@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar


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@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Traversing a motherboard sounds like it would be interesting!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

As far as I know, if you don’t have it on Steam then yes.

The Steam build still gets all of the updates to the game… for now, so if you grabbed it on Steam before it was delisted you can continue to play through that.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

This doesn’t read as a global Blocklist for all Android phones in the world. It reads more as a local database/API for blocked numbers on your phone.

So blocked numbers would theoretically be applied to your messages apps and other “telephony” based apps that use phone numbers such as WhatsApp (should said apps implement the API).

Google already seems to have a spammer database for numbers, though I’m not sure if that applies to just Fi users, Pixel users, or anyone who uses the Google Phone app. If I have call screen disabled, I’ll see numbers on an incoming call have a red background with a “likely spam” description.

But based on the comments on this post, I feel as if I’ve overlooked something in the article here (I’ve just woken up so it wouldn’t surprise me) - is there a mention of it being a worldwide list?

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I used to justify it with “I’ve had a shit day, I deserve to be able to have something for the convenience” - not to mention, I don’t have a car so realistically it was “Do I want fast food or not”.

Then I started to realize that every day tends to be a bad day for me, due to a multitude of reasons. I live paycheck to paycheck (which is why I don’t have a car in the first place) and the amount I was spending on takeout was way too high.

Now the only time I do so is on Fridays because my workplace lets us spend $25 on their tab just for joining the weekly staff meeting. Aside from that, I might order a takeout once, maybe even twice, during a pay period as a “congrats for making it through last month” but I’d like to even stop doing that ideally.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Only Human - Memphis May Fire (feat. AJ Channer)


(Note, the linked music video has a seizure warning at the start of it)

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It would be an alright show… If it didn’t use the Halo name and was written to just be another science fiction/fantasy TV show.

But unfortunately I don’t think the show was ever made for hardcore Halo fans - whether that’s because of the writers or just Paramount going over the writer’s heads I couldn’t say.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I’m a bit surprised to see that you disagreed with the “NixOS is hard to configure” bit, but then also listed some of the reasons why it can be hard to configure as cons.

By “configure”, they probably didn’t mean just setting up say, user accounts, which is definitely easy to set up in Nix.

The problems start to arise when you want to use something that isn’t in Nixpkgs, or even something that is out of date in Nixpkgs, or using a package from Nixpkgs that then has plugins but said plugin(s) that you want aren’t in Nixpkgs.

From my experience with NixOS, I had two software packages break on me that are in Nixpkgs - one of them being critical for work, and I had no clue where to even begin trying to fix the Nixpkg derivation because of how disorganized Nix’s docs can be.

Speaking of docs inconsistencies you still have the problem of most users saying you should go with Flakes these days, but it’s still technically an experimental feature and so the docs still assume you’re not using Flakes…

I was also working on a very simple Rust script, and couldn’t get it to properly build due to some problem with the OpenSSL library that one of the dependent crates of my project used.

That was my experience with NixOS after a couple of months. The concept of Nix[OS] is fantastic, but it comes with a heavy cost depending on what you’re wanting to do. The community is also great, but even I saw someone who heavily contributes to Nixpkgs mention that a big issue is only a handful of people know how Nixpkgs is properly organized, and that they run behind on PRs / code reviews of Nixpkgs because of it.

I’d still like to try NixOS on say, a server where I could expect it to work better because everything is declarative such as docker containers - but it’s going to be a while before I try it on my PC again.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Realistically, a lot of relationships are “situational” (especially at that age) - but that doesn’t erase the fact that they existed in the first place.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Doesn’t the publisher of the game have to approve for a game to be put on GeForce Now?

I mean, don’t get me wrong - I know anti cheat detection has never been perfect, but you’d think this would be something they heavily try to make sure they get right.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Right, I didn’t mean to imply that playing on GFN was cheating by any means - I probably should’ve worded that a bit better.

I meant more of “If Call of Duty explicitly allowed GFN to add the game, then players who play via GFN shouldn’t have a chance to be banned just for playing through it”

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Correct on all accounts. Just to be more precise, I’m not placing any blame on the players in my prior comments - the blame goes to GFN and Activision since the player expects to be able to play a game that they’ve paid for, on a service that they have paid for.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Once I woke up a bit more I had another look at the article, and this phrasing certainly makes it sound like it needs approval at some point:

Due to a licensing dispute between NVIDIA and Activision in 2020, GeForce NOW lost access to all Activision-Blizzard games.

Perhaps though it’s a case of “Better to ask for forgiveness than permission” and they just add games until someone tells them to pull it off, I’m not sure. It’s been 4+ years since I looked into GFN, I tried it out during the beta period but I don’t believe I’ve used it since then.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

They might’ve done so out of necessity. I don’t know if the dev(s) of the Simple Tools apps were working on it full time, but if they were and just not enough contributions were coming in from it… Well everyone has to eat.

As the saying goes, “everyone has their price”. It’s easy to condemn the developers for their choice until you’re in the exact same scenario as they were. Whether that’s because they were starving, or even just offered enough money to make their lives a lot easier - not too many people would turn it down.

Can you help me switch back to wayland on Manjaro GNOME?

I am using Manjaro GNOME. I wanted to use automatic1111, but it wasn’t recognising my graphics card (NVIDIA 1660 ti) and wasn’t proceeding to the next stage of installation (the terminal kept crashing when it got to a certain point), so Bing said that switching from wayland to x11 might fix it. I changed the...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Out of curiosity, and I can’t think of why it would affect it - the WaylandEnable= is generally commented out instead of explicitly set. What happens if you put a # in front of that line to comment it out again?

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

If you haven’t already, it’s worth a shot!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Hmm, I know at one point GNOME/GDM locked out Wayland for Nvidia cards - but that hasn’t been the case for a while (and possibly was distro specific).

Is there any output from:

<span style="color:#323232;">cat /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules
</span><span style="color:#323232;">cat /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules
@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Hmm, so as long as you have 510 or above on the Nvidia driver you should not be getting blocked by that. I’m unfortunately not sure then.

Perhaps you could try installing sddm which is KDE’s display manager (the equivalent of GDM) and see if it shows the Wayland option?

Pretty sure it doesn’t require the whole KDE suite, once it’s installed run:

sudo systemctl disable gdm &amp;&amp; sudo systemctl enable sddm and reboot, then you should get SDDM and can try to change the session type at the bottom left.

Note that when using SDDM, you can’t lock your screen in Gnome since that is tied to GDM - you’ll get a notification saying that the screen lock isn’t available.

If SDDM doesn’t show it either, then somehow I think you’d be missing the actual session entry files? Not sure how that would happen though.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Yeah that’s what I’m unsure about unfortunately. I’d be very surprised if that disabled Wayland. At one point, there was some remote desktop software that disabled Wayland silently, to get around the security restrictions of Wayland… But this project wouldn’t be bound by any Wayland restrictions as far as I can tell.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Looks fantastic! Although, speaking of the Night Color settings - does anyone know how the location data for the auto night color mode is sourced? It always seems to place me on a different continent…

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

No VPN, it’s strange because I haven’t had a problem with any other services that use IP geolocation (which I assume is what KDE uses) - even Gnome’s auto location tool seems to work fine.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Generally it’s just through my distro, it’s always occurred since I’ve used KDE unfortunately (since that was one of my first thoughts). This has been across Fedora (and derivatives), Nix, Arch, and Kubuntu.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Hmm, well the railing of my bed would well… be railing me.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar


First of all, after the shitshow that was the launch of D4, that’s just hilarious. S2 is certainly better than the start, but it is no holy grail that magically fixed everything.

Secondly, you’re dreaming if you think a DLC is worth more than the base game.

And finally, I like how they’re “asking” players if they’d “be okay” with it. Are you telling me that if the majority of the player base said “NO!” they’d actually listen? If there is anyone who believes that, well I’ve got a bridge in Sanctuary to sell you.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It never should’ve gone out in the first place. Whether it was ever going to be a good idea (I do not believe so) is something that can be debated elsewhere, but it definitely was not a good idea with the current state of Bungie and Destiny 2.

Am I surprised that someone higher up in management pushed/green-lit the idea? No.

And no Bungie, you do not get brownie points for seeing the train wreck (that they were completely tone deaf enough to cause in the first place) and being like “Oh we can see that this was not bringing joy, we’ll pull it… for now”.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It looks like my top song this year was “Relapse” by Wage War, and top artist was Self Deception:


Makes sense, great tracks and artists all around!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I mean, sure - why not? Like Ada said, if it isn’t going to cause any negative impact on me, there isn’t a reason for me to object that I can think of.

I would be a bit concerned about the hazards of drawing a lot of attention to yourself on the internet, because of the vile people on the internet - but aside from a brief note about it (if they asked for my opinion), that’s really all I’d have to say on the matter.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Just curiosity really, it was when I first started learning Java from my father’s old textbook. The “Getting your environment setup” had instructions for both Windows, OS X, and Linux/Ubuntu.

Of them all, the instructions for Ubuntu were the simplest (sudo apt-get install openjdk or a similar package), in order to get the Java dev tools installed.

Ended up giving Ubuntu a look in a VM since I hadn’t heard of “Linux/Ubuntu” (which was also the first time I used a VM) during the 8.04 days!

Funnily enough I actually put Java down for a bit since I just couldn’t get into it. IIRC though, my first project on my GitHub had something to do with Python+GTK. Then eventually I got back into Java when I discovered I could make Minecraft plugins/mods.

Of course I was pretty young at the time, maybe 13 or 14? So I didn’t know (or would’ve cared) about the whole privacy aspect of Linux - that came much later. But ever since then, like many others, I’ve always maintained that Linux is the best development environment for me.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

That’s Visual Studio Code vs VSCodium - I believe OP is referring to Visual Studio, the full blown IDE that’s been out for far longer than VS Code, which does have a completely different feature set.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I actually tend to use “Hot”, it seems like a better “Active” to me.

What is good to eat when you have no appetite?

I am super sick right now and haven’t eaten much in a few days. It’s getting to the point where I am gonna need to force myself to eat something to keep my strength up but everything just sounds terrible to me right now. I have been subsisting mostly on small glasses of milk and the occasional packet of instant oatmeal....

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Oatmeal is my go to! Whenever I land in the hospital due to my Crohn’s issues, I end up having a lot of it. It’s thick enough to feel full from it, and while it doesn’t have the most of nutrients, its better than nothing.

It helps that if you add some flavoring of your choice to it, it doesn’t taste bad and thus makes it even better.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Ahaha, very relatable! Although personally I tend to keep mine relatively simple, I just add some cinnamon and sugar into mine (which is also what I do with Cream of Wheat for the few times that I have it).

Whenever you go to the hospital for GI related issues (or for surgeries in general I imagine), they always restrict you to not having anything to eat/drink, then they allow clear liquids, then they allow soft foods, and finally “full” (some hospitals will have a few other steps in between) and oatmeal falls into the “soft foods” category, but often times things like fruits won’t - but cinnamon and sugar has always been allowed for me so I’ve just gotten used to only having my oatmeal with those two things added in.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

IIRC, Bluefin uses the GNOME extensions that Ubuntu uses - so yes, GNOME in the same way that the current version of Pop!_OS is GNOME + their own extensions.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

out of the box isn’t enough for a new distro.

I’m a bit surprised that they mentioned “distribution” on the Bluefin website, as the Universal Blue site (the base project behind Bluefin) explicitly mentions not being a distro - and I know that Jorge tends to be very clear that they’re not building a distro:

This isn’t a distribution, you can always rebase back to Fedora without reinstalling. This is a unique relationship between upstream and downstream that is popular in cloud, but still new to the Linux desktop. “Custom images” seems to be a decent place to start since that’s what people call them in cloud.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Wow, how convenient for them!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Sysadmins very commonly make a lot of use out of automating things with Powershell and various utilities that work with it.

Given that a pretty decent sized portion (I’d assume at least, no numbers to back that up sadly) of the Linux user base tends to be “cut from the same cloth” in terms of having the passion to automate (and heavily customize) their system - I would think this is why you see this sentiment repeated often.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

As far as I know, it wouldn’t - I do not believe KWin nor Mutter is built on top of wlroots.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

What manufacturer? If it’s done through Fastboot then no, it’s available on Linux just fine.

But of course, not all manufacturers use Fastboot.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It doesn’t target Gnome, it targets Cinnamon - and I don’t think they share the same API.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

And additionally, to the community at large - admins, moderators, people who post/comment - we all have played a major part in expanding Lemmy and the Fediverse in general!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I feel like most people (assuming you’re not on Reddit) don’t really care, so long as you’re not being spammy with them (or not just reply with only an emoji).

Every now and then I’ll tack one on at the end of a comment if I think that my tone might come of a bit more passive aggressive than I intended it to be, but most of the time I just see it as “I might need to rewrite this so that it doesn’t come off that way” instead.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Agreed, I quite enjoy playing ATS/ETS2 and just listening to a podcast on the side as well.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Precisely, yep! It follows the same rules as subscribing to communities on Lemmy however - if you’re the first on an instance to subscribe, it may not pull the full backlog of videos - and at least one person needs to be subscribed for the instance to continue getting updates from the channel.

Try heading to !thelinuxexperiment_channel for example, and you’ll see Nick’s channel come up as a community and each video that they upload will be its own “post”.

Note that when you lookup stuff on PeerTube, you have to use the channel name - not the uploader’s username. So the one I linked would work, but if you replaced the start with thelinuxexperiment it wouldn’t work, since that is a user and not a channel.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Correct, it just makes a link to the video itself!

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

It looks unprofessional

Often times, projects like this aren’t necessarily going for “professional” - its something the developer has made for themselves and is just being nice to share it and the source to the world.

Also, sometimes that sort of thing is directly related to making sure translations do actually work. While I doubt that was the case here, I remember seeing RedHat Linux for a while had a specific language option that changed the phrasing quite a bit (I believe it was in relation to how one of the devs on the team commonly spoke) and it was done to make sure that translations were working.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I mean, you started your comment by saying “Wayland apologists” - I’m not sure why you thought it would go over just fine.

Which is unfortunate that you did, the Linux community already has quite a bit of hate for Nvidia (for good reason) but comments like these tend to just make people who use Nvidia hardware look bad. I say this as someone who made the exact same position on the argument (so to speak) in a similar thread a few days ago.

Inside me there are two wolves; One is a quasi-alcoholic slob with a home office, while the other is an overpaid and demotivated IT "professional" who hates his employer.

First thing I did upon starting my work day was to open a beer. Just one out of two purchased for the occasion of yesterday being payday. I then proceeded to skim through my inbox and appointments for the day, concluding that beyond migrating this one production system over to the new VPN there’s not going to be a whole lot...

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

I hope you get to move over to Company B as soon as possible, and I’m sorry that things have been an absolute shitshow (from what I can gather) at A/C.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

As someone who just had to shell out the money to do a lateral move from an Nvidia 2080 to a RX 6700XT - don’t go with Nvidia if you’re wanting to have a good time.

@russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net avatar

Yeah, I wish it had just been theory, I wouldn’t blatantly say something like my original comment if it weren’t based off experience. I’ve written numerous comments on my experience with Nvidia + Linux [+ Wayland] - such as this comment, primarily the the second, third, and fourth paragraphs. Sadly I don’t think its possible to “relative” link direct comments, so I’ve just linked my instance instead.

Since you mentioned it’s a mobile GPU, I’m not sure if perhaps you have also have an internal GPU that is drawing your regular desktop. My friend doesn’t have nearly the same amount of issues that I have with Wayland, because he’s able to drive his desktop with his iGPU and does GPU passthrough to play games through a Windows VM - the 5600X that I have doesn’t include integrated graphics so this was not possible for me.

Either way, if it works for you then fantastic. It certainly didn’t work for me, and definitely not for a lack of trying.

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