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  • rufus,

    What exactly happened? What kind of issues did you observe? You forgot to mention what exactly you’re talking about.

    I just got your TV feels shady, you’ve seen a worse video in 2 days and things are maybe running on your devices.


    “The trivium is the lower division of the seven liberal arts and comprises grammar, logic, and rhetoric.” – Wikipedia.

    Ahem, join a debate club / society?

    rufus, (edited )

    Depends on the job. It is quite alright to be a generalist and have a broad understanding of everything. It allows you to connect different fields, come up with simple fixes for nearly everything and call for an expert if it’s beyond your perspective. Apart from that there are jobs that don’t require knowledge. Maybe instead strength, patience and dedication or empathy.

    The dangerous part is if you don’t know your limits. If you’re a dilettante and then start opening the panel from the circuit breakers and mess with the wires, you will probably burn down your house.

    So it depends. Always? No.

    Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? (

    Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...


    It’s relatively alright for something that’s called unstable. There is also testing which is tested for at least 10 days. And you can mix and match, but that’s not recommended either.

    I wouldn’t put it on my server. And I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who isn’t okay with fixing the occasional hiccup. But I’ve been using it for years and I like it.

    However, mind that it’s not supported and they do not pay attention to security fixes.


    Thanks for clarifying. Yeah I implied that but didn’t explain all the nuances. I’ve been scolded before for advertising the use of Debian testing. I’m quite happy with it. But since I’m not running any cutting edge things on my server and Docker etc have become quite stable… I don’t see any need to put testing on the server. I also use stable there and embrace the security fixes and stability / low maintenance. I however run testing/unstable on my laptop.


    Nothing. My laptop has 8GB and while this is somewhat the limit, it’s enough to browse, do office stuff, a bit of development/programming and even a bit of CAD for my 3D printer, video editing, retro-gaming and all sorts of things. I’d prefer to have 16GB because Firefox likes to eat a lot of RAM, but the laptop is too old for me to upgrade anything at this point.

    If you’d like to waste your resources, you could run 4 other operating systems simultaneously in VMs. Or try artificial intelligence chatbots and load one of the large language models. They can easily make use of 32GB of memory and more.


    Isn’t 4.2 inch like about a quarter of the screen size of a small tablet or e-reader? My phone has a bit less than 6 and is considered small.


    Have a look at:

    You could also use Matrix or XMPP without all the complicated e2ee stuff, room keys etc. It’s encrypted on transport. It won’t be super safe and have the highest level of privacy this way, but easier to use. You just have to remember not to enable room encryption. And maybe use SchildiChat instead of Element.


    Sure, this chart is updated from time to time. (The guy who published it also has a very nice german tech blog: ) But it only contains widely adopted messengers and focuses on open-source. So it doesn’t necessarily contain every good messenger out there.

    I know. Matrix is quite good. I learned how to operate it, so that’s alright for me. But I know there are a few annoying things in there. And I think they did a few design decisions with the encryption that make it difficult to use. In the years I’ve been using it I’ve been annoyed many times by incompatible verification techniques or missing encryption support in some clients/libraries. It’s getting better but I can understand why you would prefer something else. I’m not an expert on messengers, I hope some of the other suggestions here work for you.

    rufus, (edited )

    Well, I get your frustration. But I also disagree.

    There are several different things at play. first of all I think Matrix has made some non-optimal design decisions with their protocol. For example I think e2e-encryption should have been mandatory for clients to support from day one. With like 2 mandatory verification processes that are well-documented and taught to the users.

    The second thing is, some clients are bloated and also expose weird stuff to the user. For example the device-keys (session-/room- whatever). That should be build on-top the encryption and handled without the user knowing anything about it.

    That would leave us with 3 concepts to understand:

    1. How to do the emoji-verification to verify new devices and other people
    2. You need to do 1 backup to make sure you don’t ever lose access to your account, just write down a sequence of words or characters on paper or do a screenshot
    3. a screen that shows you which devices are logged into your account with a button to delete them. No further handling of cryptographic keys

    And I think with a few limitations that are due to the history of Matrix’s development, they strive to become that and aren’t far away from it. I don’t think it’s too complicated. I’ve taught 15 year old kids how to do the emoji-verification and why that’s important.

    And it is important… If you take end to end encryption seriously, there is no way around verifying the other end once. You can see which messengers take it seriously and which don’t. For example WhatsApp doesn’t ask you this. And it can’t ever detect if this is really the person they claim to be. The only thing it can do is assume it and make sure the person at the other end doesn’t change. And the backup is non-negotiable, too. You either do that yourself, or let your provider do it. But then they have access to your messages.

    And this isn’t Matrix’s or XMPP’s fault. security and convenience are somewhat on opposing ends and you can’t have both at the same time. It’s somewhat like this, and it’s a limitation of how the world is:

    You’re free to choose where you want to be on that triangle. You can have something with many features and very secure. But that won’t be easy to use. Or you want something easy, but it won’t ever be secure. Matrix tries to be everywhere, but that can’t work. You can just disable encryption on Matrix, this will do away with all of that complicated stuff immediately, at the cost of some security. But you could also use WhatsApp or iMessage to talk to your friends. My grandma could use it, but it has other downsides.

    I’ve been with the FLOSS people and advocating for freedom and empowerment of the user for quite some time. It’s always a struggle. You always have to actively fight for your freedom. And if you want to stay in control of your data, you have to take matters into your own hands, to some degree. And that is some work. You have to learn concepts and gain a certain amount of literacy. The other option is to give up parts of your autonomy.

    With that said, I still think Matrix could do a better job and make it easier. I think it’s usable. But I’d be happy, too, if I could recommend it to more of my friends without there being any catch. In fact, I recommended it to other people and like 3 friends use it, my dad, my spouse and like 15 other people I know from real-life. They’re not all tech-savy and it works. There have been some issues, but that was some time ago and issues have become less and less over time.

    rufus, (edited )

    I did the emoji thing and even though I went through it correctly it did not proceed reliably.

    Oh. That’s not how it’s supposed to be. I self-host my own (Synapse) matrix server. So I wouldn’t know if there are issues with the network or something like that with the established, big servers.

    several keys all associated with the same account […] (And did the keys each also have another password too?)

    Yeah, That’s too many details. It should be: you sign up for a new account, keys are generated and you are requested to back up your master key. Maybe that backup can be protected with an additional password, I don’t really know. From that point cross signing and all cryptography should kick in automatically. Everything should be handled without the user needing to worry about additional keys. And in my oppinion the additional inner workings should be hidden from the user. At that point you’re set and once you log in with a different device or add a friend, a popup should open telling you to verify the other user/device with the emojis.

    If everyone is bouncing around clients it’s a mess.

    That is the most annoying thing with Matrix. I’ve also had this happen. Some time ago I had clients not support emoji verification. Or I try to write a bot in python and it runs on a server with no means of displaying emojis. I think Matrix isn’t strict enough to handle the diversity of clients. In theory diversity is a good thing, but for Matrix… I’ve also had some issues with that exact thing.

    […] struggle collectively. I do not really think we get freedom one by one.

    That is especially true for messengers and social media. There is the network effect. A platform has little to no benefit if it doesn’t connect people and it’s just you ;-)

    Philosophically it’s kind of regressive to say that lost autonomy is deserved by people who fail to learn to the standards you think are reasonable in the areas you think they should know about. There is way too many things in the world we can’t all know about all of them.

    I agree. I have compared this to the Age of Enlightenment before. There is some basis we need to agree on. Everyone has to agree they want freedom and be ready to put in some work and face the struggles. But not everyone needs to become a computer expert and have this as their primary hobby. Just being a follower should be alright, the only thing is you can’t be annoyed by change and experiencing a dry spell every now and then. I think this is consensus and also how it works with parts of the FLOSS ecosystem. There are clubs and individuals who operate the servers and handle all the difficult and tedious parts of hosting. Not everybody can, or wants to do this. As a user it is your obligation to know how to operate your computer and smartphone. But it shouldn’t be overly complex. That takes away from the spirit and makes it inaccessible for some people. And we want the opposite of that, spread the freedom amongst everyone who is willing to participate.

    I really don’t know what to recommend to you. Don’t resign and let the technical difficulties keep you from getting what you want. It’s the right choice. Maybe you find something better than Matrix for your use-case. I’m kind of in another situation, so my experience doesn’t necessarily apply to your situation. Maybe have one person do the work, try out a few servers and Apps/clients and pave the way for the rest of the group. It definitely doesn’t work if it’s an uncoordinated effort and there are sub-optimal choices and traps out there. And it will scare some people off (rightfully) if they have to start over for the third time.

    With our group, we have tested matrix for some months with two people, then a third and then a friend of mine invited all the other people. Most of them use as their Homeserver. And we keep the room unencrypted for maximum compatibility. We don’t give admin rights to everyone, that would lead to confusion. One person manages the room and they put in the effort to learn how to manage the room and help people get the app installed on their phones and join the room. I could help out. But I try not to. Sometimes I’m too deep in the rabbit hole and struggle balancing my explanations with people who aren’t that tech-savy.

    Manchmal sehe ich beim Laden von feddit oben rechts ganz kurz einen anderen Nutzernamen. German

    Fühlt sich an, als würden gecachte Inhalte nicht immer korrekt ihren jeweiligen Sessions zugeordnet. Ich hab jetzt noch nicht weiter draufgeschaut, ich hab keine Ahnung von Webtechniken und würde wahrscheinlich deutlich mehr Zeit in einer Analyse versenken als nötig. Ist das Phänomen bekannt und hat da schonmal jemand...


    Sicher, dass da ein anderer Nutzername steht und nicht kurz “Log in | Sign up” bzw. “Anmelden | Registrieren”?


    Na gut, das ist so nicht Sinn der Sache. Warten wir mal ob einer der Admins dies liest. Oder vielleicht jemand, der/die Ahnung hat was hier noch an zusätzlichem Caching und so stattfindet. Mir ist ein fremder Nutzername zumindest selber noch nicht aufgefallen.


    Na gut, das ist jetzt nichts Ungewöhnliches. Websites bestehen schon seit eh und je aus Seiten, Stylesheets und Bildern. Dazu noch Javascript, wenn es sich um eine interaktive Seite handelt.


    Ja, so ist es. Vor allem sind da ja serverseitig auch immer noch 5 Schichten arkane Magie und Cloudflare DDoS-Protection involviert, von denen man im Idealfall nichts sehen sollte.

    Ich glaube die meisten Web-Entwickler haben auch längst aufgegeben. Die nehmen einfach irgendein dickes Framework, da kommt dann auf der einen Seite sowas ähnliches wie Javascript rein und auf der anderen Seite hoffentlich eine Website raus.

    How many of you run a Linux phone (Pine64, Librem etc) as your daily driver?

    I was going through Pine64’s page again after I found the latest KDE announcement. With that said, I seem to see a lot of issues with firmware on the Pine, whilst the Librem is just plain out of budget for me. Was interested in how many people here run a Linux mobile as a daily driver, and how has your experience been?...


    Forget the pinephone as a daily driver. It is nice to play around with and having linux on your phone is awesome. But you can’t really use it as a daily driver. You’ll try it and it’s going to end up in the drawer of unfinished projects. Trust me, I own a pinephone and I know other people who do.

    There’s nothing wrong with it. Just like 50 mild annoyances with anything you’re trying to do with it and on top it’s super slow, compared to any other smartphone.

    As I read, the phone by Purism isn’t much better and it’s really expensive.


    Yeah, I think so, too. It doesn’t have to be this way. I mean this is mainly due to the way ARM hardware works, lack of good drivers, maintenance and dedication by the manufacturers of that hardware. And everything is quite fragmented. In theory we could have a hardware platform that has good open-source drivers and is well-supported. The Pinephone was an attempt to establish one platform that people could focus on. But it has quite some limitations and also hardware/design issues.

    And Linux isn’t quite there yet. I mean I love Linux and it can run on embedded devices very well. But things like connected standby (for example receiving chat messages while the hardware sleeps and saves power) just isn’t implemented in a desktop environment that was made for computers. And also not in a chat application that was made for computers. So, set aside the hardware and driver issues, we have another issue with Linux software that wasn’t made to run on smartphones.

    There is a way around that and that is to add those capabilities to the Linux kernel. And also give applications means to stay connected in the background, adapt to different screen sizes, rotate the screen and evict themselves from RAM. It’s kind of what Android is. It builds upon the Linux kernel and adds lots of stuff that is specifically useful on smartphones.

    I hope someday some of those techniques get adopted into the mainline Linux kernel and also the frameworks the desktop software uses.


    Thank you. I completely agree. We can’t do stuff ourselves, my Pixel 4a is End of Life now and all the proprietary parts of the system won’t be updated anymore, which is a shame because the hardware is still perfectly fine.

    And I hate the business decisions Google makes. Android is built upon Linux and the core is supposed to be free software. But then they move more and more stuff into their proprietary Google services packages. Like the proper keyboard with swipe typing, the better calendar app, text to speech, push notifications and all of the payment stuff. I personally replaced everything on the phone with a custom ROM, and did not install the google services. But I had to find alternatives to all of that and some things really don’t work as well. It’s a hassle and some things just don’t work at all. Like some stuff that requires in-app payment. I don’t care too much, because I get most of my Apps from F-Droid anyways and they’re open-source. But I can’t pay with my phone in the supermarket, can’t rent those silly electric scooters and a few other things.


    I’m always happy to talk to people ;-)

    Yeah, paying with credit card also works for me. And I use the browser a lot for stuff like that. Just the added layers in the apps sometimes don’t work. Like when I tried riding one of those electric scooters. I was able to put in my credit card details and they got accepted, and I know my phone is capable of doing NFC, but somehow there is something else in that app that prevents me from doing the actual transaction and rent the scooter. Online-shopping and things like that work fine. I don’t need an App to use Amazon or PayPal… So I wouldn’t know either.

    Thx. I’m going to look up the de-googled phones you mentioned. I think I will try to use my Pixel as long as it works, but in theory it isn’t supported anymore and I’m supposed to buy a new one now. At least that’s what Google and GrapheneOS tell me.


    You can always ask that question. Why not anticipate a potential use on the web and use the AGPL? Why not anticipate people wanting to incorporate parts of your code into their products and use the LGPL? Maybe it could be used within Android or in BSD and you should use Apache/MIT/BSD to avoid license incompatibility? (If your main concern is to give something to the world and not copyleft.) I mean you’re actively prohibiting combining code if you use a strong copyleft license, even if the BSD people have good intentions.

    It’s an individual choice on a case by case basis. Obviously people will choose popular licenses more often, despite something being the correct choice. But every license has pros and cons. There is no single answer to licensing.


    Yeah, the short version is: Fascism is what’s wrong with Hungary.

    rufus, (edited )

    Try it with a Live USB stick. And maybe don’t listen to the people recommending Ubuntu. It’s somewhat okay, but they regularly do annoying business decisions that affect their users. I’d rather start with Mint or something.

    There are many other websites dedicated to this question:

    rufus, (edited )

    This is a strategy how to change habits.

    For example: You eat too many potato chips and that’s bad for your health. Now you don’t go cold turkey on the snacks, but buy carrots instead and eat those.

    How? You do it often enough. Do it for half a year, every other day and it’ll become the new habit.

    Negative spiral? I don’t see any.


    Ah, Danke auch für diesen Artikel. “Quick-Freeze” klingt irgendwie besser, aber immer noch verfassungswidrig.


    Ja gut. So funktioniert das auch immer. Die Begründung ist meist: “Denkt denn niemand an die armen Kinder?” Und der/die Innenminister:in freut sich über die ganzen Bagatellen, die man damit zufällig auch aufklären könnte. Letztendlich meine ich aber mal gelesen zu haben wenn man wirklich Internet-Straftaten aufklären möchte, wäre mehr Personal bei der Polizei viel hilfreicher.

    Also ich kaufe denen das nicht ab. Ich glaube die Politik ist einfach geil auf mehr Überwachung. Und lässt sich beliebige Begründungen einfallen.

    Nachrichten-FOMO zu besiegen ist nicht leicht - warum sind deutsche Wochenzeitungen so fürchterlich? German

    Ich versuche gerade meinen Medienkonsum zu entschleunigen, auch, weil mich das tägliche Lesen von allerlei Nachrichten „online“, die zu einem Großteil aus „Was wir wissen und was nicht“ bestehen (dann schreibt es doch nicht auf, wenn ihr nur blöde rumratet, ihr Dödel…), mittlerweile eigentlich ständig in schlechte...

    rufus, (edited )

    Ich denke auch, es gibt vernünftige Sonntagszeitungen. Sonst wüsste ich nichts in Papierform.

    Unabhängig davon, wenn man nicht aufhören möchte aber ‘entschleunigen’, wäre sich einen festen Rahmen und ein Limit setzen vielleicht eine Option.

    Ich habe meinen Feedreader irgendwann komplett deaktiviert und nicht mehr zurückgeschaut. Ich glaube für mich ist das die beste Wahl. Irgendwie habe ich am Ende des Tages auch nicht viel Bleibendes von dem ganzen Nachrichtenlesen.

    rufus, (edited )

    There aren’t that many options. Either you commision it, or you learn to draw, or you use AI.

    If you don’t like Fiverr, maybe look for another platform. Or find someone by some other means. You could also use AI to draft it and then use that as a basis to start with the proper art.

    I don’t really understand the issue with copyright. Are you afraid of infringing on other people’s copyright, or that you won’t be able to protect your work if it’s made by AI?

    rufus, (edited )

    Fair enough. I’m pretty sure most of the fuss around AI is way over exaggerated. But we’d need a few more legal disputes and a few new laws to ultimately settle this.

    I’m alright with using AI tools. I think it’s wrong that these companies just take everything they can get hold of, without licensing it. (I mean, I would get in trouble if I downloaded illegal torrents of every novel out there without paying the authors. But it seems companies that develop ChatGPT get away with similar things.) But in the end it’s like if a teacher copies textbooks or shows a pirated version of a movie. This doesn’t make the things the students learned from it ‘illegal’ or forbidden knowledge. I think the same applies to AI. (Given the fact they don’t copy this 1:1 which they usually don’t do anyways… It is possible AI regurgitates its training data in some special cases. So there is some substance to this worry. But I’ve mainly seen this issue come up for example when generating computer code. Less so with images.) But that’s just my oppinion.

    It could bite into your side of copyright, however. But then you’re also embedding that into a context, adding your own text and story around it. Even if the single images turn out not to be copyright-able, the combined work definitely is.

    I don’t want to talk you into using AI. Just: before you end up not doing it at all, maybe re-consider using it. Or do it as a preliminary step to draft something you like. You can still send this version to an artist afterwards.

    And I bet all those issues will be solved in a few years time. Everyone and their grandma are already using AI and AI is not going away. There is no way around that.

    This being said, I think AI also has downsides. Sometimes I generate images or text. But I don’t think it’s proper art. It copies styles well and does what it’s told to do. Sometimes it is super creative and does hilarious things, sometimes the output is a bit bland. But it can’t choose a style for a reason, or embed things into a context or hide little things or a second level of meaning into it’s output. It doesn’t choose colors or other details to underline a certain thing as a proper human artist would do.

    And using AI for real-world purposes is hard. Like you have to learn how to force it to draw the same character in the next image and not a completely different woman. Add the details that fit. Do a consistent stlye. And as I understand people work on their prompts for quite some time before they get the exact results they want. And still, they then generate hundreds of images and go through them to end up with a single good one. It’s way harder to put it to good use, than drawing some astronaut on a horse for some quick fun.


    Probier auch mal einen anderen Standort. Vielleicht stört WiFi oder ein kaputtes Gerät den Funk.

    'Warmongering' EU Commission boss must leave post, European Left chief says (

    Ursula von der Leyen’s tenure as the European Commission president has been the “worst” in years due to her “warmongering” and insensitive handling of migration, the president of the Party of European Left, Walter Baier, told Euractiv, confirming that the party is against her possible second term.

    rufus, (edited )

    That article contains little to no information at all. I don’t follow what she does, because I don’t like Frau von der Leyen, at all. What warmongering does she do? Frontex? Ukraine? What’s with being supposedly corrupt aside from just the Pharma deals? And I mean she’s always been working for the dark side, pushing for surveillance and spending taxpayers’ money generously on experts with little results.

    Did she accidentally do something right this time? And that offended someone?

    Edit: Okay, found it in a small subclause in the article. It references to stands on Israel-Palestine back in October.

    Christdemokraten, würdet ihr mit der AfD Deutschland mitregieren? German

    CDU und AfD sind konservative Parteien, die CDU hat mehr mit der AfD gemein als mit der SPD, den Grünen oder der FDP. Die Linke und BSW kommen für die CDU logischerweise nicht in Frage, dürften aber ohnehin unwichtig sein, da sie laut Prognosen kaum im Bundestag präsent sein werden....

    rufus, (edited )

    Ich muss den anderen Kommentaren hier zustimmen: Die AfD ist keine konservative Partei. Sie sind Dummschwätzer, die (unter Anderem auch) gerne den Eindruck erwecken würden Konservativ zu sein. Wenn man sich aber die tatsächliche Politik anschaut, die sie betreiben da wo sie etwas Macht haben, oder sich mal alle Programmpunkte durch liest, bleibt da nichts von Übrig. Nur zu Kurz gedachte Ideen und Dinge die nachher das Gegenteil von dem Erreichen was sie vorgegeben haben.

    Außerdem sind sie eigentlich nur gegen Alles. Ich glaube so etwas funktioniert nur gut als Opposition. Aber ich sehe nicht wie man mit so welchen gemeinschaftlich regieren will.

    rufus, (edited )

    Dochdoch, von denen bin ich auch maßlos enttäuscht. Aber da liegen noch Welten dazwischen. Von dem was wir mit denen haben zu, wir wollen die D-Mark wieder und so Brexit-Zustände wie in Großbritannien wo komplette Teile der Wirtschaft einfach alle pleite gehen und es keinen Salat mehr im Supermarkt gibt… Und eine komplett bekloppte (Steuer)politik die die Arbeiter noch ärmer macht und die Arm-Reich Schere noch weiter auseinandertreibt… Da ist 500Mio im Maut-Skandal (absichtlich) verschwenden eher ein Witz dagegen.

    Ich suche gerade vergeblich die Fakten-Check Website wo aufgeschlüsselt wird was der AfD Bürgermeister erreicht hat und die Landräte.

    Wie man die CSU wählen kann oder Herrn Aiwanger gut finden, ist mir als Nordrhein-Westfale aber auch völlig schleierhaft. (CDU fühle ich auch nicht, vielleicht wenn ich mal älter als 75 bin…)

    Am Liebsten hätte ich eine Partei, die gänzlich auf Populismus, Dummschwätzerei und Skandale verzichtet und stattdessen die Probleme effektiv angeht, die wir haben. Ist ja nicht so als hätten wir da keine (Probleme).

    Herr Scholz erzählt ja auch gerne viel, wenn der Tag lang ist und lässt dem ungefähr 0 Taten folgen. Ich sag mal Deutschland-Tempo…


    Ja gut, da hast du wohl Recht.


    Yeah, I’d say this borders somewhat on Technophobia. Mixed with people’s fear that they will lose their jobs to AI. I think it’s also heavily fueled by ignorance.

    And the bad thing: Big tech also pushes for that, so they will stay in control and are the only ones benefitting from AI. Everyone else will get a filtered or crippeled version that aligns with their corporate interests.

    And once AI takes off, these things will make the world and society even more undemocratic. (My oppinion) I don’t want the world to be governed by whatever algorithms and guardrails Meta, Google and OpenAI/Microsoft put in place for us.

    Arthur Mensch, Co-founder of Mistral AI about the topic I agree. We also don’t regulate the programming language ‘C’ because you could use it for nefarious purposes.


    If you use one of the standard graphical desktops (Gnome, KDE, …) you don’t need to explore all of the config files. The most important settings should be in a settings program.

    And programs should (mostly) come with sane default settings anyways. Debian adds a few. So the usual way (for beginners) is to start with the defaults and change around stuff once you want to customize something, and starting with the software you use the most (like an text editor, …). The standard GUI software (like your browser, LibreOffice) has GUI settings dialogues anyways.

    Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

    Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up...

    rufus, (edited )

    I’d say so, too. I’ve seen at least 3 tech illiterate people (who gave it a chance) be really happy with Linux. You will probably face some annoyance at some point, as it is with everything. But I think Linux is a good choice. Get help installing it if you know someone who can. It’s not that difficult but that would speed up the process. The most important thing is to save your data so you don’t accidentally overwrite it.


    I don’t think we can tell from just a picture of the plugs. These are definitely two 3.5mm stereo jacks, colored headphone and mic. Maybe have a look at the manual? Or type the model number into Google? Or use a multimeter and measure the resistance.


    Ah, seems you’re right. I didn’t know that. But that seems to be an old way of doing it. I’ve only ever seen 2 contacts on a seperate microphone jack or the 4-contact combined ones in modern laptops.…/condenser-mic-on-usb-sound-card…

    Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

    Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...

    rufus, (edited )

    Heavily depends on the community. I see lots of communities with few down-votes happening. But it’s definitely a thing in -for example- the political/news ones.


    Ich habe auch mal gehört, dass E-Mail damit auch zusätzlich schwieriger wird weil manche Mail-Programme das nicht unterstützen und dann müssen alle Leute den Punycode eintippen.

    (Ich hätte ja gerne eine Emoji-Domain. Aber habe mich auch wegen der ganzen Nachteile bisher davon abhalten lassen. Und mit mit .de wird das sowieso nichts.)


    Nochmal mit anderen Leuten Wichteln und weiterverschenken. Oder jemandem in der Familie/Freunden andrehen, so mache ich das meist. Ich glaube nicht, dass das ein Laden annimmt. Vielleicht eine Hilfsorganisation als Spende.


    I think the easiest way is to take them from the ‘experimental’ branch of debian’s own repository. But read about the consequences of enabling experimental, first.

    rufus, (edited )

    Yeah, you’re right. If you absolutely need the latest NVidia drivers, you kind of have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. You can pull it from some random place on the internet, or use whatever script NVidia provides you with and do it under your own responsibility… Or use experimental, but it may be not be tested or be incompatible with your kernel version. Neither option is recommended. I’ve had some success with experimental. Debian have high standards and at least it’s packaged and tied into the distribution at all. But there is no guarantee. (I’m not sure if you can mix that with the stable version of Debian, though. I use Debian Testing…) (Their Backports are a better option for Debian Stable.)

    Maybe somebody else has an idea, I don’t know any better way to do it. The proper way is to wait until it’s tested and becomes available in Debian.

    I don’t know when that’s going to happen. It usually takes quite some time with Debian. Probably some more months. You can have a look at the Package tracker


    I wonder how they phrased that. “innappropriate treatment of religious texts” sounds a bit vague and medieval / before the age of enlightenment.

    And you have the usual issues determining what counts as text and what counts as religious. (And what is innappropriate.)


    I’d say 4GB of RAM is barely enough. It’ll probably do for the things you mentioned. But opening a browser and surfing the web, or using modern Electron apps/software will quickly get you to the limit.

    Another idea would be buying something second-hand / refurbished. It’ll get you better specs for roughly the same money. But probably not a Surface or a tablet, so YMMV with that approach.


    Sure. You can make arbitrarily complex mistakes. From just using the wrong preposition to inserting completely illegible dependent clauses in the wrong order that also have nothing to do with what you’re trying to say.

    You might want to ask an english teacher for details. I suppose they deal with that on a daily basis.

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