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Something that produces a wealth of plausible web traffic on my connection and browser that woefully misleads anyone monitoring it as to what I actually am browsing. Rather than hiding my traffic or ensuring some hyper level of encryption I simply want to use maybe an LLM or something to create such a close facimilie to “normal” online traffic that my online fingerprint becomes useless as sub 5% of my traffic is actually real.

Essentially I want privacy through drowning out everything with noise. It seems like the harder the to unwind in the end if done in a clever way. That plus some basic security protections and I will feel fairly secure.


Mint is surprisingly loved and disliked from what I have seen. Having used it since 2007 I am in the category that likes it for what it is. But I am somewhat surprised by the open hostility it gets for simply existing. Main arguments being that it is a dinosaur, uses X11, should not exist because anything not KDE or GNOME is just diluting desktop Linux and is part of the problem. It has no fancy corporate sponsor, it has a small team, and it for sure has warts, but you can claw Linux Mint from my cold dead hard drive because I have distro hopped like an addict and it just checks the boxes for me. It shows up and works, even on newer hardware with a little tweaking here and there, but I can use Nvidia, find network printers without effort, scan, install and update flatpak, backup the system, game, and get actual work done that is not fiddle farting around with esoteric configs all the time. I can post on actual forums with actual users on it and not some discord where someone will just post memes over my questions. I have a strong feeling it will exist for a long while given it’s history. And it is mind numbingly borning as an OS. I just sit down and compute, what a concept.


You can configure the system for backup and auto updates which is handy to keep it secure without any interaction. Only reason I ever had it fail was entirely me screwing it up, usually by distro hopping and formatting wrong.


I prefer to leave edge never clicked by using winget. It comes default on Win 11 (Most likely new install, not an advertisement for that dumpster fire). For windows 10 you can use the Microsoft Store to install AppInstaller which will get you winget. Winget is a MS product.

I mainly like doing this because Edge does a bunch of setup when clicked for the first time. This avoids all that.

winget install --id=Google.Chrome -e

Or you can ever do slightly prevent the backslide in marketshare for Firefox.

winget install --id=Mozilla.Firefox -e

Just run powershell or windows terminal and use those commands and you can leave edge where it belongs.

More info here.


Could also use scoop, but people get a little nervous running random powershell scripts off the internet. I have no fear of it. Scoop is also excellent for people with a little more tech savvy.

Your favorite web UI for your linux server?

Do you use any web ui’s for your Linux server? I’m comfortable managing my server using the command line, but I also want a graphical interface that shows an overview of what is running on the server, the way the resources are being used what containers are running and so on. Also file download uploads would be great to...


Portainer has been great. I almost don’t need ssh


I can’t think of an arch base that does not require fiddling of some sort. In a similar way, desktop Linux is more or less the enthusiast OS. You are kind of like the car person of computing. You do need to be comfortable with messing around with the system to get what you want.

I can think of a few nin-arch bases that require much less messing around with, but they are more “boring” than arch. I use Mint with auto updates and time shift backup. It doesn’t get more boring than X11 on a stable Ubuntu core. Flatpak install OBS and steam and set your computing on cruise control.

If you demand more excitement that a decades old DE Pop_OS shares a similar stability with some newer trimming. I also had a lot of success with Nobara if you want a non-Ubuntu core and desire something slightly with a little more pizazz.


You are absolutely right today is a far cry from 15 years ago, but just looking at raw marketshare Linux is like 3% of gaming machines. large portions being steam deck. Linux is excellent in a lot of ways but having what I would call mainstream popularity is not one of them. Though with continued effort on the part of the community to make everything better and MS for making everything worse, who knows what the future holds.


Can always install xanmod if you want a newer kernel and more recent improvements. There are plenty of ways to make it more exciting, difference being you get to choose those from what I would consider a rock solid base. Many distros sort of foist the making things exciting upon you because all of the sudden you’ll want to use a printer and become dismayed that your network printer doesn’t just work, or that Bluetooth isn’t doing what you want, or you’ll run into an issue and find only a disorganized discord for support. When your beard turns gray you tend towards the boring because, at least for me, editing esoteric configs to make my printer works has lost its excitement.


I jumped on that waayyyyyyy to early convincing people to install Ubuntu or Mint on their machines in 2007. I learned a lot unscrewing up a lot of machines. The winding path of learning.


Only commentary would be you will want to go for the Edge ISO with the 6.2 Kernel because certain functions of your hardware might not work otherwise. I have a 2022 Lenovo Legion 5i with an nvidia 3070 GPU and it took some doing to get working properly. Suspend did not work, backlight needed tweaking, and things like RGB will also need to be figured out.

I mercifully left myself a guide for how to reinstall my OS (I’m a chronic distro hopper).

PS: Nobara was awesome till I had an issue and the only forum was, in my experience, a somewhat unresponsive Discord. Garuda, CachyOS, and a dozen other distros all had their ups and downs but Linux Mint holds a special place in my old heart given I freaking used it in high school in 2007. The forums and community will be here for what I assume is longer than most distros. For all the hoopla made of Wayland on gnome and KDE being all corporate supported and fancy I have seen miniscule difference between that and good ol X11 Mint. Clem (Guy being Mint) has been a studious and unexcitable hand guiding choices over the years. Don’t expect the newest and fanciest things going on over at mint. Expect the most mind shatteringly boring experience as you use you OS for programming, gaming, and computing I’m general as opposed to editing obscure config files, scraping through forums for answers, or reinstalling because you broke it.

I am bias and old but you can pull Linux Mint from my cold dead hands.


Bottles has isolation. You can further that with the flatpak version of bottles.

Ask Lemmy: Traditional vs natural mouse scrolling; which do you use?

Despite being a heavy cell phone user for more than 25 years, it only recently occurred to me that vertical navigation on most phones is inverted when compared to traditional computers. You swipe down to navigate upward, and up to navigate downward. I recently spent time using a MacBook, which apparently defaults to this...


Natural, which is somehow not default. Despite being called natural. Not weighing in ok what is right. Just interesting how the language came to be.


Use anylist with my wife. It has a recipe import extension on Firefox and Chrome that works awesome. It is the only app I pay money for because it is literally the app I would build if I were not totally attention starved. It has every feature I can think of and more but is pretty dang easy to use. Strong recommendation.


MicroOS has been great for me as well. Run essentially everything as a docker container, manage it using portainer, use caddy as the server/proxy, and everything is easy peasy now. It restarts every night for an update but you can adjust that if needed. Rock solid.

Moving to Arch/EndeavorOS from PopOS?

I’ve been using PopOS for a few months now, and I’m interested in Arch, but I’m worried about whether or not I have enough experience to do that successfully. Also, I have an Nvidia GPU until I start a new build in the next year or so. I don’t know if that’ll be a problem in Arch. It was a major issue with Fedora for...


I’m a chronic distro hopper and here is my advice. If you want to try out new OSs make sure to backup your data as the probability of screwing everything up is relatively high. I use syncthing to ensure all documents I have exist outside my laptop so there is no cost to me breaking everything, but you can also just use an external hard drive and not be fancy. Whatever works for you.

Arch really isn’t hugely different especially through the Endeavoros route which gives you sane defaults and packages without grinding through documentation. Just be prepared to be the car enthusiast of computing. Car people love understanding internals, messing with stuff, fixing issues that bother them, looking under the hood, asking for help, etc. That is the best analogy for the more, let’s just say, enthusiast Linux environments.

Don’t let that scare you though. Be prepared to learn a thing or two, backup your data, and make sure you have a backup stick with another OS on it to undo whatever you break and you’ll be fine. I think I have literally gone through 100 reinstalls on the low end and everything is fine. Unlike a car your computer is fairly cheap to fix if it is just software.


Nobara is not debian, but it is pretty solid and fast.


I was a tutor in college and have been working for over a decade at this point in professional settings. I would gladly substitute aptitude with a proper attitude most days. Showing up to work, presenting more potential solutions than just problem identifying, and a willingness to learn will get you further than aptitude. Nobody has aptitude in Autodesk 2023. Nobody has aptitude in ultrasonic non destructive weld testing. You need to learn, be willing to learn, and be willing to try. It does not hurt to be able to communicate strongly either.

What you are strong in can also just be what you are not weak at. Finding all the things you struggle with is just as useful. Don’t expect to find “The thing” you are just gifted at. Far better to be resilient and accept failure as it comes and learn. Natural talent is only a small part of the equation unless you are in sales.

What would name would your drag persona (any gender) have?

I think I would want some really stupid real life thing/pun name, or maybe like a whole sentence even. Like for example, “The cardinal directions are north, south east, and west” or “Sorry” or “Maya Paula Jeese” or “Milk Toast”. Maybe even “Yorkshire Terrier” or “Jim(othy) Member”. Many options to...


Not very long till a nerd shows up. My favorite is that FDR wore gender neutral clothes, including dresses, and did not get his hair cut till he was 7. A bizarrely more progressive past activity.…/237299/


My current favorite is the federal reserve making policy to intentionally weaken the labor market. I am currently paying the fuckwads scheming to keep labor weak, docile, and dependent. What a blast.


Woa there comrade. Trying to build a world where extracting value from labor isn’t they ultimate goal? You’ll never be a disillusional billionaire wannabe grinding your youth and passion into the labor that powers the elite classes whims with that attitude. Don’t you want to see Jeff Bezos sorta go to space? That can’t happen with spreading the wealth. Stay hungry my friend.


Had me at health insurance


To some degree literally all of it. My monkey brain was designed to handle at most 150 people, wandering around all day searching for food, unprocessed food, using my body, having a close community I trust, relationship with nature, extreme knowledge of a small amount of things, and an uninterrupted sleep cycle powered by the son.

My humanity is a poor fit for the world I am in.


Mainly just my absolute shock at the openness of saying “We really need to see a weaker labor market.” Seriously??? That is where we are at now. The complete and transparent assault on the worker by people I personally fund. Outrageous! At least lie to me about your motives like I might have a modicum of power over you. Now you just tell me to eat shit and die right to my face.


In a way it designed itself over time. I am a collection of accidentally acquired traits that happened to survive more often in the world that used to be. Mercifully it appears that I am somewhat adept at living in this world, but damn does it feel like I am a fish out of water being in this world.


Would be far easier to name things that are not a scam and assume the rest is just a scam in waiting.

Libraries, Pets, Sunrises/sets, Nigerian princes needing loans, Mr. Rogers

Everything else is probably looking to take money from you in some fashion.



Such a good game for the day.


I try so dang hard not to use Linux Mint because I have been using off and on since 2008 but always come crawling back to it when I run into some esoteric issue on another distro. It just hits the sweet spot of what I understand computing to be. I have desperately tried to use various forms of arch. OpenSUSE, fedora, debian, and a whole host of others and eventually get frustrated for some probably solvable reason and go back to my sweet, my love, my wart covered X11 using, 5.15 running, stale boring life mate Mint.


Using a 2022 Lenovo Legion 5i with 3070 and the batter life is regrettably similar. I desperately wish my Linux boot could dunk on the battery life of windows but it is extremely similar, which I guess I should take as a win.

Running Mint with 6.1 kernel, but have tried a slew of different builds and they are all within hitting distance. Again. I should be happy but I’ll only be happy if all the hours I have spent screwing with my OS leads to a clear win of some sort other than the intangible benefit of sticking it ever so slightly to MS.

Best practices for transferring an existing Linux installation from one drive to another?

Currently, my desktop computer has two storage devices attached: one 1TB NVME SSD, which has both Windows 10 and Linux Mint 21.2 installed on it (Each OS getting ~ 500 GB), and a 1TB SATA hard drive mostly used for Timeshift backups of the Linux Mint partition (Including my Home folder, for the record)....


Clonezilla local disk to local disk has worked well for me. It also automatically fixes GRUB and fstab so you don’t need to worry about those things. Boot params and such can get a bit hairy.


It’s one thing to hear the warnings of scientists my entire life on the ravages of climate change. It is entirely another to see it play out in real life. News of fire and destruction will become as commonplace as school shootings in less than 10 years. Living in Hell will be normal soon.

Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit age-inappropriate. Any suggestions from the community? (

Edit: Daughter is only 5 so she’s unlikely to play much but she watches me and as long as it’s not too violent, it should be fine


Super Mario bros 2 you can play as princess peach. The game is of course not trivial to play.

Linux distro for gaming

I know this has probably been asked before but I am currently using Arch and wondering if my choice is the best for gaming. What are the thoughts from the community? I have an AMD Ryzen 7 processor with 64 gigs of RAM and a decent AMD GPU. Gaming seems to be okay on Arch but I am wondering if I’ve overlooked something better....


LMDE5 is pretty old at this point. LMDE6 is planned fairly soon though and that would be much better given easier access to drivers.


You should prepare yourself to be the car enthusiast of computer users when thinking of using Linux at all, especially for gaming. You are the car but of computing when you dip into Arch based or other similar distributions. You will spend time looking at parts of the OS most people take for granted and can spend as much time as you want fiddling with tiny bits of the OS to tube it to whatever you want. So really it depends on what experience you want.

State of gaming on linux?

I used linux in the past, both privately and work-related, but the last time was over 10 years ago, so I’m a bit out of touch. I am in need of a new PC, but it’ll be a good year before I have the funds, so for now I am making due with an i5 7500 and a gtx 1660. I do have 32 GB so there’s that. I finally feel confident...


Can be pain free but it can also be painful. Some things straight up won’t work because of anti cheat and unsupportive developers. I’d say give it a try. Gotta bump up the market share so Linux support actually matters in developer business cases.


Life is a tragedy when looked at a whole. All is given and taken away. Appreciate the little moments you get in a day. Attempt not to let the dread of reality weigh on you too much. I don’t remember being anxious or worried before being alive so I have concluded for myself that life after death won’t exactly be worrisome either. Don’t want to die but I sure as hell don’t want to spend my life worried about death as that steals my time from me.


Would the opposite not be true? AI models work by predicting the next likely text. If we start changing language right from underneath it that actually makes it worse off at predicting as time moves along. If anything I would expect a language model to stagnate our language and attempt to freeze our usage of words to what it can “Understand”. Of course this is subject to continued training and data harvesting, but just like older people eventually have a hard time of understanding the young it could be similar for AI models.


Could be, though I am reminded of the early 2000s when the government did research on shorthand texting and whether it could be in encoded messaging. Things like lol, brb, l8t, etc. If there is one thing I know about AI is that garbage data will make the models worse. And I cannot think of a better producer of data that causes confusion than young people especially if they are given an exuse to do so.


Use synching on several devices to replicate data I want to keep backups of. Family photos, journals, important docs, etc. Works perfect and I run a relay node to give back to the community given I am on a unlimited data connection.

­Most Americans favor restrictions on false information, violent content online (

65% of Americans support tech companies moderating false information online and 55% support the U.S. government taking these steps. These shares have increased since 2018. Americans are even more supportive of tech companies (71%) and the U.S. government (60%) restricting extremely violent content online.


It’s all fun and games till well intentioned laws get abused by a new administration. Be careful what you wish for. My personal take is that any organization that is even reasonably similar to a news site must conform to fairness in reporting standards much like broadcast TV once had. If you don’t, but an argument could be made that you present as a new site, you just slap a sizeable banner on every page that you are an entertainment site. Drawing distinctions on what is news and what is entertainment would theoretically work better than an outright ban of misleading content.

At the end of the day it won’t matter what is written unless the regulations have actual teeth. “Fines” mean so little given the billion dollar backers could care less and retractions are too little too late. I want these wannabe Nazi “News Infotainment” people to go to jail for their speech that causes harm to people and the nation. Destroying democracy should be painful for the agitators.


You can always help their software QA by pasting in the entirety of the declaration of independence. A couple of things could happen. If they comment, why did you post that? You have a human. If they give a generic response, probably an AI. If it crashes then you know they didn’t think anyone would post that.

You can also post zero width spaces. Generic chatbot will respond with something meaningless and a human might not even respond. You could also post text using typoglycemia. The language will confuse most models but can usually be read by people.


My cynical view is that, even with the best intentions, this would become a shell of a service that somehow exploits workers for the benefit of the rich. I feel like someone would weasel in language to again widdle away the native populations land or rights.

I would love to pretend I live in a world where I trust the government enough to do something like this, because we all recognize the need for so many activities. Thousands of hands can make light work of many things.

[Solution] Lenovo Legion 5i Pro 16IAH7H Nvidia RTX 3070 82RF006XUS i7-12700H Linux Mint Fixes and Modifications (

I wanted to post all the workaround and configs I needed to make Linux Mint work on the Lenovo Legion 5i Pro 2022 so others who need the help can find it on a non-reddit source. This will also be helpful for when I inevitably hop distros or break my system because I am a crazy person....


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