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The individual in the foreground appears to be quality assurance for new restaurants before opening to the public.


boo fucking hoo. cry me a river, devilspawn.


as was to be expected. :( I am 99.9% convinced Netanyahu was just waiting for Hamas to give him an excuse to escalate. They turned out to be the useful idiots (in the form of raping mass-murdering f*ckheads) that he needed.


And don’t get me started on Fermat and his silly margin note joke.

One of the rare moments on teh intarwebz where it comes in handy I read Fermat’s Last Theorem :D


and the proof is very elegant - you could explain it to a (smart) elementary school kid


But thank the gods we adopted Hindu-arabic numerals.

ssshh don’t tell the republican bigots they are using terrorist numerals ;) /s


to be fair, being “city folk” vs. being “rural” doesn’t really qualify as an excuse for different levels of education. if it is the case anywhere (and admittedly it seems to be) that’s a testament to the need for improvement of the education system.


You’re not wrong. Nasty negative feedback loop :(


it is - by everyone with half a brain cell or more. Unfortunately, that’s not the majority of users by a long shot.


oh noes, my karma! Oh wait - there’s no such thing on lemmy :) In all honesty, I think most people downvoting did not fully understand my comment in relation to the one I was replying to. I think they misread it as “people with half a brain cell or more don’t use windows” and pushed the arrow down.


You drinking alcohol doesn’t affect my health. You smoking cigarettes does - even in your own 4 walls, unless you have a few hundred meters distance from every neighbor. So I do support the idea of completely forbidding smoking - but I concede it’s not very practical and can’t really be done. Forbidding it in public spaces and restaurants / bars however, and whereever smoke will be blown to people who don’t like it? Yes, at least the legislation to enforce that would be very welcome.

New report connects Trump organization with the largest tax fraud case in New York City history (www.dailykos.com)

The Trump Organization, not unlike the Trump administration, is rife with stories of corruption and grift, incompetence due to the cutting of corners, and general crapulence. ProPublica and New York Public Radio station WNYC have published a brand-new joint investigative story about how Trump’s business interests in...


Help me out here - on what charges was Al Capone finally imprisoned? ^^


but when Windows needed

the irony is that the only reason ever for “Windows needed” is because some obnoxious asshole decided they want to force others to use Windows. There’s literally nothing that Windows can do better. There is only a quasi monopoly and probably bribes to companies to release no builds for other platforms (e.g. for games).


name one thing. Besides bluescreens.


It’s much easier to do a clean install of Windows than it is for Linux, and the installer pretty much requires no configuration.

Bullshit. Putting an installer medium in and booting into the preconfigured Windows system is not the install process. The actual install process starts after that, when you have to disable / purge all the crapware and unnecessary services to get a somewhat usable system.

The hardest part of a Linux installation is to choose a distro, and set up a bootable USB stick while still on a windows system. After that it’s

  • boot into live CD
  • click the install button
  • select a keyboard layout
  • let it auto-partition, because you’re a first time user
  • let it detect your network (wifi can be a bit tricky depending on chipset, admitted)
  • choose a computer name, root password (if any) and a main (first) user
  • complete installation & wait for 5-15 minutes. Done - you now have a working system

Now for Windows, you still don’t have any useful software. Whereas on Linux you just select whatever you need from the package manager.

Also, when is the last time you actually set up a Windows from scratch? The main reason people think it’s easier, is because they use OEM versions and never actually install anything.


My opinion has nothing to do with “elitism” and everything with usability. Windows used to be a decent OS until Windows 2000. XP was already phoning home, but the user experience was still “okayish”. Windows 7 was only usable when you disabled all the UI bullshit and went as far towards XP looks as possible. Anything Windows beyond that is just shitting in your face “fuck you user, we’re laughing our asses off that you are so stupid to still give us money”.

There’s nothing from Microsoft that makes your life easier than it used to be. MS Office peaked at Office XP, beyond that, usability has been discarded. I discarded Windows not out of principle, but because it was killing my productivity in every way possible. And that was before even considering that you have zero control over your data or privacy.


Tell me you have not read my comment without telling me you have read my comment.


If it’s a root CA private signing key, 2KB could be fatal. If it’s tiktoks, 100TB could be worthless.

raspberriesareyummy, (edited )

Because sometimes people don’t find a partner or are in between relationships. Not really sad per se, whereas someone can also be miserable while married with children (yo Al Bundy :)

Edit: Ed -> Al, my bad - I watched like every episode of that and STILL got it wrong :(


That would play less of a role I’d say. Pilot licenses are maybe a thing for half the international astronaut corps, maybe even a bit less - but those typically come from a military career, in younger years. An scientific or medicine degree doesn’t take all that much time, unless you’re me and really enjoy your time as a university student :D


I hear those words.


it’s interesting bullshit if the article author actually things that binaries were the problem. What ended the usenet was google groups providing a gateway to the usenet for people who had no idea what the usenet was. Lots of dumb users posting low quality content, and eventually bots spamming all relevant groups. Binaries had been around forever, in dedicated newsgroups, and they most certainly did not contribute to the downfall of usenet, if anything, the opposite.


LOL I noticed just now - but it appears by @glassware explanation that it wasn’t actually my link, but a patch that would have affected every link posted to which piped reacts


Do you have a name / user id of a piped bot developer? Because while we’re at it, I think that bot should also avoid responding to itself - which would also prevent such a scenario completely.


It had already (been) stopped 3 hours ago.


The dystopia of a balkanized Internet floated by net neutrality campaigners (e.g. ISPs charging people extra to access Netflix) has not come to pass.

You may be unaware, but that dystopia already exists today: Mobile service providers (= ISPs for their customers) are selling e.g. WhatsApp traffic quotas separately from other internet traffic. You’ll buy a package, and you’ll get X GB traffic, but Y GB WhatsApp traffic separately, with Y sometimes even being > X.

Meaning in effect that people have to pay more to access the non WhatsApp-Internet, which means “ISP charging people extra to access Netflix” (among other services). It encourages people who have little money to stay in their WhatsApp filter bubble.


I think you missed my point, being that the absence of net neutrality by legislation has brought us exactly what those promoting such legislation have warned about.


Got you beat by 1 year :) Deleted my account in 2012 when they changed their terms of use to own rights to everything you upload. And I had never used my real name to begin with.


Okay, I’ll bite: Half your accusations are nonsensical. Cats kill “other pets”? Yeah, I suppose, if you put your goldfish in a shallow bowl on your patio… Property damage? Did you even use half a brain cell before making that statement?

Furthermore - yes, domestic cats killing birds is an issue. One that’s successfully inflated and thrown at you from tons of news to try and distract you from the orders of magnitude larger effect that industry has on the bird population.

Beyond that: cats are an issue where they are brought into an ecosystem that hasn’t adapted to them, e.g. New Zealand. But in most parts of the world, cats are absolutely compatible with the ecosystem, as their typical prey is detrimental to gardens / agriculture. Why do you think humans domesticated cats in the first place?

Take your undifferentiated hate against cats to a therapist and work on your self hate.


A bell is actually a problem - less for the bell for because the necklace can get caught in branches and the cat can get strangulated.


I’d say the main purpose of any kind of lock (meaning the weakest link all around your house - strong front door won’t help if the kitchen door to the patio is always unlocked) is to be less appealing to burglars than the next house. At least that is how it works in Germany: Burglars drive around in vans, typically in daylight, sometimes walk around houses, looking for opportunities. If they see a cracked window, or an easy to access balcony door without too much exposure, they’ll give it a go. If that balcony door (I lived in a flat with that setting) has a big iron grating installed in front of it, they’ll move on and look for another place to rob, not because they couldn’t maybe find out that the iron grating is not attached very well, but because it looks like too much effort to even invest the time to find out.


Really the only argument against tight packed cities is “I don’t like people”. That shouldn’t really be a priority.

There’s also: “I want to have nature around me” - and there’s “I have pets that need to go out” - and there’s “In a big city it can be dirty, smelly and loud” and “People neglected by society hang around big cities” and “Big real estate firms crank up housing prizes”.

What we really need is better city planning, to reduce traffic & roads, and make areas pedestrian only - at that point, quality of life in a city improves. Also, we need to kill big real estate corps and regulate housing prizes. And there needs to be a will in politics to actually address social issues, including but not limited to violent crimes.


Nearby is relative to the quality of public transportation though, as not everyone can afford a car, and even if they can, it kills the environment and quality of living in the city to have traffic. And public transportation infrastructure is sadly still next to non-existent in many metropolitan areas in the world.


fair enough


It would be amazing having sci-fi mega cities, perhaps connected via underground railroads and between them just nature undisturbed. It feels like we are so close from a technological standpoint to make that happen.

I wholeheartedly agree. And I believe we have everything needed to make that happen - but if everyone has good living conditions, that just isn’t profitable / exploitable for the corporate world. Happy people means it’s harder / impossible to scare them or make them angry at some perceived threat / enemy, and exploit their dividedness. All megacorporations without exception and a lot of mid- to large size businesses thrive on exploiting workers who are too divided to unite and demand a fair share of work and profits and acceptable working conditions.


Nah thanks, we’re lucky to be mostly secular.


As per your screenshot & the contained link, you reported this comment as racist?

There them privileged white folk at it again, causing atrocities left and right. Love them that lack of culture.

It sounds to me like you got banned for a good reason, because that was an abuse of the reporting tool.


The point is the comment in question wasn’t racist. It was stupid, maybe off-the-point, but whoever gets offended by that is a thin-skinned loser.


Imagine that I have that kind of imagination even without your wise input, and that I do not change my opinion on " " being racist or not based on whatever you insert for the perceived skin color.

Just the idea that you have that I would make a difference based on what someone inserts there makes it seem like in your mind it does matter who’s being addressed. Because in my world it doesn’t matter.

Also, complaining about some “privileged” is not racism in and of itself, and with the addition of “committing atrocities”, the commenter on reddit outed themselves as a dumbfuck of a troll. And the previous poster clearly took the bait.


Racism: attributing certain attributes (positive or negative) to a group of people based on perceived ethnicity. Also, to think that something like “race” even exists.

Comment in question:

  1. addressing how society treats a group of people based on perceived ethnicity - being privileged is not an attribute of your person, it’s how your environment treats you
  2. trolling about actions of said group - committing atrocities - and while this is arguably on the edge, the key difference to racism is that it’s describing actions that individuals and those in power commit, because no one with half a brain cell would read that comment as “all people of said group commit atrocities left and right”

That being said, for this particular comment, both parts of the statement are based in truth. On average, “white” people are still very much privileged in many parts of the world, and most world-wide atrocities committed post renaissance era were committed by the same group.

I am about as white as it gets, and I can definitely recognize this simple truth and certainly do not feel the need to get butt-hurt over someone saying it out loud.


Strawman. Comment in question was not racism. I am calling people thin skinned who get offended by a stupid comment and also, people who try to dilute the severity of ACTUAL racism by shouting murder at every inappropriate comment they don’t like, are probably racist as f*ck themselves.


Calling someone privileged is not judging that someone, it’s judging how society treats them. Also, as I said elsewhere: rightwing assholes are intentionally diluting the severity of racism by using it inappropriately all the time. People who believe that “race” is a thing, and who judge others by the perceived ethnicity are mentally ill and / or have a severely damaged empathy sector in their brain, which kind of amounts to the same. Those people need to be treated by a shrink, and since you can’t treat a mentally ill person on the internet, on forums they should be ignored and any racist comments should ideally be moderated / put into context to show them for how pathetic they are.


at this point, I can only conclude you’re one of the mentally ill people who are aiming to distract from actual racism.


I’m not the one with a world view that distinctly separates races into different social classes.

You just outed yourself as a racist, by admitting that you believe that a thing like “race” exists. I won’t waste any more time with you.


For example there is no proper pdf reader that can sign a pdf and add or remove a page.

Unfortunately, pdf signing is problematic still on Linux, I use it as a daily driver and found a compromise with existing functionality. You can try okular, which is able to sign PDFs without altering them, but has a huge signature block and doesn’t permit adding a scan of a signature. My workaround: I created a stamp in the PDF reviewing tools with my signature, I can place that on the document and then sign it afterwards. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for pre-signed PDFs as it will alter the signed version.

Alternatively, LibreOffice Draw can sign PDFs, but also can’t insert signature scans (yet, there’s an open feature request) and is sometimes not understanding when PDFs change to landscape, in general it’s not nice to render a many-pages document in LO Draw and hope that it won’t mess up the document upon signing.

For adding / removing pages, I agree - it’s a pity there’s no GUI application, but I have gotten used to qpdf / pdftk and they are quite powerful and more efficient 90% of the time. Still doesn’t excuse no GUI application, but it keeps me able to work.


I meant tamper-proof cryptographic signatures, yes. A webtool is absolutely out of the question if you consider that it means uploading your potentially confidential document to an enterprise like Adobe.

raspberriesareyummy, (edited )

Accretion discs can be large enough that I am pretty sure a human body wouldn’t be torn apart at that distance (at least the outer bits) by the difference in gravity across it’s length. In the linked article about the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, we’re talking 1000 astronomic units, so 1.5 * 10^14 meters.

The current value of this black hole’s mass is estimated at ca. 4.154±0.014 million solar masses.

So let’s calculate the equivalent distance from the sun in terms of gravitational force on an object at the outer edge of the accretion disk:

F_sun = C * (R_equivalent)^-2 * m_object

F_black_hole = C * 4.15*10^6 * (R_accretion_disk)^-2 * m_object

where C equals the gravity constant times the mass of our sun.

==> C * (R_equivalent)^-2 * m_object = C * 4.15*10^6 * (R_accretion_disk)^-2 * m_object

divide by C and m_object:

<=> (R_equivalent)^-2 = 4.15*10^6 * (R_accretion_disk)^-2


<=> R_equivalent^2 = (1/4.15) * 10^-6 * (R_accretion_disk)^2

==> R_equivalent^2 ~= 0.241 * 10^-6 * (R_accretion_disk)^2

square root (only the positive solution makes sense here):

==> R_equivalent ~= 0.491 * 10^-3 * R_accretion_disk

with R_accretion_disk = 1000 astronomic units = 10^3 AU

<=> R_equivalent ~= 0.491 * 10^-3 * 10^3 AU

<=> R_equivalent ~= 0.491 AU

Unless I have a mistake in my math, I sincerely hope you will agree that the gravitational field (tidal forces) of the sun is very much survivable at a distance of 0.491 astronomical units - especially since the planet Mercury approaches the sun to about 0.307 AUs in its perihelion.

what is the mass of a cloud?

As the title asks, what is the average mass of each kind of cloud? Ignoring things like overcast days, and only considering clouds large enough to identify. Or maybe rather than “average” it’d be better to say “what is the mass of an archiypical cloud of each type?” Eg an archiypical cumulus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, etc.


Fair enough, that’s a good take on asking questions / learning :)

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