@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Generally with most Fediverse applications, the idea is that since they all “speak” ActivityPub, that you’re supposed to be able to subscribe to content from other applications from your account/instance. In practice the results may vary (I haven’t used Kbin so I don’t know what it does and doesn’t support), but your Kbin login will only work on kbin.social, since logins themselves aren’t federated.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Short of an “Act of God”, Unity has no chance at redemption lol.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I shudder to think of what they must be like in face-to-face interactions

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Yep, I worked five years of Internet tech support - I still do not like taking one-on-one calls with people. I’m usually fine with being in a group call generally, because the focus isn’t on me to drive the whole thing forward all the time, along with a few other reasons.

Not to mention, it’s not even just on a physiological level either - it wasn’t really all that long ago where I was on a pay-as-you-go phone plan where phone calls absolutely would add up if I spoke with everyone over the phone instead of text (which no one in my circle uses regular SMS so texting basically didn’t cost me anything).

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m kind of surprised, I thought they were done with The Division series after TD2 being put into maintenance mode. Will be interested in seeing how it ends up at least.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Isn’t BlueSky still on an invite system?

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I think it’s far more likely that easier solutions to hosting your own LLM/ChatGPT/etc will be pushed, rather than someone (or a group of someones) offering and maintaining it - as you mentioned, that takes a lot of resources. Think about the issues that various Fediverse software has had in terms of keeping up with the load sometimes, and LLMs use way more than most Fediverse applications. Especially if you want it to be as snappy as the current ones already out there.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Oh that’s quite simple! I’ve been just using Nginx, I’ll have to have a look into Caddy, thank you!

How likely is this to work? KVM/VFIO Single GPU Passthrough (www.youtube.com)

I’ve been wanting to make a proper switch over to Linux for a while now. I’ve currently have a dual-boot setup but still mostly use Windows. The majority of my games should work without fuss, but I’d like to have a simple solution for running the handful of things that don’t work in Linux, such as my WMR VR headset and a...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

This can be obtained from ProtonDB, once you’ve signed in then click the the “Dashboard” tab!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ah this is fantastic! I’ve only been using Kagi for a few months, and have been concerned about running into the search limit, but this means I can go and set it as the default everywhere now.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Looks great! I’m running the upgrade on my instance right now.

For anyone else who is updating, be sure to take a look at the updated dependencies in the upgrade notes.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Does Minecraft (specifically the Java edition) count as a Linux native game? It’s written in Java, so thus it’s not really “native” to one specific platform.

It’s always worked perfectly for me on Linux, and have a lot of strong memories with the game. Pair it with something like Prism Launcher for easily installing mods / modpacks / resource packs / etc (which is available on Flathub) and you’ve got a pretty good setup! Though the “official” launcher is available through most package repositories these days as well.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

This community is explicitly not for support.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

At the end of the day though, that unfortunately still does not meet the requirements of posts for this community. For the moral support side, that would probably be better suited for one of the Fediverse communities.

AskLemmy is supposed to be the equivalent of AskReddit as defined by the mods, for better or for worse.

From the post before this that I can see from OP:

P.S. - I’ve seen posts from other people, within hours from now (so it appears to work with other people), but when I hit “App details” when searching for reviews and ratings for this app, it responds saying “Something went wrong - Try again”.

I really want to express everything comes through my mind, because thoughts flow through me all the time, and I’m looking for a website that accepts it.

Though I can’t see what their original post that prompted that one was (I assume after it was removed by the mods, OP deleted it - since I’m an admin on my own instance I can still see posts that were removed by mods), I’m going to assume it was still not meeting the rules of the community.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Yes, and I’d rather not have my time wasted by waiting on thousands of small files transfer, rather than just compressing it and the time spent of one file transferring being much smaller.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m not sure why, but every time I use XWayland Video Bridge (installed as of about 2 days ago so it should still be pretty new), I just end up with a black screen being broadcasted - not sure what could be causing that.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’d be willing to at least consider that for other companies, but not Google. As far as I know, they still make more money from advertising than selling hardware. Pretty sure they’re just selling the hardware as a vehicle to transport more data.

So there’s no real motivation for them to risk compromising the PR on doing something like this - especially after just hearing that they’ve extended updates for Chromebooks to 10 years.

Those are just my thoughts on it.

Aphantasia... apparently 3% of the world has it. Any aphantasists in here, who've had success improving their condition?

10 years ago, I’d have put my ability to visualise at 0 out of 10. Practice and occasional halucinogen use has got me to 2 out of 10. It causes no end of problems in day to day life, so I’m interested to hear if anyone has tips or just experiences to share so it doesn’t feel such a lonely frustrating issue....

russjr08, (edited )
@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I know exactly what you mean. To my, my form of internal visualization has always been more what some people consider to be their “mind’s eye”, but even that has a wide-ranging definition depending on who you ask. I like your explanation quite a bit more than just “mind’s eye” though!

I can’t “visualize” a full blown table, the example used in the article I linked, but I can imagine a very abstract form of a table. More like, if you were to take a modeling or 3D drawing program like Microsoft’s Vizio and created a table in it, that’s more what I can visualize. Or if someone asks me to imagine the sun, I can imagine a clip-art version of the sun, but I can’t imagine vibrant brightness with it (another example used in the article).

Anything much more than that, and I’m no longer visually seeing it, but doing something more that you describe. As a random example, if you asked me to visualize a white neutron star, I can’t literally see one in front of me - but it does make me recall memories of seeing one in the game “Elite: Dangerous”.

I’ve heard theories (I don’t know the accuracy of said theory) that when you’re dreaming, your brain can’t come up with something that’s never existed - so when you see people, even random people, they’re just random people you’ve encountered in your life but don’t have any connection to. It’s a sound theory for me, because that’s how my form of mental imagery works, you could describe some totally fictional dragon as accurately and detailed as possible, but I won’t be able to visualize it past a really abstract level. So if someone describes a purple dragon but gets really descriptive, I could visualize a generic animated dragon that is purple - probably would look more like Barney to me but… yeah.

Edit: Although that being said, I’ve noticed I’m a lot better at visualizing text. When I’m asked “How do you spell $some_word_here” I often find that I’m spelling it out-loud by reading out each individual letter. With programming, I find that when recalling something along the lines of “How do you make a function that does…”, I’m using a combination of looking at a block of code I remember, and inferring the missing pieces.

I guess my brain is just weird…

Is there an alternative "lite" web front-end for Nextcloud?

My Nextcloud instance runs reasonably well on the server side, and my desktop and phone are able to render the web UI reasonably fast when I want to…but I also have a tablet with slow hardware and wifi that is just unusably slow with the Nextcloud web UI. Like, it’ll take multiple seconds to render the login page, but only...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’ve not heard of an alternative Web UI for Nextcloud - but I imagine your best bet would be to look for apps that can connect to the actual services being hosted by NC itself. So for example, using CalDav/CardDav to sync Calendar/Contacts/Tasks, etc. Unsure about the RSS Reader though because I’ve not used its RSS Reader, but I imagine there’s got to be something that can connect to it.

[Solved] Federation Issues

I run a Lemmy instance at lemmy.sedimentarymountains.com. It has been working for some time. 6 days ago it stopped getting updates from communities it was federated with. If I view all posts by active there is nothing newer than 6 days old. I checked disk space on the server, there is plenty. I don’t appear to be running out...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Your SSL certificate is expired, as of 6 days ago, federation won’t work without HTTPs.

Once you fix that, I would assume it should start working again (it may take a bit for federation to resume once this is done)

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Would the service not be using software though? I’ve just woken up so bare with me here (so I could just be seeing/interpreting this all wrong), but I thought the AGPL was somewhat(?) intended to be used for *aaS (“Something”-as-a-Service) types of deals. MongoDB for an example (though they do not use AGPL anymore AFAIK) is a service where they host managed Mongo databases for you - the AGPL part came in to play in regards to making the actual MongoDB server-side software source available.

Or I suppose using OP’s post as an example, whatever software they’re using to actually facilitate accepting online print jobs and dispatching it (and the various processes in between) to their printers potentially.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ah right, I remember now - that made quite a storm when they did that switch (as is usually the case when companies switch from a well-respected OSS license to something… not so respected).

Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

No. There’s not a thing that exists in the known or unknown universe that could convince me to go through with that.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

That’s always been a tough thing for me to define personally. To me, trying to determine whether you’re “really smart” (or not) vs average requires context, I’d need a definition of who I’m comparing to, what subject/fields (or “types” of knowledge), etc.

As others have mentioned, I’m generally good at sensing what I don’t know and determining that I need to read up on more about a subject rather than just blindly assuming that I do know it and trying to fix the wiring in my house for example (probably an extreme example, because there’s no way I’m ever going to try to do that on my own - even with an infinite time of “research”).

I’m a software developer, and my friends claim that this makes me really smart - but when I compare myself to other developers it doesn’t feel like that. And yet for being “smart” I am terrible at math.

Maybe its not the simple answer you’re looking for, but I guess I feel smart at some things, average in others, and not so smart in certain subjects/fields. I couldn’t place myself in a “one-size fits all” answer.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

To make a very long story (as it is a long, but boring story) short, my health had deteriorated due to a health condition of mine. I waited almost too long to go to the ER (which the “why” is a long rant that I’ll save for another day). I’d lost about 70 pounds in the span of maybe two or three(?) months, and was just skin and bones. Ended up needing surgery to repair some major damage that had occurred, and was in the hospital for a month due to all of it.

When I was originally admitted from the ER to the hospital, the doctor had told me that if I had waited any longer I probably would’ve been dead as the damage would’ve not been reversible.

I’m certainly no stranger to my condition causing my health to decline a lot, but that was definitely the first (and thankfully only) time that it had gotten that close to killing me.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

And once you do, you can use them in bash by running (or adding to your ~/.bashrc) set -o vi!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

There’s not a way to change it on an individual level.

As far as I’m aware / heard, when an instance has it disabled, it doesn’t even store information (or process) downvotes, so even if you could override it (such as by using a third party client) there’d be nothing to view.

I could be wrong though, might be worth trying some of the mobile apps to see if it displays it, just to confirm. For desktop, there’s also Photon.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

You are right, apologies I should’ve been more specific about that! When I wrote the original comment, I was on mobile and had brought up the bookmark and was like “Oh damn, Photon looks great on mobile!” 😅

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m assuming both listed IPs are the same IP address? Those are internal IP addresses so you don’t need to censor them.

Also, is this the Jellyfin app? If so, what happens if you bring up either addresses through a web browser?

Ever have one of those days?

Days that nothing catastrophic happens, but lots of moderate things happen all in the same day? You wake up not feeling great, so the morning plans are toast. Then afternoon plans fall through. The stuff you do in the meantime doesn’t work out well either. To add insult to injury, dinner just doesn’t come out right. You feel...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

All. The. Damn. Time.

Sometimes I wonder if the things I’m perceiving as not so great are actually fine, but my brain is making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be. But either way, the effect that it has on me is unfortunately the same.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Unfortunately it’s not really all that great on newer Nvidia GPUs either.

Does "Selfhosted" mean you actually have a server at home?

I’m trying to better understand hosting a Lemmy Instance. Lurking discussions it seems like some people are hosting from the Cloud or VPS. My understanding is that it’s better to futureproof by running your own home server so that you have the data and the top most control of hardware, software etc. My understanding is that...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I do not think that self-hosting necessarily means that you have to host it at home. As others have pointed out, its more about hosting it on hardware you control.

I do think there is certainly a trust factor involved if you host stuff on hardware that you don’t own, but at the end of the day only you can deem whom you can trust. For example, I rent a couple of dedicated servers from a provider, but I also have a pretty good personal connection with the owner of that provider - so I have no concerns about the safety of my data. In general, I tend to just be pretty conscientious about what data is going to any server, and anything that I wouldn’t want falling into the wrong hands doesn’t leave my house unless I can guarantee its safety (with the likes of encryption and such).

I do also keep in mind that with the various providers out there, reputation is paramount to them (or at least, the good ones) so it is generally in their best interest to say, let someone walk into their datacenter and just start ripping the drives from your systems.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Agreed! One of my favorite quotes has always been the old “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. We don’t get to choose who are family is, but we do get to choose who are friends and those close to us are.

Just like with everyone else in my life, I hold my family to the “Respect is earned, not given” stance - not sure how I feel about the wording of that quote because it sounds like I’m saying that I’m crappy to people by default which isn’t the case. Rather, I’m not going to fight to have a relationship with some of my family members if they aren’t going to try to put in the effort themselves to meet me halfway.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Nvidia support, unfortunately. Which, while not directly Wayland’s fault - at the end of the day, it still means that Wayland is unsuitable for me at the moment.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

The things you’d normally use Nextcloud for is not the sort of thing that I would ever trust to be hosted for free, there’s bound to be a catch (whether that is the service just disappearing over night, your data being collected and used for some nefarious purpose, etc).

It’s definitely worth either self hosting, or if you’re not able to, paying for some VPS to host it on.

That all being said, if you really want to go the route of free hosting, Nextcloud apparently do list some providers on their website.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m all for Linux, and would normally be the first person to cheer you on for switching to Linux… if this were your personal computer. For a work device though? All bets are off, and you really shouldn’t do that sort of thing without express authorization from whomever manages IT & security policies at your workplace - otherwise you risk losing your job, and potentially even worse things if the data that you’re being trusted with gets compromised because of the modifications you made.

If for something regarding work, your end thoughts are:

but due to my reverse engineering…

Then it may be a good idea to re-think what exactly the pros and cons are of what you’re doing, because the cons are generally going to outweigh the pros.

This sort of thing also gives Linux a bad reputation at your workplace, when you inevitably get caught. When someone tries to propose going through the proper channels and inquiring about IT actually supporting the usage of Linux at your workplace, all of IT and management are only just going to think back to “that one person who really went against the grain and tried to use that Linux thing”. Same concept goes for when you try to push someone into Linux who doesn’t have a good use case for making the switch over to Linux (or see the “Linux evangelists / fan people” phenomenon that in of itself is present all over Lemmy).

List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links....

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

A couple of video game specific communities I’m subscribed to that I don’t see here already:



And then this one is a genre based one:


@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m not currently in a great spot to watch a video, so I asked Bard to summarize the video. In case anyone else is curious / doesn’t want to watch:

AI Generated Video SummaryThe video you linked is a trailer for the EventLab 2.0 update for Forza Horizon 5. This update introduces a number of new features to the EventLab, including: The ability to create custom routes for races and challenges. The ability to add custom props and objects to events. The ability to create custom weather and time of day conditions for events. The ability to share events with other players. The EventLab 2.0 update is a major overhaul of the EventLab, and it gives players a lot more creative freedom to create their own custom events. The update is scheduled to be released on September 9, 2023. Here are some of the highlights of the EventLab 2.0 update: Custom routes: Players can now create custom routes for races and challenges. This is a major new feature that gives players a lot more control over the layout of their events. Custom props and objects: Players can now add custom props and objects to events. This includes things like traffic cones, barriers, and even animals. Custom weather and time of day: Players can now create custom weather and time of day conditions for events. This allows players to create events that take place in any environment, at any time of day. Shared events: Players can now share their events with other players. This means that other players can play the events that you create. The EventLab 2.0 update is a major new addition to Forza Horizon 5, and it gives players a lot more creative freedom to create their own custom events. The update is scheduled to be released on September 9, 2023.

Keep in mind, since I haven’t watched the video, I can’t confirm the accuracy. For example, the video description says the update releases September 12th, but Bard thinks its scheduled for today, September 9th - so take it with a grain of salt.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

The bitwarden clients themselves do keep a cached version of the database every time there is a successful sync to the server, so if you were to take the server offline you could still view / export the data thankfully! You cannot make changes to the database according to that page and my own experience, though others have reported that they are able to. Additionally, it looks like this cache does expire (30 days on desktop, 90 on mobile).

Just make sure to not log out completely (this is not the same as locking the vault, which is fine), this wipes the cache immediately.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Oh man, I worked at a call center for a little over four years doing internet technical support… Never again.

I am thankful for those that can push through it (especially on the more direct customer service side of things), as I certainly don’t have the cognitive fortitude for it.

One of my roles at my current job still involves a lot of support, but at least its not over the phones thankfully.

New Pixel 7a user... am I not "getting" it?

I just got a new Pixel 7a a few days ago. I specifically got that one to get the smallest of the bunch. It’s advertised as the smallest (and cheaper) model, phone size comparisons showed it to be indeed smaller than most competing devices and it’s even listed in some “best small phones” lists....

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Additionally, under the gestures menu you can enable the “Quick Tap to start actions” option, and assign it to “Show notifications”. This will make it so when you double tap the back of your phone, it opens the notifications menu.

It takes a bit of getting used to where it actually wants you to tap though, in my experience.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m a big fan of Matrix, as it’s easily accessible from anywhere - plus I already have a server for it spun up going on two years now which makes it easier for me.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Personally, its a combination of the following reasons:

  • I’m not held to another server, and self-hosting my own makes sure that whomever hosting the server doesn’t just close the doors one day and decide they’re no longer going to do so
  • I find it fun to setup my own services, like Matrix, Lemmy, Mastodon, etc
  • I control what servers are blocked / defederated from, from my knowledge though defederating on Matrix doesn’t happen nearly as often as it does for ActivityPub based platforms however.
  • I created Matrix accounts for some of my family members to communicate with, and if they lose the password I know that I can reset it for them rather than hoping they setup the account recovery info correctly.
@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Out of curiosity, how do you do the save syncing? I’ve already got Yuzu itself all setup, but this would certainly help with some issues that I face when using it.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Absolutely love this game, looking forward to playing the new update!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ahh that would explain it then, that’s going to take some time to retrain my muscle memory on closing Firefox then 😅

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Oh, thank you!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It’s pretty rare that I use wired headphones, I prefer them wireless.

I’m told that wired headphones have higher range audio support, but it’s not like the music I stream from Spotify would support that anyways…

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