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Morale improved drastically, DnD will no longer continue.

Wait, fuck…


“Real world Russian capabilities are shown to be lacking, so the Red Menace are now Red Wizards.”


I can’t tell if this is some weird euphemism, or they literally just had to cross a river and maybe got way too deep into tactics.


I knew a Catholic priests who played EverQuest. Doubt he’d be excommunicated for this.

Maybe he’s baptist or something though? Do they excommunicate?


Presumably people who bought NFTs. If you’re going to trick yourself into thinking your dumb, AI-generated piece of shitty “art” was a worthwhile investment, you might as well enjoy the perks of being in such an exclusive, stupid club.


I was thinking “Maybe he was more moderate or even liberal, but just knew there’s no getting elected without an ® in small town Alabama politics, and so ran as a Republican anyway.” The inverse happens in our town - we’re so blue, we occasionally get conservatives running as Democrats just to have a shot.

But then he ran for re-election in 2020 and used publicity of him and Trump together to get re-elected, which is farther than any actual moderate would go. So he’s either a massive hypocrite to the LGBT community or a massive hypocrite to the Conservative community, but either way, wasn’t super bright if he was posting all this publicly to Reddit as an elected figure. Shame he felt the need to shoot himself. Could have just moved to a blue state.


Rings are typically found on fingers, which get washed when hands get washed.

You’ll understand when you’re older.


In my experience, ad personalization is still so bad it has no impact, like in your last example. But at least now I’m not seeing random shit. I don’t really bother to try and counter targeted ads, and the vast majority of the ads I get are for products I actually already bought or never intended to buy but was researching for other purposes. Yes, Google knows I spent a lot of time researching drills, but guess what, Home Depot isn’t telling them I bought a drill, so I’ll get drill ads for a month. And yeah, I looked at a bunch of luxury sail yachts, private jets, and cars, but it’s not because I suddenly make more money. It’s because I’m interested in design and engineering. But Google just stupidly assumes I became a billionaire overnight and gives me 100’ yacht ads.

I’d honestly be more worried about a random ad getting lucky and pre-emptively catching my interest. Targeted ads are so reactive it’s not a problem.


Was gonna say, the recoil from this position just makes this whole thing a murder/suicide.


Michigan has more automotive manufacturing facilities than any other state, nearly 1,000 if you count all the suppliers and distribution hubs. And despite Stellantis now being French-owned and abandoning their headquarters, Ford and GM are still present with many dozens of facilities as well as their respective HQs.

Next closest is Ohio with only 600.


Detroit was the setting of RoboCop. Crime was pretty bad there in the 70s/80s. It’s much better now and the city is turning around.

However, worth noting that Detroit is in the lower peninsula of Michigan, and the blue “cars & crime” part here is the upper peninsula, which is basically super rural and low crime. I suspect this was done intentionally, lol.


Why should they not? They posted an inquiry, looking for advice. That is their reason for posting.

They do not owe personal information beyond what is required to answer the question. And typically, with regards to anything resembling a legal matter, the less information posted publicly, the better.


I mean, good journalism costs money and journalists deserve a living wage. Everyone hates ads, so what does that leave reputable sites that don’t want to just be shills?

Maybe for that specific article it’s ironic, but it’s not like the Wired web page is bothering to check what the headline it’s serving is before asking readers to sign up.

“Free and open internet” still costs a ton of money. Not everyone is able, nor should be expected to volunteer their time to provide content or services to others for free.


That’s been happening for the last 5,000 years in that region though, since the Canaanites.

It’s not like the Palestinians were the first there.


I mean, they have electricity.

Amish aren’t anti-technology across the board. They pick and choose, trying to prohibit what they feel weakens the community.

It’s common for Amish to operate phones or computers for their businesses, they’re just not allowed at home.


No, why would we?

It’s possible to think both the Israeli government and Hamas are trash.


Which is why she’s suing and will hopefully take them to the cleaners.


There are absolutely incentives - tax credits and rebates - for buying electric bikes in some areas. My state is offering $500 off any ebike purchase.

The auto industry is not being subsidized by consumer incentives. The auto industry is being subsidized by tax credits whenever they build a new facility, which is still arguably dumb. Consumer incentives are designed to get the average citizen to buy an EV over an ICE vehicle. The consumer is gonna buy a car anyway - someone in the market for a car isn’t going to buy a bike, even an ebike, based off of price. They’re buying a mode of transportation based off of lifestyle. Many simply can’t commute to work via bike or public transportation, and if a credit gets them to buy an EV over an ICE vehicle, this is a net benefit.

The solution to public transportation is not to attempt to disincentivize or punish car drivers, then build mass transit. Gotta build the mass transit first. The financial incentives for people taking mass transit are the fact that the most expensive mass transit in the US costs ~$1,500/year. The cost of owning an operating the average car in the US is ~$10,700/year. Yes, build more mass transit to free us from being slaved to expensive automobiles! But until then, preventing incentives for greener vehicles that would be purchased by those who have no choice is just shooting yourself in the foot.


I wanna know if they all applied those sentiments to all pets.

There isn’t a single domesticated animal that isn’t “gross” and has to be cleaned up after constantly. Dogs will shit on the floor when you don’t let them outside to shit in nature, but a cat doing what it’s supposed to do will shit in a box you have to empty regularly and shreds your furniture for fun. At least dogs only lick their balls, cats have the flexibility to straight up lick their assholes.


The people expecting or hoping for it in their lifetime should have read their Bibles better. I’m not religious anymore but I still remember one of the last things Jesus said was “You won’t know when I’m coming back.”

Just throw Matthew 24:36 at them.


Are you talking about Tel Megiddo?

The only battle there in the last two millennia was in 1918AD. Not 70AD.


They are faked, at least partially.

I was friends with a guy who was on an episode of a one season HGTV show called “Container Homes.” He and his wife at the time actually wanted to buy or build a container home.

They had talked to a developer and were going to have one built. Got on the show somehow. After the show started filming, some off-screen drama happened with the developer, and an HOA or zoning board or something, and long story short they were denied the permits to build one. But the show wanted to keep going, so they used the construction of developer’s office, which was also a container building, for footage, and when it was completed did a super quick, rather pathetic job of making it look like it was decorated as a house. Then filmed the “reveal,” which at that point was just kind of rubbing salt in the wound. He looked so dead inside, it’s hilarious.

A lot of the house hunter-type shows are allegedly shot with couples who are already closing on a house, and then HGTV just takes them out and films them just looking at other houses literally for show.


I just bought a big ass TV, and I’ve just started buying discs for movies I truly want to own for a few reasons.

  1. You own it, period.
  2. Even if you trust Amazon, do you trust your ISP to stream 4K reliably on demand? I don’t. Fuck Comcast.
  3. A physical collection just kind of looks nice, especially if you fork out for Steelbooks and only buy your favorites. Steelbooks on eBay are like ~$30.

I feel like there could be a few rational explanations to that, but I want someone smarter than me to tell me what exactly they could be…


That’s a funny name for a toilet.


Why are you saying this as if the AI would have control over the reactor.

It’s unlikely they’d even be in the same building, or even the same campus. We have these crazy things called “wires” that let us transmit a lot of power over distances, so your small nuclear reactor can be remote, safe and secure and your AI lab can just be on your main campus.


That’s the joke. The Wachowskis both ended up being trans sometime after they made The Matrix.


This is what happens when you don’t teach your kids the Laws of Thermodynamics in school…


Many, if not most “regular military” jobs in Western armed forces don’t involve front line combat and getting shot at or shooting at people. Less than 10%.

Now obviously, you look at Ukraine and think “Well that’s a lot bigger than 10%,” and it probably is. But any country with a large air force, navy, and sizeable ground forces are gonna have thousands of people trained to load weapons onto planes, manage ship engines, cook, drive supply trucks, load cargo planes, cook, manage payroll, manage procurement of equipment, fly drones, cook, run propaganda and recruitment, operate medical facilities… the list goes on.

I had an ex whose brother was going to med school to be a surgeon for the Navy. Her father, who was an Army pilot, thought it was great because he knew his son was just gonna be (relatively) safe on a carrier or hospital ship somewhere, not getting shot at, and just saving lives.


Not to shill for the US military, but, uh… source on NJ paying anything comparable?

I don’t know if you’ve looked for a job in the US lately, but the prospects for a 19 year old with just a diploma, and not pursuing a college degree or a skilled trade, are pretty dismal.

You’re looking at something ~$30k for a Starbucks barista or a McDonald’s burger flipper, or maybe ~$36k if there’s an automotive plant nearby. Both are hourly, so gotta hope they actually give you decent hours if you go the fast food route. If you go the autoworker route, hope you enjoy 8+ hours of repetitive, non-stop, physical labor. You’re then spending at least a third of your ~$20k - $25k take home on rent and another third on food.

Compare that to $36k, with no significant costs for room and board. You’re paying federal taxes but the deductions for active military are huge and most states waive income tax for soldiers. Your take home is better, your expenses are less, your fit, healthy, and your healthcare is covered for life, and if you leave after your contract is up you get to enjoy the government paying for college.

Like 99% percent of military personnel never see combat, and especially now that we’re done with Afghanistan and Iraq it’s even safer.

The military’s problem is that anyone smart enough to do that math and weigh those choices is probably smart enough to do something else, but for millions of people it’s a better choice than slaving away at McDick’s as cost of living and college tuition continues to rise.


Few reasons:

  1. The system is far from perfect. It’s not as good as say, the NHS or Canada’s health system. And while it’s “free” healthcare that is better than the non-existent free healthcare that doesn’t exist for other Americans, it’s underfunded and understaffed, especially following 20 years of war which obviously saw a huge strain put on the VA system.
  2. It’s only healthcare. Veterans with untreated psychiatric problems also often struggle with homelessness and stable employment. If they’re transient, it can be difficult to insure they, say, make a key appointment to get a diagnosis or prescription.
  3. Many people who are largely on their own with psychological issues, including but not limited to veterans, simply do not stick with a treatment regimen. There aren’t a lot of mechanisms in place to force someone to take a prescribed drug, even if it helps, and don’t like how it makes them feel. This obviously can feed back into #2.
  4. Selection bias. It seems like “so many” because our military is huge. 1.9 million US troops were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 20 years. Of those let’s say 5% saw actual combat (hard to say how many, but all estimates I have seen say certainly not more than 10%), which is 95,000. If most of those end up with PTSD, that’s more soldiers than most of the coalition forces sent over, combined. If around half do (and around 35,000 US troops were injured, so this tracks), that’s more than France’s entire contribution to the invasion and occupation. The vast majority of the remaining 1.8 million who went over and weren’t in combat are typically fine. Sure, some will also have psychological issues, but these are people who might have anyway even if they weren’t in the military.

Every single Onewheel is being recalled after four deaths (

Future Motion, the maker of the Onewheel electric skateboard, is recalling every one of them, including 300,000 Onewheel self-balancing vehicles in the US. Alongside the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the company now seeks to remedy the products after four known death cases — three without a helmet — between...


We did ban that, and it didn’t really do much. It just created a black market, much like weed today.


Consumer Protection says the boards would fail to maintain balance and crash, if “limits” were exceeded. I’m guessing speed limits.

So the new models get a firmware update to prevent that/provide warning if you’re approaching such a limit. The old models, which are more easily modded and perhaps unable to send haptic feedback, get tossed.


At least a subset do. The study concedes it’s self-reported and not necessarily a representative sample of all incels.

At the very least, it sounds more to me like there’s now just cross-pollination between the old PUA community/philosophy and the incel community. Both are highly misogynistic, but incel culture is literally defined by men unable to find partners and PuAs are defined by men who only find many multiple partners.

A mysoginist claiming to have multiple partners just sounds like a Red Piller to me, not an incel, and I’m a bit suspicious of this whole “study”. I’m curious whether this study even bothered to consider that distinction. I read the article top to bottom and found no indication on how they actually identified their sample of incels as incels, and couldn’t find a link to the study itself. It appears like they simply found some online mysoginists and assumed they were all incels.


And don’t feel the need to have kids in your 30s either.


If you want the best Android experience you’re not going to do better than a Pixel. It’s a Google OS, on Google hardware. I myself am looking forward to the Pixel 8 Pro.

Hardware wise, Samsung may meet or maybe even exceed Google’s line, but not significantly enough to make a difference in my opinion. Especially with the newer Pixels, it’s a pretty mature product at this point.


Yeah, the thing with phones is they’re used every single day, and see a lot more wear and tear than say, a Kindle or a laptop. Not everyone wants to fork out for an OtterBox or some other ultra tanky case.

I try and go four years between updates, but for my Pixel 4 that meant a warranty replacement on year two due to a charging defect, and buying another used Pixel 4 off a coworker three months ago when mine got water damaged. The replacement just shuts itself off randomly multiple times a day, and that’s fine for a couple months but I’m really looking forward to upgrading to the Pixel 8.

We probably shouldn’t treat phones like leading cars, upgrading every year because something shiny and new came out, but upgrading regularly just due to wear and tear makes a lot of sense.


Our state GOP was totally hijacked by MAGA radicals and now answers to Karamo, who’s an utter nut job and die-hard Trump loyalist.

But they’ve gone so far a lot of moderate Republicans feel alienated and with our new balanced voting districts Democrats will probably secure victory for the foreseeable future. It still will be a tight race, but I would not be surprised if Biden’s margin in 2024 is bigger in Michigan than it was in 2020.


To both sides. They need to work with whatever party is in power. On top of that the real Big 3 American companies - Ford, GM, and Tesla - have committed so hard to EVs they literally can’t back out now, but EVs are popular with liberals, not conservatives. They’ve made it clear their business interests align with the liberal agenda, and at this point any regulation on emissions is doing them a huge favor, something they won’t see from the GOP.


Why do they care if it does? Creators get paid on a per-gold basis, which means people are paying reddit in the first place for gold. Whether bought gold is spent on bots or human users is probably entirely immaterial to the Admins. Reddit sees engagement and (ideally) spending go up.

Reddit could crack down on bots if they want to. It’s almost entirely a separate issue. Adding money likely isn’t going to change much since obviously bot farms already have a profit motive to spam reddit and the payouts aren’t huge.


I don’t necessarily know that Sabine cared about getting back is the thing. As far as she’s aware, their only ride back is a Star Destroyer, and she knows they may not survive the trip. Hence her lack of urgency.

Her goal was to find Ezra, not save Ezra.


I really wish they’d gone with Benedict Cumberbatch, who both has the look and the voice of Thrawn. But I still think Mikkelson will deliver a satisfying portrayal.

I thought Ezra looked bad on the hologram, but seeing the actor now “in real life” with the beard he looks great.


I didn’t get married until the fourth person I ever said “I love you” to, the fifth or sixth I ever dated. You just keep going until you have grown and learned enough and you find someone you’re compatible enough with.

Maybe it’ll be number three, but it’s also totally fine if it isn’t. Setting the expectation though is kind of setting yourself up for failure. When you simply want whoever is your third love to work out, you may compromise your values simply to fulfill the goal of finding someone, not the right one.


Yeah, as a heavy Google user I would use this if I had a reason to use a VPN. Google is scraping all my information anyway from my Android phone, my Google searches, and G-Mail, Maps, etc. They’re not going to gain any additional information about me from usage of a VPN.

This is probably true for anyone using Google One.

If I had an iPhone or used DuckDuckGo or Firefox was taking other security measures, it’s probably pointless, but I’ve just gone all in on only Google have any of my data.

'One Chip Challenge' pulled from shelves after mother says spicy tortilla chip contributed to her son's death (

Paqui, the maker of extremely spicy tortilla chips marketed as the “One Chip Challenge,” is voluntarily pulling the product from shelves after a woman said her teenage son died of complications from consuming a single chip....


The chip has been safe to eat for millions of people for years.

Capsaicin consumed orally isn’t fatal. This kid probably has some other underlying health problems he was simply not aware of, but it’s not like it’s an inherently lethal product. If a kid with an unknown peanut allergy eats and dies from a Snickers, it’s not like Snickers are actually a lethal food.

It does say it’s intended for adults only, but that’s hardly ever stopped teenagers from doing anything ever. It’s probably good they pulled it temporarily, but the real answer here is probably simply “Don’t sell this to minors.”


I’m tired of restaurants basically wafting a Carolina Reaper over their salsas or sauces and advertising their barely-jalapeno-grade garbage as being particularly spicy. One drop of extract in a bulk batch of sauce for a restaurant does not make it spicy, but it certainly lets vanilla consumers with no real tolerance feel like they’re able to take actual heat from real peppers.

I love spicy food and I’ve done the One Chip Challenge just for the thrill, but it’s not really done as a “food” any more than skydiving is done for transportation. It arguably shouldn’t be sold to minors, but it’s actually hot, not just marketing, and arguably is more responsible for creating the trend in the first place than jumping on the bandwagon later. The Challenge has been sold for a long time.


Depends on the OEM, but generally late-2010s is when it became more ubiquitous.

Any car with an infotainment system is probably a “risk,” but especially '20s cars with features tied to apps are the real vulnerability here.


Best way to sell a browser and software services built on privacy is to do a lot of consumer reports emphasizing the value of privacy.

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