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Facebook parent Meta sues the FTC claiming 'unconstitutional authority' in child privacy case (

MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) — The parent company of Instagram and Facebook has sued the Federal Trade Commission in an attempt to stop the agency from reopening a 2020 privacy settlement with the company that would prohibit it from profiting from data it collects on users under 18....

reric88, avatar

He said “Yeah we can all see thru them like my cousins underpants”

reric88, avatar

Pretty terrible. After a year I finally got a job, but it’s probably one of the worst possible jobs for someone like me who has ASD and other issues… Call center for military benefits. But I have to do it.

Severely disappointed after spending so much time learning web development, and it was for nothing it seems. On the bright side, my training was paid for…

reric88, avatar

It goes down faster because the wiring is one way, bottom to top. So the water gets picked up starting at the bottom going up, and the last one just drops the boat at the water fall speed

reric88, avatar

What do you mean by elements? The components of the build?

reric88, avatar

That’s faster, easier and more efficient than this boat elevator! During the development process of the elevator, I did have a block switcher at the bottom which would swap a stone block for soul sand when the elevator was activated and the boat would rise very quickly (I didn’t have to put a delay in like with this one.) It would also descend more quickly because the dispensers were faster. It was VERY noisy, though, because when you’re on top of a bubble column it constantly makes splash noises

reric88, avatar

I get that. I like to create things, it feels like legos

reric88, avatar

Those are dispensers; you put the item you want to dispense (water bucket) inside and when activated, they dispense. If activated again while containing a bucket, they will “grab” the water and store back in the bucket

reric88, avatar

Yeah, so many companies require mac’s for their coding needs. Any classes I’ve ever taken have used macbooks

reric88, avatar

A long time ago (at least 15 or 20 years) I played a game on PC with physics like this. I specifically remember driving a Dodge Viper, and every crash would crumple the body a little more where it took a hit. At one point I ended up crumpling the entire car into a single tire I could drive around, as the tires were the only thing that didn’t squish.

Anyone know of this game?

reric88, avatar

That’s the one! It was called Viper Racing, and this came out in 1998! Here’s a video of a guy doing just what we described lol

reric88, avatar

I’ve had YouTube premium from the inception of their subscription model prior to/at the beginning of YouTube red, as I initially had a paid Google music subscription.

Personally, there isn’t a better option for the amount of hassle involved in my opinion. It’s a family account, and managing so many people’s YouTube experiences on at least a dozen different devices would be a nightmare I don’t want to think about. (Multiple of each TV’s, Roku’s, Android phones, iPhones, pc’s, etc)

This isn’t really relevant to your friend, it is quite silly when it’s just one person not willing to do it for just themselves.

reric88, avatar

I wonder how much more strength this would have if the back side was wrapped in carbon fiber with just the one layer of wood. The hardness wasn’t the issue necessarily, as we saw. The bullet didn’t punch a whole clean through, it “pushed” the wood out of the way. Carbon fiber seems like it would help reduce the thickness and weight while keeping the wood intact

How to add hard-coded website to square space?

I have a couple sites on Google and since they sold to square space I thought I’d try to keep my stuff there. But I can’t figure it out. Square space is a site builder with a GUI and I can’t find anywhere to just deploy my site to them as a react app. I have found a few areas where I can add some code, but they are for...

reric88, avatar

Thanks! I kind of figured it out after a lot of searching and trial and error.

I removed all but one page, and removed all content on that page. In website settings, there’s an option for “code injection”. This is where I pasted all my code, but I had to do it in a weird way.

I built the website with React, and each page was it’s own component. I had to build the project, and then take all of the JS created from the build process and wrap them in script tags, and wrap the CSS in style tags. Then I had to make a div with an id of root within the code injection body. Afterwards, I copied and pasted all the JS and CSS under the root div.

It’s not perfect and I need to tweak some things, but the site is 90% intact.

reric88, avatar

I actually started looking at firebase today. I’m confused by it, but that’s the case with everything new to me.

reric88, avatar

America, fk yeah, coming again to save the mother fkn day, yeah

Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old?

My son loves the adrenaline rush of getting scared, particularly with jump scares, however, I have a lot of difficulty finding a game or show which is appropriate for him. He is prone to nightmares, and more adult-oriented “kid horror” is too much (Poppy’s Playtime, Cartoon Cat?) And others like Siren Head. His peers...

reric88, avatar

Wow, I remember playing this waaaaaay back in the day on PC. And then I heard it was coming to the 3ds and got it there.

reric88, avatar

I can’t do delta 9, or regular marijuana. I have a lot of mental issues, and it has always made me super paranoid, and some other problems.

Delta 8 doesn’t do anything weird to me at all, and I feel good

reric88, avatar

Thanks 🙂

reric88, avatar

It was maybe 10 or 15 years ago I saw a YouTube video where a guy built a “Stonehenge” by himself, and explained how everything worked. I always knew how leverage worked, and never cared to think about how the pyramids were actually built, but once the two came together it was a massive “ooooohhhhhhhh…”

Not that I ever believed aliens did it, I just didn’t know.

reric88, avatar

I am just now playing The Stanley Parable on Switch and am having a great time with it. I’m not a PC gamer, and rarely a console gamer, so I missed when it first came out.

I have recently finished Hollow Knight, Deaths Door and Fire watch.

Hollow Knight was great, and I was pretty sad when I finished it.

Deaths Door is really good, but it felt a little lacking of content to me. But it’s a small game and is a good introduction to more complicated games in similar genres.

I liked Firewatch, but I remember being disappointed by it for some reason. I can’t remember why exactly.

reric88, avatar

You do get a way to combat them fairly easily later on, but it’s still usually best to avoid them unless they are very dense or blocking your path directly. It does not become less frequent, it gets more frequent, but you can actually engage them

reric88, avatar

Well… I didn’t finish it finish it. I didn’t:

  • Complete the path of pain
  • Beat Nightmare Grim
  • Complete the Pantheons.

I felt like I was missing out on other games, so I opted to shelve Hollow Knight. I was spending so much time trying to complete the path of pain and defeat nightmare grim, I didn’t even want to attempt the Pantheons. I instead just moved on, lol.

I think I was at 107% completion or something

reric88, avatar

I don’t know how to do spoiler tags, so I deleted that comment 😵‍💫

reric88, avatar

Take car. Go to mum’s. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.

reric88, avatar

Wow bogus was the first thing I thought of before entering the thread lol

reric88, avatar

I have had COVID at least 3 times (I’m an advocate masks, but I live where masks are not a pop6choice,) and I swear my brain function has plummeted since my first infection. I feel so dumb at times because my memory has went to shit, I can’t think of simple words, comprehend simple questions or solve simple problems. It’s like having writers block but it affects all my thinking abilities.

My dad is anti-mask and his mental function has suffered greatly. During his first infection, he would ask the same question multiple times in a single conversation, and although he’s better now, he’s not the same as he was.

My symptoms during consequent infections after the first were not bad, in fact I wouldn’t have guessed I was sick at all the 2nd or 3rd time, so I have no idea if I’ve had it more…

reric88, avatar

I’d participate in that study if it existed

reric88, avatar

The only way to sustain an economy indefinitely is through equal trade of goods and services. Jim the carpenter fixes John the farmers roof, and John gives Jim food.

Any form of economy built on profit will crash. We do not have unlimited money or resources. We can substitute some services for money (as we clearly do,) but it’s the for profit part that destroys everything.

This is vastly oversimplifying things, but at the root of the matter, there’s only so many M&Ms in the bowl, and people getting greedy are taking the candy from people who haven’t even reached the bowl yet. Then those people with a surplus are trading their M&Ms for Skittles and marking them up for everyone else

reric88, avatar

Unsung hero

reric88, avatar

But what will all these hardware companies do if we stop raising system requirements!

reric88, avatar

X is really dumb, and I’m not a fan of Twitter personally… But twitters reputation shouldn’t be completely obliterated because of who now owns it. Not that it matters, I guess, because there’s no way people don’t know X was once Twitter.

So I don’t know, guess I don’t care either way. But X is dumb.

[Subnautica] Do not fire your propulsion Cannon at your cyclops if you have lockers on the interior walls...!

I know I’m playing this very late. Anyway I was pretty deep in a certain cave (1,200 ft) with a leviathan and I was taking care of some stowaways on the hull of the sub. Thinking it’d be more fun to use the cannon instead of the knife, I blasted away. A couple seconds later I watched in horror as all my lockers clip through...

reric88, avatar

Don’t forget to save regularly! Because it was a glitch that happened to me yesterday which caused me to start saving every 30 minutes or so.

So yesterday I was building a base from the surface down to a couple stalkers (to farm teeth). It was really simple; and observation room connected to a T with a door, and vertical connectors going to the surface to an I corridor with a solar panel for air.

Well, I was curious and started to build out of the water, was 3 pieces high, and the game just froze after I placed a room at the top. I play on switch, so I just put it to sleep without saving when I’m done sometimes. So I had lost hours of progress and farming stuff.

So be sure to save often!

ajsadauskas, to technology avatar

So Elon's a "visionary" who wants to turn X into a single website where you can do everything — kinda like Yahoo!

He wants his new MySpaceX portal to be a website...

Where you can message people:!_Messenger

Where you can stream audio:

Where you can stream videos:!_Screen

Where you can create social media posts:!_360%C2%B0

Where you can manage your finances:!_Finance

Where you can share photos:!_Photos

Where you can earn money publishing content:!_Publisher_Network

Where you can find a job:!_HotJobs

Where you can buy and sell stuff:!_Auctions

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this truly is a vision for the future — if by "the future" you mean 1997.

#tech #technology #twitter #X #musk #ElonMusk @technology #yahoo

reric88, avatar

From my understanding, most people in the tech industry (as in >50%) are probably left-leaning. And I guess Elon believes he will either be able to just code his dream site with AI (impossible,) or he will find enough conservative techies to do it for him, which seems improbable.

reric88, avatar

That’s true. I’m unemployed, I’d probably take a job working for him. Doubt it would last long because I have a dumb mouth that can’t stay shut when it should

reric88, (edited ) avatar

Not Chromebook related, but I have an Asus G72GX laptop from around 2010 I bought refurbished, it was meant to be used for gaming, but it’s performance wasn’t very good. Got married, life happened and finally dug it out of storage this year. Replaced battery, installed windows 10 (had 7) and started using it for work as a developer. It handles it remarkably well considering it’s age.

I had to force windows 10 to install by jumping through all kinds of hoops, but I haven’t noticed a difference in it’s performance.

However, if I reboot, I often get stuck in a boot loop with a different error each time it reboots, but I somehow magically get it to the login screen by doing some kind of computer version of the Konami code, except I don’t know what the code is.

That being said, I am curious if It would be more beneficial to install Linux. I have no experience with it. All I use it for is VSCode mainly.

Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web (

The much maligned “Trusted Computing” idea requires that the party you are supposed to trust deserves to be trusted, and Google is DEFINITELY NOT worthy of being trusted, this is a naked power grab to destroy the open web for Google’s ad profits no matter the consequences, this would put heavy surveillance in Google’s...

reric88, avatar

From my understanding, there’s no reason whatsoever to do this besides censorship, for better and for worse. There’s a possibility good, and I’m sure the good would happen, but there’s an even greater possibility it would be bad for users which would surely happen.

reric88, avatar

From personal experience, aggression is not always a controlled action. I’m a lot better than I used to be, but I have injured myself over things that tipped me over mentally. These reactions were not at all calculated.

Again from experience, I personally agree that programs do little to reduce violent tendencies. For me, it was medication.

I have ASD, and a whole bunch of other things under the personality disorder umbrella. The key is I am aware of my shortfalls and found the solution which works for me.

I have never faked my anger and often hide it. In the past, I would explode. Never on anyone, just myself. Or walls now, I still hide it, but because of my medication I do get to control how I react, which is usually to just go somewhere else, and if I can’t do that, I go away into my thoughts

reric88, avatar

It’s an unpopular opinion, but I wish the world would share with the world. It’s a lot to ask I guess, but man, imagine how quickly we could progress as a species if everyone in the world truly had the same chance at life.

I’d pay for my neighbors bills if I knew I’d have my bills paid for when I absolutely needed it.

reric88, avatar

I’ll look into this, thank you! I didn’t look at a vps (I had to Google what vps meant) but I’ll check it out!

I kept pushing with azure and I got pretty far with it, but I hit a snag when running az webapp up because I kept getting errors stating my app name already existed, or Id get a “forbidden” error if my app name was too unique

reric88, avatar

Hey man, so Linode worked after a long time wrapping my head around how to get things up and running. It was a huge learning experience, but the “fewer options” all over the dashboard helped steer me in the right direction. As my first successful deployment of an app it isn’t much and there are issues, but I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished! Take a look at the cat app I’m working on! I probably don’t need to tell you this but don’t enter personal information in the chat, it is not secure.

reric88, avatar

Thank you!

Another reason to leave Reddit: I forgot how hostile it can be

I’ve mostly left reddit and switched to beehaw, but I posted on somewhat of a niche tech-related subreddit today since there really isn’t a community for that here yet. And wow, I got instantly downvoted twice and the first comment response was rude and hostile. All I posted was a feature suggestion for software that I...

reric88, avatar

I agree with you, I gradually became more lurky because the interaction with others was terrible. I hated talking to people.

So far on beehaw it’s been overwhelmingly positive, and my dumb questions didn’t receive snarky remarks or vitriol. Sometimes, people just want to ask a question and create a discussion. That’s mostly me, I’m sure I can find a lot of answers myself, and usually do, but every so often I just want to talk about something with someone, so I’ll repeat a question which was asked 2 years ago.

Besides, asking the same question again could lead to a different discussion anyway. It’s terrible to tell people to “just Google it”. Yeah, they could do that, but its such a negative response. Could easily just say “Hey I found this link on Google, here you go. Try looking into x, y or z and include that in your future searches, let me know if you have any other questions”

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