@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar


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@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

glad i got off of windows 10 before windows got worse. now i’m just sitting here laughing but also disappointed that people have to put up with let alone use this shit because it’s the mainstream os

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

The biggest punchline of all of this is that our tax dollars are paying for this propaganda. Not in my name.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

consistent one-sided reporting

Remember the statements the IDF and Israeli media put out when the Al-Ahli hospital was bombed? first they said it was a Hamas rocket, and after that was debunked they say that the hospital was a Hamas base/bunker, without providing any evidence.

Sure sounds like propaganda, conspiracy theories and one-sided reporting to me.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

looks like Israel’s following Russia’s footsteps, and USA probably won’t bat an eye.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

USA sends on average 3.8 billion a year in aid to Israel. Israel also has a lobbying system in the US to skew public opinion in favor of Israel (the most prominent groups are CUFI and AIPAC), where in certain divisions, Mossad bots spew Israeli propaganda on fake accounts (much like the Kremlin bots).

The government always touts Israel as “our best ally”. Not to mention that USA always has unequivocal support to Israel, even if they might criticise them for a couple things. Funny how they support the oppressed while also supporting the aggressor.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Yet you guys freak out when this argument is used on Ukraine. Both are bullshit arguments btw.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

If you take a look at Israeli and Russian media, you’ll find out that they pretty use the same methods of propaganda (and sure some things are different, but the general census is the same).

Dehumanizing the enemy, and lumping all of its people together, meanwhile trying to justify their actions with the victim approach. “oh please help i’m getting attacked, i have done nothing wrong, those guys over there are terrorists/nazis, we’re only liberating it from the horrible terrorists/nazis who keep bombing this place! we’re doing this for peace!”

Also, why do you think the “terrorists” are doing this? Surely it wouldn’t be because of the illegal occupation of Palestine that Israel has been doing since 1948, with the Nakba (where various militant groups such as Irgun and Lehi did a massacre on Palestinian people, the looting of Palestinian homes, and evasion tactics such as planting trees to hide the fact that this was once Palestinian land being a huge part of it). IDF also play a major role in the occupation, as they very much want their presence known.

IDF raid houses for the purpose of taking picture of all the family members in the house to use as data for BlueWolf (which is basically a profile of Palestinians so that Israel’s surveillance cameras can easily recognize their faces). They can also do a “house search” where they knock everything over and then come up empty-handed because they don’t know what they’re searching for. They can also use the house that they just raided as a sort of military base.

Their most recent crime is the killing of a journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. They then lied through their teeth while Israeli bots posted misinformation say that “the terrorists fired on her”, which was quickly debunked. They call that a “PR blitz”. Also, for them, bombing hospitals (such as the al-Shifa hospital), schools, media towers (Al-Jalaa building being one example), apartment buildings (such as Hamadi tower), and if that isn’t enough, the al-Shati refugee camp is known as “mowing the lawn”.

So of course the Palestinians have every right to fight back, just like the Ukrainians do. I don’t agree with every method (just as i don’t agree with every method the Ukrainians use),. That being said, they are being occupied by a country who’s raiding and demolishing homes, doing random assassinations, and to top it all off, throwing tear gas into mosques and hospitals because that’s what the most moral army in the world does. No surprise that they fight back. They aren’t just going to surrender their land to the occupiers.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s too complicated for me lol.

One side that’s literally bombing hospitals and media towers, storming into mosques and hospitals to throw tear gas at people, and invading people’s home so they can either do a “search” where they leave the house in disarray, or wake up all the family members at 12am to photograph them using an app called BlueWolf (it basically puts the Palestinians into a database where IDF/Police can scrutinise them), and assassinate random people on the street, as well as the dozens of cameras and microphones on surveillance poles, watch towers, and illegally installed on some people’s roofs for good measure. They also killed a journalist (Shireen Abu Akleh), and the Israeli propaganda machine instantly went into overdrive, trying to say that it was Hamas, but was quickly debunked. (he war criminals didn’t get shit because it’s Israel).

A whole army that’s designed to intimidate and dehumanise another group, with the ideology that the Palestinians are sub-humans/terrorists, which is propagated by Israeli media, which Russia is now using that formula in their propaganda to report on the war in Ukraine, yeah that definitely sounds “complicated”.

One of the factors in making your view on Ukraine different is that Russia doesn’t have a lobbying system like Israel does. Israel has a huge lobbying system (mostly in the USA but there’s also ones in Canada) where they basically spew out Israeli propaganda and control the media to influence public opinion to have a positive view on Israel. They even have war rooms where Mossad bots on fake accounts endlessly spew Israeli talking points, much like the Kremlin bots. Russia wishes they could have a lobbying system like that.

To see the propaganda for yourself, just compare when Israel gets striked by Hamas rockets and the media (especially Israeli media) is blaring the red alarm, to Russian media reporting on Ukrainian drone strikes in Russia. You’ll find out that they basically use the same format. Over-exaggerate the bad guys, call everyone who’s in that country a catch-all term, and have the country who’s attacked seem like they have done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve this, they’re always a victim.

I do support the Ukrainian people. Just putting that out there. I think both the invasion of Ukraine and occupation of Palestine is illegal. Are there shades of gray? There are, but only focusing on that stuff distracts you from the bigger picture.

Having double standards like this isn’t okay. You say you’re all for justice but then one conflict comes up where it couldn’t be any clearer on who the aggressor is, but because of Israeli propaganda influencing the media, it’s just too complicated to wrap your head around.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

yeah i wonder as well. always a russian missile until people take a look at it and it’s radio silence from there lol.

funny how russia always gets clowned on for their false flags (they’re laughably bad anyways) but when ukraine does it (and a decent job at one too) the ukraine supporters always do whataboutism.

always at strangely convenient times too.

i’m all for support for ukraine (it’s people anyways). going to the equivalent of a vatnik doesn’t help anyone.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Going with your example here, try to highlight Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, and how there’s lobbies for Israel that are basically worldwide (it’s most prevalent in USA, AIPAC and CUFI being the big 2) spreading Pro-Israel propaganda. Israel’s propaganda machine also has bot farms (called war rooms) distributing propaganda just like the Kremlin bots.

Try pointing all of that out, then see what happens then in the very country that touts its freedom of speech. (Hint: You get put on a list and you’re smeared so bad your job is in jeopardy).

I suggest you read up on this, it’s interesting. Here’s a link for some reading.


Generally, pointing something out that a state doesn’t want to be pointed out will involve the state cracking down on you, it’s just state policy. Shouldn’t be but it is. I support all dissidence.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

This being said, have you tried doing what I said? Answer me clearly. Go to Red Square, protest against the occupation of Ukraine.

Well in Russia’s case, they just arrest everyone and put them in jail for 5-15 years and make up laws saying that you can’t criticise the army/government or protest. So people stop protesting because they don’t want to go to the shithole that is Russian jail, or even worse like in one case with a schoolgirl doing a non-approved drawing, the father being subject to CIA torture methods (i recall one of them he had the russian anthem blasted at him at ear-damaging volume, which is what the CIA done in Guantanamo bay).

Also, the elections are rigged in Russia (just so you know that information).

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

seems like russia isn’t the only one getting their tanks from museums lol

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

US invasion of Australia any time now lol

Putin: West put ethnic Jew to rule in Ukraine to 'cover glorification of Nazism' (www.unionleader.com)

Sept 5 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a television interview on Tuesday, without citing evidence, that Western powers had installed Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who is of Jewish heritage, as president of Ukraine to cover up the glorification of Nazism....

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

no i just find it funny that a jew’s calling someone else a jew lol

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

i wonder why we’re an ally with that hellhole of a state anyways. we should cut ties and sanction them (and should have done a long time ago).

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

ahh, the sponsor from LTT that mined your PC while at idle :)

piratepost, to technology Italian

Russia Takes Its Ukraine Information War Into Video Games


Propaganda is appearing in and other popular games and discussion groups as the tries to win over new audiences.


@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Very surprising that a local channel of a video game celebrates holidays/certain events of that particular nation in the game. Truly shocking!

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah i head about that. America’s Army or smth like that. Heard it got cut and i think some players said that the game was actually kinda good lol.

Was never really interested in it tbh, seemed generic af.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

I heard in the campaign for the COD MW (2019), the devs put the Highway of Death in the game (which is an American war crime) but in the story they depicted it as something Russia did. This obviously sparked some outrage, as people read this as the game dismissing American war crimes.

Seems pretty deceptive to me.

If there’s other games (and maybe some probably much to the equivalent of America’s Army to Russia) that water down Russian war crimes, then that’s just as deceptive.

I think all propaganda is equally bad. Putting certain ones on pedestals because “At least it isn’t XYZ” doesn’t jive with me, and it distracts from the real issue.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah I think they do that for movies as well. If directors want the real thing (because who doesn’t like practical effects and having the real thing in shot?), they’ll have to contact the DoD.

The DoD reviews the script for the movie, and they just water it down to absolute propaganda (they even say it out loud, they don’t hide it). US is always good, enemy always bad, US wins and saves the day. If there’s any criticism of the army, it’s usually brief and with a very weak point.

Full Metal Jacket isn’t approved by the DoD. Says everything you need to know about the, imo.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

And when they laid off their QA team with the testing lab of thousands of unique computers, they replaced it with VMs and AI. Because VMs are a totally good way to troubleshoot very specific bugs. The AI part is used to supposedly figure out when you’re “idle” so what Windows can update.

Imagine needing AI to update a computer lmao

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

US when Russia invades Ukraine: They got invaded, we’re sending weapons! Fuck off, Russia, we ain’t negotiating with an invader. We’re helping Ukraine get their land back.

US when Israel’s occupying Palestine: We need to negotiate this with peace. Sure, Israel occupies the land, but it’s to prevent terrorism! Don’t you see the the rockets that are sent into Israel? Think of the civilians in Israel who are being killed by Hamas rockets. We need to de-militarise before we can bring peace.

The suits at Washington speaking on anything dealing with Israel seem very similar to the likes of Russian propaganda being spewed about on RT. Just replace Donbass with Israel, and Azov and Banderites with Hamas and Palestinians. Aside from a few talking points, i just get that vibe.

Before anyone goes all keyboard warrior, I think the invasion of Ukraine and occupation of Palestine are both illegal and unjustified.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

True I fucking hate how the US wants to be buddy buddy with us when they’re actually fucking us over. I mean we have some of their worst traits here (especially one of them being the lobbying of a certain US “ally” influencing public opinion on it so that it’s always seen as a good guy and a victim).

I just wish we could get rid of all of that and just let us be us.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

good there’s much better stuff than the cancer known as McDonalds lmao

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

mfs too lazy to use the onion smh. yeah it’s a little slow but it’s the best way to use zlib.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

back in the day i used to play cracked left 4 dead online using garena (it was basically a game server software where users could join rooms and they would have servers. i mostly remember there being south americans/slavic people on there. was quite interesting. afaik it would use steam group servers to connect (which may could be a lan type thing but idk).

idk how it works now but i’d imagine it would be tougher now with current games acting more like a live service. if you get bored of playing with slavs every time then it’s time to buy the game.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

2 wrongs don’t make a right. This will only end up with more duds scattered across the land.

They’re free to use them but they’ll have to clean up quickly and efficiently, and even then I think there will still be the odd dud. I’m sure civilians will be thankful that there’s an eye for an eye.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

Those polls you got your source from are actually polls done by state-run polling facilities. of course poeple are going to say what the state wants to hear. here’s a video on it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uQCNjIHeqU

Btw, by saying that “80% of Russians support this war”, you’re spreading Russian state propaganda.

And of course protests in Russia died down, people get jailed for like 10-15 years in prison if they protest, so by fear of getting jailed, protestors stop. it isn’t pretty but it’s how the system works.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

He’s parroting Russian state-led polls, which many people in Russia either just hang up because they just don’t want to answer, or say what the state wants to hear. You can see how lopsided this becomes, with many people just saying yes because they don’t want to be jailed for opposing the government. Even if some people do have the guts to say no, the votes saying yes will overshadow them massively.

And ironically by that guy spreading that poll and notion around, he’s spreading Russian propaganda.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

ye first time i heard about brave was in a sponsor segment on a youtube video, my first thoughts were “lol another chromium browser? rewards? bar? ok this seems shady as hell” and sure enough it is indeed shady af. the Tor mode had DNS leaks way back (besides who in their right mind would even use tor in a chromium browser), URL injections, brave not giving out BAT, also them spam mailing Brave pamphlets to customers (physical mail too, it was through i think UPS, which idk if that’s technically considered a privacy violation, but to me, mailing someone a pamphlet out of the blue when you use their browser without your consent is quite literally a privacy violation, no matter where you got the data from or how you mailed it).

been gladly using firefox ever since version 3, best browser of all time.

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

this is why i like onions :)

@rolandtb303@lemmy.ml avatar

use the onion with tor, it works

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