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Not after the day he isn’t


Lol that killed me.

The Make-a-wish foundation visits a sick child and gift it dead parents, realizing their mistake they proceed to kill the child after one day of anguish, respectfully shake hands and congratulate each other for another job well done.


This, my friend, is the absense of neocon/neolib censorship and propaganda that you were so used to on corporate social media.

Isn’t it great?

psilocybin, (edited )

These types of stories have been popping up around the world

Can you specify? How many cases do you know? And in which countries? Otherwise its hard to guess if the CIA can fake it. But I’d say if it is up, say to a hundred then: Yes totally something the CIA could and would do.

and I doubt the CIA has that kind of reach in some attempt to… what… make China look bad?

To influence public opinion and manufacture consent for a wide range of political actions against the only threat to US hegemony in existence

That is not even close to the “too ridiculous for the CIA to do” scale. They once produced Bin-Laden dolls whose face would scrape off to reveal a demon. It was called operation Devils Eyes.

You have to imagine people sit there 8h a day to hatch schemes on how to best sway public opinions

Some of the assasination attempts on Castro were also quite ridiculous.


Thanks for the source, definitely gonna read it later.

when I researched I thought a couple of things were off curious what light the article shines on that

psilocybin, (edited )

As long as you don’t question that the enemies of US imperialism deserve it you should be mostly fine. The big geopolitical topics are more sensitive.

I was permabanned from multiple subs for sharing this telegraph article for example:…/Wikileaks-no-bloodshed-inside-T…

It differs from sub to sub but the bigger and more political the stronger the imperial narrative is enforced.

r/worldnews is one of the worst, and honestly suspect its astroturf and run by assets or a derivative of an imperial institution (council on foreign relation, think tanks, the likes)

psilocybin, (edited )

the article you posted

Wasn’t me. I haven’t read that article yet

It’s in the article I referenced

As I obviously have not read yours. I will catch up on both. Thanks for quoting that anyways

NGO is some kind of CIA backed organization

I wouldn’t be surprised. The CIA has a history of backing NGOs like this dating back to the Congress for Cultural Freedomwhose goal it was to purge leftism in europe of communism. Nowadays they usually use the NED for that though

… “Devil Eyes” … is bit disengenious to bring up. … they only ever built a few prototypes. … I don’t think we can really trust China’s take on this.

Whether or not it is true they only ever produced prototypes I don’t think its disingenious as my point was not the impact it made but how the CIA operates and this is a good example as it simultaneously needs to be: somewhat recent, yet not too recent so its publicly known (declassified or uncovered) and ridiculous.

I wanted to push back on your notion that something sounds too ridiculous for the CIA to pursue, which generally is just not a framework in which to understand the CIA.

The Chinese source was not “China’s take on this” it was a source of the washington post in China where the CIA allegedly commissioned the dolls (which they did not dispute according to wapo).

But since you brought up the trustworthyness of a take: I wouldn’t trust the CIAs take on this, which is the source claiming “too their knowledge” only 3 dolls were produced.

But personally I think its clear these dolls never got into the hands of many customers, its just such a dumb plan.

Antcedotally, I’ve heard other stories of China doing stuff like this

Historically many narratives about China have been proven false or misrepresented too (social credit system, authenticity of tiananmen papers,…) thats why I am sceptical.

Thanks to the illusory truth effect this anecdotal gut feeling is terribly vulnerable to manipulation. It happens in media all the time, i.e. some rightists believe the LGBTQ community is full of groomers bc its what they are told all the time (not sure if this is a good example, I just wanted to pick a partisan one)

If the targets voice is not represented its even worse bc the claims stay largely uncontested and false claims can stack up (one misrepresentation giving you the feeling “this is totally something they would do”, strenghtening your misconception), creating a gut feeling in the population that is wrong. A fairly uncontested example for such a deconstruction of a foreign target through the media would be Iraq pre invasion. You can look up polls from around the time and correlate it with the reporting of the time. This is also the effect of filterbubbles of course filtering out the opinions you lose the corrective

Whether or not the CIA was/is involved in influencing public opinion like this (personally I have no doubt), this is absolutely what is happening WRT reporting on China ATM, there is no corrective and false claims just stack up.

Look at the histeria that an off-course weather balloon caused: people would line up at an event to scream at Biden about the balloon, even though the initial press release of the pentagon clearly states that this was not an uncommon phenomenon and that there is no threat associated with it (granted its longer than that and one can have a discussion about some of the wording, but this comment is long enough already)

psilocybin, (edited )

The problem with North Korea is that its entire cultural identity is built on resisting American aggression

I am curious: Why do you feel you can confidently speak on the exact nature of another nations cultural identity? Let alone reduce it in this way?

Not sure if you understand how arrogant your statement is, but you have to realize that you have 0 idea of the cultural identity of the people in the DPRK.

Corporate news isn’t interested in showing you anything but the conflict don’t make the mistake of letting that shape your perception. The first step is realizing your ignorance


Also take note of the arrogance of the claim to know and declare another nations complete cultural identity.

To give them a chance I have asked them to clarify but I am pretty sure they haven’t lived in the DPRK


Okay seriously guys! Who let John Bolton join lemmy?


Bc I haven’t heard of the cultural identity of a government

And its still not true, they have a distinct political ideology that used to be called juche, idk if they changed the name.

Also you said: “the problem with North Korea is…” not really an indicator you’re talking about the government, especially given the context of a cultural identity


If you want a starting point to address your ignorance:

Juche on wikipedia

Russia is preparing for a long war (

Russia’s war in Ukraine is already in its 17th month. In that time, President Vladimir Putin has clearly demonstrated that he is not bothered by losses — whether they be financial, material, or human. His war will go on as long as he needs. And, judging by how the authorities have woven the so-called “special military...


You joined one month ago

Yogthos’ account is 4 years old.

At least this indicates that he is a human with an opinion that he stated on a highly nieche community and not a paid actor that only joins and starts to influence consensus after a community grows.

You on the other hand…

Jk, but think before you misrepresent a community and people as being shills.

For sake of completeness: account dates can be manipulated by the owner of the instance the account is registered on


[The USSR] was state capitalism economically

That statement is not valid and I can’t understand where its decisiveness comes from. The enonomy was centrally planned, nobody respectable calls the USSR “state capitalist”

Russia was never even close to starting to try to attempt communism

IMO the urge to conclude this comes from having to reconcile two believes: First that “the USSR was evil” and secondly an interest in communism.

People affected can then either decide to denounce communism or reevaluate and deepen their knowledge of the USSR.

The latter option is often incomprehensible, so a third option is contrieved: decoupling one from the other.

I applaud you that you could uphold whatever positive view you hold of communism and instead settle for the last option rather than denouncing communism.

However the USSR obviously absolutely seriously tried to develop their country towards communism. A lot went wrong, mistakes were made even crimes committed.

But you also have to see the context of the times. The statehood is repealed in a revolution and you need to rebuild it. all the while a couple of the strongest nations on earth invade you and fund a civil war in your country also your people are poor. Then the behemoth war machine of the nazis invades. After you beat them, costing you 30 million people, the biggest power in history declares you their enemy.

A lot went extremely well compared to that: No society was ever development that quickly before and only China managed to pull this of as well. For a brief moment in the 60s life expectancy in the USSR was higher than in the US.

Wherever you stand: The USSR is something to learn from, successes and mistakes. Keeping them in the “evil” corner is just falling for propaganda.

psilocybin, (edited )

There was obviously never a communist state as you have correctly depicted communism is a goal. No argument there.

I also agree that you can make the point the USSR wasn’t socialist, but that was also not what I was arguing for. (Spoiler: I describe the USSR as “state socialist”)

I was arguing against calling the USSR capitalist, even state capitalist, and I stand by it.

the desire to use the words by their meaning

Capitalism is defined through private (not personal) property – There was no private property. I think that should be enough to dismiss the notion the USSR was capitalist in amy capacity. But it also lacked competitive markets, “free” price systems and a ubiquitous profit motive, finance capital and certainly more characteristics.

Regarding the ownership of the means of production: I already agreed with you that it was not owned by the workers. However, being state owned, it was public ownership. You can say that isn’t totally fair to you bc the name implies a level of participation of the people in the state which wasn’t there, but their collective interests still somewhat mattered where today rules the profit motive (i.e. housing). That is not to say that planning, production and distribution did not fail the people often, they certainly did.

Since we were also talking about intent to build up a socialist system: When you look at it in the early days when it started out as a soviet republic, with worker soviets sending delegates to parent soviets cascading and culminating into the supreme soviet, the idea certainly was to create a state with (if not control then) direct expression of the workers interests. In that sense state ownership would be justified much more. This is also what has led me to call the system “state socialism”.

The soviet union did definitively degrade hence I concede that it is well possible that initial intent to build socialism did not exist in late stage USSR leadership, I don’t know much about that, to be honest and if that is what you experienced as a child I believe you.

But that this intent drove the initial conception should be obvious or do you think the writings of Lenin/Stalin and the internationals were all a big charade to get to power?

The degradation of the USSR, the communist party specifically, is one point why I mentioned the soviet union is an example to learn from. I believe Maoists have derived from that the principle of self-revolution within the party.

In the end to rationally learn from it is the important part, as long as we can do that it isn’t important how its economic system is called or even if it was “good” or “evil” or whatever. And while I have opinions they honestly aren’t always strongly held, as there is a lot to learn. Its just a mechanism of online discussions and them being overwhelmingly bad-faithed that brings that out


I think you’re taking it too personal.

If it makes you feel better, for me its not about the phenomenon at all.

Its about the source not having any credibility when topics touching militarism and war are concerned.

And since an interest exists to weaponize space and this narrative fits the bill it might be true or not, but a comitte hearing, the pentagon or the intelligence community are as helpful in finding the truth as blindly guessing.


I have no idea how to interpret your comment


Its worthwhile reading Caitlin on the matter (as it is for every matter)

She correlates the partly obvious bait with the desire to weaponize space


it breaks up the boring monotony of giving endless checks to the Pentagon.

Does it? Or is it just the foreplay for more endless checks for the pentagon to weaponize space

psilocybin, (edited )

militarizing space now might be about the phenomenon

Just to be clear I did NOT have a shortage of explanations for the interest to militarize space. That was already a given, much more so than any phenomena

seems that several Congress members, from both parties, are interested in unveiling where trillions of dollars went by the military

In the Oversight committee on national security? No way.

Its crazy how different interpretations can be. I was constantly roling my eyes listening to that hearing


Here is a cached version if you want to reject tracking without flipping a hundred individual switches


This war could not be more clear in who is the aggressor

Ofc it could be clearer. For example: The US invasion of Iraq was a an actually unprovoked invasion

You’re just late at learning about a border conflict at a time of horrible escalation and don’t have anything but imperialist propagandaof a meddling party to draw conclusions from.

And no I don’t have the emotional energy to spare to discuss it here I just want to signal much needed dissent to people stumbling over this thread


How would they know how many digits changed? They don’t store the password in cleartext.



You should not be able to decrypt a password, passwords aren’t encrypted but hashed, they would be insecure would they be encrypted.

Hashing differs from encryption in that it is irreversible, because two or more strings might result in the same hash if the hashing function is applied to them (hashing is not injective).

But since your password will always yield the same hash you can compare the two hashes and if they are equal you are considered authenticated. If you try to log in with a different password (or even the hash of the correct password) then it will produce a different hash resulting in a failed authentication attempt

The way crackers get a password if they have the hash is by guessing pw candidates and using the hash function on them, if its the same as the hash they have they found the/a valid password. The guessing can be quite involved and with enough time and data about a victim often 12-13 digit passwords with special characters and all can be cracked - If the victim used a somewhat mnemonic pw that is. Generated pws from a password safe are much safer (but usually also longer).

In your case I suspect MS was storing a history of hashes which is not advisable as it gives potential crackers more to work with, but its way less bad then storing plain text or encrypting passwords


If only there was a school of thought and associated branches of science that lay out the systemic shortcomings which necessitate this condition since the 18hundreds and on which a solution absolutely can be build.

But alas its consequences entail the discontinuation of global exploitation and the dethroning of the capital class who benefit from it and who exert control over the political, media, and academic classes thought to be necessary to bring about systemic changes.


Yes, yes I remember those pictures of the burning Hindenburg tumbling to the ground

much like in 1998, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table


Sort of an important mention, yes, but also sort of skewed.

As the article points out 50%-70% of their emissions are due to their investments, meaning those 125 billionaires still have more direct emissions of the size of up to half the country of france.

And I don’t think its fair to equate having some little money in the bank, with employing brokers to ensure the exploitation of human labour and planetary resources enables you and your children to live in luxury without ever having to work

The difference is living off of what you work for and needing a bank account vs living off of your capital (meaning other peoples labour)


Top: Filthy rich capitalists and Boomers that lick up their cool aid

Bottom: Global South that produces both their wealth


Top: Filthy rich capitalists and Boomers that lick up their cool aid

Bottom: Global South that produces both their wealth

Blocking you I don’t want another reddit experience


Damn your upvote count is 666



I am amazed at the spectrum of specific knowledge that is already on lemmy.


That’s wishful thinking.

She can only crack so many games, so the demand for the other games already stays without supply.

The scene was much bigger before denuvo, the supply obviously went down independently of the demand.

Also the demand/supply argument only makes sense where there is payment. There are starving people in the world who’s demand is not met bc the can’t pay while there are millions of facelifts administered to people who will pay large sums.

Denuvo has succeeded in imposing such a huge threshold onto cracking that from the talented people only the most driven stayed in the game. With no money in it you need to be driven by something else, usually ego. Even if there is a successor to empress chances are that is true for them as well.


Do you run the latest update?

It has a “communities” entry in the sidebar that let’s you search and subscribe communities.


Sure thing

What do you mean by “browse” feature?

There is a way to see a feed of all Lemmy activity.

In jerboa you can see it after you click on on the burger menu in the top right corner of the screen and select “All”.


Their entire existence is based on the monopoly of violence throwing you in jail when you make piracy more convenient

Vermögenssteuer: "Viele finden die Konzentration von Vermögen legitim" ( German

In kaum einem anderen Land werden Vermögen so niedrig und Arbeit gleichzeitig so stark besteuert wie in Deutschland. Trotzdem sprechen sich die meisten Bürgerinnen und Bürger gegen eine Vermögenssteuer aus. Warum, erklärt Patrick Sachweh, Professor für Soziologie an der Universität Bremen, der sich auf den Wandel von...


Danke für die Klarstellung ich hab meinen Aigen kaum getraut als ich die Premisse des Zeit interviews gesehen hatte


Triffts gut. Fehler im promillebereich ist akzeptabel


War ein anderer user der die Frage gestellt hatte, aber ich versteh deine Genervtheit


Keine Sorge die imperiale lobby ist dran die Linke zu zu zermürben


Keine Sorge online Wahlempfehlungen sind gar nicht mein Ding, trotzdem gut.

Ich würde zwar nicht von Sympathien gegenüber Russlands reden, eher von Verständnis aber geschenkt.

Und nicht jeder Angriffskrieg ist imperialistisch, der Kriegsgrund ist entscheidend.

Der Juli ist da. Reddit Exodus Thread; Wer behält seinen Account, wer löscht? German

Es ist Mitternacht und passend zum Monatswechsel habe ich alle meine Kommentare editiert, gelöscht und meinen Account entfernt. Nun war es nicht ganz so dramatisch, da ich meinen Hauptaccount bereits vor einem Jahr gelöscht hatte. Dennoch fühlt es sich so an, als ließe man etwas zurück....


Ich suche nur noch einen weg eine kopie meiner kommentare zu ziehen, einen GDPR request bei reddit einzureichen wird funktionieren, dauert aber ewig.

Aber das ist der plan. Daten beantragen, löschung beantragen.


Perfekt. Das tool sieht genau richtig aus!

Tausend Dank für den Hinweis!


I feel like the nays will be underrepresented bc of selection bias so I’ll be one.

So far I have not had the same engagement. But I am convinced that is bc I have yet to get used to the jerboa UI/UX. I am more active once I feel at home, was the same for reddit, is the same for lemmy.

Its great that you feel more impactful on lemmy! I think on reddit you either feel the way you have or are constantly being called a slur (say “tankie”) and removed/banned left and right.

So far lemmy seems way more authentic to me. Less capital interest, PR companies, bots, astroturf, think tank/gov-adjacent hacks. I like that.

Alos writing this made me realize my mode of commenting is still very much a reddit one


So a syntax highlighted comment

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