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Actually, this problem is why I stopped using Jerboa. It’s really weird. Of course, like an asshole, I never bothered to ask about it ornfile a bug report, because I’m a bad person.

I use Eternity now, and I like it a lot.


In the doctor scenario, we’ve had adult diapers for a long time. Your solution is you let them pee in your car?

And your solution is they shit themselves on public transportation?

I mean, I’m 100% for better public transportation and urban centers designed around walking, but let’s compare apples to apples here.

They didn’t make a straw man argument, they had a point. It’s a genuine issue and they deserve better than a flippant remark telling them to make grandpa wear diapers so he can piss himself on his walk from the bus stop.


My point is that the “piss in the car” comment was mean, thoughtless, and added nothing. If grandpa is incontinent, then he’ll wear diapers regardless of the car or the bus.

Your comment was either a.) implying that messing themselves in public was better than in relative privacy, or b.) if you use a car, grandpa doesn’t get to wear Depends.

Take your pick.

It might not be what you meant, but you were too busy being a jerk to notice that it’s what you said.


It looks nice, the specs are great, and I want one, but seriously… Nvidia? Why?


Huh. Now that you mention it, all the linux-focused manufacturers seem to be using Nvidia for dedicated graphics. That is so weird.

BolexForSoup, to linux avatar

Looking to dip my toes into Linux for the first time. I have a 2016 Intel MacBook Pro with pretty solid specs collecting dust right now that I think I’m going to use. Research so far has indicated to me that the two best options for me are likely Mint or Elementary OS. Does anyone have any insight? Also open to other OS’s. I would consider myself decently tech savvy but I am not a programmer or anything. Comfortable dipping into the terminal when the need arises and all that.



To be fair, Fedora has opt-in telemetry. It’s 100% anonymized, though, and helps with development. I always say yes when I’m running a beta (like now).

That having been said, you should always check the privacy policies of any given distro. They tend to all be pretty up front about it (kinda hard to lie about it when anyone can check your source code…).

AFAIK, though, neither Mint nor Elementary collect telemetry by default, although they might have opt-in like Fedora. Both are based on Ubuntu LTS, but they also both scrape out so much stuff that they’re devoid of most of the Canonical junk.


I don’t want to be rude, but recommending Arch to a newbie who wants to dip their toe in is just mean. Why not tell them to set up an OpenBSD desktop while they’re at it.

And the laptop they’re using is from 2015. Why would you need the latest drivers for that?


Aren’t Flatpaks containerized? Am I misunderstanding what containerized means, how Flatpaks work, or both?


This is neat! Now we just need One Drive and Mega on there…


Rclone does AFAIK. It’s just not set up in this app yet.


Dear god, don’t use free VPNs. If they’re not charging you,.they’re making money somehow, generally by selling your personal data.


At the risk of bringing a lot of hate my way… …

The irony…


The first thing I check for is if a game is Terraria. If it isn’t, I play Terraria instead.

All kidding aside, I tend to enjoy games that involve exploration, character development, and pleasent visuals. Good sound design is also a must, and I prefer games to be at least somewhat action oriented.

None of these things are hard and fast rules for me, of course. I like a lot of different games.

Since when did Firefox make it so difficult to set custom search engine?

So been moving around a lot with browsers, waterfox, librewolf and very recently degoogle chromium, figured id look at Firefox and holy theres less than half the option in setting then there were afew years back but I gotta say the biggest sin is that adding custom search engine is obfuscated, and the chooses of engines are...


What are you talking about?


That took me like two second to find. You can also use addons, like this one for Qwant:…/qwantcom-for-firefox/?…

Which I like. But none of this is hard or “obfuscated”, and it’s literally identical to changing or adding a new search engine on Waterfox.

I have a lot of issues with Mozilla, not least of which is their reliance on Google for income. It’s like hiring a dingo as a babysitter. But c’mon, man.

s20, (edited )

Maybe. But even if that was the case, the way it is now isn’t obfuscated. It’s not difficult. It’s not hard to find out how to do it. You made a big long post to complain about an “obfuscated” feature that I found in under a minute.

Next time, either do a search or ask for help, instead of whinging like a n00b. Or worse, some kind of Google FUD-spreading parasite.

FFS, Jesus Wept. I finally understand those blokes over at FreeBSD telling me to RTFM twenty years ago.

Edit: Apparently, the synonym for complain I used before was offensive. It was not the “B” word, which I only use in reference to female dogs. Just wanted that to be clear.


TL;DR: Don’t lay this one on me, buddy. You walked in here looking for a fight.

I didn’t much care for the direction you started in. If you wanted an actual discussion, then opening with hostility and claims that could be refuted if you’d bothered with less than a minute of research is the wrong way to go.

If you want a civilized discussion, you have to start with a civilized post. My responses have been no more hostile than your opening salvo.

As it happens, Google’s influence over Mozilla is of massive concern to me. And I agree that the change was not needed. But it’s not obscure, it’s not hard to find out how to do what you wanted to do, and your hostility to responses suggesting DuckDuckGo only confirmed my suspicion that you didn’t want an answer, you wanted a fight.

So I gave you one.

Here’s the deal. If you walk into a place with guns blazing, you don’t get to act all surprised and indignant when someone fires back.


Yes. It is. And so was doing a big complainy rant without doing any research.

Again: if you want polite discourse, you have to open with that, not rant and get mad about it later. You set the standard, I just went along with it.

s20, (edited )

It’s not obfuscated if it takes less than a minute to find the answer, dude.

I liked it better the old way, but the feature isn’t hidden.

ETA: My point is you don’t get to complain when people reflect back the energy you put out.


You know, I had a big long thing about my local grocery store obfuscating the peanut butter, but I deleted it. I think I’m just gonna let this one go.

Look, dude, I think we probably caught each other at a bad time or something. I’m not generally this confrontational, and I kinda doubt you are either. I’m sorry I dragged it out so far, and I’m sorry I responded the way I did to your expression of frustration.

I’ll try to be better. Have a great day, yeah?


Not gonna lie, it looks cool as hell. But if I get a handheld it’ll be a Steamdeck. I might be more tempted if it was Linux based, though.


Then go get it! It’s still running strong, so why not?


I personally can’t stand those neon icon themes, but this looks like a lot of care and work went into it! It’s always fun to see stuff that makes fellow Gnomies happy.


Awesome! Like I said, it ain’t for me, but u I can appreciate it for what it is!


Honestly, this is kind of a weird question. It’s Google. They collect all of it. Every picture, every note, every keystroke. All of it.

The answer to "what information does GOOGLE SERVICE collect is always all of it.

Looking for a good Linux to install on a slow 2019 machine. Relative beginner with Linux.

Hello! My old laptops hard drive packed it in, so I got a new one and now need to flash drive an operating system on it. I think this is my time to give Linux a proper go. I tried it before for my gaming PC but switched for a cracked Windows key because I was young and not bothered to learn....


Many of the major distros with graphical installers would work. Fedora, Ubuntu, Endeavor, OpenSuse… it’s really the Desktop Environment and the default set of apps that’s going to make the difference for you, since that’s what determines how you interact with the computer on a day to day basis.

A lot of folks feel more comfortable with an interface like their old OS and simple graphical tools. If that’s what you’re after, it’s hard to beat Mint with its default Cinnamon desktop. It is very Windows-like in its workflow except just better. It’s got great gui system tools, a good community, and it’s super easy to install.

If that’s what you’re after - easy to install and just daily drive to browse the web and use google docs - then stop reading now. Mint is my recommendation. If you’re wanting to dive in and learn more about Linux along the way, keep reading!

I don’t agree with the “acts like my old desktop” philosophy, personally. I think it tends to make people expect the system to work like their old OS, and everything is different under the hood. It’s like putting a car’s dashboard and steering wheel into a tank. The vehicles are similar in a lot of ways, but they’re fundamentally different.

So, as a constant reminder that you’re using something fundamentally different from Windows, a Desktop Environment like Gnome or KDE is a better choice.

Gnome is very different from the Windows workflow. I’m told it takes people a bit to adjust to it, but I wouldn’t know. For me, Gnome is the most intuitive DE I’ve ever used. I had the basics down in seconds. I recommend Fedora Workstation if you want to try it out. It’s up to date, has a great set of default apps, and has a strong community. I use Fedora, and I’m very happy with it.

KDE can work like Windows, if that’s what you’re after… but it can also work nearly any way you want it to because it’s so amazingly flexible that it’ll knock your socks off. The number of settings and things you can tweak, rearrange, and modify to your liking can be a bit overwhelming, but it can also be fun. I’ve spent literal hours having fun tweaking my desktop (although I always end up with something that imitates the Gnome workflow lol). It does a great job showing you how adaptable Linux can be, and how it’s all about your choices as a user. I love it, even if it’s not my DE of choice. If that sounds like your kind of fun, then KDE Neon or Fedora’s KDE spin ate worth a look.>


Oh dear god it’s hideous, at least on mobile. Yuck.

Europol Sought Unlimited Data Access in Online Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (

According to minutes released under FOI, the European police agency pushed for unfiltered access to data that would be obtained under a proposed new scanning system for detecting child sexual abuse images on messaging apps, with a view, experts say, to training AI algorithms....


I used to love Peppermint back when all I had was a shitty old laptop. Great, lightweight system by default without a bunch of extra crap you don’t need.


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  • s20,

    I’m extremely wary of Manjaro in general. I don’t personally care for their approach to package management (delaying the Arch core repository but still relying heavily on AUR seems like a recipe for instability to me), and the Manjaro team have shown themselves to be less than reliable.

    All that said, if you’re mostly happy with Manjaro, then Arch or Endeavor might be the way to go. They use the AUR (Arch of course is where the AUR started, and Endeavor is based on Arch, but doesn’t delay or muck with the Arch repositories the way Manjaro does).

    Endeavor is super easy to install. Cinnamon is one of the available DEs on the installer image, and their system tools are good. They also have an active community and haven’t (to my knowledge) accidentally DDoSed the AUR with an update, so they seem more competent than the Manjaro team.

    Arch, of course, is the forerunner to Manjaro. It’s slightly more difficult to install than Endeavor, using either the archinstall script or the Arch Method, but kind of worth it for the level of control it gives you over your system. Since you make your own post install scripts, I don’t think you’d have much issue here. Cinnamon is (of course) available, and the community is extremely knowledgeable, although they do expect you to be able to RTFM and perform basic troubleshooting on your own. As an added bonus, you get to say “I use Arch BTW” with a sense of either irony or smug superiority. Both are good.

    I use Fedora, BTW. It has Rawhide for bleeding edge, Copr for expanded packages, and a Cinnamon spin. I don’t think it’s a good match fr what you’re looking for, but it might be worth looking at.

    An up side to all three of these is that you usually don’t need to reinstall your whole system multiple times a year to keep it clean and running smooth. That was my experience with Manjaro back in 2016 or so, though, so I can see why you do it.


    Having recently undergone a full extraction of my remaining teeth and gotten dentures, I’ll take “has a healthy set of teeth”- or “can afford dental implants”-man


    Alright, then I can be “I can afford experimental treatment to regrow my teeth-man!”


    Did they go looking doe the most smug, I’m-an-asshole expression possible for that guy, or does he just look like that?


    I agree in this case, but not every author is a good reader, and even when they are, their voice isn’t always the right voice. I love Stephen King to death, but I’ll pass on him reading The Stand. Meanwhile, I wouldn’t listen to On Writing read by anyone else.


    Stephen Fry has what might be the best voice for audiobooks ever. It’s like having your British grandfather read you a bedtime story. I imagine. I mean, my grandfathers were from Chicago and Missouri, so I guess I wouldn’t know, but still.


    I didn’t mean that King had read the stand, just that he would be wrong for that part. I can’t think of one he read that he wasn’t a good choice for, except maybe Desperation.


    This seems awesome and all, but I can’t install any of the add-on on my Firefox Beta. The add-on site says I need a newer version of Firefox.


    During the initial startup, you’re asked if you want to share telemetry. I honestly can’t remember if it’s default on or off, but you can’t miss it.


    “It has a cool default theme for Gnome, and there’s a colored bash prompt.”

    The “cool default theme” in Fedora is the default Gnome theme. There isn’t a “colored bash prompt.” Fedora is a major distribution on par with stuff like Arch and Debian, so news about Fedora is news about linux.

    Love Fedora, hate Fedora, I couldn’t care less. But at least do a little research.

    s20, (edited )

    Here’s the thing, YouTube. When you first started running ads, I didn’t really mind. They were short, there weren’t that many, and if they were particularly annoying or repetitive, there was a skip button. I respected that you needed to make money and that you wanted to pay the content creators, and you respected my time.

    But then you decided to flood the fucking platform and cut the revenue share with the creators. Without adblock, I can’t watch a 5 minute video without 5 minutes of ads. You’re trying to force me into paying for your premium service by annoying me to death.

    Which I might do if I thought the people whose videos I actually like got a decent share of the revenue. But they don’t. Hell, at least one of my favorite YouTubers is regularly demonetized, so they wouldn’t see a penny.

    So, YouTube, I’ll keep blocking ads and use services like Patreon to support my favorite YouTube folks the best I can. And if you won’t let me use adblock? Well, I guess I have to find some other way to occupy that hour or so a week I use your service, because I’m sure as shit not using half of it to watch ads that don’t benefit the people whose videos I enjoy.

    ETA: this post contains hyperbole ( ).


    Err… no?

    As far as I can tell, “hyperpolic” is a typo, and you meant “hyperbolic”, which kinda fits, but it would be “contains a hyperbolic statement,” rather than “contains hyperbole.” It would be less clear, though, since “hyperbolic” can refer to either “hyperbole” or “hyperbola”.

    Meanwhile hyperbole refers only to a figure of speech and not potentially an open curve with two branches.

    Sorry, did I ruin your joke? I ruined your joke didn’t I. Man, I just can’t stop myself from being a pedantic jackass…


    Oh, I care about Five (Seven, Nine) Eyes every bit as much as I care about China, I assure you. But in a thread about a Chinese company’s new tech, it would be a bit weird to complain about NSA data mining. Kinda off topic, if you see what I mean.


    I do. I’m with you on that. But it makes marginally more sense that bringing up the NSA would.


    Well, it doesn’t really, except that you mentioned the US trade ban, which brings the reason for the US trade ban into the topic at least tangentially.


    Oh, I agree it’s a leap. It’s just slightly less of a leap than complaining about the NSA. I’m not saying you’re wrong about the knee-jerk reaction some Americans have to Chinese tech and China in general.

    It’s just that the sputtering nonsense makes very slightly more sense after you mentioned the ban in the original post. You opened a crack in the door, is what I’m saying, and if an American Jingoist Asshat can get his head in the crack, he’s gonna get all the way in.


    Oh, no dude, it’s not kind of weird…

    It’s fucking creepy and bizarre culty shit. And that’s coming from someone who grew up doing it.


    Really? Huh.

    Yeah, that kinda tracks. Thanks!

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