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quirzle, avatar

What about autocomplete? Face detection? Virtual assistants

How much of that is really built-in vs. offloaded to their cloud then cached locally (or just not usable offline, like Assistant)?

quirzle, avatar

Services running in GCP aren't built into the phone, which is kinda the main point of the statement you took issue with.

quirzle, avatar

PIA is about twice that if you pay for 3 years at a time. It's more, but you continue to keep everything you torrent, which is a bonus over Hulu.

To those genuinely interested in moderating (

@Ernest has pushed an update which allows users to request ownership/moderation of abandoned magazines. Ghost/abandoned magazines were fairly prevalent after the initial wave of hype due to users either squatting magazine names or becoming inactive for other reasons. Now is your chance to get involved, if you were waiting to do...

/kbin logotype
quirzle, avatar

Has showed up at the top of my screen among the random mags disproportionately over the past several months too. It's what keeps me off kbin when I'm in the office around people.

quirzle, avatar

since PIA got bought out

For what it's worth, I opted to wait until I had my first issue with PIA after the buyout to switch and it just never really happened. I've remained on PIA for my sea-sailing needs, and still haven't had an ISP email or other problem with them, other than the client being a little janky on occasion.

I'm not an active advocate or anything, but my experience is that they're still good enough, even years after the acquisition. Perhaps they're using the data for something behind the scenes, but it's cheap and keeps my ISP off my back. I'd at least still consider it in the "good enough for this purpose" category.

Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs. (

Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.

quirzle, avatar

It is only available via piracy.

You can stream it on Amazon. Disney sucks, but there's no need to spread misinformation to make that point.

quirzle, avatar

Wallet is just NFT and the screen.

NFC? Pretty sure if they incorporate NFTs as a form of payment, it'll be a whole thing.

quirzle, avatar

Interesting. I've got a 1 III that I pre-ordered from the first batch. The only issue I've had is that the fingerprint scanner totally stopped working at this point, but I haven't found any indication it's software over the thing physically failing. Was damn near perfect before that, in my experience anyway.

quirzle, avatar


I had a Nexus 6P that'd power down at 70% battery remaining, a Note 4 that stopped accepting input from the (undamaged as far as I could tell) screen, two other Samsungs with unreliable fingerprint readers, one of those also had a camera that stopped autofocusing and basically became useless. The Samsungs also had a myriad of charger issues from the phantom water detection to one that started getting super hot and melted a USB cable and nearly caught fire while mounted in my car.

quirzle, avatar

The worst part of the 6P battery stuff was how shitty Google/Fi support handled it. There was a class action lawsuit, and I just needed to show records of my replacement (and then replacement of my replacement) for that issue. They straight up lied to me in chat about having never contacted support about the issue. I had an interaction that was literally:

You can confirm this is my third Nexus 6P, yes?


You can confirm they all came directly from you?


You can confirm I only purchased the first one?


Why did you send me a second and third phone?

We do not have record of this.

Fortunately, I still had the phone and recorded a video of the phone powering itself off at 65% and was able to provide that as evidence...but I'm still salty about it all. It's why I have not and will not own a Pixel or use Fi ever again.

quirzle, avatar

That's just what they've added this year. Total drive count is over 3k.

quirzle, avatar

She got the shortest end of the absolute worst stick.

That's the most self-deprecating description of sex I think I've ever heard.

quirzle, avatar

Even if they did, it's after ignoring the same backlash about Halo 5.

quirzle, avatar

Same. That weird free game started a lifelong appreciation for the genre.

quirzle, avatar

I had mine remapped as far back as the Note 4.

quirzle, avatar

Basically, this is Plex showing they do due diligence when someone is crossing the line into profiting from media, which is highly illegal.

How does it show that? This seems to be an issue with the hosting provider, but it suggests hosting elsewhere and links instructions for migrating the server elsewhere. If the issue was users profiting from media, then hosting their Plex-based streaming service elsewhere wouldn't solve that at all.

quirzle, avatar

Is it?

Yes, as clearly indicated by this part of the linked notice:

Due to the large-scale violations occurring from that hosting provider, we will be taking action soon to block access and activity from Plex Media Servers hosted by that provider.

but a disproportionate number of servers on one infrastructure could resist alarm bells and lead to a naming of the entire IP range in conjunction

Not sure what you're even trying to say here. There's nothing here or elsewhere indicating that too many Plex servers on the same infrastructure is a concern. I haven't read through the Plex TOS with a fine-toothed comb, but I don't imagine there's anything about making sure your server isn't hosted too close to a bunch of others.

with that hosting provider which no longer wants this kind of behaviour in it’s infrastructure.

Has there been anything from the hosting provider to indicate this, or are you just making stuff up? The notice is pretty clearly Plex indicating they have an issue with something Hetzner is doing that violates their TOS.

Possible deniability Andy adjusting you’re willing to be proactive as an organization matters legally.

Plex isn't gaining any plausible deniability. They're providing instructions to migrate the servers to other hosting, which is effectively saying "you can do what you're doing, just do it over here instead."

quirzle, avatar

You’re blowing smoke, without looking anything up from the source.

Everything I've said was based on part of the link in the OP, which I did read.

Happy reading.

That link doesn't include anything new and explicitly states as much in the first sentence. Not sure what you're on about, but you're not making the point you think you are.

quirzle, avatar

The 256GB storage is expandable via microSD cards up to 1TB. Both phones have 3.5mm headphone jacks.

quirzle, avatar

It's totally fair. Other companies _could _engage in more dialog with players and take feedback into consideration before release, but they'd rather lean on their prior accolades and slowly leak teaser trailers and whatnot to build hype instead.

quirzle, avatar

When an autonomous vehicle has that significant of a margin of error, who ends up being responsible for the accident?

There's some details to be sorted out, of course, but this isn't the major question people make it out to be.

When humans are involved, the driver is responsible.

As is the owner, at least in the US. People will stay responsible for their vehicles (and, more relevantly, for insuring them).

Is a manufacturer liable in the event of all autonomous vehicle caused accidents?

If it turns out to be a defect, of course they are. They are even without the vehicle having autonomy. If they become responsible for more of the vehicle's performance, of course it stands to reason they'll be responsible for more of the outcomes as well.

a huge selling point of autonomous vehicles has always been that they should be the safest form of piloting a vehicle.

Which is exactly why it is relevant to compare their safety to that of human drivers.

quirzle, avatar

Different guy, but I jumped from GPM to Plex/Tidal back when GPM died. While I mostly listen to my own files via Plex, the Tidal integration and it's playlists are most of what I use for discovery now, and my only complaint is that it doesn't integrate into the Plex/Plexamp apps like the bulk of the library does.

There's a "Daily Discovery" playlist that mixes new (to you) artists + new (to you) tracks from artists already in the library, a "New Arrivals" list for new (to exist) releases from artists you listen to, and ~5 rotating mixes based on artists you've listened to lately. I find the latter to be the closest to GPM's "I'm feeling lucky" though. They're a bit more narrow in scope, but there's 5 of them so there's usually one that goes into the direction I want at the moment.

Having a Plex library, Tidal also opens up options for on-the-fly "radio" stations built into Plex. It has things such as "artist radio" which will play similar artists, which is also an option depending on how much music discovery you're looking to have available.

(Sorry for the long-winded reply, but you've got good opinions elsewhere in this thread and were asking a question I've put entirely too much thought into over the years, so figured I'd aim for thorough).

quirzle, avatar

Just upvote or boost? Aren't you having to go to your profile to find it either way?

quirzle, avatar

Looks like you comment more than you boost though.

quirzle, avatar

Did you try a warranty claim? Nvidia is pretty well-reputed for being flexible about that sort of thing. The warranty is 2 years in some countries, so it's not like a huge leap that they'd honor it for one bought last year.

quirzle, avatar

Still okay to fuck it though, right?

quirzle, avatar

All I see is cowardice. Long live Giraffey McGiraffeface!

quirzle, avatar

I think it incredibly damaging in the long run to have 50% of active users on this platform to be centralized on one domain.

I agree, but 50% is still better than 100%. I definitely appreciate that I'm reading about this while being totally unaffected personally rather than just disappearing entirely like what happens with a banned subreddit.

quirzle, avatar

Unlike coal, energy from the wind or sun is unreliable...

That damned sun. Can never tell which days it's going to come out or what direction from which it'll rise.

fossil fuels are cheap and plentiful, thank goodness!

Yep yep, nothing stays consistently cheap like coal and gasoline.

Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak' (

Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.In an interview with NPR, Moore said that multiple pastors had told h...

quirzle, avatar

These people are literally making it illegal to feed the homeless in places like Texas right now.

Even without the jesus stuff, how is the party of "limited government" and "rights of the people" going to tell me who I can/cannot give the last few slices of my pizza to while keeping straight faces?

quirzle, avatar

Depends a lot on where you were posting.

/r/nfl was notorious for deleting posts from unknown users when new broke to repost it from a mod's account. Had nothing to do with ban evasion or bots, just leveraging the control they had to make sure they had all the biggest posts.

quirzle, avatar

The conclusion sums it up nicely enough:

The Government has proposed a standard, reasonable order that will streamline the flow of discovery to the defendant while preserving the integrity of these proceedings. The defendant has proposed an unreasonable order to facilitate his plan to litigate this case in the media, to the detriment of litigating this case in the courtroom. Normal order should prevail. No oral argument is necessary. The Court should enter the Government’s proposed protective order.

quirzle, avatar

That's kinda true of every movie after the first one though.

quirzle, avatar

Somebody hasn't tried using Prime Pantry recently...

quirzle, avatar

Same here. I'm working on a couple household projects and a software side project. I've found useful-looking search results several times over the past few weeks and was pleasantly surprised to find I was repeatedly finding the useful content deleted.

Sure, it's annoying on some level...but it's also pretty neat that I've already noticed I default to clicking Stack Exchange links or asking ChatGPT stuff before searching reddit specifically, since my brain's already starting to associate reddit with the disappointed feeling of finding a deleted comment.

quirzle, avatar

To be fair, his statement was also just an observation.

quirzle, avatar

I know from experience some of these apps use mac address to enforce the free trial period (e.g., download 3 things for free then be forced to pay). If you have a means to install it in a vm and change the mac...

quirzle, avatar

My use case for streamfab was a single season of a show that's free to stream anyway, just wanted a local copy. I wasn't a huge fan though...entirely too clunky and error prone for the price.

quirzle, avatar

They download the file (which you can usually do with a little Inspect Element action + yt-dlp), but then also decrypt the file.

Most of the big streaming services use Widevine DRM (or at least did at one point, I might be outdated by now), so just downloading the file gives you appropriately-sized gibberish. These apps tend to be expensive because getting around the DRM is usually non-trivial.

quirzle, avatar

Yeah, a big part of the appeal of reddit was being anonymous. I signed up without even using an email address, and being able to do that was a most of why I was willing to create my account in the first place.

What does blocking someone actually do? (

What does blocking on kbin actually do? I’m asking because it seems incomplete, to put it mildly. If you block someone, they can still see what you post and reply to you and you’re still sent notifications of their replies, even though you can’t see the comment itself (or any replies other people make to comments of an...

/kbin logotype
quirzle, avatar

I saw them complaining about another user by name doing the same to them yesterday or the day before. I remember because I clicked through, noticed it was going both ways, and thought it was stupid to bitch about something while doing it as well.

quirzle, avatar

I'm on an Xperia 1 III for the same reason. It's been a fantastic phone, and I'm only now realizing how old it's gotten by noticing they're up to V.

quirzle, avatar

Spot on. Even when they've been caught doing things most people thought was shady (e.g., last year's /r/place manipulation), they tend to not outright deny it, but rather admit it and offer a half-assed explanation and end the conversation at that.

They wouldn't do something that flagrantly disregards EU/CA privacy laws. If they did it, they'd have have a justification they thought would hold up in court. If they had a justification that held up in court, they'd happily plop it in a comment that's pinned with a few dozen rewards and ignore any responses after that.

quirzle, avatar

I wound up moving entirely to Plex and it's janky Tidal integration because of that use case. Too much local/obscure music out there to not be able to add my own tracks.

quirzle, avatar

overall yt accounts for about 75-80% of my households streaming on a tv

By all means, you do you...but if I were watching that much yt, I'd probably want to upgrade to a Shield or something else I could slap
SmartTube on and stop the recurring/increasing payments.

quirzle, avatar

Wow, what shitty behavior and shitty response in that post. The more interaction with reddit admins I witness, the happier I am with my decision to stop using the site.

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