@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

my hopes of a spidey/daredevil team up game have been foiled is the real tragedy here

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

if i make pasta im intending to eat it over 3-4 meals or two if im depressed

thats how living alone works

Just Finished Watching Series

I just finished watching the entire series over the course of the year, so I’m a late-blooming fan. Probably top three comedy show for sure. Seinfeld for Xers and Millenials but with more heart and cast chemistry. It’s amazing that they were able to maintain the quality for the most part through the entire series. Dennis...

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I like to think of it as the same show as Friends, except the writers are all completely totally aware that their characters are absolute pieces of human garbage.

Dennis’s BPD diagnosis was a bit triggering, as that episode aired just after i’d gotten out of a 6 year long abusive relationship with someone who had both borderline & narcissistic personality disorder, and dennis having BPD kinda tracks hard.

I’ve always loved the show, but you have to keep in mind that this is and has always been the premise: all of the main characters are complete shitbags. It’s a parody of the worst of humanity, and it’s an amazing show under that lens.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

damn it where do i get a yellow one

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

everyone who does drugs keeps human skulls around their house. it’s basically a requirement

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

in my heart i never truly left 196, so i’m still on my first visit

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s not really editing titles. They publish it with various titles that get split-tested at first, whichever version of the title gets more clicks then becomes the only title used.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No, it’s LEGO bricks. LEGO is the brand name. If you want to be pedantic AND correct, you should be referring to them as “LEGO Brand construction bricks”, though if you’re referring to a boxed set, it’s “LEGO brand construction brick playset”.

Or you could just not be douchey about it. Either way there is no connection to dice/die.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That was what was implied by my “don’t be douchey about it” suggestion :)

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean, i just say legos and don’t get all fucking judgy about what other people say.

I do also get all judgy about other people getting judgy about what people say in this case, but i feel justified in that behavior.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

well sure. i’m not saying people should be calling them lego bricks. it’s fine to call them just legos or lego.

but i think you missed my point, which was: don’t get all preachy about “you have to call them lego, you can’t say legos because it’s wrong”, when it’s equally as fucking wrong to call them lego. The company tells you to call them lego bricks, so if you’re going to go around telling people that one thing is wrong, you shouldn’t be telling them to instead use something else which is also wrong, because then you’re just being a douchebag.

The equivalent here is if you were to call the markers “sharpie” as a plural, and go around confidently telling other people they’re wrong for saying “sharpies” because “look the company calls them sharpie permanent markers, so the proper plural form is obviously sharpie, just like how it works with dice/die” (which, again, there is no way in which the lego or sharpie situations are similar to the pluralization of die).

how similar are other North American countries to USA??

I mean the other 2 countries, Canada and Mexico, how similar are both of them to United States?? Both countries have a similar economy and democracy etc, and I think those two countries share things like supermarkets, stores, etc. I suppose the cultural differences are not a lot, that is very nice.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So here’s the thing. The whole west coast of NA, including california, oregon, washington, and BC are considered to be super liberal areas. This is true by a majority of the population, but all of these regions are still filled with people who are as conservative as any other rural area in the US. It’s just that in those regions, more people populate the large cities than the rural areas.

Really, conservatism reigns in poorer, less educated, and more isolated regions with low population and without diversity, where tribalism can run rampant; it’s easy to be a racist shitbag if you barely meet anyone with a different skin color than you. Liberalism thrives in regions with diverse populations where in order to live we have to cooperate with others.

I live in Portland, Oregon. People tend to think oregon is a blue state wonderland (except during covid and the floyd protests. then apparently the whole city was on fire and in a state of complete anarchy; spoiler— it totally wasn’t). That’s not the case. We just have enough people in large cities to outnumber the racist cuntballoons in the rural areas. And that’s what the whole west coast is like (and basically every “blue state” in the US)

Western Canada is a lot like western USA. Filled with shart-gargling racists/homophobes/transphobes, but outnumbered by people who aren’t pieces of shit.

west coast (and especially PNW) culture is just “we kinda outnumber them slightly”, but the overall issue comes down to: in rural/conservative areas, it’s easy to be racist/homophobic/transphobic/other-religions-phobic, because you never have to consider anyone’s feelings that hurt your worldview because you don’t know them personally and do not consider them to be human on the same level as you.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I am a mod, but i am so out of passion. The original egg_irl on reddit is responsible for me finding myself as a trans woman.

The title rule exists to keep this place light-hearted. there are other places on this instance for deeper conversation, but this is first and foremost a place to share memes about eggs and gender questioning people and being trans.

The vast majority of community reports here are about breaking the title rule. Every once in a while there’s a spam report, or a report of stuff being off-topic, but mostly? just people breaking the title rule.

I get it. I thought the title rule was silly at first too. but it helps keep this place light-hearted and a place where people can flirt with their gender and/or dip their toes in the water safely, and make silly memes about the whole thing, without having to get serious about it and confront deep things within yourself you’re not ready to yet.

Sure, some random gru’s plan meme may topple you into that place anyway, but that’s the point. The only person who should crack an egg is the person inside that egg, and only through personal realization and self-understanding. The title rule helps us not step over that incredibly important boundary line.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Also, another point here: In the rules you’ll find a long list of content warnings. The title rule serves to make sure anyone who wants to avoid any type of post can do so without having to look at the content.

Anything you might want to put in a title, instead off egg_emojis_irl, you can put in the description underneath your meme. still get to say what you want to say, but it’s all post-click, and not just appearing on someone’s feed.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hello friend.

Your post is breaking rule #1 of this community: All posts must be titled “egg_irl” or “egg[some emojis]irl”. Please fix your title to prevent your post from being removed!

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I didn’t make the rule. it has existed since the original egg_irl back on reddit. Your post was reported by other members of this community for having broken the first rule of this community.

I am but a servant to the masses, and the masses demand this rule stay in place, as is and has always been the tradition of egg_irl.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Look we’ve all seen toy story

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Then don’t go to businesses that don’t pay their employees a fair wage. Don’t just handwave it away while contributing to the problem.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Research the company.

Or just don’t pretend you’re sticking it to capitalism by helping them stiff their workers. You’re directly supporting the practice. You’re no fucking hero for not tipping, and the only people you’re sticking it to are the underpaid employees.

Trust me, as a vegan, i know how hard it is to research everything you consume or buy or purchase. You give up convenience to support a cause you care about or believe in, because those conveniences are exactly what feeds the problem. And trying to find stuff that isn’t contributing to the problem is way more expensive, because cruelty to animals or cruelty to your human minimum wage workers are exactly what makes your food so quick and easy and cheap.

As a general rule, i’d guess that if you don’t want to tip, but don’t want to support companies that don’t pay their wages well: give up cheap fast food. give up most large national or international chains. you’re probably looking at a lot more cooking for yourself from home, probably buying your food at a local small co-op. It’s not going to be easy.

That or tip well because the person taking your order is the person you’re fucking over by not tipping, not the people profiting.

Either way don’t pretend you’re doing anything other than supporting the problem.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“can’t solve the problem as long as capitalism exists, so may as well contribute to capitalism while patting myself on the back and pretending i’m sticking it to the man by helping them exploit workers” is such fucking bullshit. “i can’t change the world so may as well contribute to the fucked up” is exactly what keeps the practice sustainable.

you are only contributing to wage theft by deciding you’re a hero for not tipping.

if you want to try in other ways to make effective change in society? go for it. do that too. but don’t hit no tip and then go jerk off publicly over how sexy you are for fighting capitalism.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My solution is to tip well, because not tipping is hurting the employee, not the employer. If they were paying the employees a fair wage, the prices would be higher anyway.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

oh go fuck yourself. i make decent money normally, but i’ve also been in the position where im scraping by, and right now im much closer to the latter category, having been recently laid off.

I tip well when I can afford it, but if i can’t afford to do so, i don’t fucking go out. I’m not going to fuck over someone who makes a few bucks an hour before tip so that i can eat cheap food someone else made, im cooking from home now that im unemployed, and even once i have a job again it will be a while before i can indulge in that.

a lot of people seem to be missing my point in this thread, which is that you have a few choices here:

  • tip well, to support employees, because US tax laws allow you to pay someone a fraction of minimum wage if you can say they’re a tip-based worker, and even if you can’t just put up a tip jar and pay minimum wage
  • don’t go to places which rely on underpaying workers to give you cheap prices, because the cruelty is what makes it cheap
  • you live in an area where tipping is weird because everyone is paid well
  • don’t tip, because you can’t afford to
  • don’t tip, pay 100% of the employer’s asking price, and go brag on the internet about how you don’t tip and you’re sticking it to capitalism, while the only person you’re hurting is the employee.

Most of the above are fine. The second from last, if you have empathy for others, you’ll probably at least realize who you’re hurting, even if you can’t help it.

That last one though just makes you a certifiable piece of shit. You’re not cool for fucking over the little guy and calling it sticking it to the man.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So don’t work at your job either if you’re also a wage slave? Maybe take your own advice?

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i do not know how to cope with my life after viewing both the real strip and the heathcliff-free version.

i find myself confused, angry, and in need of help. I’m not sure what it even means for something to make sense anymore, but i’m pretty sure if i ever did make sense of it, i would be diving even further into the incomprehensible madness of the universe, lose all sense of reality, and unable to discern my morbid life experiences from my own horrifying nightmares.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Let’s not conflate the two. killinger rules, kissinger is the wad.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

people see me dressed in pink 3-4 days of the week.

People also ask me my favorite color, as if they don’t know.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Either I am a bunny, or bunnies have ptsd, or both

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Along these lines, i’m thrilled with the ps portal as well. was only $200, but the ps online streaming is so good. i used to use it on ps4 on my ipad with an external controller from 1200 miles away at legit decent frame rate and latency.

ps portal’s display is crisp and beautiful, it looks so much more gorgeous than the steam deck (because all the rendering is done on the ps5), and there are some games that i don’t even really want to play on the big screen format that the portal has made awesome because they’re wonderful on handheld format.

best gaming purchase i’ve made in a long while

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This post was reported as spam, and I have to agree that an AI image with no text is not a meme.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

ngl at first i thought this said cocaine

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

we were created in gods image 🙏god loves a good railing like the rest of us

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

share zone da mother fuckin

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i’m uncomfortable with the idea of tribbles with piercings, i don’t know why but i’m terrified over here

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

they don’t need to fight over me

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think Apple intended it to allow people to understand when a message was secure or not

I don’t even think it’s security; It meant the messages are free. A large part of the early marketing for iMessage was that it bypasses the sms network entirely and that you could text as much as you want even if you didn’t have unlimited texting on your plan, as long as you were talking in blue bubbles.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this describes a bunch of my friendships honestly

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“simply showing off” -> clowning on humans

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You’ve posted this in the wrong community; this community is for memes about both cracked and uncracked eggs. Might want to post this in a different community.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Ok, I can accept this as a text-only egg meme. But you’re still breaking rule #1 with the title, and don’t wanna have to delete your post if someone reports this. egg🐧irl would be a valid title!

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean yeah, many of us ARE unix nerds, nobody was questioning THAT :)

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Iduno, i definitely learned some new things about star wars by clicking on that link. well, one new thing at least. so i wouldn’t say it was that bad.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Will not buy. I do not like rockstar’s business model of “release new GTA, milk the franchise via online mode and microtransactions for a decade rather than making more content and new games”. GTA1-4 and all of the offshoot/expansion games for each, came out in a shorter timespan than GTA5’s lifespan, WITHOUT an expansion.

Also, GTA5 was wonderful technically, but the story was cookie cutter as hell. Even just looking at the “amazing new 3 protagonists”, it’s a white guy in his 40s who just wants one final score before retiring (every heist movie protagonist ever), a black dude from the streets with gang history (b/c he’s black, and a criminal, he’s obviously a gang member), and some methed out white dude (who even the dev team admits is just a character based on “lol gta players will play like psychopaths because the npc’s aren’t real people, isn’t that funny/weird haha let’s make a character about it” — like no the whole point of gta is that it’s a story about being a criminal, so you do criminal stuff and get rewarded for it with points/money/weapons and without real consequence, like when mario jumps on a goomba). two boring stereotypes that and a

Anyway, buying gta6 sounds like a poor life decision to me. i hate yearly franchises, but decade-ly franchises are so much worse. the starcraft 1->2 transition taught me that way before gta5 even came out.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it wasn’t. in fact, this post wasn’t asking for anybody on lemmy to post about it either, regardless of their opinion.

i’m sure whoever wrote this wants us to sign up for their comments section and discuss this there on their website. shall we continue this discussion there instead? that is, after all, what the post is asking us to do.

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

this is a dashed seven thread. we don’t take kindly to straight-topped threes. double-bubble eights are also not “one of us”, nor are angle-ticked ones (if you’re gonna tick a one you better give that tick a curve). slashed and dotted zeroes are ok, but naked zeroes are heresy. overly-hooked 6s and 9s make us feel uncomfortable. triangled fours are the worst, though.

"Shareholder" by J. L. Westover (files.mastodon.social)

alt textThree panels depicting a person and a robot labelled “social media algorithm”. Person (handing over a card): Please share this with my friends. Social media algorithm (holding the card closely): I will show this to… no one. Person: But… Social media algorithm (poiting gun at person): Pay me....

@rubythulhu@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Me want see thing in order, old thing first new thing last

Fun fact: this is also an algorithm!

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