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Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com)

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is” – Because we don’t, neither.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

The “ermäßigter Mehrwertsteuersatz” (reduced VAT rate) you pay for staple food in Germany is 7%. That might be less than what you pay in surrounding countries, but 7% is remarkably bigger than 0%.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Sorry, maybe it’s just me, but the gameplay video looks aggressively boring. Most of the reviews have quite low playtimes, too. I daresay the actual player count was closer to 1 than 10,000 by orders of magnitude.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Can you Wish for a Wish spell to fail? :)

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

“I am not afraid to say it” they said, hiding behind a pseudonym at the deepest depths of the internet where only a handful of people will ever see it.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

First 99.9% then 99.8%? So, the support for a Falkexit is rising! Only give it a few hundred years and those Falklandiands are ready to join Argentina!

@plistig@feddit.de avatar


@plistig@feddit.de avatar

¯_(ã )_/¯

<span style="color:#62a35c;">print</span><span style="color:#323232;">(</span><span style="color:#183691;">'¯</span><span style="background-color:#f5f5f5;font-weight:bold;color:#b52a1d;">_</span><span style="color:#183691;">(ツ)_/¯'</span><span style="color:#323232;">.encode(</span><span style="color:#183691;">'u8'</span><span style="color:#323232;">).decode(</span><span style="color:#183691;">'l1'</span><span style="color:#323232;">))
@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Die Aktien argentinischer Unternehmen an der New Yorker Börse stiegen zwischenzeitlich um 23 Prozent, Staatsanleihen um 6 Prozent.

Davor waren die argentinischen Aktien ca. rein gar nichts wert. Würde da nicht zu viel rein interpretieren.

Argentinien hat in seiner Geschichte immer wieder Unternehmen enteignet. Man kann mutig sein und hoffen, dass das diesmal nicht passieren wird, aber so mutig bin ich nicht.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Macht leider keinen Sinn, deine Aussage. Ist das Kaufen von Aktien “Habgier”? Einerseits ja, denn man will ja einen Profit damit machen. Andererseits gibt man den Unternehmen damit auch Geld, mit dem sie arbeiten können. Niemand kauft Aktien, um das Geld sozialistisch umzuverteilen. Aber jeden Aktienkäufer als “habgierig” zu bezeichnen, zeigt nur, dass man nicht verstanden hab, wie unser monetäres System funktioniert.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Wieso dünnhäutig? Wenn du mich damit angegriffen hast, hab ich das überlesen. Dann muss ich mir nämlich noch einen Schlimpfnamen für dich ausdenken. Das einzige was ich meinte und was du meines Erachtens mit deiner nicht-Antwort bestätigt hast, ist, dass du nicht verstehst wie Aktien oder Investitionen funktionieren.

Wieso sollte es Habgier sein? Die Aktienkäufer nehmen doch niemandem etwas weg und können sehr schnell alles verlieren, weshalb ich so eine Investition für mich zu wagemutig fände. Was ich so auch eingangs geschrieben habe.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

I’m the biggest The Walking Dead fan! I almost made it to the third episode!

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

[x] Benachrichtigungen (Signalfeuer, Brieftaube)

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

I get 403: Forbidden from OP’s source, so here’s a translation of the German article:

Incident in the West Bank: ARD (German public broadcasting) team detained by Israeli soldiers

Last update: November 05, 2023 8:50 pm

An ARD team was detained and threatened by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank on their way back from researching violence by radical settlers against Palestinians. The ARD studio in Tel Aviv sees this as a clear attack on the freedom of the press.

An ARD team has been detained and threatened by soldiers of the Israeli military (IDF) in the Palestinian West Bank. According to the ARD studio in Tel Aviv, which is operated by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), correspondent Jan-Christoph Kitzler was already on his way back from an interview with a Palestinian employee and a German employee when they were stopped by Israeli soldiers south of the Palestinian city of Hebron.

As Kitzler reports and cell phone videos of the team prove, the soldiers behaved extremely aggressively towards the ARD team. Weapons were repeatedly held in the team vehicle. The soldiers repeatedly filmed the ARD team at close range - for Kitzler and the team a clear attempt at intimidation. Soldiers apparently conscripted reservists

According to the team, the soldiers were probably settlers from the area who had been called up as reservists. They were traveling in a private vehicle and were wearing civilian headgear.

“The soldiers threatened us with their weapons and asked us if we were Jewish. Our colleague was insulted as a traitor,” reports Kitzler. The ARD team was there to report on violence by radical settlers against Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This has increased significantly since the start of the war and numerous cases have been documented. “We cannot accept this approach”

For Christian Limpert, head of the ARD studio in Tel Aviv, the case is an attempt to massively obstruct reporting from the Palestinian West Bank, and other international media are also affected. “This is the second incident for us within a week. Our team clearly identified itself as accredited press representatives and was far away from military security areas. We cannot accept the actions of the Israeli military.”

The situation only eased after more than an hour, when additional Israeli soldiers and police were called in. The IDF’s Foreign Desk, which is responsible for foreign correspondents, also mediated by telephone.

BR considers the event to be an attack on the freedom of the press. According to BR editor-in-chief Christian Nitsche, the multiple pointing of the gun is completely unacceptable. The Foreign Press Association (FPA) in Israel, among others, has also announced that it will take action in the matter. The ARD studio in Tel Aviv will commission a lawyer to examine a legal investigation into the incident.

What are your thoughts on a user-driven, officially unofficial radio station for Lemmy?

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on creating my own public radio station (it’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid). Well now it’s up and running but I don’t know what to do with it. So I thought I’d see what Lemmy thinks about the concept, before I go all in and start investing in licensing fees, better...

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

This website is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

If I was a lawyer, I’d say that this sentence could be interpreted in a way that the audio stream is licensed as cc-by-nc-sa, too, i.e. you are sublicensing the songs to anybody. This is even more illegal than simply broadcasting music without licensing it. It’s a fun and games until RIAA comes to break your knee caps.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

They gave away so many good games … and in doing so taught their target group not to spend money to buy games on their platform. Outstanding move!

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

People who don’t like Steam already have GoG. To most people Epic Games is the fortnite launcher, and fortnite is in rapid decline:


@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Just like with flowers, some fruit may smell appealing to your cat while other fruits will make them turn up their noses. Peaches, watermelon, and strawberry all appear to be scents that attract felines. Many cats will avoid the sharp scents of citrus. If they show interest in particular fruit, check with your vet to see if it’s okay to let your cat try them out. – www.hepper.com/smells-that-attract-cats/

My cat always loved to sleep in a freshly made bed. I always assumed he wanted the bed to smell like him again, but maybe he liked the fruity smell of my detergent. :)

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

You need German quality “brooms”: wood-fun.de/en

plistig, (edited )
@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Their FAQ says:

Because we grind the dildos 3 times in a very complex process. So the wooden dildo is already silky smooth. In addition, our products are coated with a varnish. This means that the wood does not absorb any moisture, the varnish seals the wood completely and makes it impossible for splinters to come off.

(But I wouldn’t trust wood for that use case in any capacity.)

plistig, (edited )
@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Bei wenigem bin ich mir so sicher, wie dass die, die sich über die “Schulschwänzer” aufregen, immer dümmer, noch dümmer, werden. Muss an all dem verbleiten Benzin liegen, das sie in ihrer Jugend, als sie immer brav zur Schule gingen, geschnüffelt haben.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Was ist bitte ein “wissenschaftlicher Beweis”? Also, außerhalb der Mathematik, Informatik etc.

Es gab etliche (Meta-)Studien bereits vor 2019, die Belege aufzeigen, dass Masken nützlich sind, um die Verbreitung einer Pandemie zu verlangsamen: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=face+mask+virus+tra…, aber hätte man die Hypothese ordentlich testen können, ohne wirklich eine Pandemie auf die Menschheit loszulassen?

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Normalerweise muss man sich natürlich das Fazit durchlesen, nicht das Abstract, deshalb kannst du diese Belegstellen natürlich allesamt ablehnen (erste 30 Einträge der verlinken Suchanfrage bei PubMed):

:::spoiler klapp mich aus:

Cough etiquette, use of face masks and hand hygiene are the most important measures to reduce the risk of infection transmission from person to person.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27641976/, 2016

However, during a severe pandemic when use of face masks might be greater, pandemic transmission in households could be reduced.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19193267/, 2009

There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission. There are fewer data to support the use of masks or respirators to prevent becoming infected.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20092668/, 2010

Wearing a face mask was a protective factor against influenza infection. We recommend a more comprehensive intervention study to accurately estimate this effect.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23968983/, 2013

Mask use also reduces the reproduction number, possibly even to levels sufficient for containing an influenza outbreak.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20497389/, 2010

Tightly sealing a mask to the face blocked entry of 94.5% of total virus and 94.8% of infectious virus (n = 3).

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22460981/, 2012

The median-fit factor of the homemade masks was one-half that of the surgical masks. Both masks significantly reduced the number of microorganisms expelled by volunteers, although the surgical mask was 3 times more effective in blocking transmission than the homemade mask.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24229526/, 2013

This implies that measures to reduce transmission by contact or large droplets may not be sufficient to control influenza A virus transmission in households.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23736803/, 2013

Overall, although hand hygiene compliance is high among pilgrims, face mask use and social distancing remain difficult challenges. Data about the effectiveness of these measures at the Hajj are limited, and results are contradictory, highlighting the need for future large-scale studies.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24999278/, 2014 :::

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

There are no calls to appbrain.com from lemmy.today. Chances are your own system is compromised.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Vielleicht meint er ja Kriese, alemannisch für Kirsche. Ü

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Do spider webs count as decoration?

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

“Wen würden sie nächsten Sonntag wählen, wenn Sie nicht eh zu faul wären, um wählen zu gehen?”

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Tja, das war’s dann wohl für die Linke. Schade drum, aber irgendwie auch selbst schuld. Sie hätten Wagenknecht schon vor Jahren rauswerfen müssen.

Hoffen wir mal, dass die Sahra zumindest der AfD ein paar Prozentpunkte ablurchsen kann. Vielleicht fällt die AfD ja sogar in ein paar Landtagen unter die 5%-Hürde. Ich hab da Hoffnung, wenn auch nicht viel.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Precht wusste schon ganz genau, was er da gesagt hat. Der Typ lebt von unserer Aufmerksamkeit. Womit er sie erhascht, ist ihm egal, so lange er seinen Namen in der Presse lesen kann. Wenn wir über ihn reden, ist er glücklich. Ob man ihn liebt oder hasst, egal. Und seit seiner Hundepfeife wird viel über ihn geredet.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

I think she has to concentrate to know who’s emotions she is receiving. Otherwise she can only tell that someone is bluffing.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

A “Gaza country” would lie between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada the list list of countries by size (place 185). and between Lithuania, and Qatar in the list of countries by population size (Place 140). With no agriculture to speak of. How could such a county exist?

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

“Hey, Wired, weird thing with our search algorithm. It seems to always put you on page 2 since your article dropped. I wonder why that is?” – Larry Page, probably.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Are there any doors around Loch Ness in need of a door bell? Could solve some questions!

Nach AfD-Äußerungen: Bremer CDU-Chef Meyer-Heder tritt zurück (www.butenunbinnen.de) German

Der Landesvorsitzende der Bremer CDU, Carsten Meyer-Heder, tritt vorzeitig von seinem Amt zurück. Die Entscheidung sei in Abstimmung mit der Partei erfolgt, teilte die CDU in einer Mitteilung mit. Als Hintergrund für seinen Rücktritt nennt Meyer-Heder Äußerungen zu einer möglichen Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD, die er zuvor...

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

… schreibt Meyer-Heder. “Ich stand nie und stehe auch heute nicht im Verdacht, in der Nähe der AfD zu stehen.”

Joa, ich weiß nicht, ob er bestimmen kann, was Leute ihm vorwerfen.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Why not upload another avatar? Maybe an empty black square or the lemmy logo?


Armenia PM signals foreign policy shift away from Russia, labelling security alliances as "ineffective" and adding Armenia should join the International Criminal Court ICC (www.themoscowtimes.com)

“The systems of external security in which Armenia is involved are ineffective when it comes to the protection of our security and Armenia’s national interests,” Pashinyan said. His address aired just days after Azerbaijan claimed full control over Nagorno-Karabakh in a lightning offensive that forced the ethnic Armenian...

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

I wonder when Russia will start blaming NATO for Azerbaijan’s aggression.

ajsadauskas, to technology
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.

"They are claiming they are going to put a safe device on the market, and that's why you should invest," Ryan Merkley at the Physicians Committee, told Wired. "And we see his lie as a way to whitewash what happened in these exploratory studies."

Really heartbreaking reading what happened to the monkeys.

People quite rightly think of Elizabeth Holmes as a fraud for making false medical claims about what the Theranos machines could do. So why aren't Elon's claims at Neuralink being held to the same level of scrutiny?


@technology #Elon #Neuralink #ElonMusk

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Didn’t we already go through this with Whatsername and her fake blood tests?

Maybe read more than the title before commenting? I know, it’s a novel concept.

People quite rightly think of Elizabeth Holmes as a fraud for making false medical claims about what the Theranos machines could do. So why aren’t Elon’s claims at Neuralink being held to the same level of scrutiny?

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Ich füge schon recht viele Nachrichten, etc. in meine Merkliste hinzu … und alle ein, zwei Wochen lösche ich die meisten Einträge wieder ungelesen.

Aber ich sage mir jedes mal, wenn ich mir etwas “merke”, dass ich es auch tatsächlich lesen werde. Einfach die tägliche Dosis Selbstbelügen.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

OP hat vergessen zu erwähnen, dass es sich natürlich um DIN A0 Seiten handelt.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

I don’t think an American can understand what’s odd with the message or why the church is pissed. Ü

@plistig@feddit.de avatar
@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Man kann nur gegen Markenrechtsverletzung klagen, wenn Verwechslungsgefahr besteht und das ist quasi nur dann möglich, wenn beide Beteiligten im selben Feld aktiv sind. Würde die AfD einen Turnschuh mit ihrem Pfeil ausbringen, würde Nike sie hart knechten, aber sonst können sie sich das nur angucken und müssen die Ähnlichkeit der Logos akzeptieren.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar

Puh, da bin ich überfragt. Würde mich wundern, wenn Nike nicht auch mal überlegt hatte, ob sie etwas gegen das Hundepenis-Logo der AfD machen können. Vermutlich würden sie aber dennoch nichts gegen das Logo machen, weil sie Angst hätten von AfD-nahen Käufern “gecancelt” zu werden.

@plistig@feddit.de avatar
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