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Sealioning. I haven't heard of this before but this sounds like a very interesting phenomenon. Do you have more information? Is this a new term? Where did it originate?


Yeah those soviets sure got rid of the homeless problem. Can't be homeless when you were intentionally starved to death.


I'm sure there were extra houses after all those people that starved to death.


Woohoo both systems suck. You can actually believe that just because one system is bad, what is considered the opposite is also bad. Marx was not some omniscient doctor manhattan. He had some ideas. Some were good critiques on capitalist culture. Others were fantasy that do not function in the real world.


What a crock of shit. Practically every historian says it was caused by soviet policy. The only debate that occurs if whether it was due to stupidity or intentional genocide.





I could keep going. Gonna tell me how the Holocaust was a lie too?


Someone peaking out a door at soldiers with a small black object? Well I dunno. Why would soldiers ever shoot in such a situation...


I absolutely loathe Otzma Yehudit. They are like MAGA, Vox, National Rally, and the rest of the far right religious assholes. While I understand why Israel separated religious courts and authority from the government (don't like how they did it though), they should have, at the very least, tied voting and government eligibility to national service. So much of the ultra orthodox functions like the extremist Mormon FLDS does in the US. A fucking stain on my people.


Oh damn. You're right. I'm a little more familiar with ben Gvir's history than the whole movement and conflated them. Looking into it, I have changed my stance. The military needs better separation of Torah and State. Also, ben Gvir and Otzma Yehudit are still just giant piles of shit.

I still have issues with much of the Haredi. Things like their iron grip on religious control in Israel, domestic abuse issues, cult like behavior, demanding special treatment, and feeding off of others to survive.

But yeah that isn't Otzma Yehudit. They're more of religious militants it seems. Certainly not helping the state of things. Doesn't help that the haredi groups and religious zionists easily form coalitions.


Ha I had this issue once upon a time too! And the one above with the wifi driver b43-fwcutter. Apparently not great laptop choices. The touchpad situation was awful, because the sensitivity was always insane. IIRC I had a way to slow it down, but then it was so so slow that I had to go over it like 30 times to get across the diagonal. Good times.


McCarthyism targeted people for possibly (and often not actually) supporting a legal political movement. Supporting terrorist organizations and that being made public isn't the same thing. And an individual or group using a website announcing someone's public actions isn't the same thing. McCarthy abused his authority as a member of the federal government to harass and and punish. Canary mission has no such authority. It just turns out a lot of people don't like people who side with terrorists.

That being said, I am not really a fan of canary mission. I think more work needs to be done on education and understanding of the entire situation instead of a few of the most recent events. If I were still in the US, I would probably try to organize such groups. But it is definitely a much harder goal to accomplish.


This started as a response to the letter (as far as I can tell). But Hillel groups at universities (mine included) were regularly harassed by groups supporting a free Palestine. After the response to the letter, they realized "hey maybe we can do something about shit like that, too" (not a direct quote by them).

I mean we were just trying to hang out, pray, and eat food together. And my gut feeling is all of those people should be shamed. But my slower brain reaction is that I hope some of those people that I regularly talked with started to better understand what they were saying.


So other minority groups are given authority on deciding what is and isn't racist, bigoted, etc.
to them. Particularly amongst the left. Why are Jews not afforded that same authority? The vast majority of Jews in the US support Israel. We are typically Zionist. And when a terrorist group attacked Israel, rather than blaming the group that literally stated their goal is to kill all Jews, they blame the state of Israel for the entire situation and everything that has happened before, we aren't supposed to see that as antisemitic? When they say Free Palestine. From the river to the sea. We aren't supposed to see that as antisemitic? Why? Do some of us look too white to be a proper minority? Sure didn't stop synagogues from getting bombed. Didn't stop attacks from the Klan. Exclusion from public spaces, and this is just in the US. Should we also look at Europe? One of the reasons Jews support Israel is that now, for the first time in a long time, when people turn on us again, we still have a home.


Ah so I got it backwards. They started with noting abuses, but the letter gained them some notoriety(or infamy depending on who you ask). Good to know.

Again, I have mixed (at best) feelings about it. They do these things in public so don't necessarily have a reason to expect privacy. I have experienced harassment on campus, myself. But I'm unsure that it will have the desired long term impact.


There won't be one because he is disqualified from office (if these suits are successful). Not from running. From office. If Mickey Mouse won we wouldn't have a cartoon for president. Second place would win.

Regardless we might have another insurrection attempt, but this time the authorities will be more prepared. So unless the military decides on a coup, a successful suit here would be the end of it for him.


Yes, but if Minnesota says he is off the ballot it will be appealed to the supreme court who is the authority on constitutional interpretation. If they side with Minnesota, not even the electoral college can put him in. Likely whichever (if any) case goes against him, all other active trials will be put on hold awaiting a response from the USSC. If they decide the 14th does apply (a big if given the state of the USSC), then it is over. In all 50 states. That's why groups are hitting him in multiple states. They just need 1. It isn't an attempt to take him off the ballot. It is an attempt to end his federal political career entirely.


They don't hold 2/3 vote of both houses. Zero chance congress would overturn the ruling (granted the final ruling would have to come from the US supreme court).


I suppose it doesn't. They could call a vote on it at any point. But I don't imagine they would unless provoked by a ruling. If they didn't want him to lose in a single state, they could call it now and those state cases would go away. If they are waiting for that, then they know it will be appealed and would likely wait for the SCOTUS. Because why not? Why spend that political capital when it is likely to be unnecessary. MAGA hurt them a lot in the midterms.

But you are right. They can technically call it. I should have been more clear. Given that they haven't yet, they are likely waiting for outcomes if they are going to at all. It's also possible that aside from the MAGA nutjob faithfuls (looking at you MTG) they really want him to be done. And even if they don't, to stop before it had a supreme court ruling would be basically admitting he was part of an insurrection, but you want to support him anyways.


If they don't hear it, then it is essentially saying they agree with the lower court ruling. If they want to be against it then they have to hear it.


Honestly if I could play all of the game without having to grind like a fucking mad man, I'd probably regularly buy expansions and pay for a season pass.

I love the coop. I love the gunplay. I love most of the game except the grind.But I have kids and real life shit to do. I tried getting back into it during witch queen, but the amount of time I had to spend daily on it made it damn near impossible to play the dungeons and stuff. I had a little extra free time when I did that too. By the time I managed to hit the cap, I realized I was not having any fun doing it. So I quit. Had a clan I liked chatting and playing with. It was cool. But I'm just not going to keep paying for and playing a game that just feels like a tedious as fuck job.


I mean I was purchasing the expansions and the season pass. And on games that I feel I'll stick with for a while I even get some cosmetic stuff at times.

I doubt it is even a matter of them measuring the profit. I imagine that a lot of it is they (and many other gaas games that aren't pay to win) are trying to be the only game a person plays. To make them feel devoted to it. Like they would have wasted so much of they give up (sunk cost fallacy) and that by switching games they'll get behind in their main game. Because of they aren't profitable with a repeatedly paid game and season pass off of a person then they have some real bad management. In fact, me paying for a season pass and the expansions and using the server less should make me more profitable than most players except for the whales that buy all the cosmetics too. Especially when Fortnite and Warframe are f2p and profitable.


I hate the idea that older kids shouldn't do it. Like I remember getting shit when I decided to be kid-like again at 15 after not having done it when I was 13 and 14.

Houses told me I was too old. And looking back now, as a parent of teens, and I wish they and their friends were just going out trick r treating. I will definitely encourage any kid I see. And at my age anyone under 26 is a kid, easily. I'd much rather kids do something communal and fun than just go out drinking. I'm sure that by the next Halloween when I was 16 I was probably doing something less good than asking for free candy.

If we want people to be communal, have fun, and be safe then we shouldn't give them shit when they do that. So I don't care if the old dude down the streets dons a skeleton costume and grabs a pillow case. If he has a costume, he gets candy. And anyone who tells me different will get called out for being a killjoy.


Not even just a foreign monarch. The pope. In a country with a lot of Catholics. Imagine them trying to arrest the pope. Likely even the police and military would revolt. But you did give me a great idea for an ai image prompt!


Yeah for those that still don't understand.

So there were who would win memes. And then someone made an intentionally dumb one titled "who woulge" with that picture.

Now OP in the image linked is saying that everytime they feeds their cat now, they can't help but think of this meme. So it is actually comprehensible unbelievably.

Side note: fuck Nestle.


Does this game have pvp? I haven't played any diablo. But if this is just PvE and people can easily remove someone from a group, then I fail to see this as anything other than them milking IAPs. If it has PvP or something then i can understand.

NEWSTeacher Shows the WRONG ‘Winnie the Pooh’ to Fourth Graders (

Getting distracted isn’t hard to do, especially if you’re a teacher to a bunch of wiley 10-year-olds. So when a fourth-grade class asked their teacher to put on what he probably thought was a Disney movie during indoor lunch, he didn’t think twice, and not doing so undoubtedly jeopardized his job....


So back when I was in school, I took home ec. For some reason close to the end of the year, the fairly religious teacher said if we all were able to not take her exam (allowed by the school if you had an A), then we could pick a movie to watch for the last couple of classes. We did it.

So some context, I fucked with this teacher all year. She'd bring up some religious shit and I'd press her on her religious ideas. She had a project where we had to carry around a fake baby, when I was supposed to return it, I had a friend watch it the hall while I told her I had an abortion. Clothes we had to make? All black. Sometimes I was a little teenage asshole, but sometimes she maybe should've left Jesus at home. And while sometimes I got to her, she mostly took it well. But she definitely knew I was one to fuck around.

Day before the movie she is definitely already on summer vacation in her head, because she asks what movie we wanted to watch (we have to supply the movie) and I instantly said Half baked. It got some laughs and a couple of girls saying yeah! That one. But I figured she'd go "haha but really pick something I'll let you watch."

Nope. She says OK. Whatever we want. I do a double take. Ask if she is sure? She makes sure I can bring it and gives me the all clear.

I watched her face more than I watched the movie. It was amazing when she realized what she had allowed. But to her credit, she let the movie roll on. And nothing happened. We didn't have smart phones to post it to a Twitter that didn't exist yet. No one had furious parents calling for her head. Shit, I don't think news of it even reached administration. In spite of me telling the story to literally everyone with ears. If it did, they didn't give a fuck. She was still the teacher when I visited some family in town years later.

I forgot about that until this post. Thanks op for helping me reminisce.


So I left out that somewhere late in the movie she cut it off, but it was literally at the end of the last class (with her) and I couldn't remember what scene it was. I was thinking it was the man ass in the shower but that would've been to early. Now I remember she was heated after "let's beat these bitches" and ended it at "now that's a titty." But she said turn it off, I got up to do it because I didn't want her to take my tape. The bell rang. I grabbed my video and bolted out of the door. Did not see her again until next year.


Zombies really just hit some of that snoop dogg good good.


This is actually not good stats. In the general population, the current situation with prions is that they are extremely rare. But that's for the general population. If you are around brain eaters then your risk for exposure is exponentially higher. For example, the odds that a person from the general population is exposed to HIV is relatively low. But if you instead only focus on people that live in smack houses in an abandoned part of detroit, then those people have much different odds.

The problem with prions is literally fucking everything though. There is a reason they will wipe out thousands of cows if they find out even one has prion disease. First is time. They usually do not show symptoms for a long long time. Next, is prions are damned near impossible to get rid of. So you're hanging out with brain eaters, but you aren't eating brains? But did you use their forks? Because the dishwasher isn't getting rid of that prion. Goddamn medical autoclaves do not get rid of them. I know someone that was participating in a neurosurgery, and after a couple days after the surgery, they found out the patient had a prion disease (probably Creutzfeldt–Jakob but I don't recall for sure). Well that caused havoc because of possible exposure and the lag time between the surgery and finding out. They destroyed a lot of things, had intense decontamination for others, had to inform some people in the hospital about possible exposure. Even with the low risk, just imagine being one of those people. For the next 20 years, the thought is probably just lingering in the corner of their brain that a dumbass protein that couldn't follow directions and decided to make its own rules is also lingering around a corner of their brain.

But yeah, cannibalism in general tends to lead to increased rates of disease and new diseases. Which is logical. Most diseases aren't interspecies, but if you are eating the same species then you can catch anything that has lingered. Parasites, bacteria if you like your human flesh medium rare, viruses, and prions. So I highly suggest against hanging out with cannibals.


This is naive. I think every response sees where you are coming from. And some make sound arguments about why all work isn't prostitution. I will take another approach. Be scientific about it. Test it.

If you already have a job, then you know what that feels like. So now, you need to know what it is like to let someone fuck you for money. So in order to do that, you would need to go out and do it. If you are a guy, you will find it is much easier to be a gay prostitute. Just a note. And remember, it is only for money and business is business.


Yeah. Mostly it is contract work. Orgasm Uber, if you will.


I'm curious what disinformation you're talking about given what you quoted? And you implied that it is known, but why do you think said disinformation would be spread?

Also, there are no settlers in Gaza. Haven't been for around 18 years.


Looks like a tongue. Pretty sure it counts as french kissing if you lick it.


And how do you figure that? Israel withdrew from Gaza while it was still under the PA as an attempt to work at peace. The plan was to do the same in the west bank next. Plan goes through. Hamas was an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood without any political authority up to that point. Prior it was formed because they were against any peace accords that were occuring at the time. But after Israel withdrew, they almost immediately had an election in which Hamas was given power. And they stuck to their promise of continuing to use violence in order to obtain a state instead of working as part of the peace process. This is when the blockade began.

So are you just saying that due to the fact that Israel exists that Hamas exists? Even that is probably not true. The Muslim brotherhood has a long history prior to Hamas in that region. It is highly likely that even if the whole place had become the state of Palestine, then the same people would do the same shit as they did in Egypt.

So how is it that Hamas existing is the fault of Israel?


Perhaps they are further fueled by orphans and widows. But that doesn't mean they exist due to Israel. The Muslim brotherhood has offshoots in multiple countries in the region and has existed since 1928.

So how is it Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood, existing is the fault of Israel? You'd have a much more sound argument blaming the British. Whose control of Egypt of Mandate Palestine led to a lot of this shit. What you haven't done is made any effort to support your hyperbolic claim.


You said it exists because of Israel. That is just untrue. Has Israel done things that exacerbated the problem? Definitely. But that is miles away from what you're saying. And worse for what you're implying.


Again, I've pointed out that the parent organization has existed since 1928 and has branches in multiple countries of the region. Not to mention the ongoing support from Lebanon and Iran for Hamas in particular. So even if Israel ceased to exist Hamas is likely to exist. Even if Israel never existed, whatever group was in control of that area, would still likely be dealing with an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood.

I actually know the history of the organization. Yet I am ignorant. I feel like I'm probably correcting someone who has likely never lived in a world with the twin towers.


On multiple occasions the Palestinian governments could have formed an internationally recognized state. At the camp David accords with Clinton, 98% of the land they asked for. Lots of money. But they stopped the negotiations.

And Hamas was put into power due to the promise of using violence to get rid of Israel after the PA said it would renounce violence.

No. You're wrong and disgusting. The attack is on the attackers. They chose to attack. They did have other options. You can debate if the restrictions Israel has put on Gaza has made the peace process worse and has made the lives of Palestinians worse. That's fine. But Hamas launched this attack. A group put in to power by the Palestinian people. And this was their choice. And now thousands are dead as a result. And I am fearful of the long term consequences for both sides.


Mine are totally fucked, but it is because I let my kid use my account sometimes and now YouTube just doesn't understand me as a person. It suggests stuff that neither of us want. But when I clear history and it just uses my subscriptions it is better.


He has one, but it is a child account which a couple of the people he watches aren't available. They are just game streamers and don't say or do anything I take issue with. So he often ends up on mine. I don't have another family spot to make another account for him and I have YouTube premium. So it is what it is. Means I don't end up wasting hours watching videos on YouTube because of a rabbit hole so there is that silver lining I suppose.


Meh. A competitive monopoly has a better outcome than the near monopoly PS4 got when it came to exclusives. Yeah a lot of existing IP will be for one or the other. But for third party studios, they will be much less likely to make exclusive games if the console market is more balanced between the two. Nintendo is kind of in a world of its own. And with the steam deck helping push PC into a base level standard, I think we might see some opening up of high quality third party stuff.


There is a legal path required in the constitution with which Catalunya can have a referendum. It is a high bar and involves support from more than just the people actively living there (as they are currently part of Spain and those Spaniards also have a vested interest in major changes to their country). People should really stop acting like this is some authoritarian regime and that they totally understand this Catalunya situation.

You people cheering on the separatists are also big fans of Brexit right? I'm not in Catalunya so it wouldn't impact me much. Might make my property value go way up as people flee if they did actually leave. But it would be a disaster for them worse than Brexit for the UK. And it is being pushed in a very similar us vs them rhetoric.

Also this title is such US two party centric hyperbolic bullshit. Sanchez has the most likely chance of forming a coalition in a multi party government. Claiming PP won with 32 percent of the vote and should get to rule with the ultra right ultra nationalist Vox because he got more votes than PSOE is a trash take by someone who doesn't realize multi party systems exist in most of the civilized world.

Personally, while I am in Spain, I don't have strong feelings about the amnesty. On the one hand, they knew they were breaking the law and I'm all for corrupt politicians from any party being put in prison. On the other hand, I don't want to see Vox get any bigger as they are far too large already. I would also like the heavy handed cops that got violent during the illegal referendum to be punished as well.

And Hong Kong? Fucking really? You think they are real happy about that choice these days?


You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. These protests are about people being angry that Sanchez might offer amnesty to those catalunyans who broke the law by having an illegal rather than legal referendum.

Most people didn't support the referendum, it had already been ruled illegal, and only those that were separatist voted.

Again, you do not understand how a multi party parliament works. Sanchez didn't really lose the election. The left wing parties got as many seats as the right wing parties with the junts sitting in the middle as mild king makers (they cannot help the right, they can only cause another election in which they will likely get wiped out).

And again, if Sanchez and the PSOE do not form a government but the PP and Vox do, then Spain will be ruled by an authoritarian ultra right nationalist party that has stated they intend on putting more national police and Guardia civil in Catalunya to prevent even protests.

Yet somehow, in all your political wisdom, are angry that Sanchez might give assistance to the people in trouble for having the referendum and thus he should be ousted so that the fascists can come in to power?


How is following the laws that Catalunya agreed to using a fascist construct? 95.5% of Catalunyans voted in favor of the constitution that enshrined them as part of Spain. They were given certain autonomous controls, that were later expanded giving them more control and most of the people didn't even bother to vote on it.

So explain to me, how this is fascist? Because I suppose you believe Lincoln was a fascist too then.


So basically any time a group of politicians decide they don't like the laws then they don't have to follow them and can do whatever they want? Big Trump supporter huh?

And there is an entire legal process for which those politicians could have had a legal referendum. They just decided that was too hard.

It is a complicated issue, because forming a functioning society is a complicated process. And Catalunya has entered into agreements from which they can't just act like little Timmy on the playground and say it didn't count because it was reverse day when he said it.

And again. I don't have strong feelings about the amnesty other than the external problems it could cause like an ultra right government coming into power next election. I don't even have major feelings about whether they should be allowed to leave. I do think it would be disastrous for them. They would essentially become a landlocked country, outside of the EU, lose freedom of movement to anywhere but Andorra probably, just holding the illegal referendum caused them to lose so much business and for what purpose?

This isn't the same as the issues in Basque country that predated the EU. It isn't Ireland. This is much closer to Brexit where a minority of politicians are pushing an ideology of Us vs Them. And I'm aware that there are legitimate complaints that Catalunya has. But there are much easier and more practical ways of trying to fix those complaints.

What's happening here is more similar to Milton county Georgia begging to be annexed by Fulton county (Atlanta) when they were broke, but now that things are good they want to leave and no longer be part of a system that has certainly benefitted them in many ways.

You are being an ideologue. You should give pragmatism a try.


I can cite an example of it with an inventory based company. KIA sold their cars at damn near a loss in the US for a long time to get a good foothold. And it worked. Iirc they had a bogo on cars at one point even.

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