metaphorical “batteries” are here.

s20, (edited )

In this case, I’m using idiom in its “I was a Creative Writing Major at College” sense; that is:

A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as in “keep tabs on”.

*credit to

So my use of the word here just means “expression” or “figure of speech,” which is probably what I should have said in the first place; sorry for the confusion.

Edit: a grammatical correction no one but me would probably notice or care about.


Alright, got it. Thanks for the explanation! I’m actually running ublue on two computers right now (bazzite on my desktop, beyond on my laptop, although I’m rebasing soon), so I’m not like a total noob to all this, and I have read the docs. I was just having trouble parsing an idiom.


While I 100% agree with your sentiment, one-word replies are, like, super dickish.

To which I imagine, if you reply at all, you’ll reply with a single word. So here, let me laugh at your wit:

Ha. Ha. Haaaa.


So say that. One word answers don’t contribute anything, don’t explain anything, and come off as, at best, insulting and dismissive.

Already agree with you, by the way. For exactly the reasons you just outlined. Well, except that I’ve taken to calling it “the bird site” because I don’t think it deserves a proper noun.


I kinda feel like this is better for folks who’ve been at it for a little bit. There are way too many distros claiming to be beginner friendly for a tool like this to be helpful.

I think it’s better to just send them to an easy to install, up to date distro that will suit their needs that has a DE that’s easy to understand but different enough from where they’re coming from to keep them from expecting it to work like windows. Stable updates from a GUI, software availability, and easy to use backup tools are all a plus.

Which OS am I talking about? Hell, I have no idea. Fedora? Maybe Vanilla 2 when it comes out? Certainly nothing Arch based (sorry, guys, I love arch too but it’s not for beginners…).

s20, (edited )

I’d agree if it weren’t for the Snaps bullshit. Because of that, I don’t want to recommend it to anyone because I don’t want to encourage Canonical.


Yeah, I’m not talking about the technical issues. Those are just growing pains. Snap is really no better or worse than, say, Flatpak. I don’t like dealing with it, but that’s not why I wouldn’t recommend Ubuntu.

It’s stuff like redirecting apt installs to snaps. It’s Canonical I have issue with, not Ubuntu itself.


Mostly, I sleep. When I’m not sleeping, I play relaxing video games or watch older TV shows/movies. So it’s like Stardew Valley and Better Off Ted/Airplane all day.

And, of course, chicken soup or your regional equivalent sick people food.


I’m not sure “boycott” is the right word, but I refuse to pay for games that have microtransactions in them.

I also won’t have anything to do with Hasbro in general and D&D specifically until they issue a public apology for the halfling art in 5e. I’m only half kidding.

I have a local grocery chain I only go to when I’m desperate because the president of the company is an absolute shit bag of a human being, and because they have armed guards confronting shoplifters, which is really fucking dystopian if you ask me.


My experience with Arch is generally that it gives me enough rope to hang myself. Basically, every arch setup I’ve ever done has broke on me, but it was pretty much always my fault.

And I keep doing it because I’m masochistic enough to find it fun.


This is kinda funny to me because I hadn’t realized how terrible the Windows workflow was for me until Gnome 3 came out.

Ever since, while I’ll use extensions for stuff like alphabetical app grid and Caffeine, I never do anything that changes the Gnome workflow. It’s not for everyone, but it absolutely is for me.


most open source projects burn out and go nowhere, and for-profit businesses have a higher chance of survival

You know like 50% of new businesses fail within 5 years, right? I don’t have stats on open source projects, but it seems to me those are more likely to fail because they’re run by one person who loses interest than because they don’t have a profit motive.


Dude, yes, they’re run by one person because it’s a hobby. This is like saying 99.9% of stories don’t get published because there was no profit motive. There usually isn’t when it starts, just a drive to create or fill a perceived void, or even just practice. I write damn near every day with zero profit motive.

Linux wasn’t started with a profit motive. None of the open source BSDs were either. As far as I can tell, they’re still not particularly profit motivated. Neither are a lot of other open source projects that have lasted ages. Where’s the profit motive behind Bash? It’s been around for 34 years.

An inability to pay bills can stop a person from working on a project, but at the end of the day it’s usually not profit that keeps an open source project alive. It’s popularity and passion.


Fair enough.


Oh wow, this takes me back. I’ve thought video games were cool since the first time I saw a Space Invades arcade cabinet when I was like 4. But the game that got me really into video games? I dunno. It was either Donkey Kong or Ms Pac-Man.

Yes, I’m old. Yes, I’ve been playing video games since the 70s. No, I’m not particularly good at them. But ask me whatever I guess 😁


I dunno, bud, I’m seein’ a lot of folks talking about 90s stuff, and more than a couple talking about 90s stuff they saw their dad playing. Which is adorable. I saw my dad playing Pong, so…

I’m not saying I’m the only greybeard here, just that we’re well outnumbered ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Gonna go with Manjaro. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why it gets the support it does. It’s not fantastic to begin with, with an apparently incompetent management team. Add in that all the theming is flat and lifeless, and I’m just confused.

I mean, any Arch derived distro with an “easy installer” kinda confuses me. Archinstall is fairly easy to use (although a bit ugly), and most other Arch based distros seem to miss what I see as the main point of Arch: getting to know and personalize your system. So things like Endeavor, Xero, etc. Don’t make a lot of sense to me either. But at least they’re not effectively accidentally DDOSing the AUR…


Although I like NixOS, I have to agree with the documentation being crap. Which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t so damn different. I mean, other distros have bad documentation, I just read some man pages or check the Arch or Fedora docs.


Gotta ask, since it’s my distro of choice… what’s wrong with Fedora?


Okay. Then use Endeavor. Easy to install, good tools, and not run by people who’ve let their SSL cert lapse 4 times.

But honestly, if you can’t deal with Arch install, I have to wonder if you wouldn’t be better off with something other than Arch and Arch based distros. Generally speaking, Arch based distros require more command line and config file editing.

I just don’t think Arch and Arch based distros are a good fit for beginners. If you’re intimidated by a TUI installer, you should start somewhere else. Fedora has a… usable installer and great GUI tools, for instance.

I’m not judging or bashing on anyone. But it’s like trying to learn how to knit by starting with a sweater. You’re in over your head before you even get started.


Red Had is downstream from Fedora and a monetary supporter of the Fedora Project. They don’t control Fedora.

But I can see your point.


I don’t want to sound like a jerk, and I say this with all due respect for Void, which I kind of like, but…

If your argument against a command needing too many keystrokes is “use alias” then you’ve already lost. Even you think it’s too long. Thats why you use alias…


Oh, I totally agree. If I was going to recommend an Arch derivative with an easier installer, Endeavor would be the one.

I still think, though, if you’re looking for an “easy way to install Arch,” you’re gonna be happier with a different distro. Fedora or OpenSuse Tumbleweed maybe.


I was just thinking of doing a fresh install on my gaming rig. I might give this a try. I’ve been wanting to dig into Universal Blue for a while and this seems like a good place to start!


Every time I read that phrase (amen brother), I hear it in my head in Hulk Hogan’s voice. Is that weird?


As an uninvolved party…

Sigh. Not uninvolved anymore I guess.

When one guy stopped calling me names and arguing against points I wasn’t trying to make, I backed down and listened and then acknowledged that he had a point.

I’m not rehashing the argument again. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go into my post history and throw things back in my face. I don’t know what the etiquette is, but it seems rude.


Seriously? I already directly addressed this in a reply to you.

This is at best, an outright lie. You want people to vote for the “lesser evil”, that is an endorsement of Biden and any other Democrat.

It isn’t an endorsement. How is calling something “evil” an endorsement? If I said “I hate beer cheese and pimento cheese, but if I have to eat one, I’ll take beer cheese” an endorsement of beer cheese? As far as I can see, I just said I hated them both.

You are trying to play a game where you admonish people to vote for Biden but get to dodge the argument about whether he’s worth voting for.

No, I’m not, and the fact that you think I am completely baffles me. All I said was *the other guy is worse." That’s the position I took. That does not require providing evidence of Biden’s virtues, because that position has nothing to do with his virtues.

How am I explaining this wrong? How am I fucking up my point this badly? Am I writing in English?

You endorse Biden

Again, no. Calling someone slightly less horrible than former president Cheeto isn’t an endorsement in the same way coming out of a movie theater and saying “well, at least it wasn’t Bloodfeast 2” isn’t a positive review.

but will not tackle his inadequacies because they’re inconvenient, so you act snide about it instead of addressing them.

Because my statement has nothing whatsoever to do with his inadequacies. I’m not being snide, I’m just fucking confused as to why you think I like the guy.

Rattle off all the shit you want about how horrible he his. I DO NOT CARE. HE’S NOT AS BAD AS THE OTHER GUY.

That’s not me being snide or sarcastic. That’s me shouting the same fucking thing I’ve been saying for days now. I’m not endorsing him, I’m anti-endorsing Trump. I didn’t vote for Biden, I voted against Trump.

Congrats. I’ve shifted from “confused and exasperated” to “fucking pissed off.” If that was your goal this whole time, well trolled.

  • This is lying

It is not. It is, at worst, being disingenuous. I’m not splitting hairs here. Lying is making false statements with the intent to deceive. Even if I was avoiding your question instead of trying my goddamndest to answer it, it would still not be lying.

Fuck, it wouldn’t even be dishonest, just shitty rhetorical practice and an asshole move.

I didn’t vote in the 2020 election and I won’t be voting in any other elections because I’m done voting for Democrats pretending to give a shit about anyone other than themselves.

Jesus fucking Christ fine! If that’s what your conscience demands, then fucking do that! Just get off my dick, and learn what the words “liar” and “endorse” mean.

Fuck’s sake.


Okay. Don’t read any further. Go ahead and walk away. It’s not like you were paying attention to anything I said anyway.

You’re wrong. I’m not lying. I’m not even being disingenuous. But, hey, fuck you decided I was, and u guess that’s fucking it.

Jesus. No matter what side of the argument, it’s assholes like you ruining the world for the rest of us. Have a nice life.

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