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Yes, extreme violence+ethnic cleansing efforts can lead to the emergence of stable national identities. This process could be applied on a global scale to give you the results you are looking for.


If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.

qwamqwamqwam, (edited )

If you want your shirt to be buttoned all the way to the top, I would recommend pairing it with a tie. In addition, I might consider a lighter shirt as the overall outfit is pretty dark.

Don’t stress it too much though, your outfit is perfectly fine! Go ahead and kill it!


Do aigen types think their stuff actually looks like art? Like I get generating this for a laugh but imagine thinking it’s good enough to share.


DIY EV kits are a thing, but a quick google shows some wildly varying prices. Probably depends on exactly what kind of car you are trying to refit and the performance you’re looking for.

What's your favorite Enigma / Riddle / Sentence Puzzle?

Tomorrow is a big event at my university. I’d like to make a fun thing where the people of the Board Game society I am in can try to find me for a riddle, kind of a Where is Waldo in a place where there is a crap tone of people to find the NPC that’ll give them a Riddle (Maybe something to win? No idea how I could do that...


Temperature is average kinetic energy. It is very easy to put kinetic energy into an object and much harder to take it out. Microwaves do it by shining a “light” tuned to microwave frequencies on objects. So you can imagine the problem is about as hard as shining a lamp on something and having it get colder. Laser-based cooling methods do exist but they’re quite expensive and mostly operate on the atomic scale. For now, the best way we know of to cool large items in bulk is to put them next to something that’s even colder—in short, a refrigerator.

Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life?

I’m majoring in CS related-field, and I used to have tons of passion for it and underlying tech, and worked as full stack dev, but my mind was very different in a good way (better at logical/cognitive demanding tasks, creative, productive, etc). Things happened, and I just can’t stand living in society, experiencing all this...


Do what you have to. At the end of the day nothing is coming with you to the other side.

That being said, CS is remarkably flexible to accommodating a naturist lifestyle. Try it out in bits and pieces before you settle on the wild life. It’s not one or the other, people can and do get both.


Lol I knew that didn’t sound right but couldn’t figure out why. Thanks!

Should i ask my aunt to bring me a laptop from ebay ?

Hello everyone, I have never owned a laptop before( PC user from the very start), I want a laptop for my IT career(coding stuff) but I have a really low budget and wanna buy just a second hand laptop that can run some lightweight Linux distro. The thing is that laptop prices are really high here in India, you can get a second...


Passing through the airport should be no problem at all. As somebody who’s done a similar thing before, I can tell you that your aunt probably won’t run into problems. My bigger question is about the laptop you are looking at that is $30. It’s rare that laptops go for so cheap here, even used ones. I would advise you to investigate the seller to make sure they are trustworthy to avoid being scammed or sold a broken computer.


And announcing exercises with America!

Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID?

Someone asked a question about how frequently young people have time to socialize and it made me think about what people do with their evenings. I recently asked my son to go to a concert (free ticket to see a band i know he likes) and he declined because it was an hour away on a weeknight. If we invite our kids or niece/nephew...


At least for me, its a threshold problem. The internet means that staying at home is always going to be at least somewhat interesting, which makes it a lot harder to take a gamble on a random late night outing. It’s not just staying out late, either—Gen Z shows declines in a whole host of risky behaviors. Smoking, alcohol, drug use, teen pregnancy, are all way down in our generation. In some sense, we’ve found a drug that we prefer to actual drugs.

Perseverance and Adaptation: Ukraine’s Counteroffensive at Three Months (warontherocks.com)

Michael Kofman and Rob Lee released another article looking at the counteroffensive’s overall state three months in. If you’ve been paying attention to Kofman’s recent Russian Contingency podcasts, this article mostly echoes these conclusions, just packaged in a format more palatable to a Washington audience. If this is...


I did this but the power never went out. I don’t drink bottled water, but my freezer is full of them now now. Do I just defrost them all in a big pot or something?


I enjoy boxing immensely. Not only is it a full body workout, but there is something deeply, instinctually satisfying about punching a bag really hard. Ive fallen off the wagon recently, I should really get back to doing it.


The absolutely optimal move is probably to keep 5 or so k of debt around just to hedge the forgiveness play. But just paying it all off is also a great investment. You’re not likely to find another way of using your money with a >4% ROI. If the hassle of keeping another set of bills current is going to significantly add stress to your life I would pay it off. Really, though, there’s no way to lose here.


I agree that Star Trek is on a completely different power scale than Star Wars, but comparing an in-atmosphere flight speed to interplanetary impulse speed is pretty disingenuous. Obviously there are physical factors that limit one of those but not the other.


Why’d you give up your aquarium?


I find I retain info better using pen and paper.


I originally wrote this for !noncredibledefense but it works pretty good for me too:

NATO Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?

NATO Astronaut 2: Nope.

Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to…


Astronaut 1: Yep.

I love the trenches,

I love the roadside mines,

I love blown bridges,

I love when turrets fly.

I love the whole world

And all its sights and sounds.

Boom-de-yah-da, boom-de-yah-da (twice)

I love my plane-fus,

I love nuke submarines,

I love logistics,

I love democracy!

I love the whole world

And all its craziness

Boom-de-yah-da, boom-de-yah-da (twice)

I love dictators

(I like to watch em hang)

I love Three Gorges

I love when things go bang!

I love the whole world

It’s such a brilliant place

Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da (repeating until fade)


Awesome! That way, the next time a minority starts connecting and coordinating using the internet, conservatives can silence them by doxxing them and threatening their families!


If the silencing and persecution of minorities is not part of your definition of “the rise of fascism”, you should really gain a better definition of the “fascism” actually is.


Fascism is well-defined? With all due respect, this is the kind of statement that betrays a lack of knowledge of the field. Fascism is notorious in political science for being poorly defined both as a system of government and as an ideology.

What constitutes as a definition of fascism and fascist governments has been a complicated and highly disputed subject concerning the exact nature of fascism and its core tenets debated amongst historians, political scientists, and other scholars ever since Benito Mussolini first used the term in 1915. Historian Ian Kershaw once wrote that “trying to define ‘fascism’ is like trying to nail jelly to the wall”.

For convenience, we can use the Wikipedia definition, which clearly signposts the oppression of political and social minorities as key parts of the definition of fascism.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

“Paradox of tolerance” does not justify literally any oppressive act.

And yeah, if a plane with 20 people on board is on a glide path towards a stadium, I’m going to be pretty skeptical of anybody who’s just champing at the bit to shoot it down. If we’ve got the time to talk about it, we can evacuate the stadium, or get in contact with the pilot, or scramble a jet to take a look inside and confirm if the occupants are incapacitated, or nudge a wingtip so that it glides into a less populated area. All of which have a better chance of success and are less disruptive than firing an armed missile within civilian airspace. Your unwillingness to consider less extreme options will inadvertently end up empowering authoritarians and enabling the very abuses you nominally wish to prevent.


But what about the comic?! The comic says I don’t have to change my lifestyle to align with my purported values! It absolves me of my responsibility to do anything beyond complain, no matter how trivial the change required! Doesn’t the comic say complaining about a problem is basically just as good as actually contributing to fixing it?


The sicko in me hopes they spend the next two weeks linking every policymaker in the state to their pornography habits and just dump the whole dataset online. Yeah, it would probably counterproductive and not great for democracy but I wouldn’t it be the sickest burn of all time?


Age verification for pornography has something like a 70% approval rating. It’s not a religious extremism issue, it’s a “normies don’t want or care about their freedoms issue”.


Exactly. Malicious compliance, while reminding people exactly why they shouldn’t be so quick to give up their anonymity on the internet.

qwamqwamqwam, (edited )

No, not “no one is claiming that”, because I am claiming that. Contrary to your apparent belief, large swathes of urban Texas are little different politically from a blue city anywhere else in the country. A state rep for Austin fought prescription drug companies and against putting the 10 Commandments in classrooms. Does that sound Christofascist to you? Because he voted for the bill. Close to 40% of the State legislature are Democrats and the majority of them approved this bill. Acting like a representative for Austin and a representative for rural Texas are both Christofascists because they come from the same state is actively counterproductive to gaining a better understanding of the situation. If you’re tilting at windmills and blaming imaginary enemies you’re going to miss the real forces that are driving these decisions.


There was a Politico article about this last week:


The public is also on her side. “You poll this, it’s like an 85-15 issue,” explained Jon Schweppe, the policy director for the socially conservative think tank American Principles Project. Age-verification for porn is not his think tank’s only priority, but when they poll it against other priorities in swing states, age-verification blows the rest out of the water, with 77 percent in support and 15 percent opposed.

Here’s a Pew survey suggesting that the majority of Americans consider porn harmful:

A large 70%-majority of Americans reject the idea that “nude pictures and X-rated videos on the internet provide harmless entertainment for those who enjoy it”; only 27% agree; in general, opinions about pornography have become slightly more conservative over the past 20 years. Currently 41% agree that “nude magazines and X-rated movies provide harmless entertainment for those who enjoy it,” while 53% disagree. The number saying such material is harmless has fluctuated, declining from 48% in 1987 to 41% in 1990 and then varying by no more than four percentage points thereafter. The pattern is more mixed for other values related to freedom of expression.

Note that trends in this space are getting more conservative, rather than less. This tracks with my experience with Gen Z.

Admittedly, I have not seen any polling about specific legislation. It hasn’t been long since these bills were passed, and I don’t know if it’s a priority for pollsters. But if nothing else, just look through the thread. Lemmy leans way further left that the general public, and even here most people’s problems with it are about execution rather than intent.


If your best examples of boring conversations are people talking about the weather, it’s you who’s having the boring conversations mate. That’s a pretty standard opening, your supposed to branch away from that one pretty quick.


In the nicest possible way, this is a skill issue. Get better at having conversations.


Huh, I had no idea, I had assumed it was universal up until now. How do people start conversations in south American countries?

  1. Practice practice practice. I spent two semesters in undergrad sitting at random peoples tables and striking up conversations with them. Get over your anxiety about being disliked. The worst you will do is leave someone with a moderately awkward experience, and you will never ever see them again.
  2. Make a conscious decision to put your phone away and attempt to connect in public spaces. Technology has made it so that even the smallest inconvenience can be avoided easily. Learning to small talk is going to be a hell of a lot more worse than an inconvenience. You have to get comfortable with the idea that you will be acutely aware that you suck the first dozen times that you do it.
  3. Active listening. Get people talking with an easy question to expound upon, then pay attention to the answers and ask them to elaborate on anything they mention in passing, ideally things you find interesting. “Tell me more” is your biggest friend here.
  4. “Yes and”, not “No, but”. Agree, emphasize, respond, empathize. If they say something, totally repulsive, try to deflect to something else rather than actively confront.
  5. Open ended questions are your best friend. If the question you’re formulating can be answered with yes/no, rephrase it into something that invites explanation.
  6. When you have struck gold, stop looking. Let people talk about things they wanted to talk about. As you do this more and more you’ll start getting a sense for when they’re running out of things to say vs when they want to continue but are concerned they’re talking too much. For the former, go back to step 3 and ask them about something else they mentioned. For the latter, learn the methods for communicating your interest. Eye contact, an open posture, a micro-smile, tilted head, all communicate that you are engaged and listening. The secret sauce here, though, is to just repeat the last couple of words they said back to them. It’s like magic.

Breaking news: Man falling from skyscraper has stopped accelerating.

Spellbind0127, to nostupidquestions
@Spellbind0127@mstdn.social avatar

@nostupidquestions what happens when all neurons fire at the same time?

qwamqwamqwam, (edited )

Good question! Because neurons differ widely in location and function throughout your body, there are a number of possible outcomes depending on what exactly you mean by “all”. I’ve listed a few of those outcomes below!

Every neuron in your entire body: you die.

Every neuron in your body under conscious control: you die.

Every neuron in your Central Nervous System(brain and spinal cord): you die.

Every neuron in your brain: you die.

Every neuron in your brain that’s not in your hindbrain: you still die, but slightly slower and more agonizing.

Every neuron in your cerebrum: you die, but going from seconds to minutes here is progress!

Every neuron in your frontal lobe: you might conceivably survive this, albeit with severe personality changes and massive cognitive declines. Then again, it’s almost certainly going to trigger a massive seizure. In which case you just die.

Searching for Communities like a DNS finds URLs?

So, I’m new to the fediverse and Lemmy, and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it all. I’m sure people have talked about this, but by far my biggest issue so far has been finding communities. I specifically didn’t want t to join a large instance, but that has led to issues of finding communities. I often need to go...


Don’t apologize! It’s a good idea and I hadn’t considered it before.


Nope, the placebo effect can have physical effects and be genuinely curative. The level to which this is the case is highly variable from patient to patient, but it is inaccurate to say that is limited to improving sensation and perception of illness. Not to mention, in many cases the malady being treated is one of perception, for example, in pain management. And alleviating pain in itself has downstream positive effects on disease progression and patient QOL.


Each individual actor in the system has less incentive to provide value and no incentive to maintain continuity. As a result, you are basically reliant on a small number of unconnected and pseudonymous volunteers who could walk away at any time. Add to that managing a server with thousands of users is basically a part-time job with little pay and you have a system that is sustained by the kindness of a couple dozen strangers.

[Music News] Beyoncé is selling $157 “listening only” tickets for her Renaissance tour. The seats are behind the stage, so you can’t see the concert, any of the set, or dancing. (finance.yahoo.com)

Summary: “Beyoncé is selling “listening only” tickets for her Renaissance tour. The seats are behind the stage, so you can’t see any of the set or dancing, but they only cost $157 compared to the ~$900 fans have been paying for regular US tickets.”...


You can’t get breakfast in a major city these days for 20 bucks, forget one of the biggest artists on the planet right now.


Yeah, the bulk of the gap is probably surface combatants and submarines. The Navy is pretty seriously hamstrung by the continued decline of American shipbuilding and failing recruitment/retention efforts. It’s quite clear that they would like many more vessels to prep for China as a “pacing challenge” but can’t do it with current budgets and staff levels. ESBs have a part to play by freeing up others for peer warfare roles, but what is really needed are more combatants in the water.

Credible Defense Megathread 7/14/23 + Feedback Thread

Well, its been two weeks, which I think is a decent amount of time for a quick check-in for feedback. Is this space helping people? Is there anything I could do to make it more useful or engaging? I was considering migrating this thread to a second subreddit with lower posting standards, a la r/lesscredibledefense. That way,...


US close to providing Ukraine with long-range cluster missiles

The Biden administration is close to deciding it will provide Ukraine with a version of ATACMS long-range missiles armed with cluster bomblets rather than a single warhead, according to several people familiar with the ongoing deliberations.

Biden moved during the summer from a firm and long-standing “no” to saying the issue was “still in play.” Although the administration backed away from initial concerns that Kyiv would use the long-range weapons to strike inside Russian territory, the Pentagon still worried that drawing down enough ATACMS from relatively small military stockpiles to make a difference on the Ukraine battlefield would undercut the readiness of U.S. forces for other possible conflicts.

But the cluster-armed version of ATACMS are more plentiful than those topped with a single — or “unitary” — warhead and are no longer considered a front-line U.S. weapon. From an estimated original production of 2,500, some from the early 1990s, an unknown number were later refitted with unitary warheads, according to a fiscal year 2018 Defense Department publication. But many of the cluster variant remain in stockpiles. Consideration of the cluster warhead ATACMS was first reported by Reuters.

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