I admin the.coolest.zone, the coolest site on the net for online social engagement.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


I was really hoping for the Duo to succeed and be iterated upon. It fascinated me and seemed like it would be useful for taking notes at work, provided I ever RTO. Oh, well.


Wow $200? Must be an insane conversion rate from USD to DarSeq. Time to stock up on bat'leths while the getting's good.


If it's anything like my vehicle, they forgot to securely tighten the gas dilithium cap after refueling.

(US) Introducing Comingle: An opt-in UBI (Universal Basic Income) to provide a stable weekly income based upon users contributing 7% of their income (comingle.us)

Comingle is an interesting idea that would act as a pseudo emergency fund to provide a stable week to week income for their users. It could act to stabilize your income if you have an irregular income or as an backup plan or insurance for when you lose a job or income source. It works by distributing the average of all their...


I like the concept. I'm highly concerned by the fact that they only seem to have gotten to the "we can move around monopoly money" stage and are asking $75,000 via Indiegogo to do all the "user verification and fraud detection" stuff. Do I trust this startup to have all my bank and credit report info? (And sure, they say they "may" need a soft credit pull, but let's be realistic - to prevent people from connecting just one dummy checking account and pretending they have no income, Comingle's gonna have to pull everyone's credit and link all the bank accounts.)


To add onto this comment: for every additional dollar invested in the IRS generates a $6 return, according to Treasury estimates. The only reason not to fund the IRS is to cripple the government.

Can I get firefox to act as two separate browsers? (fedia.io)

Say I have a window of mostly music that I want to open with shortcut a, and a window of work stuff that I want to open with shortcut b. Is there anything I can do to get firefox shortcuts to remember the windows separately? I don't want to use chrome or a different browser as the second window, but that would work for...

/kbin logotype

You can have two separate profiles, and two different task bar shortcuts that open up the different profiles. They'd essentially store different user data like history and bookmarks and previously opened tabs, and you could have a music profile and work profile. I did this for work at one point in my life. One helpful thing was making sure they each had different theming to be visually distinct so I could keep track of where to open things.


Man, this one speaks to me on a certain level. It's like, the horse speaks to the past, the porch speaks to days past of someone waiting on the porch for you to come home from school, a bunch of weird displaced nostalgia. Looking at it through a peephole or doorbell camera adds to that sort of displacement, watching through a lens like we observe all of the past through lenses and books and memories, but never directly.

And, as much as the past says "wait for me", you can't - the past is stuck and cannot ever catch up, and the present moves further and further from it, so if you wait you only become similarly displaced from the present.

Weird feelings about this horseposting, man. Neigh 🐎


I have talked about VAST in a previous thread here but this bears repeating: a lot of neurotypicals, especially younger kids who grew up for several years on screen-based learning while the pandemic raged, have environmentally-caused ADHD-like symptoms, and we need to find ways to help them as well.

From ADHD 2.0 (highly recommend this book):

Modern life compels these changes by forcing our brains to process exponentially more data points than ever before in human history, dramatically more than we did prior to the era of the Internet, smartphones, and social media. The hardwiring of our brains has not changed— as far as we know, although some experts do suspect that our hardwiring is changing— but in our efforts to adapt to the speeding up of life and the projectile spewing of data splattering onto our brains all the time, we’ve had to develop new, often rather antisocial habits in order to cope. These habits have come together to create something we now call VAST: the variable attention stimulus trait.

Whether you have true ADHD or its environmentally induced cousin, VAST, it’s important to detoxify the label and focus on the inherent positives. To be clear, we don’t want you to deny there is a downside to what you are going through, but we want you also to identify the upside.

Their journey to addressing their brain issues will be different than ours but we can support each other in the meantime.


My development/testbed instance is hosted on its own Hetzner server via a separate subdomain of my existing domain. It does need to be exposed to the internet to test federation, and it does need a domain to my current understanding (in that I haven't tried it with just an IP address). Email is a very good analogy, as the original well-known federated web communication tool. :)

There is a way to install and run kbin via docker, that's what I use for both my dev and prod setups.

I would highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the ActivityPub spec to understand what you're looking at, and try GETting a few comments, threads etc via Postman. ActivityPub, much like email, is peer to peer, account to account. An activity comes from one actor to another. So understanding kbin necessitates understanding things like "a magazine is also an actor" and "the reason threads and microblogs are different is because they have different activity types."

Once you've got a handle on that, the psql database will make a lot more sense when you explore it, and you can connect all the dots together. Even though I do not have more than a rudimentary grasp on PHP, with the current understanding of ActivityPub and the database I have I'm slowly putting all the pieces together. :)

What type of YouTube videos have high replay value and are worth downloading?

Seeing how there are official and unofficial options to download videos from YouTube, I wondered why downloading of videos was endorsed in the first place, I have downloaded videos in the past, but it was due to some project work. I haven’t really downloaded a video for entertainment, education or any personal reason at all. I...


Two lost media from my childhood.

  1. the lost "Saban Moon" pilot. Something talked about on Geocities pages back in my preteen years which was almost guaranteed never to be recovered, until someone dropped it on YouTube last year.
  2. Pokemon Live. I desperately wanted to go to this, it was even playing in the next city over, and my parents said no, we'd buy the VHS advertised on the Pokemon website whenever it came out... Guess what never came out? I spent years scouring old websites for script fragments, saving screenshots and camcorder bootlegs, audio recordings... I would wager that, until six years ago, I had the most complete version of Pokemon Live out of anybody on the internet. And then someone dropped the full version, one of those saved for posterity full stage recordings, onto YouTube.

Both of these are abysmal, but it's not really about the destination so much as it is about the proof of having taken the journey.


So, I've been mulling this over. I know Microsoft Word web version is free and I suppose that's their replacement, but it needs to be more accessible if that's the case. Like, for my very Average Mom who buys a laptop, she actually was using Wordpad for years until I got her onto my M365 family plan because it was a built in program and she knows how to navigate the Start menu and open programs.

Assuming a parallel universe where she didn't have access to desktop Word, how does she know Microsoft Word Online is available to her? Is there a shortcut on the desktop, or directly from Edge? Should there be a start menu icon which opens it up directly? Has Microsoft considered this? I would hope they have.


Hey, it also has tabs on Windows 11, which is a very useful feature! It's the only thing I find myself missing when I move from my W11 work laptop back to my W10 home desktop.


Oh, if that's the case then it makes perfect sense why Wordpad is being deprecated, and I'm glad Microsoft is keeping things simple and sensible for average basic users. I've only ever used a corporate image for W11 so it didn't have those shortcuts.

Just moved from Motorola, any worthwhile tools to emulate moto flashlight and camera gestures?

All I find is suggestions from a few years ago, so probably outdated or maybe there appeared some better tools in the meantime, there are some apps in the play store but I need something good privacy wise, no training demon, also small battery life impact would be nice...


I moved from a Moto X many years ago and I still miss the double flick to open the camera. I also miss how compact that phone was.


Kbin, like Reddit, is more about following topics and conversations rather than people. I have a Mastodon account but I never really got into following people and posting whatever on my account - I vastly prefer the forum-like nature of browing by topic, responding to interesting conversations, etc.

I think somewhere in KbinStyles you may be able to find a script which places the comments above the replies, but honestly I kind of like the way the comment box at the bottom encourages you to at least skim the existing replies first.


When these things were originally being tested, at least the Waymo ones I'm familiar with, there was a driver who could manually override in case of issues. Honestly, if these things still have issues with emergency situations (and other unexpected situations), they absolutely still need a driver with the ability to manually override the car. That way, they can still test the self-driving function while being able to actually maneuver the car out of the way of things like this.


I'm a Boimler and I'm okay with that. Just happy to be here, doing my job, learning new things, occasionally having meltdowns about stupid stuff.


I realize we're all on the "fuck Meta" train (and yes, fuck 'em), but I will note that my kbin instance is also collecting all of that from y'all just due to how federation works (except for IP address I believe).


Access logs, sure, but I'm thinking of like federated user logs. Because for example, you're not accessing the.coolest.zone, you're on lemmy.world. I wouldn't have your IP address, and even if you dipped over to the .zone I'd not be able to associate it with your account.

I assume what they mean by IP address collection is in fact access logs, as opposed to everything else which comes thru standard ActivityPub protocols. And, Meta being Meta, they probably have enough info and tracking pixels on us all to be able to correlate all that data together.


Social interaction. It would be nice to not just be so exhausted talking to people. It would be nice to not dread the idea of sending someone a text, like it's some insane mental effort and not the smallest thing. It would be nice to not be lonely but totally unwilling to do what it takes to correct it.


Good. Moving workers to salary is a way to avoid paying them overtime. They should absolutely be eligible.

Many salaried managers in low-wage industries such as retail and fast food are currently exempt from earning overtime pay, even when they work long hours.


Hell of a world where people have to build their own open source systems for basic medical care, but I'm all for it. It'll help the technologically savvy, and then for-profit med companies will race to catch up to maintain their dominance and the less tech-savvy will also have the improvements they need.


Apologies if I sounded flippant. The first part of the article made it sound to me like companies weren't developing this with any real urgency, hence why they had to do it themselves:

They knew that a fairly straightforward piece of software could make their lives much easier, but no companies were developing it quickly enough.

And I suppose what I meant by "basic medical care" is more that, at least to the extent I am aware of, the medical community is well-versed in how to manage the issue, and with the amount of people who suffer from T1 diabetes and the rapid rate of technological progression in society in general, these solutions should not only already be available but should be available to everyone, and shouldn't be as expensive to manage as it is. Near the end of the article is the comment:

A team at the University of Otago in New Zealand has run a successful early-stage clinical trial of an open-source insulin pump. The goal is to provide free-of-charge design plans to qualified manufacturers to build pumps for a fraction of the cost of current commercial ones.

I suppose it just upsets me in general that the goal of building low cost insulin pumps isn't a globally shared one across manufacturers.


thought: 💭
bonus: touch 👉, taste 👅, sight 👁️

all the senses:

You're welcome.



he is pointing at a brick wall to indicate that he knows where he is in relation to it and will not walk face first into it



my mistake, he is now able to move and can thus be aware of his bodily movement


hmm, nope. I am not a fan of that in the slightest, thanks for giving me a new fear.


You've eloquently stated what I came in to reply. To hell with this unequal system that all but forces people to steal basic necessities to survive. I'm certainly not gonna say "oh boy let's shoplift for fun" but I'm also not going to condemn someone who's doing what they think they need to do to help them and their family get by.

We desperately need not only better healthcare (physical, mental, and dental), but a revamped welfare system (maybe to the level of UBI), a better low-income housing strategy, etc etc.

Very few kids say "oh boy, I'm going to be a petty criminal when I grow up." Society fails kids and they become desperate and jaded adults.

A decentralized, blockchain-based messaging network for safer communications (techxplore.com)

Researchers from several institutes worldwide recently developed Quarks, a new, decentralized messaging network based on blockchain technology. Their proposed system could overcome the limitations of most commonly used messaging platforms, allowing users to retain control over their personal data and other information they share...


retain control

Notably, in Quarks, every user operation and information exchange that takes part on a channel is carried out via the ledger's so-called smart contract. In practice, this means that no-one outside of a channel should be able to send or read messages on it. In addition, all messages on the channels cannot be altered or edited, yet they can be audited, meaning that users should be able to derive information about when they were created, sent, delivered, and so on.

Ah, yes. I definitely want anyone in the world to figure out who I'm communicating with by checking the timestamps of when various messages were delivered. Much like how the "anonymous" Bitcoin could be pretty easily de-anonymized just by checking where various bitcoins go and inferring who those wallets likely belonged to.


Ah, gotcha, I may not have read carefully enough. I do see how an auditable decentralized trail of messages and any edits made might be useful for certain very sensitive communications then.


Because you of in the food, Jon. You literally just said it. Get it together, man. That lasagna ain't gonna cook itself.

Google just made it a lot easier for people to begin automating their smart home (www.engadget.com)

Google has really tried to go all in on automation since the rollout of its redesigned Home app in May. There’s been the introduction of a new script editor, Nest Cam Indoor integration and, now, a whole slew of new routines to use. The company has announced 18 new routines — half starters and half actions — immediately...


Oh boy, I'm looking forward to going all in on Google Home only for it to be deprecated in three years!

(Hey folks, Home Assistant is pretty cool and you can run it locally on an old laptop.)


Here you go: https://www.home-assistant.io/

You would need to do some pre-planning before going ahead with this and it's not as simple as Google Home for sure. For example, my household went all in on Zigbee lights and switches so we had to get a Zigbee antenna to connect to our old laptop running Home Assistant and make sure all our cool LED smart lights and other cool gadgets were compatible, etc. I'm also tagging @ISometimesAdmin who did a lot of the networking stuff in case he wants to add anything.

I'm attaching an image of my dashboard setup for my room, just as an example of what can be accomplished. (This may not federate to Lemmy so I will self-reply with a link if necessary) This shows my and my household's location, the downstairs Sensi thermometer climate (which can be controlled), the light controls, temperature/pressure/humidity which is a little Aqara sensor from Amazon, and the Air Quality comes from my Winix air filter which can also be integrated to Home Assistant. You can really do a lot.


This is very true. It does look like they've made it much easier lately with pre-purchasable hardware though. I know that it's a steep price compared to Google Home, but the advantage is that you're not tied to a Google ecosystem which can just unexpectedly shut down at a moment's notice. (Listen y'all I'm still mad about Google Inbox.)


If the image link didn't come in: here you go.

There's also purchasable hardware that comes pre-installed with Home Assistant and has zigbee built-in, it looks like, which is neat (though expensive).


This is why you stop messing with the damn timeline. The Department of Temporal Investigations can only do so much, folks.


RSD sucks. If you're crippled by constant anxiety and meltdowns (like I was) or have anger management issues, guanfacine or clonidine can go a long way in managing the symptoms. It's really nice to not be constantly terrified of disappointing people.


I've been using the Microsoft launcher for a while now and it's nice, but laggy. And I had to finally uninstall the Bing browser app because it just wouldn't stop crashing.


Ricardo's just out here doing his best. Good job, Ricardo. Your notification test was successful.


the tree craves love and social acceptance, just as a human do. love the tree. hug the tree.


They absolutely will. The EU's Digital Markets Act requires interoperability between social messaging services. ActivityPub is an easy way to comply because they are "technically" interoperable but can still choose to only federate with instances that abide by their rules.


Did you know that Reddit's newest chat function technically uses Matrix? Boom, the capacity for interoperability should the EU come down on them. That's just one example of the background ways companies are preparing for this.

To learn more, the EU has put together a helpful site at this link.


How about "positive carbon negativity" and "negative carbon positivity"? As a bonus, this allows us extra terms such as "negative carbon negativity" and "positive carbon positivity" which can be similarly confused for each other!

(On a more serious note, "carbon reducing" and "carbon increasing" are good.)


mm mm nothing does my body better than sleeve of saltines


I'm acerbic. Sometimes I'm outright a jerk. I'm pretty good about taking criticism and I like taking that criticism because then I can improve, but then I apply the same to other people who may not want to be criticized in that manner. I'm trying to be more mindful about how certain people communicate and like to be communicated back to, but it's a slow journey.


Self-reply because it occurred to me... if I had to be illiterate and could never learn to read or write again, I'm absolutely choosing the no legs option. My above answer is entirely predicated on the fact that I'm very good at picking up other languages and other alphabet systems, and therefore could re-learn fairly quickly... but if that's not an option then I'm going legless and saving money on dress pants. Shorts for life 🩳


Unfortunately I don't know. It could very well have been that their own instances were being flooded by traffic from kbin.social and this was their solution. However, to my understanding this was added to the source code itself so all lemmy instances upgrading suddenly become an issue for kbin instances. I had to change the user agent in my own kbin instance to stop the flood of errors as it was absolutely messing up the.coolest.zone and I basically couldn't troubleshoot any legitimate failed messages.

Whatever the case is, I'm very glad it's resolved now.

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