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@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The d4’s where the numbers are in a cluster are too hard to read. I’ve had to swap them in most games because most players need to second guess any rolls with them.

I’m sure people prefer them in some groups and power to them, but I detest them and if a dice set doesn’t have the other default, I don’t buy em.

queue, (edited )
@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

spoilerFor anyone like me who has math as their worst subject: PEMDAS. > PEMDAS is an acronym used to mention the order of operations to be followed while solving expressions having multiple operations. PEMDAS stands for P- Parentheses, E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction. So we gotta do it in the proper order. And remember, if the number is written like 2(3) then its multiplication, as if it was written 2 x 3 or 2 * 3. So we read 8/2(2+2) and need to do the following; - Read the Parentheses of (2 + 2) and follow the order of operations within them, which gets us 4. - Then we do 2(4) which is the same as 2 x 4 which is 8- 8 / 8 is 1. The answer is 1. The old calculator is correct, the phone app which has ads backed into it for a thing that all computers were invented to do is inaccurate.

EDIT: Turns out I’m wrong, but I haven’t been told how or why. I’m willing to learn if people actually tell me, instead of call me wrong and keep it at that. I was told PEMDAS and did PEMDAS.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Casio does a wonderful job, and it’s a shame they aren’t more standard in American schooling. Texas Instruments costs more of the same jobs, and is mandatory for certain systems or tests. You need to pay like $40 for a calculator that hasn’t changed much if at all from the 1990’s.

Meanwhile I have a Casio fx-115ES Plus and it does everything that one did, plus some nice quality of life features, for less money.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Then I admit I’m wrong, I just don’t get how PEMDAS/I got it wrong.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My calculator gets 1. Weird.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

[Takes testosterone]

“No!!! You’re having an unfair advantage in… uh… Corporate hierarchical structures!!!”

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“They’re the same picture.”

Also, that does not explain why:

  • Chrome users who use an adblocker don’t get the issue
  • Firefox users who do not use an adblocker get the issue
  • FIrefox users who use an adblocker, but change User Agent to Chrome, don’t get the issue

Now, if only we knew who made Chrome and YouTube… The mind boggles.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The only issues I have (currently, until proven wrong) with DIscovery with the Spore Drive and other technological things, is that it didn’t seem to have an answer for why the Federation didn’t use it later. I do know that in the timeskip season, a log does not mention the use of the s-drive.

But man I can only imagine how pissed Admiral Janeway would have been to find out it exists.

Plus I can’t hate a show that has Doug Jones in it. I didn’t get into Discovery, but I don’t hate it.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Fair enough. Tho I’m sure Janeway would still consider using Tuvix for that one editing your DNA thing.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Most seasoned British meal.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

God photos like this are so cool

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m sure on some planet, your fighting style is most impressive. But your problem is; this is Qo’noS.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’ve always had the idea that ships that were focused on on species had certain accommodations that other species would find too annoying or dangerous to live on with service. Vulcan ships are probably warmer than humans would like, Andorrans would probably die.

I always forget the name of their species, but the people who require a breather to pump in fresh non-Oxygen rich, I assume that if they had any ships, their life support would be exclusively their air, with those neck devices to help pump when visiting other plants and ships.

It would make more sense why Vulcan, an original member of the Federation, still has seemingly dozens if not hundreds of ships with their own design. I assume Andorians and Tellarite do too, but Star Trek forgets about them often.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We also gotta remember, Star Trek is almost always focuses on the big ships. Enterprise, Voyager, Cerritos, they are all important, but I highly doubt the federation needs to deal with a major galactic event every other Tuesday. I doubt the USS Luna had as much adventure as the TItan. Most are standard surveying ships, like a Steamrunner with a crew of 24.

If they did, the Federation does a shockingly good job.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I never got into Discovery, but that’s neat that they remembered that species exists. Someday I’ll give it another go. I like when Star Trek does go “…Wait that’s a thing we did, go back to that.” Partially why I enjoy Lower Decks.

I also saw some of the episode where the Universal Translator broke, and I wish that was a full episode, on how to deal with it. I’m kinda shocked the Federation never has that problem often enough where they need to have “Star Trek Esperanto” as needed for all cadets to graduate.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Ah, I’m sure that would have been more clear if I watched the damn thing. Cheers!

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s becoming the “Enterprise of the California class” and becoming slightly more important each season.

New Outlook update sends passwords and mails on private servers to MS. Ulrich Kelber, TheCommissioner for Data Protection of Germany plans to submit inquires on Tuesday (www.heise.de)

Microsoft is singing the praises of the new Outlook and wants to persuade users to switch. But beware: if you try out the new Outlook, you risk transferring your IMAP and SMTP credentials of mail accounts and all your emails to Microsoft servers. Although Microsoft explains that it is possible to switch back to the previous apps...

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It’s like how there’s a Catholic church, but not everyone follows the word of the pope. The same banner, not the exact same following.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you happen to be on linux, there are likely guides out there for that, too. I would think there is a decent amount of overlap of people who want to play old Star Trek games and people who are interested in linux.

How dare you call me out like that?!

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Libby often had any popular books often taken up by other users, so I couldn’t read until someone else “turned in their copy”.

I get libraries in real life that have limited stock of books, but it’s a epub file hosted somewhere. The only limit is the server space and bandwidth costs.

Also the app was so laggy on even my (at the time) midrange device, that it felt like I was browsing books on molasses.

If they’ve fixed that, that’s incredible. I haven’t used it since, it left such a horrible impression. Trying to limit an endless digital supply, like making ebooks into early NFTs.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“Hello from Earth! Now music from about 25% of the population and landmass.”

I get that Americans, myself included, Beethoven and Bach are important and influence, but if it’s trying to explain all of humanity, include more stuff from the nations of Africa, Asia, South America, and some stuff from the native people of Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the Americas.

It feels at best stupid to say “this details the best of humanity in a small package” and the best is mostly western.

I do love the “Hello from Earth” in several languages.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

3 Bach and 2 Beethoven, make it one each and now there’s 3 spots for Asia, Africa, and Native populations.

I know it has more, but it has a bias to who made the golden record. Trust me, I’ve been a space/Star Trek nerd since my youth. I know what’s on there. I even have a replica of what’s on it on a vinyl record.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yes, I want more from there. More stuff is what I wrote.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Al Lewis was an awesome motherfucker, Ted Cruz pees his pants because he likes the wet warm feeling down his legs. Allegedly.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“Stop spreading this false rumor” and then gets proven wrong by a simple link to Wikipedia found in 5 seconds on google. I’m curious if they own stock in Alphabet, as I wouldn’t give a shit about their internal code of ethics when they don’t seemingly obey them.

Also “false rumor” is kind of a needless statement. A rumor is false until proven true. Like an “unsolved mystery” is always unsolved, if it was solved, it would not be a mystery.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Do you own stock in Alphabet or are you a bootlicker for free?

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


“Don’t be evil” is Google’s former motto, and a phrase used in Google’s corporate code of conduct.

The original motto was retained in Google’s code of conduct, now a subsidiary of Alphabet. In April 2018, the motto was removed from the code of conduct’s preface and retained in its last sentence.[6]

Please explain how verified facts is false information.

EDIT: Also, why did you not contest the claim from others who proved you wrong, if they are all wrong?

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah they changed from “We can’t do evil” to “If we do evil, that’s on you to report”. That’s exactly the same.

queue, (edited )
@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Zionism isn’t being Jewish, it’s being pro-Israel and its intentions of establishing a unified control of the area. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are Zionists, neither are Jewish in faith or ethnicity. Bernie Sanders is Jewish, but against Israel’s expansion of the borders and acts it does.

It’s like how you can be against Israel and not be Antisemetic, or be Antisemetic and be pro-Israel for reasons from “I want them exported to there” to “They will allow the Kingdom of God to come to Earth”.

I am against Israel’s apartheid state, and I am against it’s ethnic cleaning of the area. Just as I am for any nation who aims to do that, like Turkey and Russia. But I don’t explicitly hate Turkish or Russian or Israeli citizens blindly because their government that they don’t have direct control over does horrible acts.

Zionism ≠ Jewish

Jewish ≠ Zionism

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Don’t blame me, I voted for Gorzac!

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Don’t blame me, I voted for Cazrog!

The suffering is inherent, and intentional to RULE system (lemmy.tf)

The Democracy of the founding fathers was Greek Democracy, predicated upon a slave society, and restricted to only the elite. This is the society we live in today, even with our reforms towards direct representation. The system is inherently biased towards the election of elites and against the representation of the masses....

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Politics? In my political shitpost lemmy? It’s more likely than you think.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m sorry right wing thought can be put down into 3 words for a sound bite, and actual thoughts and explanations take longer. I guess reading beyond 6th grade is communism now.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yes when someone has trauma that impacts them from their parenting, it’s reasonable to do so. Sorry that’s news to you, welcome to 20th century psychology.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

QR codes require something electronic to read them.

Business cards with plain text and maybe an image require as much tech to put on them as a QR code, a printing press of some kind. Making a nice looking card or generating a QR code requires more tech however.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It does and I agree, but maybe its since I just woke up and I’m short on sleep, I read:

well known method for putting a business card on paper that doesn’t require electronics: QR codes.


We don’t need any electronics at all for any of this

RFID is silly to put in a card that 99% will forget about and leave behind. QR codes are better as they are just the same ink that goes on it anyways.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah I probably just had the wrong tone or read it wrong. I am a fucking mess lately so that’s probably why.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I believe it, but citation(s) please?

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So I use it as a reward for when I’m productive, or as a way to ease anxiety. But not every time, as my family has a long history of addiction on both sides of my family. I know I’m prone to it from my hobbies that can involve loot crates/card packs.

But I try to have a self made and followed rule of “If I’m going to be a stoner, I’m going to be a productive stoner.” So did I do my medical appointments? Organize my weeks chores? Then it’s a probably.

I just try to not make it a coping mechanism for myself, as if I did it every time I felt shitty or great, I’d be rewarding my bipolar with weed. It’s a tool for me as much as it is to make myself feel better.

Sipping mist from a bag to get high feels so mysterious (feddit.nl)

I love this thing. I wanted a Volcano for years. It feels like both science and magic at the same time. I can put enough flowers into me to be as stoned as I need to be without the gross respiratory effects. I’ve always struggled to use flowers through the winter months when holiday anxiety redoubles my weed need. Between this...

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Vaporizers are fucking magic. Rock on. 🤙

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Imagine thinking Vaush is something to equte to Tankies and Fascists… good_girl has been a pain for us before.

@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


@queue@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Not applying for sure, but I hope this place becomes well organized and friendly like reddit’s often was.

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