@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My grandpa was german. In german, jetztwhich in english would be pronounced something like “yetst”, means “now”. His whole life he would use “yet” in place of where an english-native speaker would say “now”, and i always thought that was adorable.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i mean technically we have the and thə

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Those hurt my lungs so much more.

Dry flower vape is super nice, it has a way more subtle savory flavor and the smell goes away quicker. If you can afford it, i highly recommend the mighty+ (or their cheaper model the crafty+) by storz&bickel (same company that makes the OG device, the volcano).

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

ok but why is he holding a buttplug

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yup! this is what we are here to make fun of, you are this community’s “target market”

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A large part of the problem here is that people have been trying to artificially grow lemmy posts via bots that repost both articles from reddit, and random news articles from various sites.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

transfem here. can confirm, meme feels like me.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The point of this community isn’t just “make fun of straight people”, it’s mocking toxic heteronormativity by reposting memes / comics / pictures of weird “haha i hate my wife” or similar memes, or in the case of this post “haha, if you have autonomy you clearly can’t be married, because we’re all trapped in our marriages”.

Just like the original subreddit, hetero people are welcome here and hetero hate is not.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We need a c/AreTheStraightsOkay on lemmy, it is my most missed community from reddit at this point.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

ok i made it and i am blaming you for the decision to do so


@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

What liability? These are in government-licensed facilities regulated by the same government institutions which regulate the sale of alcohol, which require you, just like a bar or liquor store do, to verify your identity and that you are an adult with a government-issued ID, where all products are subject to government testing and taxation.

This isn’t about liability, it’s about outdated federal regulations which remain in place only because alcohol producers continue to pay off / “donate to” congresspeople to prevent a different inebriant, consumption and usage of which is demonstrably safer for both the direct consumer and the general public, from affecting alcohol profits.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This is not as an easy of a task as you make it out to be, and becomes more difficult every year as the cost of creating an AAA game increases.

Software is complex, and the more complex it gets, the more bugs there are. There’s no such thing as bug-free software, and for every bug/feature you think “this should have been obvious to anyone making a game like this”, there are hundreds of other bugs/features that you didn’t think of but someone else thinks “should have been obvious way before release”.

(disclaimer: i am not involved in game development professionally, although i have been a software engineer professionally for decades. however these concepts apply to software development both inside and outside of the gaming industry. i also find it disgusting when gamers put on their “armchair software developer” hats and talk about how easy it should be to write a game without “whatever issue i’m currently dealing with”)

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am, what are you implying about me?

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean, that’s kind of the wrong question. The moral question around being vegan is not “is it ok to eat animals”, it’s “is it okay the way we as a society treat the animals that people will eat.”

I would not be against you having a humane and i cruel way to consume animals. I myself think eating animals is gross the same way a lot of humans feel that eating other humans would be gross, especially living today where it’s not difficult (albeit not exactly cheap either, but that’s because we subsidize the hell out of animal production; if those same subsidies went towards organic and cruelty free consumption, that would be the cheap option).

However, especially if you live in the united states, but to some extent also globally, it is impossible (or, in some cases, prohibitively expensive) to consume animal products without contributing to mistreatment and cruelty towards animals. I don’t think there’s any justification for that. Most people wouldn’t. That’s why the meat/animal product industries fight hard against having to disclose the source and ethics of their animal products.

Do I think “everyone should be vegan?” No. But I do think that anyone should have other options than “contribute to the mistreatment of animals” and “be vegan”, and we don’t live in a world where that’s possible; given those options i have to be vegan.

I would remain vegan even if a third option was available; we live in the future where it’s not difficult to eat an animal-free diet (except due to your own wealth vs the capitalist large corporations that own most of agriculture in the modern world and/or profit off the parts they don’t own by pretending they “invented and therefore own” seeds).

The only reason meat is a cheap option for you is because the grains (which are unhealthy for the animals) are profitable on a “dollars invested” vs “sale value of the resulting meat” scale, which is the only scale that really matters. Meat is cheap because the government gives out farm welfare to farmers growing vegetables and grains that aren’t fit for human consumption to feed to animals. If we gave those same subsidies to people farming organic and cruelty-free products, they’d be the cheapest option instead.

In any case, I don’t see a moral justification to eating animals in todays world. I don’t think that “everyone should be vegan”, i think that people should have a choice other than “contribute to animal mistreatment” and “being vegan”, and that choice shouldn’t be based on the profitability of animal cruelty.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Elon is doing this so he can pretend that if someone says “i saw your ex today” he can pretend they were talking about his tweet, change my view

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Elon is only changing the name of twitter to X so he has an easy way of changing the subject if someone brings up his ex

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Also, “trans without dysphoria” doesn’t always mean that you don’t actually have dysphoria. this link and actually that whole website go into a lot of the ways that you might say “i don’t have dysphoria” but end up realizing later you totally did.

I used to say that, too. And there are a whole bunch of things that i had misattributed to something other than gender dysphoria (blaming physical features of myself that aren’t gender related, when those don’t bother me when i present feminine) or just something where i didn’t experience the dysphoria because i had never experienced the euphoria, and didn’t really understand that was a way you could feel.

I didn’t start transitioning until right before my 42nd birthday. Looking back at my life, the signs that i was trans and all the dysphoria were always there, it was all just internalized dysphoria or feelings i didn’t understand.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“What if… what if i found a way to combine apathy in the face of tragedy and misogyny into the same situation? I bet that would be so funny. Lol. I would even go so far as to say Lmao. This might even be worth a Rofl.”

“The internet is gonna fucking love me. Comedy GOD, they’ll say. Pinnacle of humor; the rest of humor has ended, they’ll say. Edgy humor has won, and hilarious edgelords will rule the world. Nothing will be funny anymore unless it hurts at least someone. Humor will only exist through mistreatment of others, as god intended, and i will finally be praised for my hilarious ability to be a complete asshole devoid of empathy.”

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

does that make a single individual a toofling ? because i’m into that

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I know, right? Such a fucking stupid line, it’s like nobody ever saw a star war.

Well i did see all every star war, and i’ll tell you what i learned. If a Sith Lord had machinations to be resurrected in the case of his eventual death, the VERY FIRST thing he would do upon the successful completion of that plan is announce that fact to the entire galaxy, and explain to the entire galaxy, especially every random X-Wing pilot fighting for the rebellion, that he is now officially back and here is how he was able to do so.

The Sith do not hide in the shadows. They do not operate in secret. They do not subtly manipulate. They do not lie or deceive. They operate in public, explaining every step of their history and future plan to the entire galaxy. If palpatine were to be resurrected, even fucking jawas and droids could tell you the exact methodology by which he did so.

Anyone who has seen ANY star war would know this. It just wouldn’t make sense in context of the rest of the series, which is well-known for being hard scifi that stays as accurate to the physical universe as possible. To break those rules you’d have to invent some sort of magic or some mystical woowoo made up forces to explain how palpating returned, and god if someone did that i’d just give up on all of the star wars, not just any individual star war.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My whole post was sarcasm, I hate that people complain about that line exactly because why the fuck would an x-wing pilot know about the mechanisms behind palpatine’s resurrection?

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

To be fair, it’s completely arbitrary, and all of math would be easier to understand, although slightly more verbose, if the only rule of order of operations is “always use parentheses to denote order, there are no implied parentheses”.

lazy mfs from centuries ago who were mortified by the thought of having to write ( and ) too much (lord what i wouldn’t give to hop in a time machine and show them lisp) should not be dictating our mathematical notation in this century. Explicit grouping is always more obvious to the reader.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s also not that hard to just write it in a far less confusing way in many cases.

In this simple case, 4 x 2 + 2 or 2 x 4 + 2 would have been superior choices because both people reading left to right and people following pemdas correctly would get it right, and only people mis-remembering pemdas would be confused.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Well, yes, but as you are working on an equation for yourself to work through a problem, it really doesn’t matter. you can intentionally break PEMDAS for your own notation.

When communicating the equation to others, though, doing your best to make it comprehensible to people of all skill levels is absolutely not wasted work. Reformatting equations so the largest number of people comprehend what that means is absolutely valuable.

Edit: hell, as long as you’re consistent with your personal notation, you could get anarchistic about it and use SADMEP notation.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think that means bi because deadpool is bi

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’ll volunteer to help moderate. The reddit egg_irl was responsible for everything I am today and probably saved my life. I owe the community for what it did for me, and when the reddit bullshit went down and i had to leave reddit, i was okay with losing most of it b/c i don’t feel safe on reddit without 3pa’s, but losing r/egg_irl and watching that community tear itself apart broke my heart in a way i never would have expected.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That post is a decent intellectual overview of what happened throughout june, but it doesn’t really hit home as an explanation of why it broke my heart.

Basically everyone lost their empathy. Disagreeing with the mods decision to protest suddenly justified being a complete monster to people there. I’ve never seen that much vitriol in a place that’s supposed to be an emotionally supportive place. They’d say they were upset that they were losing a safe space, but they were actively working against it being safe.

I posted saying that I didn’t agree with the mods decision of “just post eggs”, but that it sucked because without 3pa’s i can’t keep myself emotionally safe on reddit and will have to leave no matter what, and i did support protesting the API changes in some way. I also said I thought the best form of protest would be considering egg_irl “bigger than reddit” by supporting versions of it here on lemmy, and on the mods’ preferred alternative (even tho i don’t think their raddle platform choice is a good one, which i was also clear about), so that those who had to leave had a supportive place to go. I was repeatedly attacked, called awful names, told to “just gtfo and go to raddle”, called a mod shill/bootlicker, told that i was an acceptable loss when 3pa’s go away, etc.

The mods made a decision to protest without consulting the community, but they didn’t break egg_irl. The small subset of the community who turned it toxic afterwards are the people responsible for it turning from a safe space to a hate haven. It wasn’t really a lot of people, but they were spewing hate and vitriol all over the sub for weeks, thinking they were saving the sub.

It was really awful to watch, and be on the sub when it happened. In a matter of days it went from a supportive place to pure toxicity, and the most toxic people were so convinced that they were fighting a righteous justified battle for the good of the community against oppressive fascist (that word was thrown around like confetti) mods. And if you weren’t just as toxic towards the mods, you were just as evil as the mods.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I posted elsewhere in this thread, but I would love to help moderate this community as well if you’re willing to accept an additional mod.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

At first i assumed it was all sex toys.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The rule was never really enforced and it would be kind of wrong to even say it’s an honor system rule.

Basically, the rule just means that a lot of people post memes and there’s not much judginess about meme quality.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The “rule” is just “if you visit here you must post”. Putting “rule” in the title means “i’m following the rule”. The rule was never enforced, it’s really just a memes forum with less judgement re: meme quality (they have to post SOMETHING to satisfy the rule, being a dick in the comments is working against the “rule”).

Really just a way to say “post memes, be nice” without giving all the “YOU can’t tell ME to be nice! I will be mean just to spite you!” people their beloved raging troll erections.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Finger was cool. It was sort of like the 70s/80s/90s version of twitter, but you only have one post available at any time. Wanna post something new? It will replace your only post.

Otherwise it was used like twitter, but there was a lot less toxicity and hate and no ads and no real financial incentive to even use it and it was decentralized like all internet services used to be and lemmy is.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

For dry flower vape, I recommend whole-heartedly the Mighty+ made by storz&bickel.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i’ve been planning on getting a tattoo similar to this

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

how do you get that far in life without knowing who kirby is

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