@riskable@programming.dev avatar


@[email protected]

Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

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@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I mean… If it’s good or clever content do we really care?

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

It may sound pendantic but that person is correct: It’s not stealing. Stealing involves taking a physical thing away from its owner. Once the thing is stolen the owner doesn’t have it anymore.

If you reproduce someone’s art exactly without permission that’s a copyright violation, not stealing. If you distribute a derivative work (like using img2img with Stable Diffusion) without permission that also is a (lesser) form of copyright violation. Again, not stealing/theft.

TL;DR: If you’re making copies (or close facsimiles) of something (without permission) that’s not stealing it’s violating copyright.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

The first rule of network programming: Never trust the client. How does anti-cheat software work? It trusts the client.

All clientside anti-cheat is fundamentally flawed and broken by design. It doesn’t actually prevent cheating it just creates an illusion that it’s preventing cheating. The fewer people that believe in that illusion the better off we’ll all be.

Besides, you can train AI to play any game via MITM in USB (plug the mouse and keyboard into the Raspberry Pi or similar which then pretends to be a mouse and keyboard to the computer playing the game). The simplest method is to just point a camera at the monitor but there’s much lower latency ways where you use some cheap Chinese HDMI decoder/encoders to feed the raw video signal right into the AI.

With methods like that becoming cheaper and easier every day the whole client-side anti-cheat bullshit kinda seems pointless, yeah?

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

They’re all secret entrances to government spy facilities, tunnels to demonic summoning rooms, or ways to get into The Backrooms (if you go through without opening them).


@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Well, no, actually: The AI image model will generate bad fingers constantly it’s just become easier to fix via a secondary step (e.g. img2img) or you just tell it to generate 50 images and just pick the ones that don’t have messed up fingers 🤷

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

big tech’s gonna abuse it.

Actually, it’s everyone that’s going to abuse it. Big tech wants to be the exclusive “AI provider” for everyday people’s AI needs and desires but the reality is that the tech isn’t that easy to keep secret/proprietary because most of the innovations pushing AI forward come from individuals fooling around with the technology and academia. Not from big tech R&D (which lately seems to all be spent trying to improve business processes).

Big tech is spending billions on hardware and entire data centers just to do AI stuff with the expectation that it’ll give them a competitive advantage but the truth is that it’ll be the small companies and individuals that end up taking advantage of AI in ways that actually improve things for everyday people and/or make real money.

My guess is that they’re betting on acquisitions of companies using their AI processing power 🤷. Either that or it’s just wishful thinking.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

What if I make my own videos with actors and/or voices are entirely imaginary? I don’t have the resources to hire a videographer let alone an actor but I can write a script and use AI (and program/script things).

If I make something cool it’d be sad if no one watched it just because it didn’t use real human actors and voices.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

The real problem is that under water it’s hard to tell the difference between red and blue wires.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Don’t be sad about it! You’re the person who puts the fun in fundoplication!

Who wants to go to space if you’re not there, right?

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Bipolar isn’t so bad: If you’re down or manic just be patient and you’ll be back to awesome again 👍. It’s the promise you must keep to yourself and the older you get the better you’ll get at it.

Schizoaffective disorder means that no one has power over you but you. Seriously, other much more sensitive people could off themselves because of something someone said but not you. Your emotional barrier is tough AF. You’re incredibly difficult to scam and a social engineer’s worst nightmare. You don’t fall for emotional trickery.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I’m incredibly easy to manipulate

Then let me manipulate you into being happy 👍

Dark Voodoo Intensifies

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I really love this concept so I use AI to generate a version of it that uses a more appropriate franchise:

Fox News headquarters standing on bird legs

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

That show wasn’t popular with Gen Z though. How do I know this? Gen Z doesn’t watch HBO (they can’t afford yet another streaming service and they’re too lazy to pirate anything that isn’t anime because it’s too inconvenient).

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

For those reading this person’s comments and are confused: They meant to say, “cousins”.

Their children aren’t as appreciated.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I live in Jacksonville, FL and people overseas often think I’m right next door to Miami because it’s also in Florida. It’s a six hour drive!

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Yeah the Karen migrations are rough.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I said that in 1999 which was, coincidentally the year of the Linux desktop (for me).

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I read the article! It suggests in a hundred different ways that Windows 11 sucks and that sticking it out with Windows 10 is a bad idea for a dozen different reasons.

The people here suggesting Linux nailed it. If you’re not using Linux at this point you’re just being lazy, IMHO. If you have any issues you can always just troubleshoot and fix it but based on the anecdotes posted so far it’s obvious no one claiming to have tried Linux has done much of that.

Get off your ass and learn something new for real or stop bitching and bend over for Microsoft with your wallet ready to pay them afterwards for the privilege.

People bitching about Windows on their personal PCs is like people who don’t vote bitching about politics.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Actually this is a pretty common thing in software development. It’s become a bit of a trope. So much so that when management proposed things like KPIs tied to code (which they often do!) the devs are like, “can we get bonuses based on these KPIs? 🤑”

“If they’re such a good measure clearly we should be compensated when we do fantastic job! How about $5k extra for exceeding KPIs!”

“Oh, you don’t have enough trust in the system for that? Then why would you trust it for improving quality? I mean, you’re the one that made them…”

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

There is no substance for which a single molecule can harm you meaningfully.

Prions would like a word.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

The FDA was created to enforce standards of sanitation and prevent false advertising in medicine (e.g. snake oil). The whole, “banning toxic additives” came later after science started understanding physiological dependence and addictive substances (e.g. actual coke in Coca-Cola).

Really, the FDA is an evolution of a lot of preceding government bodies and there’s a lot of history involved that they don’t cover in school 🤷

riskable, (edited )
@riskable@programming.dev avatar

They were denied entry into law school. In short, oppressed.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I hear even the cows run Linux. They only peer into Windows from time to time.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

AI will help with sex trafficking by generating all the porn so humans won’t need to be involved at all.

In the future the equivalent lawsuit will be from the victims of hackers who used people’s PCs to generate porn.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Consequence culture claims another victim. Go woke or go broke!

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

When you think of a word processor you think of Word.

Only if you’re a cretin! The only thing one should envision when thinking of a word processor is WordPerfect 1.21a for the Apple IIgs!

Envisioning Calligra Words is also acceptable.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

A Linux user watching someone use (and bitch) about Windows is like watching someone right click to copy & paste.

If you know of a vast improvement, why would you keep the benefits of better things to yourself?

Think about how often Windows users bitch about Windows. Think about how many zillions of things they bitch about and how many new things they find to bitch about all the time. Think about how many Windows users say things like, “I love this OS!” or, “This OS is so cool! Look what I can do!”

Now think about how many Linux users you see bitching about Linux. Think about how many are super excited about it and how many instantly become, “fanatics” practically overnight.

There’s a reason

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Actually this guy is correct: What Ubisoft is doing here isn’t false advertising, it’s fraud.

False advertising is a very specific thing: You say something that isn’t true in an ad or as part of your product’s packaging. Like saying your product has a USB C port when in reality it has a Micro USB port and comes with an adapter. Companies that pull stunts like that rarely have legal consequences but technically it is against the law (why there’s not usually legal consequences is because most retailers will refund a product within 30 days without any penalty to the consumer).

Ubisoft is giving reviewers a different product than what they’re planning on giving to consumers. It’s like going to a car dealership, test driving a car, ordering that model, then when it finally arrives it’s a completely different car (e.g. smaller engine, different/weaker/flawed parts, etc). Case law is filled to the brim with scams like this. It’s one of the oldest and most widely-repeated types of fraud that’s ever existed: Bait and switch.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

The reason why conservatives of the past seem to be more reasonable is because there’s much more evidence (and easy ways to cite it) to refute their seemingly well-reasoned arguments.

In the past a conservative might say something like, “taxes on corporations are pointless; they’re just going to be passed on to consumers” and they could make a well-reasoned argument from simplistic economic principles.

These days when someone hears that argument they can just look online and find a zillion well-researched and cited articles pointing out how it’s a flawed position based on bad assumptions. Just looking at how changes in the tax code over time (massive reductions in corporate tax rates) have impacted the economy and the price of goods. Spoiler: Reducing taxes on corporations has two effects: It reduces tax revenues (obviously) and makes the rich (owners) richer. Changes in the tax code that increased taxes on corporations also had no impact on prices. In short, the entire idea falls flat on its face even though it seems like it would make sense.

They’re the same conservatives they’ve always been; refusing to change their beliefs despite the evidence. It’s also that we now know more about their beliefs and the more we know the more extreme they seem.

Conservatism has become a political package: By “voting conservative” (making it a part of their Identity) a person is signing on to conservatism as a whole. They may not believe everything their peers do (e.g. racism, xenophobia, sexism, violence, etc) but these things they do not agree with are not game changers. They may not believe that whites are a superior race but they’re OK with those people being on their team.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Oh please… Real Linux users know how to ESC in any situation. Even vim!

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Then afterwards you can summon the archmage to fix things 👍

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I make the hand gesture to bring up the status interface and the logout option is there on the right. I know there’s faster ways but i just can’t get the hang of speaking clearly in my dreams 🤷

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

It’s because of how your province negotiated the contract for the drugs. I guarantee that there’s language in there that has penalties if there’s supply problems.

Countries that don’t negotiate drug prices/contracts are the ones that are suffering with shortages.

Insert Morpheus meme about people’s worst fears about socialism being realized under capitalism.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Compared to what? The prices of drugs literally everywhere are cheaper than in the US. So we have problems with supplies and the highest prices.

We have literally the worst of all possible healthcare systems.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Low-current, 9V supply man

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Any such marriage would fold in no time!

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

You become two-sock man!

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

That’s basically a mind flayer.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Great! Now we just need an announcement about the successor to the RP2040…

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I want more cores and more importantly, more ADC pins. Also, being able to use more PIOs simultaneously would be fantastic.

Furthermore I want one of those matrix modules aka “AI accelerators” to play with 😁

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

As far as I know, black magic 🤷

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

No, “Dave” is the premium, artisan soap brand. You’re thinking of:


@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Nah, that’s too risky… from a bad movie perspective. Instead, a whole lot of [topic] obsessives will generate loads of variations on [topic] and come to a consensus on which prompts generate the best movies/shows.

So when you want to watch a movie about [topic] you’ll be able to choose from a curated list of options or take the risk and come up with your own.

If we want a market economy for such things it’d behoove us–as a society–to make sure the people who put in the work to figure out the best prompts get paid for their work.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

Simple example every Comcast customer suffers with: Comcast services (including VoIP and streaming TV) don’t count towards the monthly bandwidth cap. So if you watch 2 seasons of a show in 4k via Comcast’s streaming service that doesn’t count towards the cap but if you watch the very same show via Netflix it’ll put you over your bandwidth cap, resulting in additional fees.

It’s an egregious violation of network neutrality and, IMHO an abuse of their natural monopoly. Internet providers should not be allowed to also sell content/streaming services or own media companies! It’s a huge conflict of interest that will always disfavour the consumer.

Furthermore, when Comcast streams their own services they get priority over all other traffic; even traffic going to your neighbor’s Internet connections. So if your neighborhood is experiencing a bandwidth crunch and your neighbor decides to watch some 4k stream via Comcast’s service the back-end routers will prioritize that traffic over any and all other traffic which will interfere with everyone’s else’s Internet connections. So if your video stream suddenly drops to 480p for no reason (wired connection, no bad weather) it’s probably because someone in your neighborhood decided to watch something via Comcast’s streaming service.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

I work for a huge financial institution. Every now and again some manager gets it in their head that it might be a motivating factor to say something like, “this is costing/going to save the company millions of dollars!”

In my head I’m like, “Yeah, so what you’re saying is that this fix/improvement is so trivial as to barely be worth anyone’s time.” If your company makes billions of dollars in pure profit every fucking quarter a few million dollars here and there over the course of a year is the equivalent of a middle class individual losing a quarter down a storm drain once… In their lifetime.

@riskable@programming.dev avatar

An AI would decide that an AI-driven dictatorship would be most effective at implementing whatever goals you gave it.

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