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eBay is usually the cheapest IMO

The same vintage "rare" McDonald's T-shirt I wanted was $50+ on Etsy, Mercari, Poshmark, even some eBay sellers. But I got it for $2 from a dude on eBay 🤷‍♀️

Etsy is way worse at what OP is talking about, but I'm using it for vintage stuff not really electronics. For electronic stuff I use Swappa mostly


Its some shirt they gave out as a promotion for the Flintstones movie in 1994 lol. I have weird taste


Yeah I like having basic human rights. It's a big ask to even ask anyone to stay there, let alone move there. It's literally life and death for women who can't get an abortion.

Reddit Staffer Fired for Taking Sick Leave, Lawsuit Says (

Representing Lee, attorney Navruz Avloni said Reddit’s workplace culture shifted after co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigned from the board in 2020 amid a flurry of changes at the top of the social media firm. Previously, the company had prioritized staff well-being before Ohanian’s exit, Avloni said....


Wow they didn't even try to hide it and pretend it was due to "layoffs"

Which is still illegal btw, happened to my friend and the company had to pay him a bunch of money


I wish this article talked about how they are treating it? They just said she is doing well


Yeah I just wish they had gone into detail since this was a groundbreaking medical discovery


I have received $0 from my parents. My grandma helped me buy some furniture when I moved out to my first apartment, and bless her for that. But I cannot comprehend asking for that much money from my parents, not that they would have it to give me anyway. I feel bad when they want to pay for my dinner, let alone $30k+.

Despite that, I have managed to save more than enough saved for a down payment. But with the market the way it is I have no interest in dropping that much money for a house, especially when our landlord hasn't raised the rent for years and we have a good deal. $30k from your parents is a drop in the bucket when you're looking at a huge ass mortgage payment every month. A house would have to be magical as fuck for the amount they are gonna charge per month with the current prices and rates.


The correct way to use cash advance is to never use it. Seriously they have a totally different (way higher!) APR that accrues from the first day. Read the conditions of your card and calculate how much you'll be paying if you take out $100 for example

Much better to get a personal loan if you are in that situation. The interest will suck but way less than cash advance


Oh, I was thinking about the situation where you need cash quickly because you don't have enough money to cover something. If you can pay it off immediately then that changes the entire conversation.


That rock grill has 1994 Flintstones vibes and I am here for it. Put it in my house


I haven't paid attention for a couple years, but the last time they "stopped" they just started donating to a charity they made to cover up that they are still donating to the same places. But they didn't do it directly so it doesn't count.

And the owners themselves are still donating to anti LGBT shit regardless, at least one of them has been funding an organization that has been assisting with putting out all these recent anti LGBT+ bills.


Keeping track of what to boycott became to burdensome, so I'm just kinda doing a universal boycott where I buy everything possible second hand.

Hobby Lobby is probably one of the biggest on my shitlist


I knew this was going to be MA. I know exactly who owns that Ghostbusters car lol. Not sure about the Scooby Doo though


Cars 1 and 3 are really good movies and you should watch them if you have not. Cars 3 is my favorite.

And I don't even like cars


I actually agree with you that the hate is overblown. But in comparison to 1 and 3 it's definitely not as good. I wouldn't even say it's a bad movie, it's just kinda meh


Ok now we are gonna have to fight irl

Send me your address


A lot of employees out sick = less work being done

Less severe symptoms doesn't mean they are still showing up to work.


Phobia doesn't only mean fear. Things that are hydrophobic aren't scared of water


And the word phobia has meant aversion or hatred since at least the 1800s

Dude is so obsessed with the meaning of words he couldn't even do basic research


I don't really feel anything about the dictionary definition of words tbh


Median rent right now is $2k. Rule of thumb is 1/3 or less of income spent on housing. So that's $6k a month. With comes out to 72k a year, pretty close.

All these articles act like workers have become so uppity and demanding but all they want is to live reasonably.


Not really, groceries are expensive af too

Every industry is causing inflation via greed rn

Do dentists get attacked by their patients?

Went in for a crown the other day. The dentist got called away to a different patient midway through. Anesthesia started wearing off. Dentist took her time with the other patient. I was fairly tensed up by the time she got back. I was doing my best to balance being polite with limiting how much the pain affected me. The longer...


I would consider a new dentist, and probably a sedation dentist if you have issues with numbing.

Depending on what you are having done, there is also laser dentistry. And my dentist has some special drill where he has done shallow cavities for me with no novacaine and I didn't feel shit except the usual drilling/pressure feeling.

This dentist just sounds shitty. Yes you were tensing up but you already told them a bunch of times you were in pain. They should have had a plan in place that y'all had agreed upon for dealing with a situation where the lidocaine wears off. Or maybe schedule you at a time where there are no other patients so they could go as fast as possible with no interruptions. Maybe I am expecting too much here but my dentist is the bomb and would easily do that for someone.

$2 to cut a sandwich in half: The outrageous rip-offs targeting tourists in Italy (

An Italian holiday may be a priceless experience for those who have enjoyed all this country has to offer. But the summer of 2023 will go down as one of the priciest in history after a slew of price gouging scandals at cafes and restaurants that have affected foreign tourists and Italians alike.


Billionaires are out here flying around to avoid traffic (ie Elon Musk) and people are out here shitting on me for my 1 trip a year to visit my family

If y'all wanna buy me a house out there and pay my moving costs so I don't have to fly anymore to see them then I welcome the opportunity


We have good butter and cheap ass store brand butter and I alternate depending on how much you will be able to taste the butter in the recipe


Pet food. I have done a lot of research into the pet industry in general and there are a lot of things being sold for pets that are literally unsafe for them. Like cages that are too small, treats that aren't safe for them, chew toys full of toxic shit they shouldn't invest, food that is the equivalent of McDonald's every day, etc

Don't get me wrong, there's good quality pet food you can get fairly cheap and bad quality pet food you can get that is very expensive. It comes down to research. But if you're just grabbing whatever is cheapest is most likely setting you up for potential health issues down the line.

This is speaking as someone who has experienced this with both cats and rabbits. The cheapest food for rabbits is usually full of alfalfa and whatever else weird ass colorful shit they threw in there that is not healthy for adult rabbits. And cat food is usually too high in carbs, too high in salt, or both. Diabetes and kidney failure in cats fucking sucks, it's not worth it.


That kitchen is amazing. It's so weird. It's like a show kitchen in the middle of nowhere in your house lmao


The way a lot of these NFTs fucked themselves over was promising something in addition to the NFT, like a game or whatever, that they never delivered on. If it was always "buy link to monkey pictures" and that's it they could probably get away with it no problem


And people where the microphone just fucking hates you. It always gets what I am saying wrong so I just use the keyboard


Even their chicken fries aren't as good anymore 😭

I read someone say weaver chicken tenders were identical to their old tenders, but they don't sell those here sadly


Yikes, I hope these people's entire family has some sort of protection. It's normal for them to attempt to kill anyone they don't like.


If you always wanted to leak your ID to a bunch of hackers thanks to poor security practices, this is a great opportunity for you to do so


Still not worth using slurs


Man fuck these comments. He explicitly said he wanted to ruin the rest of her life. He intentionally posted them with her full name and address, endangering her. And to ruin her chance at getting/keeping a job. Dude does deserve to have his wages garnished for the rest of his life, at least there's a cap on UNLIKE WHAT HE TRIED TO DO TO HER!


I mean we do multiple life sentences or life + so many years so I don't see why the same logic wouldn't apply when the penalty is monetary. It's a super high number to ensure he's paying the rest of his life, even if he suddenly comes into a bunch of money. It's intended as a warning.

I mean how much money can you put on the price of someone's life, safety, or missed future potential earnings? I think it was just a huge number to "ruin the rest of his life" as he attempted to do.

For example, the McDonald's coffee lawsuit. The coffee was so hot it melted that lady's skin together. And this was an ongoing issue that McDonald's had been warned of several times and didn't listen. So while the lady was just trying to get her medical costs covered, the jury awarded an additional $2.7m in punitive damages because McDonald's didn't listen. Punitive damages are literally money as punishment.


I don't disagree. Income inequality is an overarching issue in the US. As is charging monetary damages that will never be paid out. My mom was injured in a car accident by someone driving under the influence, and she had to cover all her medical bills out of pocket despite winning in court because the dude wasn't even working and had no money to garnish.

I was more talking about how it fits in with the current system, as flawed as it may be. I don't have a good solution aside from overhauling the massive income inequality in this country. People working minimum wage jobs (which are usually jobs we need for society to function!) should not be living the same lifestyle as this dude.


That's not how medical procedures work. You don't get to go to the doctor and request whatever legal procedure you require on a whim. It's a decision made between a doctor and patient, without the government involved. AT ANY STAGE. That is the point.

Besides, do you really think someone is going to go through 8 months of pregnancy just to abort for funsies? That is "planned parenthood turns fetuses into chicken nuggets" level of delusion. You are really underestimating the physical toll taken on the body by pregnancy.

If someone got to 8 months, and they go to their doctor and discover the fetus is going to be born only to suffer and die in their arms, the government should have 0 say on how that medical decision is handled. Which is what late term abortions actually are.


Ignoring the racism behind IQ tests for a second...

IQ can't measure intelligence, because even if you're smart as hell in one topic you can be dumb as hell in another. Hell, people in MENSA prove that themselves by paying YEARLY to validate their intelligence lmao. Gives me Peggy Hill "certified genius" vibes


I don't play sports and I'm not in MENSA and I somehow manage to have intelligent conversation. And non intelligent conversations cause I'm not a snob

Hobby groups are a thing that exist outside of MENSA... And you don't have to pay for them to talk to you 😱


When did games go from being something fun to do, to people getting so serious about them that they would rather fuck over a bunch of disabled people than lose a game?

Whenever I play competitive games I see people raging in the comments like every game, and it's usually people who aren't doing very good that round because they want to blame everyone else for losing. Idk why y'all are paying $60+ just to be angry the entire time. Fuck around and have fun, it's not that serious.

It's so bad you're STILL mad about a hypothetical situation that doesn't even exist. Spiderman 2 is single player. If it was competitive, and disabled people being able to play ruins your life sooo much, then don't play it. Crisis averted.

pizza-bagel, (edited )

Yes, I do get upset when people act like disabled people needing accommodations is ruining their life. For obvious reasons. Disabled people had no accommodations in games for literal decades and suddenly able bodied people act like it's the end of the world when they start getting introduced. The difference is that some disabled people literally cannot play when you have a choice. And ranting, on multiple forums, about how accommodations will ruin your hypothetical competitive game that doesn't even exist yet!

And games are not the only scenario, I see a similar attitude in every instance where disabled people are granted accomodations.

You want accomodations to not exist in certain scenarios. Your comment was clear.


I have never once gotten a job from applying directly. It seems like applying directly just immediately deleted your application. I've always gotten my jobs from referrals or a recruiter reaching out

As far as public support goes, why aren't disabilities and chronic illnesses treated in a similar manner to LGBT issues?

I’m just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I’m not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride...


Pride makes money. Companies make money off pride merch and it costs them $0 to be inclusive of LGBT+ people.

But god forbid they do anything beneficial if it doesn't make them money or gasp cost money. That's why they actively find new ways to discriminate against disabled people without it being too obvious so they can skirt the law. Plenty of disabled people can do just as good or better at a job than an able bodied person with accommodations, but you're immediately a threat to a company if you request those accommodations. And then of course, just like anti union propaganda, the general public gets told that disabled people are greedy moochers that need to fuck off out of society.

I worked for a company that is vehemently anti WFH. They had everyone working remotely for all of COVID no problem. But now if a disabled person requests WFH as an accommodation they are told it is "not reasonable" and it is denied. It's very easy to get away with discrimination against disabled people because a lot of us are just trying to get through the day. Sitting in a court room to fight a company that will extend the lawsuit as long as possible sounds like my own personal nightmare. Hell, speaking of court even FUCKING JURY DUTY won't accommodate a lot of disabled people. That's literally the government and they don't give a fuck. I speak from experience.

Like most things, the answer is money. They want able bodied workers they can make money off the back of for the minimum amount possible.

Sorry this turned into a rant lmao


My company sends out an anonymous survey every year and every year I put "what about disabled people for DEI?" every year and every year it is ignored 🥲


It makes me laugh how many people think this is a new development only in CA and in 2023.

This happened back in the 90s to my mom while working retail. Like 10 people came in and carried off the furniture they had in the store, because they knew the employees were instructed not to do anything.

Shit like this has been happening all over the US for decades, the media just decided it was the hot new topic to get more clicks recently. Even the Walgreens CEO who said theft was so awful they had to close a bunch of stores later admitted they "cried wolf".

Rich people love the idea that theft is out of control in the media because it gives them a talking point to keep us peasants in control. Starbucks was charged by the labor board for closing down unionizing stores under the guise of "safety concerns". Starbucks isn't the only place that has been pulling that shit.

And that's not to say I agree with 50 people bear spraying people and stealing luxury shit either. This isn't someone stealing food from the grocery store to feed their kids. It wasn't billionaires working in the store, it's people working a shitty retail job for shitty pay no doubt. But it is a topic being overblown for rich people's benefit.


I don't understand why you think bear spraying employees who probably get paid a shit wage and can barely afford rent let alone insane grocery costs right now is helping? Now they will have medical bills they can't afford on top of maybe having to miss work, which they also can't afford.

I agree the root cause needs to be fixed. But if you want to steal as an attempt at fixing that at least do it in a way that you are not fucking over other people in the same position as you. They aren't part of the problem.


Billionaires love when we infight amongst ourselves rather than go after the real problem. You're just playing into their hand. It's not "pearl clutching" it's called solidarity. Standing together against the real issue instead of continuing to fuck over each other. There are plenty of ways to steal without fucking over your fellow worker.

You seem to prioritize harming fellow workers over tackling the root cause, which is unfortunate. United we stand, divided we fall. There's a reason billionaires are VERY scared of us working together, even moreso than theft.

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