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psilocybin, (edited )

Good explanation.

This has the interesting implication that the relative speed between the portals is “added” to whatever goes through it.

Example: the blue portal is on a train running with the same speed in opposite direction. The people-bundle would instantaneously be accelerated to twice the speed of each of the trains. (This becomes a real headscratcher if you were able to put the portals in a particle accelerator)

psilocybin, (edited )

Its good to be dubious. Its also good to include them to get a different bias into the mix. Only consuming media of the same bias will leave you ignorant without you knowing it, thats the believe I’ve come to adopt.

And you only realize which part of the bias is shared across a lot of media when you read media from outside the bubble. And a lot are within the bubble. To quote wikipedia:

progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.

There is enough reason to be dubious about all mass media. BBC is founded and owned by the UK government and many other publications by a billionaire family.

Previously I had thought media literacy was about chosing “reliable” sources but nowadays I believe its more about reading many of different biases and being dubious of all until their bias emerges.

IDK if that resonates with you at all or not. But I can also recommend Noam Chomskys “Manufacturing Consent”, its a classic ofc.

psilocybin, (edited )

Thanks for the correction - This still needs clarification though. I’d argue that calling it “government funded” is the better mental model and “financed by the audience it is answerable to” is giving the false impression that the audience has any influence on what they are paying for and consuming - AFAIK they don’t

The BBC is publicly funded, yes. The fee is however set by the government and accepted by the parliament, in which ususally the ruling coalition (or party) holds the majority, so its effectively set by the ruling party. This does make it technically different from direct state funding but de-facto the gov still has controll over the amount of funding the BBC will receive.

So while the audience pays directly it does not have the ability to pull or increase funding in approval or disapproval but the government does.

Like you said nominally the BBC is answerable to the audience, de-facto it is answerable to the government only.

Other publicly funded broadcasters have a different system, in Germany for example the federal states decide on the licence fee.

However de-facto this doesn’t change anything. Its common knowledge in Germany that the publicly funded broadcasters are quite state affiliated, there have been a couple of court rulings confirming that.

So yeah for a bigger picture looking at funding only isn’t sufficient

psilocybin, (edited )

Tankiehaft russlandnah

Schwierig zu sagen da beides Kampfbegriffe sind, man müsste es definieren

Ich persönlich würde sie so oder so wählen (wenn ich könnte) sie sind glaubwürdiger als so ziemlich alle anderen Politiker (beispielsweise limitieren die Abgeordneten ihre Bezüge freiwillig am durchschnittsgehalt eines facharbeiters) und treten für eine vertretbare politik ein.


Ich erinnere mich, das war eine der wenig wirklich guten Nachrichten dieses Jahr ✊

Weiß jemand ob die eine Schwesterpartei in D haben?


Shit I wouldn’t say unwatchable but I was greatly disappointed and think the praise it has gotten was unjustified.

Their first movie “Swiss Army man” was original, edgy and deep

EEOAO was well done, but it was neither of those three. It was a longer, less creative, real-life Rick and Morty episode if you ask me.


Ppl put a lot of thought in their rage bait these days


Emacs was always the superior program since it was released by Richard Stallman in 1985.

Easily agreed.

That being said I can’t go back from my meow modal keybindings


So is I understand, but I disagree bc … allowed?


Children for the rich / eugenics for the poor.

Inhumane and monstrous.

But at least capitalism would finally implode after the rich realize without exploitation of the workers they got rid of the backbone of their society

psilocybin, (edited )

The post itself is dumb, so I wouldn’t complain about dumb comments

Tbh, I find the hexbears quite refreshing👌


Dude, on lemmy consent is just not as heavily manufactured by capital interest as on other platforms.

Its the absence of bots you’re experincing and possibly some withdrawal symptoms.

All good we’re here for you, one doesn’t get off of propaganda easily


Dude, take a break!

I mean I completely disagree with you, but this thread can’t be healthy for you. What purpose is it serving to get enraged here?

I’d say take a breather and if you dare: ask yourself how reliable your impression of China really is, maybe research some older claims that have been proven to be misrepresented or false, like this for example. Not saying you have to become a fan, but there seems to be a propaganda effort to prepare the public for a economic/military war with China. So more people need to be sceptical.

You seem to haven’t accepted it yet, but the capitalist class, through the means of communication they control, construct most impressions you have of foreign countries (without them being able to interject) and facts are negligable as they have been in the news-medias support of every US war effort in history as well.

I got a little carried away, but I meant it in good faith, you decided to wear a badge of socialism after all.

What you do is obviously up to you!


I wouldn’t know I am just a CPC shill I am not concerned with questions unrelated to Xi.

But if you’re looking for John Connor it’s that guy 👇


Do you still have to do the whole export import of your subscriptions thing? Or do you just not use subscriptions? Can it sync playlists across devices?

Yup, still need to do export/import. Re syncing: you’d have to use an external syncing mechanism like syncthing or nextcloud and even then you’d need to export manually.

I don’t think NewPipe will ever get any syncing mechanism itself, it tries to be privacy first and doesn’t support any server side code, they rejected the SponsorBlock patch bc it leakes data to a server as well

Its a very cool app and enough for me, but some things just will not be possible


I have BraveNewPipe which has the sponsorblock patch too but allows me to follow Greenwalds system update on rumble


Right they are now on fdroid I found out recently, pretty cool


I have never been in an English speaking country. We learn it because of cultural hegemony


Content fringe world inhabitant here:

Why is our All tab less diverse?

Is it not just dependent on how many instances your instance is federating with?


Makes sense. It only pulls in what users on the instance subscribe to.

Thanks for clarifying!


Thanks for clarifying. Makes sense

Good to learn about some of the piping underneath

psilocybin, (edited )

With all due respect some parts are crudely wrong and some absurd, and the decisiveness with which you state it is unjustified and makes it hard to take you seriously.

USSR ostensibly got rid of personal property

Absolutely not. They got rid of private property. Personal property means the ownership over your personal belongings. Private property is the ownership of non-governmental entities. What existed in the USSR was public property - the property of the state

USSR was state-capitalist

Also: No. Capitalism is defined by the existence of private property, concretely the private ownership of the means of production. There was no private property.

There also were no competitive markets, no “free” price systems nor a ubiquitous profit motive, no finance capital and certainly more characteristics of capitalism.

You can’t call the USSR capitalist in any capacity, that would be ignorant, the best label to assign it I’ve heard is: “state-socialist”.

Both countries lied to the people to get a socialist revolution started

Where is that from? NED weekly magazine?;)

The USSR did fail the people in many regards, sometimes criminally so, and its important to learn from them, but for that to happen we must undertake a serious attempt at understanding them. There is a lot of neoliberal propaganda (“history is written by the winners” etc).

I didn’t talk about China bc calling it capitalist is significantly less absurd but rest assured I don’t subscribe to your statement.

Obligatory Michael Parenti

No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except for the ones that succeed

Its forgivable we have all been molded by the propaganda of out capitalist ruling class, but we can’t be content with that. In the end you seem to be making a nod to communism, if that is true then stay on course we need a better socialism but we can’t expect to have it if we’re not willing to learn

psilocybin, (edited )

Hence the double quotes I suspect.

If you don’t know him, that person is a ytuber called Vaush - having only a couple of videos of him he strikes me as one of the most untruthful people on this planet.

He is a radlib who tries to argue on the basis on marx’ and lenins work to “vote blue no matter who”. I’ve seen him claim Marx today would’ve been a Biden staffer for example. He also is unable to see the programmatic imperialism behind neoliberal concepts such as free trade agreements like NAFTA and defends these conceptually. He effectively hordes socialist leaning youths back into supporting the status quo so I wouldn’t wonder if one day it is revealed that the FBI secretly funds him

I think he is said to have pleaded for the legalization of consensual sexual relationships with underaged children, hence the reference.

Edit: No idea if he actually defended pedophilia. Personally I wouldn’t think that he meant it. I am not an expert on Vaush (luckily) I only mentioned the accusations bc it is what tripped up the commenter.

psilocybin, (edited )

I guess I should have made it more clear, that I was only trying to summarize sentiment about Vaush for you to understand the reference, I was not making anything up

To be clear: I do not remember nor care what exactly Vaush argued for in that video people point to as I have no interest in wasting more time with Vaush. Personally I don’t believe he would defend pedophilia and just wants to be edgy.

When I said “It is said” I meant it to be understood like “people say that about him” not that it were common knowledge. I apologize if my English was not on point.

I think your accusation towards me making something up isn’t fair but I agree with your notion of being careful with the topic in general so I will edit my original comment to reflect that I can’t and won’t weigh in on the debate on whether he did or did not defend pedophilia.

psilocybin, (edited )

I just don’t trust people (like the person above) who […] casually go “I think they’re a pedophile”

Oof, dude you make me feel bad for giving you a good faithed response after your first comment.

For someone who urges to be careful with accusations you are pretty grossly misrepresenting my comment here

non-ironically throw around terms like “radlib”

I don’t throw it around like Vaush throws around “red-fascist”, “tankie”, “antisemite” and every other slur , I use it specifically for someone who draws upon radical aesthetic in the abstract but supports the capitalist, imperialist status-quo in the specific.

You can chose to be offended by that, but Vaush is the definition of a radlib

Honestly I have only ever used it for him. Thinking of it I might use “Vaushite” in the future which has the added benefit of visually representing the fact that his disingenious output is nothing but a thin layer around “shit”


I understand getting tripped up when others chime in with varying intentions. Also my initial comment should have been clearer and did leave more room to read a pedophilia accusation into it than I intended.

I can see that you argue in good faith and I apologize for some reddit impulses that I haven’t unlearned yet.

Personally I don’t see the equation of leftism with defending CP in OPs post though.

The way I read it OP groups “meat-eaters” into categories with each being a drastic exaggeration (the “lvl 5 bloodmouth” is a straight up cannibal) so I think none of this can be taken seriously.

One “group” is the The “Leftist” meat eater. I expand the quotes to something like The pseudo-leftist meat eater who is then represented by Vaush. To me this is basically a 1 person group that might as well just be called “Vaush” but calling him The pseudo Leftist is just one more swing at him.

I am definitely both a leftist and not a vegan and I don’t mind the post in fact I found it quite funny (but obviously very few ppl agree). I agree though that slapping the CP stuff under Vaushs pic is unfair to him, as some people will take it seriously, I have to say that humor was also not lost on me though


Ich übernehm das mal, geht ja schnell:…/1687762994720075776

psilocybin, (edited )

Ich glaube der idiomatische weg communities zu teilen ist dieser:


Ich habe gelesen es gäbe clients (das web interface evtl?!) die bei einem https link auf eine fremd-instanz den user nicht “mitnehmen”

Edit: interessanterweise unterstüzt infinity diesen weg nicht, den https link aber schon. Jerboa kommt mit beiden klar


Great news! I really hope for the people of Niger that they can avoid a gruesome proxy/civil war that the western colonial powers seem keen on forcing upon them


Its impossible though to get rid of paid actors that mingle to spread ads or agendas and who are indiscernable from normal users.

As soon as the reach is there I assume capital interests will be flocking in



On reddit I have observed my faith in the intentions of the person on the receiving end waning over the last years bc of that.

I have been surprised at the good faith people reacted to my comments with, I haven’t yet gotten to the reddit poison fully out of my system.

psilocybin, (edited )

They DO seem obsessed with hating ML and ridiculing the idea anyone could be CIA



Such a fucking wholesome post and comment section, I am loving this.

Thanks OP!


Not plugins as in browser addons I don’t think (tho those might exist too)

On mobile, no time for links, but you can google buuzzwords:

Checkout userscripts. A feature from a time when the experience of the web was still supposed to be hackable and not designed by corporate (you can in theory still create your own personal UI/UX for most sites). You’ll want a userscript manager like tampermonkey. Disclaimer that if you don’t understand javascript you could run malicious code, though the community provides some safety. If you want an extra safety layer copy/paste the code into ChatGPT and ask if its safe to install.

There is also a skin system I’ll following up on


“We value your privacy”


More like “We’ll make good value from your privacy”


Thats hilarious


Not in English apparently:(

Yours sounds more corporate indeed

I'm done with NextCloud

Just had NextCloud denying my credentials (not for the first time). I know they weren’t wrong because I’m using a password manager. Logs didn’t say much. Was about to reinstall (again, not the first time nextcloud went bonkers on me) before I tried a docker compose down && docker compose up. Lo and behold after a restart...


Thats frustrating

I second the notion that your ip was banned by nc’s brute force detection

The silent reconnects of a DAVx client on a phone could easily trigger this

You can whitelist your home routers ip in the config IIRC Maybe not on the LISO container though, IIRC it is less configurable, but doesn’t “just work”, I’d ditch that not nextcloud

Quick fix could be to “DELETE FROM” (or “TRUNCATE” if you are certain nobody is blocked correctly) the table bruteforce_attempts (or smth similar). Although that “dc up && dc down” worked could indicate another issue, as you do seem to have persistence with your db in a docker volume (cred are still there) which would mean the time penalty ran out during restart or oits somethimg else


Also your summary sounds like ChatGPT

Nah they have a typo (“anit-China”) in their summary I think they’re fine.

psilocybin, (edited )

I agree, the best thing is to not jump to conclusions neither the conclusion “Everything is 100% CIA lies” nor the conclusion “China bad” and be patient with individual topics before stepping onto the emotional roller coaster

I’ve listened to a podcast (“Silk and Steel”) by a Chinese living in the US and he describes the media coverage of China in the West as skewed, but he describes it as narrowed onto a certain slice of Chinese reality that is there just blown out of proportion.

I don’t remember his exact words and I am not an English native so I might not transfer the nuance precisely. But along those lines is what I remember. And even IIRC its just the opinion of one person, but it stuck with me. Tbf that was years ago though and narrative has certainly picked up since then

Thank you for the appreciation, I have to say I have yet to get used to the discussions on lemmy being seemingly way more good-faithed than on reddit!

psilocybin, (edited )

I legitimately don’t understand why Leninists are so keen on making folk heroes out of tyrants.

What a sentence! You’re jumping to conclusions all over the place!

You’re conflating information with a desire to “make folk heroes out of tyrants”, trying to denormalise a desire to understand what was actually happening.

There was bloodshed but not on the Tienanmen square and the conditions are less clear than you believe

It is obvious that most peoples idea of what happened is heavily influenced by propaganda, I know mine was.

If you could stop sabotaging efforts to cut through the disinformation that would be great thanks

Also: “They are tyrants” thanks I’ll defer judgement as long as the evidence you present us with turns out to be propaganda, there are other “tyrannical governments” much more in reach

psilocybin, (edited )

Lol standard halfwit take:

Adopting the “tankie” slur for everyone without substance and obviously no knowledge of what they are talking about - check

Being embedded in propaganda and blaming others who point it out - check

“You’re not including facts” - lol for what? Am I responding to a factual argument? Am I demanding facts from you?

But sure have some facts:

Guardian from 2011 - Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media


Believe me it has only gotten worse in the >10 years since

Twitter files revealed pentagon bots were whitelisted as well

If you miss your propaganda friends that hard reddit is still there for you

Edit: I realize your missing punctuation threw me off, I read: “(aka anything, they don’t like including facts)” …doesn’t change much though

psilocybin, (edited )

A big part of my gripe here is precisely the idea that one can engage in critical analysis of statecraft, while hand waving away inconvenient statecraft. Or worse - supporting broad censorship of inconvenient statecraft.

I have no idea what that sentence is supposed to mean.

My gripe here is that nobody can have an informed opinion on foreign policy if they do not acknowledge the tons of pro US propaganda that surround them on EVERY issue in this category and dominate most of it.

It is important to call you out on your power-serving statements.

You tried to push critical thought out of the overton window when you painted it a kind of sacrilege (“make folk heroes out of tyrants”) and everyone engaging in it someone that needs to be shunned by society (a “tankie”).

Mind you all without addressing, let alone contesting, the facts.

With all due respect: As long as your actions are indistinguishable from those of a US intelligence social media asset, don’t expect any good will engagement.

Have an open mind and start to reflect a little more

psilocybin, (edited )

Call me buddy all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that you are not good at making sense

Why are you jumping to conclusions so weirdly?

Case in point that complete second half is you responding to conclusions you’ve drawn up in your head. Re-read this thread, nowhere is it ever about ML or socialism. You think its accurate to call me ML because…?

This thread is about US propaganda on reddit, which I characterized by posting a fact that is affected by it (with the goal of fabricating consent for military action against another country).

Your mind is closed AF when you equate my mention of that with being a “LEniNisT tyRanT LoVEr”

You are the one dismissing anything which doesn’t align with a very narrow ML head-cannon as indicative of being a US intelligence asset

An obviously completly untruthful rendition of my statement. I phrased it carefully so if you’d do me the favor and try harder to understand it.

I would appreciate it if you could refrain from purposefully misrepresenting my statements as you have done in every one of your comments so far


Tough to defend position if you only consider systems intact today (and thereby filtering out nazi-Germany for example)!

The US only has made a science out of propaganda (see Walter Lippman & Edward Bernays) and the capital to pay for it all over the word (NED/bellingcat/victims of communism foundation/radio free liberty|europe|iraq|asia/“congress for cultural freedom” and other direct CIA derivatives)

Its whole shtick is to manufacture narratives to paint your opponent so bad that you appear without alternative. Be it domestically (presidential elections) or abroad (country x is ruled by the next hitler)

I am not gonna attempt to compile a list, bc i would want have to add sources and I am tired to loom that up. But start with Operation Condor since OP kindly mentioned that, but the rabbit hole goes deep


I appreciate the honest response and honestly I relate to the sentiment of not engaging in this discussion further as these are typically extremely wide ranging and require a lot of contextualisation, doing this online can be extremely exhausting.

But I find the question you are raising quite interesting as to how exactly a countries (govs) impact on the progress of humanity is to be defined. This is exactly the direction in which I was thinking to go when I was considering to compile a list.

Thanks for the compliment about my username;) I don’t really associate your name with anything concrete but I assume there was a drug trafficker from LA who was referred to by that name? I am not from the states so I might not know everybody that has become infamous like that!

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