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As a recovering Abrams driver, this makes me giggle a little.


Kinda feel like this article is more about racism, imperialism, and colonization than it is about capitalism. Capitalism might have motivated the racsim, but if you know not view a group of people as being human, then bad shit is gonna happen regardless of the economic system.


I’m not going to disagree with you on any of those points.

It’s still not what the article says.


Yes. I get that, because I have the historical context. But nothing in the article directly says that, so to someone without the context, it doesn’t say anything about it.

I’m not being obtuse, I just think that unless your intent is preaching to the choir, the article isn’t a good choice without supporting context. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult me just because you don’t like what I have to say. I’m not even disagreeing with the central premise, just how you’re presenting your message, so maybe ease up on the ad hominem.

ETA: just realized you’re not OP. Sorry about that.

Ask Lemmy: Traditional vs natural mouse scrolling; which do you use?

Despite being a heavy cell phone user for more than 25 years, it only recently occurred to me that vertical navigation on most phones is inverted when compared to traditional computers. You swipe down to navigate upward, and up to navigate downward. I recently spent time using a MacBook, which apparently defaults to this...


Traditional with an actual mouse, natural on my track pad. On the track pad, traditional feels super weird.


I raised my right hand and swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

That wasn’t my best decision ever, and I kinda knew it while I was doing it.


Me to, brother.


That’s actually the beginning of the Armed Services oath you take when you join the military here.

But yes, kids do still say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools. That’s hand on the heart, not raised right hand though. And it also sucks.


Wait. You mean a country that takes education seriously and doesn’t kowtow to religious nonsense is better at science than a country where “evolution is just a theory” appears in high school textbooks?

Who could have guessed?

(Before you jump on me, this is not an endorsement of the Chinese government, or even their education system; it’s just an acknowledgement of one aspect of the two nations education systems).


It’s just an acknowledgement of one aspect of the two nations education systems

Wow. Just had to be a dick, didn’t you? Well, big man, hope you have a nice day.


“Oh no, someone pointed out I’m a dick in a public forum! I’ll mock him because that’s that’s dicks do!”

Sad dude. Just be less of a dick.


Out of curiosity, what distro comes with Pale Moon as the default browser?


I feel like the response may be as much to your open hostility as it is to your point.

It’s a point I agree with, before you blast me - I remember reading the mozilla should unfck itself article a while back and nodding along while I read it. And while I use Firefox (or a derivative) every day because it’s part of my feeble stand against Google’s browser engine monopoly, it definitely needs to unfck itself.

Another pick me a distro

Hello, fellow internet users. I am currently using Debian but would like a distro to try the new Gnome on. I have been using Debian for a while and I love the stability, but would like newer packages. I also, for no rational reason, would like to be able to use the default package manager exclusively. I used Fedora before and...


I’d like to help, but you said Fedora was “vaguely windowsey.” I’ve used Fedora off and on for close to a decade, and I have no clue what you mean. Like, it’s not at all windowsey in my experience.

So, in order to avoid what you’re talking about in other distros, I’m going to need some more details… what do you mean by “windowsey”?


Well, then you don’t want a pure Gnome experience. That’s what Fedora Workstation is. So any pure Gnome desktop is gonna feel “windowsey” to you. The new Gnome is excellent, but it’s still Gnome.

And I am even more confused as to what’s windowsey about it.


Ah! I see what you’re talking about! That particular load screen is becoming pretty common these days, although the themes differ quite a bit. I kind of miss the text flying by too, at least sometimes.

If you’re wanting to try out Gnome 45, the Fedora 39 beta is probably the easiest way. That’s what I’m doing. The loading screen you’re talking about is called Plymouth, and it can be easily disabled:

This process should work on any system running Plymouth.


I did not know this was a thing. I might have to actually use Edge now.


I have three possible solutions for you:

  1. Switch to Fedora Workstation
  2. Install Gnome on Mint
  3. Use Pop! OS

Option 1 is probably the best one. Fedora is as easy to use as Ubuntu but without Snaps or the rest of Canonical stuff. The downside is that it’s RPM based instead of DEB, but that’s not as big an issue as you might think, since Flatpaks cover a lot of ground, and between the Fedora and RPM Fusion repositories, most software is still available.

Option 2 is another way to go. It gives you exactly what you’re looking for in a way. Unfortunately, you’re going to end up with some Cinnamon remnants in your Gnome set up. That’s not too big of a deal, though, just some extra cleanup work removing the Cinnamon desktop stuff.

Option 3 is my least favorite. Pop! OS is great, and almost what you’re after once you disable some extensions. The only issue I have here is that Pop! will probably be shifting to their in house desktop environment COSMIC soon. Well, fairly soon anyway. I’m sure they’ll keep the Gnome version going, but it’s very clearly not going to be their focus. Still, Pop! OS might be exactly what you’re looking for!

s20, (edited )
  • The whole set of NES Mega-Man games had amazing soundtracks, although 2 is the best. There’s barely a story there, but the gameplay is solid.
  • Final Fantasy VI has Dancing Mad, and that alone would be enough, but the whole damn thing is just amazing, especially the Opera.
  • Similarly, Final Fantasy VII had a stellar soundtrack, including the holy-shit-this-is-amazing One Winged Angel.
    • All Final Fantasy games have great soundtracks, but these two are my faves
  • Someone mentioned Terraria, and I would be remiss if I didn’t second it. Not much story there, but I’ve been playing it for like 12 years and I’m still happy every time I start it up.
  • The Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind on all have bangin’ soundtracks. Oblivion had the best one (although Morrowind and Skyrim are both better games, IMHO).
  • Tempest 2000 for the Atari Jaguar of all things had a phenomenal soundtrack. Seriously, it it was one of the first games in the US to have its soundtrack sold in stores. And it stands up.

I’ll add more if I think of them. Most of the others I can think of have already been mentioned.


  • Chrono Cross, I can’t believe I forgot it! That OP is unforgettable, and yet somehow I managed to forget it! The game itself pales in comparison to its predecessor (Chrono Trigger, which also has a great soundtrack), but it’s not bad.
  • On a similar note, the original Wild Arms had an excellent soundtrack with a western theme. Actually, the whole Wild Arms series has good music, but I just couldn’t get past one of the main mechanics that showed up in 2 and stick around.
  • Another one I can’t believe I forgot, Nights: into Dreams had the best soundtrack on the Sega Saturn. It’s just perfect for the game, not a bad tune in there.

alias gimmie-dat-new-new=‘sudo dnf upgrade -y’

Although you should probably look over your upgrade before applying it as a general good practice. But, hey, I do this myself (dnfup instead of gimmie-dat-etc.), so I can’t talk too much shit.

ETA: If you want it to be a persistent alias, though, you gotta add it to your .bashrc


I’ve been playing Terraria since June of 2011. It. Is. Awesome. Possibly my favorite game of all time. I knew the devs were awesome too, and I’m not surprised to see this.

If you don’t own it, I promise Terraria is worth both your time and the 10$USD. Plus, you’ll be supporting a kick ass team!


I mean, that’s my plan.


If you don’t like a post, ignore it. If you feel like the community is missing a conversation, start it. Winging about what other people want to talk about is pointless.


This looks neat, and I’m going to try it out, but does anyone else think that putting RSS and podcast capability into a note taking app is a bit random?


The Tao of Pooh, the Te of Piglet, and the Tao Te Ching.


Battle for Wesnoth

This one never gets the love it deserves. It’s a fantastic turn based strategy game with multiple campaigns and storylines, multiplayer, and campaign design tools. It’s an old project (started in 2003, IIRC), but it’s still fantastic


Basically, this is Worms but with adorable little hedgehogs instead of, well, worms. Single player is okay, and it has online multiplayer I guess, but the real fun (just like in Worms) is local multiplayer. Also, it has Portal Guns. There’s really no downside to this one.

Re-volt io and RVGL

This one’s a little iffy. Re-volt was a fantastic R / C racing game with bright graphics, fun tracks, excellent controls, and a killer soundtrack. For good or ill, it was put out by Acclaim, which self destructed in 2004. The Re-volt fan community, however, doesn’t know the meaning of the word “quit.”

Nowadays, you can join a lively community with regular online tournaments of the game. There’s a new cross platform engine called RVGL (that’s Re Volt Game Launcher), and metric tonnes of mods and fan content. You still need the original game’s assets, though, which is where it’s dicey; they’re technically abandonware not open source, unless I’m mistaken.

Anyway, links!


This project’s aim is to be Civilization V, but with more abstract visuals, and, or course, free. In short, it’s FreeCiv, but Civ V instead of II and a UI from the 2020s rather than the 80s. (Not throwing shade here; FreeCiv is an amazing project that is exactly what it wants to be!)

If that’s not enough to keep ya’ happy, I know a few more, but they’ve mostly been covered by other folks here.

Edit: formatting


I feel you. Warmux was really neat. Sadly, it never got as much development as Hedgewars, even though the mascot theme was really cool. AFAIK, Warmux has been inactive (or at least extremely slow) for years, while Hedgewars has been thriving.

s20, (edited )

Is there a Yeah, That Happened community?

Because, sure, anon. That totally happened. 🙄

ETA: Jesus Christ, I got the “joke.” Calm down and stop leaping to the defense of some 4chan anon halfwit.




The AUR isn’t a package manager. It’s a package repository that you can use a package manager (on Manjaro it’s probably pamac) to install from.

There really isn’t a more extensive package repository than the AUR, and there’s definitely not one for any Arch based distro. If the package hasn’t been updated in a while, you might have to go to the project website and check for an alternative install method, like Flatpak, AppImage, or a precompiled binary.

ETA - someone pointed out Nix, which I had totally forgotten about. I feel like everything else I say here stands though.

As a side note, and I’m likely to get jumped on by Manjaro fans for this, but on Manjaro extensive use of the AUR can lead to system instability. This is because the official repos for Manjaro are out of sync with the Arch repos, and you can run into dependency problems.


I try to avoid any kind of “ThiNG BAd” statements. They’re just not helpful, and they tend to piss off anyone who likes the thing.

Thanks for not jumping on me, though. I really don’t mean any offense, just trying to be helpful.


I don’t think anyone was suggesting NixOS, just the Nix package manager and repository, which will work on any distro. There’s still a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not as steep.


I feel weird recommending this movie because I fully acknowledge it’s not exactly good, but…

The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)

This has long been one of my all time favorite comedies. I’ve seen it probably a half dozen times, and it still makes me laugh out loud. Bill Murray is brilliant and Alfred Molina is clearly having the time of his life. I absolutely love it.


“Tell him to use the plunger or we’re sunk!”


I did. It’s basically my first move after installing anything with a Gnome desktop; consistent theme is important to me and the GTK3 Adwaita-dark theme is a big part of that, otherwise gtk3 apps just look kinda… off.

Could that have messed up the Gnome default style switcher?


There are none, I’m afraid.


Once it clicked, it was kinda freaky. Descent two sentence horror story right there…


Seems like if they wanted to avoid this sort of suspicion, they’d time the announcement for either right before or nowhere near when the scheduled sale would take place.

But then they wouldn’t get to feel like a Bond villain, so…

s20, (edited )
  • Use like half the recommend amount of laundry detergent. Unless your clothes are filthy, it’s plenty, it’ll save you money, and it’s better for the environment.
  • Add 1/4 cup white vinegar as if it were liquid fabric softener (the food grade stuff, not the house cleaning stuff). This aids the detergent and acts as a mild fabric softener. It rinces completely in the wash and doesn’t leave an odor.
  • Use dryer balls - 2 ot 3 balls of felted wool about the size of a tennis ball - in place of dryer sheets. They do almost as well at killing static and softening clothes without the chemical residue.

And, finally…

  • Wash your clothes less often. Generally speaking, unless they’re visibly dirty or smell, they don’t need to be washed. This doesn’t apply to socks or undergarments - those should typically be washed, or at least rinced out, with every wear.

Edit: clarification, with thanks to antimidas who pointed it out!


Gah! Yes, the vinegar is for the softener cycle! I fixed it in my post. Thank you, kind internet stranger!


It isn’t, though. Made that way, I mean. I update maybe weekly and restart my system when I do. That’s it. I seldom get notification that I need to update unless I open the Gnome Software app, and unless it’s a security update, it’s not imperative to do it just because it’s there. And even then, it doesn’t always require a restart.

I’ve been using Fedora off and on (mostly on) for the better part of a decade, and I’ve never run into what you’re describing. So no. It isn’t “made that way.” I imagine if it were, it would be a hell of a lot less popular.


No shit? Really? Wow, thanks guys! I never would have guessed that were it not for the hard working folks at the Pentagon!



Battle for Wesnoth really needs more love. I know it’s popular in the open source gaming community, but seriously, it’s sooooo good. Mainstream gamers really ought to jump on board.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Unciv, but it’s another really well done open source game that needs more love:

Should I give Arch a shot?

I’ve been using Linux as my main OS for a couple of years now, first on a slightly older Dell Inspiron 15. Last year I upgraded to an Inspiron 15 7510 with i7-11800H and RTX3050. Since purchasing this laptop I’ve used Manjaro, Debian 11, Pop OS, Void Linux, Fedora Silverblue (37 & 38) and now Debian 12. I need to reinstall...


It’s like 700 words, dude. It’s shorter than a 6th grade book report.


Based just on this, I’d suggest looking into OpenSuse Tumbleweed. It’s got the reliability you need for your university work, all the software you need, and is about as close to bleeding edge as you can get without cutting yourself.

If, however, you’re also looking to gain a deeper understanding of how your system works, and don’t mind (or enjoy) troubleshooting problems yourself when they crop up, Arch is excellent.


Did it? That’s not how I remember book reports.

And this does have useful information.

Does anybody else continue to frequent Reddit, albeit without an account?

There are simply some communities I can’t find on Lemmy. For example, I use subreddits based on admissions to specific colleges that would never be able to function on Lemmy due to its size. I’d much prefer to abandon Reddit altogether but the information I need is usually only there.


I haven’t really looked back after I left Reddit. I have stopped on a Reddit page because of a search result, that’s about it.

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