@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar


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@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Religion shouldn't be a free ticket to violate whatever laws they desire like they currently do though

Tesla’s secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints (www.reuters.com)

From the article: “About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide “rosy” projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters. The automaker last year became so inundated with driving-range complaints that it created a special team to cancel...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

If you have no life a PHEV is the best of both worlds. I went all of COVID without ever getting gas because I was able to just use the battery. And PHEVs have been increasing in range too. I got mine in 2019 and it only has 26 miles range, but the RAV4 prime gets 42 now. Maybe there is even something better, haven't really been paying attention cause I don't need a new car.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Republicans are foaming at the mouth to cut medicare and anything else that helps people while throwing trillions at the military. This is a great justification for their dumbass base that will believe any conspiracy they are instructed to

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Create a new one then? Idk why we need low quality posts like this. This a very reddit style post

Why does my cat follow me when I walk my dog, screaming at me and not letting me touch her? (lemmy.world)

Bean used to live outdoors until my my sister’s friend found her under a deck. We took her in three years ago. She had seven kittens and we kept five. She is mean to her offspring but has been getting nicer to us slowly. When we walk the dog at night, she sometimes follows us around meowing at a distance; when she catches up...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I wouldn't want a bell ringing in my ears all day either. Especially if I was a cat with more sensitive hearing

Is the blockchain an interesting innovation, aside from cryptocurrencies ?

For a long time, I thought of the blockchain as almost synonymous with cryptocurrencies, so as I saw stuff like “Odyssey” and “lbry” appearing and being “based on the blockchain”, my first thought was that it was another crypto scam. Then, I just got reminded of it and started looking more into it, and it just seemed...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Blockchain (simplified) is a giant excel spreadsheet that you can never edit, only add to. I struggle to think of any applications that is a benefit for, and even then append only databases would already do it better.

One of the benefits is supposed to be decentralization, but people tout that as a benefit for things like house deeds, or identification, or whatever. Imagine how massive an append only excel file of every house with every owner change etc etc included in it would be. Then we once again only have the people who can afford to store that much data storing it, and we are back to where we are now.

It doesn't really solve any problems, it just is a worse version of what already exists.

Did anyone have any positive results with CBD products?

Not too long ago, regulations on CBD changed in Germany leading to a plethora of products containing it. As someone who occasionally needs pain medication, I tried some of the products to avoid regular pain killers (ibu). Especially on days with lighter pain, I wished for an alternative to the sledgehammer meds. But I was left...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Have you tried cgrp antagonists? I tried literally everything to the point where multiple neurologists said they couldn't help me. I was using THC for a long time for my migraines but I was still suffering. With cgrp antagonists I feel 100% normal and it works every time, even if it takes longer if I take it too late.

It's worth trying a sample if you haven't, because it's a world of difference between being high with a migraine and just not having one anymore IMO

Nurtec is approved for preventative now too

CBD never did shit for migraines for me, only anxiety

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I used to take CBD every day for anxiety and I only found this out after a couple years so thanks for bringing it up. If your medication says to avoid grapefruit, then you probably should not take CBD

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I wouldn't even say that much. They bought out x.com as a competitor and threw their garbage code in the trash

Confinity already had payments between palm pilots back in fucking 1998, before x.com even existed

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I feel like palm pilots are super impressive for the time period they existed in. They were so futuristic! Basically the 1998 smartphone

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

My last job tried to do this. They didn't even have enough desks for everyone. My entire team said "no thanks" and several people quit and they backtracked real fast. Now their stock is worth $2 when it used to be $40 a year ago lol

Just look for other jobs if you are standing your ground. Sometimes it takes a few losing a few people for them to realize they fucked up

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

The rate of increase is mind blowing. I used to rent a 1br luxury apartment for $1100 back in 2016.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

You put chocolate in the peanut mixture? Interesting. That would definitely make it set firmer

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

X is closer to a swastika than a bird so it fits

The next update to the logo will be adding 4 more lines...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Don't besmirch Ronald like that

Is the destruction of Twitter and Reddit a conspiracy or am I just paranoid?

I’ve had this feeling that since there are forces that do not want us to have free speech, and that the destruction of Reddit and Twitter does this effectively, creating a chilling effect, destroying social links and communities. Might it not be an intentional effort to stifle the ability of the downtrodden to organize and...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Spez said in an interview he admires Musk. If you haven't noticed yet, the corporate world is just 1 giant game of follow the leader.

"Oh X laid 13% of their staff off? I'm gonna do that too even though I don't really need to"

"Oh Twitter charged ridiculous amounts for their API and didn't crumble? Me too"

Remember when Google was doing those dumbass interviews where you have to figure out how many manhole covers in NYC or whatever? Every tech company and their mom was OBSESSED with those types of questions even long after Google figured out how useless they were.

Remember when you paid outright for things and everything wasn't a subscription model?

Thankfully Twitter is actively dying now, but if they somehow manage to turn it around we are all fucked. If they show people will stay around while you strongarm them into paying AND having limits to save server costs that is going to be adopted by basically everyone.

Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' is part of a long legacy with a very dark side (www.npr.org)

Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town,” which ignited controversy this week over claims that the song and its new video promote white supremacy and violence, is far from the first country song to attack cities using racist dog whistles. “Try That” is most clearly a descendant of Hank Williams Jr.‘s “A Country...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

There's a lot of non racist country music though? Maren Morris wrote a pro BLM song while all the protests were happening...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

My boyfriend is obsessed with back to the future and we have seen 4/7 screen used deloreans.

Peterson museum in LA has a restored one on display, they also have a gold delorean and a few of the new concept designs.

We got to see the one in Universal Orlando that was just chilling out in the middle of the sidewalk for a long time, but that one has disappeared since COVID. We didn't even know this was a screen used one, we figured it was a replica cause people were walking up and touching it and stuff. Wild. Probably why it's gone now, too many people fucked with it and it has to be restored. It sat out in the Florida humid ass weather for years though and no rust.

Unfortunately 2 are in Japan in private collections, but I don't think anyone knows who owns them. 2 we saw were in a private collection, but the owners gave us a tour and we even got to sit in one of them (the other is the one they destroyed with the train). And the fiberglass one from 2 was destroyed so we will never see it :(

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

If you saw it before 2020 then yes it was the real one. They replaced it with a replica when they reopened post COVID

Universal actually treats a lot of their props and cars like shit, but I didn't know that when I was visiting lol. They are the ones that destroyed the fiberglass car

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

There's a lot of shitty people who are still on reddit that I don't want coming here. Reddit will die on it's own regardless of what pictures are put on /r/place

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I think California is moving this way. They started producing their own insulin and suddenly everyone is reducing the price of their insulin to $30 a dose or whatever CA was charging. Let's do it with more

Impossible nuggets are pretty wild (kbin.social)

I had them air fried before, and if you really inspect them and think about it you can tell they aren't chicken (from the texture but the taste is identical IMO). But I had them fried in a deep fryer this weekend and they were indistinguishable from real chicken nuggets. I am flexitarian so it's not like I haven't eaten a...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

They are definitely a flakey texture inside, I would compare them to Wendy's nuggets. I am autistic so texture is a big thing for me, and it doesn't bother me. I am not even a huge nugget fan because a lot of them do have that spongey texture that grosses me out

I would recommend trying them deep fried for the best texture

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I had them at Dog Haus which isn't fast food but close

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Fake chicken has come a long way in general. Daring chicken is meant to substitute white meat with no breading and very close in flavor. I wouldn't eat it on it's own because the texture is a little weird, but shredded in soup or gumbo or whatever it's suspiciously close to real chicken.

And now lab grown chicken is FDA approved 👀

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Not eating meat/animal products the majority of the time

I would like to go full on vegan but I have sensory issues with food so it's a long work in progress while I find enough vegan options I like

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

Much like every other time people complain about "labels", it's a quick way to describe things without going into detail.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure why everyone feels the need to ask when we are on the internet.... where Google exists...

I don't know every word either but I look it up instead of complaining about it existing

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I'm pretty sure these people were always racist, they just found out there's a bunch of other people being quietly racist who will back up their shitty decisions and then they became more brazen.

Don't feel bad for the Moderators of Reddit

I should begin by mentioning that I am (was) a moderator of three subreddits: one large subreddit, one NSFW subreddit and a medical-related subreddit. After u/spez’s calamitous AMA, I joined Lemmy and haven’t looked back. I am really enjoying the Lemmy/KBin vibe. It is very much an alpha (almost beta) product and the ad...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

For me it was mostly about accessibility, because reddit essentially told disabled people they aren't welcome. So ... bye

But also the attempt at monetizing FUCKING EVERYTHING is pissing me off. I miss the internet where most things were free. I am not going to pay a subscription to read an aggregation of links. If I have to pay I am going to choose something more fun over social media.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

The best protest would be a blank canvas.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

In this case, sure. But they are also doing a lot of big shitty corporation things, like going after emulators despite not offering any alternatives to be able to play older games.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

They should have just trademarked the rest of the days of the week for tacos

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I mean it depends how you define AI really.... All these chatbots for every nice subject are definitely not going to be maintained when the hype dies out. But we've been using AI for years before this and will use it for years after... Chatbots aren't the only thing AI can do

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

The type of people who ban masks are also the type of people that think you should be forced to work when sick 🤮

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I feel like this has happened several times in the last year

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

You can also not pay for it and get it with ReVanced.

ReVanced also auto skips ad reads in the video itself

Neopets is promising a ‘new era’ with an improved website and fixed Flash games (www.theverge.com)

Neopets, the virtual pet website launched in 1999, is promising a “new era” with an improved website and fixed Flash games. They will launch a new unified website on July 20th to fix issues and bring back over 50 Flash games using the Ruffle emulator starting July 25th. A new Neopets mobile game called World of Neopets is...

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I don't use neopets anymore but I have been following the neopets saga. I will believe it when I see it, they promised this with the site redesign back when flash died, and most of the original games are still not playable years later.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I am currently on the third book, halfway through. It has definitely kept my interest, but the plot doesn't really hold up to much questioning lol. Book 2 frustrated me for that reason.

Got A Bill in the Mail Charging $3700 for Covid tests

Background: I was in high school (public) and our school just got back from quarantine, and had everybody to take a mandatory covid test every week. Our teachers rounded us up and these people swabbed and tested us. We didn’t sign anything, we didn’t ask for this, we were just told to line up and do it....

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

What year was it done? Up until recently it was federally required for all insurance to cover COVID tests, including rapid tests with NO copay.

In California insurance is still required to cover all COVID testing with no copay. But this doesn't apply if it is a private plan through your job for example.

Back in 2021 I had a urgent care clinic pull this shit, fighting to get me to pay $300 for a test and refusing me to give an itemized bill. That did not end well for them after I called my insurance and told them about that. Ended up paying them $0 and my insurance paid them like $7 cause it was a rapid test. I had anthem back when that happened.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I went to college for engineering, ended up switching to a math degree.

Figured out I liked computer science while taking CS classes for my math degree, minored in that and planned to be a software engineer.

Realized I don't want to code all day, got offered a sys engineer position.

Figured out DevOps existed a few years into working and now I do that

Most people don't know what they want to do and figure it out as they go. There are a lot of people that picked X for the money and stuck with it and hate their job.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

So far the only actual study we have on this says it's not a real thing. Sure, some cats have different preferences but it's not like you are torturing your cat with normal bowls and need to run out and buy special ones.


If you're feeding your cat an infinite supply of dry food without a feeding schedule you have bigger things to be concerned about than whisker fatigue.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

It's well documented it veterinary literature, you can believe the studies or not 🤷‍♀️. It's not like it kills your cat instantly, you just deal with diabetes kidney or urinary issues in the future. Not sure why someone would not try to prevent that.

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I almost used one when our internet was down for 2 weeks and we only had 3 DVDs lol

@pizza_rolls@kbin.social avatar

I used to subject myself to those rating subs on 4chan for some dumbass reason when I was younger, do not recommend. Sucks to see people fall into the same cycle.

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