@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The U.S. Navy plans to equip its Virginia-class submarines with Xbox 360 controllers, which will control the ship’s periscopes.

Periscopes. Not steering the goddamned sub.

"Shareholder" by J. L. Westover (files.mastodon.social)

alt textThree panels depicting a person and a robot labelled “social media algorithm”. Person (handing over a card): Please share this with my friends. Social media algorithm (holding the card closely): I will show this to… no one. Person: But… Social media algorithm (poiting gun at person): Pay me....

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As a programmer, nothing about the modern world frustrates me more than the difference between the definition of the word algorithm when you ask a programmer or mathematician, and anyone else in the entire fucking world.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this post feels pro-nazi in a way that discomforts me

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

SoM was indeed anti-nazi, yes. But this meme is about subverting an anti-nazi political body with a loophole, which shocks (and assumedly, from the comic panels, defeats) said political body. this part, which is not included in the original work, is what makes me uncomfortable.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

to me the flow of “anti-nazi org says no -> i found a loophole -> anti nazi org is shocked and defeated” feels uncomfortable to me. it’s not the subject matter or your point, but presented in this yugioh format it feels like it’s leaning on the wrong side to me.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, it’s a lot the meme format and the underlying implication of defeat that makes it feel weird to me. I actually think that they shouldn’t have needed the loophole, and on its whole, portraying a negative thing in a negative light is valid. but the meme format puts this in a weird place for me b/c of the implication of defeat

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Youtube produces almost none of their own content, instead they rely on other humans to create that content.

Use your ad blocker if you want, but stop treating youtubers as google employees (they’re not, they often have a much more frustrating relationship than you do) and start supporting them through other means.

To you, those people are just helping you waste your time. if that’s your real argument here, stop wasting your fucking time and do something else more worth your precious time, or start supporting content producers directly through non-youtube methods. Or just stop fucking watching.

Those people aren’t on youtube because they’re buying into corporate google dick-wrangling, they want to produce videos and have them get watched, and youtube is a place that hosts their videos for free AND gives them ad revenue share for hosting youtube ads.

You aren’t some hero for adblocking youtube but still watching it. google won’t notice your small dip in their revenue, but the youtuber who made it will.

Wanna support the people who entertain you (or, i guess, “waste your time”, if that’s what you consider entertainment to be — if all you want is to waste your time, don’t ads do the same thing for you?). Pay them directly for their content. Want to take a fake stand that supports nobody but yourself and your own inconveniences, install an ad blocker and boast on the internet about how you’re totally fucking over google and the people who create youtube content by doing so. But don’t treat yourself like some hero for doing so.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

where do i find the 10-40% percent of youtube-produced content on youtube you’re talking about?

Google is a trillion dollar company because they do far more than youtube, and make the majority of their money from taking a percentage of ad revenue. This does include youtube, and youtube is only profitable to google because they can sell ads on top of it, because video hosting on the internet is fucking expensive.

i pay google nothing, just like you. i do, however, support my favorite youtubers outside of google revenue streams with my own money, either through direct support or merchandise.

Both installing an adblocker and not even going to youtube will cost google money. I don’t care which you do. But if you do watch specific youtubers regularly, support them directly, even if you do use an ad blocker.

You’re not a hero for adblocking google. You’re a hero if you support content creators outside of google, whether or not you watch them on youtube using an adblocker.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I was never defending google or youtube.

I was defending the people who produce content on youtube, and who do not enjoy the benefits of google’s wealth and market position, and are just trying to create their content.

adblock youtube if you want, but unless you’re also supporting the creators of your content outside of google, i have never paid google a dime either. don’t pretend this is about a big corporation. you just think you deserve to be entertained for free, regardless of who put in the effort to create it.

If you’re REALLY anti-google/youtube, STOP USING THEM. If you watch them with adblock, google can still spin your usage statistics into something that will appeal to investors, but youtube creators will be wondering why their numbers dwindle, because they don’t have investors to (lie to / spin numbers at). You’re still helping youtube, even with an adblocker.

On the other hand, if you support content creators outside of youtube? you are supporting them directly, without youtube’s involvement and without google even getting a cut. I do this for several youtubers, and support even more through merch and etc.

But sure keep telling me i’m defending the landlords because i’m getting mad at you for mistreating the staff and pretending you’re sticking it to the landlords.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

oh yes, unionize af. not much of an option in my career and i kept glossing over that point, but 100% unionize i agree.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Most modern linguists consider “should have” to be a completely valid variation of should’ve / should have.

Yes, it does contradict what your english teachers in school taught you, and according to that world view “if we don’t have those rules then we wouldn’t be able to understand each other”. But the hundreds to thousands of languages where those rules don’t even exist and people understand missing/“incorrect” meaning from context, as well as the fact that you can proudly stand on your “i know what’s right” soapbox and say that “should of” is wrong, only serve to prove that these rules aren’t actually rules or part of the english language and are more like the linguistic equivalent of fashion.

Again, you understood exactly the meaning OP meant, enough that you could confidently barge in and tell them they’re “wrong”, and tell them what they should have used instead to fit your fashion rules.

Basically, absolutely nobody saw this meme, saw “should have” instead of “should have”, and thought “hmm, i don’t know what’s supposed to be being said in this case.” You dislike “should have” because you were told you were supposed to, and that if you didn’t stick to these rules nobody would respect you or understand what you’re saying. Now, you do the same thing and lose respect for people who didn’t (while also understanding what they are saying exactly). That has nothing to do with the language, and is, again, more akin to “you wore white after labor day” or “you wore socks with sandals” or whatever other fashion faux pas you committed — none of which are related to actual linguistics or the natural way through which languages evolve (or whether or not your outfit looks good on you on any given day)

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

why study language at all

To understand it, and how and why it evolves over time, just like any other study. There’s no such thing as prescriptivist physics, or math, or biology, or etc etc. We don’t get to tell the world how it works, and pretty much no science is focused on that assumption other than historical linguistics.

we could all just speak however we want as long as we understood

We do speak however we want, and we do understand, because we pick up new trends in language on an unconscious level and this is the way languages have always worked and evolved.

then we end up with an uncountable number of dialects and creoles

We’ve already ended up there, and that’s nothing new. Sure, new languages/dialects/creoles creep into the world, but that’s how all languages evolve — instead, the lines between “what’s a language”, “what’s a dialect”, and “what’s a creole” get grayed and more blurry and fuzzy.

The thing is, humans developed language a very very long time ago, and those languages evolve and split off due to large-scale trends in the lives of humans speaking those languages, for a multitude of reasons that interact and make the process essentially random.

Here’s one way to look at it: it’s the opposite of the “jurassic park” problem, instead of “your scientists were preoccupied with whether or not they could, they never stopped to ask whether they should”, linguists spent so much time arguing over prescriptivist/descriptivist arguments, and never asked whether prescriptivism actually can control the evolution of a language.

Anybody, even some random teen in some random neighborhood in any english speaking country, can come up with a new word, and it can catch on and eventually become a new accepted and widely-used word. That’s because it’s a “you can use this if you want” situation, whereas the prescriptivist version is “if you use ___ you are wrong, if you want to be right use ___ only”.

It should be obvious why telling someone they can do something is an easier argument than that they can’t, and this is why prescriptivism has failed. especially because, again, nobody saw “should of” in this post and thought “oh god i don’t know what this is supposed to mean”; instead people either understood and said nothing, or they understood but jumped in to tell people they’re wrong for making them understand in a way that contradicts what their own english teachers in school said they SHOULD be able to understand.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i meant it when i said -9. fuck that process.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this isn’t a fortune teller, it’s a fortune taker

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Trucks = Testosterone, and men here have such fragile senses of masculinity that they need to be constantly reinforcing how manly they are in every aspect of their lives

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it’s a toxicity match made in toxic heaven where god gaslights you about bible stuff and the two humans end up together despite all the reasons they shouldn’t be in a relationship, because it makes god happy

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

wanted to really shrink my dating pool

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hi there. This post was reported for breaking the first rule of this community: all posts must be titled egg_irl (or you can put one or two emojis instead of the underscore).

Please edit your title to conform to this rule, otherwise this post will be removed.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

clearly you’ve never met a non-programmer with an app idea. so many random people have billion dollar ideas they’re willing to give you for free, and how dare you shrug that idea off as not worth your time, they’re giving you a lottery ticket they can’t turn in because they don’t “get” computers, but you do, so with just your skills and effort, and their genius idea you never could have thought of because you’re not an “idea person”, YOU could be a billionaire.

TIL Peter Molyneux failed his first game so badly he started a baked bean export company, which got confused with a software firm and kickstarted his development career (en.wikipedia.org)

After his first game venture failed, Peter Molyneux started a baked bean export business. Commodore International mistakenly offered him ten free Amiga systems because they confused the baked bean company’s name “Taurus” with a software company “Torus”, and he used the hardware to create a database system for the...

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

molyneux is one of the weirdest names in game development. that boy makes lots of promises about how epic his new game is, and it always feels like the mcdonald’s happy meal toy version of whatever big thing he claimed it was.

Black&White 1/2 are the biggest examples of this. was proclaimed as some huge advancement of ai in games, and it was just “if you pet this giant cow every time it either eats its own poop or throws poop at your villagers, it will eat and throw its poop like crazy, desperate for more validation from you. meanwhile you keep using your giant literal hand of god to pick individual people up and throw them into the ocean because you’re god in this game” and then two hours in you’re bored and stop playing.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it’s pretty easy i just send out a bunch of messages and either get nothing back or creepy dudes being weird and sometimes unsolicited creepy dudes being weird and then i get discouraged and don’t go back to that app for a while

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

do they divide up the painting or one does highlights and the other does shadows or does sergei just “supervise” or how does this work

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

pizza, sandwich, burger, hot dog, corn dog, fries, rolls (and basically any bread-like thing), buffalo wings, chicken nuggets / tenders, fish sticks, most fruit, any veggies that can be eaten raw, most quick snacks, and so much more.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

jesus fucking christ fine. replace corn dog with: corn on the cob, tacos, burritos, nachos, tater tots, bbq ribs, breadsticks, calzones, mozzarella sticks, etc.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I AM NOT here to judge or shame you for what foods you don’t eat with your bare hands.

I ABSOLUTELY AM here to both judge and shame people who will not eat something with their hands “because it’s gross”, but discount all the things they do eat with their hands as “it doesn’t count”, while they are perfectly fine eating dozens of other foods with their hands.

i don’t care what you eat with a fork. i care what you eat with your bare hands while judging others for what they eat with their bare hands.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

his motives are to fight the cavity creeps duh

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The commercial told me to tell my doctor this medication was right for me

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

2FA is the biggest bane to my productivity in the last 15 years, no part of my work life should require me to pull out my magic distraction device.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i have questions that i don’t want the answer to

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

can you fix your title pls

Rules on Post Titles and Tags: Posts must be titled “egg_irl”. An emoji or two is OK, but they have to be between “egg” and “irl”.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

there are 8 logic gates in a byte

uh. no? a logic gate isn’t a bit. you can store a single bit with a pair of not gates to make a flip flop, but the core logic here is flawed

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

yes, tired brain hiccup :)

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this may be the best bird name of all time

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

can you fix your title pls

Rules on Post Titles and Tags: Posts must be titled “egg_irl”. An emoji or two is OK, but they have to be between “egg” and “irl”.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The “J” in “J & L(auren)” is MISERABLE

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The requirement that ISPs list all their monthly fees “would add unnecessary complexity and burdens to the label for consumers and providers and could result in some providers having to create many labels for any given plan,” the groups said in the filing on Friday.

It would put undo burden on you for them to tell you what they’re charging for. they’re trying to help you. this isn’t about capitalism, it’s about simplifying the process of them adding fees to your bill in a mutually beneficial way, because neither of you have to think too hard about where the fee money goes. it’s about mutual love, respect, and empathy 🙏

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In the USA most people would say “august 9th”, not “the 9th of august”, which is one of the reasons mm/dd/yyyy is the standard format here

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this one actually surprised me, because i expected the punchline to be something like “my wife tells me so every day!!!”

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


…. ohhhhhhhhhhh this makes sense now

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

who are the other five guys tho bc i’m lonely

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh, doesn’t even look like it’s that much to deal with, i’m on the case ma’am 🫡

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