This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


just a preference of eating them seperately on the same day together if it is healthy vs on different days


I agree it’s probably weird, unnecessary? eh depends on use case. lemmy (atleast the website) seems to meet me halfway with why I would use Bookmarks to begin with. one thing I can’t seem to figure out is how to set custom categories for Lemmy communities that I subscribe to/order them without having to unsubscribe and subscribe again to communities, in the web interface.


I appologise for the beehaw community, it did act a little weird as I was trying to link to it. Can someone explain why it wouldn’t work like others, as i’m working on replacing it with another one. I was assuming all communities were all freely available for anyone to use.


I understand that too, as there are less users then mastodon, although I found the interaction to be pretty tolerable on lemmy in the comments on some of the communities i’ve joined, untill you get into more niche communities.


I feel sorting top 6 hours would make more sense for me if I were sorting posts/coments within a community itself, because I would want the newest posts, but at that point I just defualt to new anyways.

But when searching for communities, personally i’m not for sorting it by hours or days because I want to make sure a community has an ok track record of being active, but at the same time i’m not wanting to keep a monopoly so that’s why I don’t go out of my way to sort the communities by top year or something like that because then we’d have another Google. I strive to strike a balence.


Say someone was accused of doing something, but there was no proof, even though they knew they did the thing except for the judge, and everyone knows they did the thing, just keep your lips sealed during all questions and claim the 5th.


Knowing my current luck on Lemmy from the last 2 days, idk how well that would work.




I love sorting by new, I kinda wish it was a defualt thing, while on Mastodon posts seem to automatically sort by new, yet I seem to get less interaction in comments on various posts on Mastodon.


People could advertise this as feature about using lemmy, that the probalility of getting comments are pretty high. particularly on Mastodon, because it’s certainly something people are looking for, after coming from platforms like Youtube that keep hiding your posts. I think it’s mostly the ease of use with the communities. Because on Mastodon, while a instance hosted may have a dedicated topic, posts aren’t typically organized. and it’s harder to find posts that interests you if people either use different hash tags then what you search for, and the added fact that you have to constantly search, while once you join a Lemmy community you just scroll the post feed In said community.


I guess that’s particularly what I meant. While mastodon you’d have to build up a following to get anywhere near even the amount of comments on this post right here. Unless you get lucky with one or two posts which can happen, I known an owner of a smaller Mastodon instance (with more then 300 users so not the smallest of small instances but still small.) to manage to get over 100 likes and over 50 boosts on a post, and when they did they linked to it and was like, “ha, see you can get traction on Mastodon.”


Twitter doing this was by design, while Mastodon doesn’t tend to shadow ban. I might make my guesses about why, but I don’t know the actual complete reasoning as to why it seems to be better for discusion on Lemmy.


That’s a way to look at it.


I wouldn’t use mastodon without hashtags, but they have their limitations and potential short comings.


if you like anime you can try, the staff and users on that particular instance are conversaters.


if it’s a different instance.


I am proud that one of my posts managed to get to 100 upvotes.

rob299, (edited )

I think it’s more sustainable then Facebook ,Twitter and others. Why? Because it’s federated! if one instance goes bankrupt or shuts down for whatever reason it doesn’t close down the entire program. If anything, at worst a portion of Lemy communities would get erased from history. Lemmy in reality is really just an interface, with a bunch of different instances combined to provide the content. The cost is actually cheaper then other social platforms from the last 10 years+ like Facebook because in a way the cost for the “service” is divided by all the different instances hosted by volunteers,

I hope this makes sense, if any questions do ask.


plus it’s federated, not just a single site. The cost for hosting services are divided by instance so say one instance goes down, that doesn’t kill the entire program, although it would erase a portion of communities from Lemmy history in such a situation. Also it would be cheaper to host a Lemmy instance as the prices of hosting the instances that build up Lemmy are divided.


I disagree, because with a forum, generally it was just one server right to begin with? It’s just a little bit different then the fediverse in that forums didn’t federate at all. Time will tell what will happen to the fediverse. I would pay close attention to Mastodon as it has the most users off all federated services. Whatever happens to to it are signs, look out for them


I mean… you could try merch…? not much else


Ever heard of the game i spy? and with that they are advertising gaming for a Chromebook. This may all just be a coincidence.

While these tech comapnies have people look at the how users might see phrases like “hey guys.” Not sure how Google thought people wouldn’t do the same to them with this. Chromebook’s don’t sell as well so this is the worst product to do the worst with for marketing, but at the same time maybe they really do think this and think they can get away with this meme because no one is really buying a Chromebook unless it’s like for school work. (although I actually do use my personal Chromebook on the daily i’m in that small minority.)

rob299, (edited )

Mario Odysee, was a good Mario game overall however it seemed like they were going for a more Hollywood vibe then Mario vibe in this game and feel like it strives away from what Mario was and is. It’s one thing if Super smash bros does that, another if Mario drives away from what Mario is in its own game. Also the levels look more like Sonic then Mario.

Gameplay wise and mechanics it’s a great game, almost perfect, but it almost looks like Mario is going the direction of Sonic during the ps2 and Xbox 360 times, not necessarily broken games, but experimenting with new things but in a way that it doesn’t quite feel like how Mario is suppose to feel. Almost like how Sega tried making a shooter with Shadow the hedgehog for one. If they’d fix up the environments and the soundtrack it could easily be the best in the series.


I did say it was almost perfect. I’m not hinting that it was a terrible game even. But it’s steering Mario in a different direction, that doesn’t feel quite like Mario, more like a hollywood movie. I just wish a 3d platforming Mario game could get the Mario Wonder treatment. With colors, great platforming fun like super Mario 64 (which I know hasn’t aged itself) but in a modern twist. That is what they should do at some point. sooner, not 3 console later.


I just wish a 3d platforming Mario game could get the Mario Wonder treatment. With colors, great platforming fun like super Mario 64 (which I know hasn’t aged itself) but in a modern twist. That is what they should do at some point. sooner, not 3 console later. That is the one thing they seem to miss out on.


The Two main points

  1. on the nes Mario started as a 2d platformer, and on the SNES, Mario evolved to the hardware and possibilities of the hardware and while introducing new characters it and powerups it stayed to its roots, on the N64 Mario went 3D because that was essentially the point of the next gen consoles and the game was great, although dated now, after came super Mario sunshine for the gamecube, what happened here? why didn’t we get a real 3d Mario platforming game on the Gamecube instead of this water cleaning mess, this is when Nintendo started downgrading the Mario games from their true pottential. Then on the Wii, while Mario Galexy would had been better as a spin off, not that it’s a bad game, it feels more like a spinoff or small experiment when you look at the history of the games. Sunshine also seems to had been a small experiment.
  2. The problem with Super Mario Wonder isn’t the game itself. I would even say it’s the best 2d Mario game of all time. But you’re telling me this couldn’t had been done on the Wii U or the Wii? It shouldn’t be $60 because the game is so basic being 2d. Now if it was 2.5 d looking as vibrant and exciting, then we’d be going somewhere, because then it would look more like something form the Super Smash Bros Brawl campain. But as it is, it doesn’t take advantage of the hardware that I bought, which would be fine if it wasn’t a full $60.

I agree with your point that 3d Mario games suck, because they do. Why tho? because it appears to me that Nintendo abandoned making real 3D Mario platforing games since the N64, everything after, while it may be 3d- either it has a special gimmick or- they over simplify the 3D platforming viewing experience. While Super Mario 64 may not be HD, it looks more interesting as a 3d platformer then say Super Mario 3d world, due to it being soo over simplified for even the Wii U console specs. Not all the games are necessarily bad, but they aren’t complete Mario experiences, alot of them are games that are trying to sell a gimmick, rather then the ip itself. Mario Sunshine started the trend with the water flood tank.


When you play the game it feels like you’re in a movie of sorts. The jump up SuperStar theme inparticular makes Mario feel more like a Hollywood vibe. The levels look too realistic for a Mario gaame, while I don’t want something that looks like a blury old N64 game but they need to take inspiration from the color and art direction and make something that pops, almost like what they did with Super Mario Wonder, in which they took inspiration from form older 2d Mario games and made it better on the next gen system.


born in year 1999 and my first Mario game was Super Mario advance 2 super mario world for the gba, then New super mario bros ds, I didn’t actually get to play Super Mario 64 untill I got it on the wii virtual console. But the way I remember super mario world on the gba, including the cover art it was amazing. even looking at it now it just looks so nice. I was atleast 5 or 6 when I got into Mario, I use to be a big fan of Mario generally untill I realised Mario games were slowly losing the vibe from past, if not entirely.

I feel one of the main reason I know so much about Mario now is because back then I would go on the Wii consoles internet channel and google search about all the Mario games, and other times I would just go on the Wii shop channel and explore. Was a good time for me as a Mario fan.

rob299, (edited )

Mario Wonder is not a bad game, to me it’s just a little too late for a game like this, this could had been done easily on the last gen console, the Wii U when I was more open to the Mario games then most people because everyone was playing on the XBox 360 and Ps3, I was one of the real Mario game supporters of that console generation. but then… the Wii U happened… and then… all you would get on the switch were Wii U ports… besides odyssey. and now when the switch is about to be replaced by the next console soon, they finally make a new Mario game that’s actually good and charge full price for it.

I will never say that Mario wonder is a bad game, it’s a great game, if you have fun with it that’s great, I personally would have fun playing it myself. However, the point is not that the game is bad, it’s that it’s not as good as it should be for the hardware that the game is running on. I’m not expecting it to be like GTA quality, but I’m kinda rather expecting something in the mix of super Mario 64 and Super Mario sunshine but better for next gen. That’s my idea of a real Mario game.


I added into the original post towards the end, my idea of what a real next gen Mario game should look like on the switch. and Nintendo isn’t delivering anything close to that. facts. On the 2d side of things Mario Wonder is a good game, I never did say it was bad. My argument for that game is simply that it was released wayyy too late for me to care, should had been on the Wii U and the fact that it isn’t worth $60 being a very basic 2d game. originally I thought it was $70 but I been corrected.

If Mario Wonder was 2.5 d then we would have a somewhat next gen Mario game because then it would be a real upgrade from the New Super Mario Bros franchise. but Mario Wonder really is just much of the same but with nicer looking colors. oh and new super Mario bros u is still 60 dollars. Why? beats me.

Mario Odeysee is the best Mario game on the switch, people keep thinking that i’m saying it’s a bad game, that’s not what i’m saying. however it isn’t the best 3D Mario game Nintendo could had made for the switch. and they themselves know that more then me that that is true just look at Mario games like- super paper Mario for the Wii. Just look at gameplay of the first stage in the game and tell me that anything on the switch compares to the amount of care and quality, for a Mario game to that.


Your the only one that could meet half way and understand atleast where I am coming from. I don’t buy the Mario games, instead I just bought Toree 3D, Toree 2 and kiwi 64, 3 great 3D platformers although short, from this indie dev Siactro on the switch. Toree 3d and Toree 2 were both $1.00 each and kiwi 64 was $3 and kiwi 64 was shockingly good for the 3 dolar price tag. It was just short.


I agree with that.


Galaxy was actualy pretty good, but the main focus of that game was to sell the Wii remote pointer, rather then focusing on the platforming. At the time I wouldn’t say it was bad for what a Mario game should look like but it wasn’t really about Mario platforming but more about selling the Wii remote technology pointing it at the stars. I remember watching the trailers on the Nintnedo channel on the Wii and they really made sure to highlight the Wii remote pointer and collecting the stars.


I agree that Super Mario 64 particularly hasn’t aged, wouldn’t it be great if Nintendo made a modern tripple a continuation of a game like Super Mario 64 with a better camera and better controls? They wouldn’t even have to call it Super Mario 64 2, call it something else, but make the colors similar, but more next gen to that. Improve the polygon resolution, make the textures better quality. It’s really not that hard, it’s a game that Mario desperately needs but Nintendo hasn’t done properly for the franchise.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the people running Nintendo going form the N64 to the Gamecube had changed but the Mario creator was there (I atleast think he was) to work on Mario Sunshine, I don’t get how they went from Super Mario 64 to Sunshine regarding the game mechanics such as the water flood.


YouTube seems more interested these days in telling you what to watch, then letting its user express any opinion, wouldn’t be surprised if comments were hidden next from everybody.

The dislikes were hidden specifically to protect the images of brands. Think of things like game trailers or movie trailers that would get overloaded with dislikes if people perceived them as bad. I don’t think Disney really pays attention to their dislikes. They and other companies prefer them to be hidden however, so that when Nintnedo pulls another super Mario Wonder for $70 that the haters feel alone about it.


I have a theory, that some of the things they do is blackmailing to prevent companies from pushing for the copyright directive that the eu got, in the u.s is it far fetched?


If you specifically look for bad reviews, because you have to do that on youtube now adays… because they like protcting corperations, you’l find that it’s essentially the same as new super mario bros wii, and U, but with a different coat of paint. plus it’s a 2d game for $60, but they arent going to out right tell you that.


They might had added some new features, but the game hasn’t really evolved. While $60 may be standard, what are we paying 60 dollars for with this new game? oh they finally decided to put some decent colors in a mainstream 2d Mario game since the SNES Super Mario World and they added powerups. But it’s a 2-D game anything could probably run Mario Wonder, the Wii U could probably run that game. The Wii (although not in HD) could probally even. A better example for my original statement I suppose would be the recent released cod game. Since people are more vocal about that game being a downgrade.


good point,


Allsides is the one I usually use, not by choice it’s the first resualt when I search for news bias chart. By news topic, you mean the news source or the topic?


I feel the reason why cnn or fox have panel discusions is because they are made for tv and with for profit motive. While Npr is a nonptofit and made for radio. Radio allows npr to easily and cheaply role the news live practically 24/7 and it just opens them up to do more. While with tv news its more expensive, and they dont really have as much freedom but the auduence is larger. Tv news has to more desperately make the money back they spent.

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