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TCP is when you don’t get your package because you weren’t there to sign for it and now you have to wait until tomorrow for them to try again. You were home all day and no one rang the bell but you still keep finding a “sorry we missed you” slip in the door. Eventually you have to go to the package center and get it yourself.

UDP is when you get 50 packages per day thrown on your doorstep. Some of them are probably yours and some of those are probably what you ordered, but they show up fast and often


Me at 4am laying in bed thinking about exactly how I’m going to divvy up the $100M I’m left with after taxes in an imaginary lottery win

pikasaurX4, (edited )

I’ve been watching some GPW3 gameplay, but I also would probably not be able to play it lol. I just beat Jedi: Survivor yesterday. I waited a while to pick it up because of all the performance issues and it really did run like crap, but at least I got it on sale and it was still quite fun.

I’ll probably either go back to Sea of Stars, which I only played for a couple hours so far, or maybe I’ll play The Messenger, which I bought at the same time in a bundle.

Also, with the release of the Rivals 2 Kickstarter, I’ve been playing a bit of Rivals of Aether with friends. It’s one of the greatest platform fighters out there, but I feel like it’s still very underrated

What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

What I mean is… sometimes people are very loyal to a videogame franchise or a company because they loved a game they released years ago (Silent Hill/Konami with Silent Hill 2, Blizzard/Bethesda with their respective golden eras, some could argue this happens too with Pokémon and Final Fantasy, etc). Ethical/consumer reasons...


You could check out Freedom Planet. It didn’t quite do it for me, but it has a decent fanbase

Is there a "guide to the Pokémon Anime"?

Specifically - A list of episodes that actually matter, because there are over one thousand episodes in the Pokémon Anime, and most of those are a fat load of nothing. – I’ve been wanting to watch the Anime (like, beyond the first two seasons I’m nostalgic for), but I don’t wanna slog through 740 episodes of nothing for...


I remember seeing this list that reddit user u/MarcoR_ made a while back: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/…/htmlview

Not sure how up to date it is but it looks like it has the latest series too. I haven’t used it myself, but a friend of mine used it to blow through the Indigo League so maybe it will help you


A lot of the anime is pretty bad, and I say that as a diehard fan. But starting with XY they really put it in gear and started making a real anime that’s worth watching instead of an awkwardly paced cartoon. If you are looking to save time, I’d just start there, but when you watch Journeys, it’s really more enjoyable the more you’ve watched the older series (guest appearances and whatnot)


Thank you! That was bugging me. Glad it’s fixed


This Venn diagram should just be a circle. Implying that the guys aren’t part of the homies? Seems wrong to me


Making characters in GURPS is so fun. A friend was running a cyberpunk game one time and I brought like 3 characters so I could pick the one that fit the party the best. Sometimes we would just roll up character concepts to see how many points it would take.

I played a lot of GURPS too, but it’s probably my all time favorite character creation system


I finally got a physical copy of the Genesys rules last year, but I’m in the same boat. I played in a Star Wars game for a couple years and I love the system but I doubt I’ll ever have a group to play Genesys with


I have so many that I’ve come across over the years but never had a chance to try. Many of them have been mentioned by others so I’ll just throw in a fresh one: Mouseguard.

The setting just feels so cozy but also heroic. Something akin to a video game like Tunic. The rules are actually quite dense though, so I’ve never gotten buy-in from any players. But it’s one of those golden egg games that I’d really love to play some day

pikasaurX4, (edited )

Totally understandable. When I first started playing, the GM made us all premade characters to learn the rules on. Then he made templates for us when we played for real so we just had to pick a “class” and spend a few character points for customization.

GURPS is great for any setting and really shines in settings that involve many tech levels, like time traveling (that’s the default setting, in fact). It can be quite simple and elegant, but there are rules for just about any situation you can think of, and the calculations aren’t always simple because of it. Luckily, all rule blocks are optional. Playing GURPS “Lite” is supported/recommended in the base rulebook and it’s a fully functional system on its own.

Anyway, I just love GURPS. After playing for a while, I started loving the character creation but I agree, it can be quite the barrier to entry. Also, running games and planning sessions is a lot of work for the GM. More than most systems I’ve played. If you’re playing rules-light or don’t mind handwaving a few specifics when building enemies, it’s not as bad. But if you’re going all in and trying to make reusable stat blocks, the joys of character creation will come back to bite you lol


Yeah, Burning Wheel is high up on my list as well. I know the games are related, but I don’t know enough about either of them to know exactly how similar they are

Nintendo Cracking Down on Unlicensed Tournaments (en-americas-support.nintendo.com)

Nintendo just released these guidelines around running a “community” tournament. In other words, an unlicensed tournament. Limiting the player cap to 200 (300 for online), no profit allowed, entry fees must be under $15 USD, must use Nintendo online servers (no Slippi), and some other stuff....


Many of the smaller ones, for sure. And most locals and maybe even some regionals will fall under these “community tournament” guidelines as long as they have fewer than 200 entrants and aren’t for profit. However, Nintendo has been pushing tournament organizers to pay for a license to run those tournaments since at least early 2022 under the threat of legal action.

For example, some of the major tournaments of 2023 did get a license from Nintendo. Usually you can tell because (at least for Melee) they won’t have the clean Slippi playback and Pokémon Stadium is not frozen. I can’t speak for the TOs, but I would assume The Big House was licensed

pikasaurX4, (edited )

Exactly. These rules only apply to tournaments that can’t or won’t get a license. It still sucks since Nintendo not only won’t support Smash tournaments or their players, but they also expect a “cut” in the form of a license fee and permission to enforce whatever rules they want

Edit: For example: Melee Coinbox (and partially Ultimate Coinbox) do not follow these rules. The events are unlicensed with greater than 300 entrants, I don’t know if they are for profit, but they use game imagery for advertising, and they do not use Nintendo’s online servers. Under these new guidelines, Team Liquid runs the risk that Nintendo will come after them and force them to shut the events down or pay for a license (They might already have one, but Hbox was implying they do not)


Notice that Q14 still allows for commercial tournaments but only if they acquire a license first. This is something Nintendo has been pushing since at least last year. That’s the debacle that killed Smash World Tour and the hill that Panda Global died on.

Not saying I agree with it. In fact, it’s so stupid, but there is still a path forward for now if Nintendo continues to give out those licenses. The real question is, what absurd rules will TOs need to adhere to in order to get a license?


I had the same experience. It was fine for a while with just error pop ups, but at some point it started crashing like a lot. The devs are taking a break, I hear, so it’s unlikely to get fixed any time soon. I switched to Voyager, but there are other apps too. Not sure if there’s a good workaround in Memmy itself


My favorite Halifax fun fact: In 1917, a munitions ship exploded in Halifax Harbor. To commemorate the event, the City Council created ‘Splodey, the Halifax explosion mascot.

In addition, each public broadcast of Shaggy’s “Mr. Boombastic” is followed by a moment of silence


If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t going home


This is a brand new game and not just a new season or expansion? Seems like an interesting route to go for the development team. I’m personally against buying games in early access so I probably won’t be playing this for a long time. Just as well though, since I just got into DRG within the last few months.

I’m curious how this game will be different from DRG, if at all. Like mechanically and graphically will it be essentially the same game? I’m just not sure I understand why it’s a standalone game other than the obvious reason (more lucrative)


After looking at the steam page, the screenshots suggest that it’s pretty different. Also I guess this is roguelike, so it’s a different experience in the same narrative world. It’s probably not for me, in that case, but I’m glad to see the DRG world growing


Cleaning the litter box sucks but it’s something you have to do as the caretaker. It’s ok to vent but I would caution you, as others have, that “if this is the worst part of their lives, fine” is all well and good until the cat is sick due to box avoidance. I’ve struggled with this too and I’ve had to take my cat to the vet because of a UTI she got from not going simply because there was one tiny pee spot in her giant litter box that takes up half my bathroom. Do the right thing and make sure it gets done either by sucking it up or finding someone who will.

If you want some advice, I have a few suggestions. You could pay a friend or relative to do it if they have regular, convenient access. You can also try to wear something like latex gloves while dealing with it and I always wear a face mask because the dust that kicks up gets in my sinuses every time. Some people have even had success teaching their cat to use the toilet

I know the box is the most annoying part about taking care of a cat but it is what it is. Hope you find something that works and I hope your cat stays healthy


There are definitely some older Tales games I might play again if they had an “enhanced” port. And localizing some of the JP only games would be cool too. I’d love some kind of Destiny 1 and 2 combo game. Would I buy Tales of the Abyss a third time, though? Probably

Advice on EV spreads for Tera Raid pokemon

I’m messing around with 6 star Tera raids in Violet and I’m wondering what the best EV spreads are for raiders. I know for most attackers you commonly want 252 sp/atk and 252 speed, but is it worth it to focus more on bulk than speed for the raids? Speed is definitely still a factor, but I’m curious what people think....


Thanks! Belly Drum Iron Hands is my newest raider and I agree it’s super powerful. I’ve been thinking about doing Azumarill as well


Obviously this is inappropriate and essentially robbing the tax payers of their money, but I would rather falsified stops than have them pulling over innocent people and issuing tickets to “meet quotas”. This country needs serious police reform one way or another


Charisma is the most important stat for a successful Bard, but it kinda sounds like this person is unlikeable and not even a good Bard, so they would probably have bad Charisma. You can always make your character bad at what they are meant to do, but it will probably get old pretty fast when you’re useless in most situations.

I would recommend just not choosing that class. Maybe pick a background that gives you proficiency with a musical instrument, but even then, it’s probably funnier if they can’t even play. Then choose a completely unrelated class that doesn’t care about Charisma. Maybe they’re a Wizard who read about Bard spells and tries their best approximation while singing and playing poorly. Or maybe they’re just a Fighter or a Barbarian who has to learn to fight off haters while continuing to talk shit.

If you do choose to play a Bard, I would just give yourself high Charisma and role play as an insufferable asshole anyway. At least that way you can have some magic that actually works. Or you could forget Charisma and spell casting and lean into something like College of Swords Bard and focus on Dexterity and Constitution. You’d be better off just picking Fighter, but at least this way you could actually cast spells poorly for the joke. You’d just be hamstringing yourself in the long run. Maybe they are a Bard at level 1 just for the basic spells and then start taking levels in something else when the Bard stuff clearly isn’t working


This is a great idea and a good write up! I don’t know why I didn’t even think of rogue when I wrote my comment. I think it makes a lot of sense as someone with a lot of enemies


Which part of this is infuriating you? The fact that a message is popping up or what it’s asking you to do? Or is it the fact that it’s all in comic sans? Honestly, 2FA is a really simple way to greatly improve security on your account. I’m no expert, so maybe it’s got major flaws that I don’t know about, but just set it up really quick and choose to remember your device. Now you’ll never need to worry about it and you won’t see this message


First I’ve heard of this but it looks like it definitely has some Chrono Trigger DNA and Yasunori effing Mitsuda involved in the music department! I will absolutely have to check this out


One time I got trapped in a store because the door was behind the counter where the register was and a guy was sitting there the whole time. I decided not to buy anything, but I looked around for a while so I felt like he might question me. So I just kept pretending to look around which made it even more awkward to leave empty handed.

I think I decided not to buy anything after 20 minutes but spent a whole hour in there trying to figure out how to leave


I believe a normal magic 8-ball has raised letters so they press against the top and push all the colored liquid aside. So a normal d20 with recessed numbers probably doesn’t work as well.

When I saw this posted yesterday, I started down a rabbit hole of figuring out how to make a magic d20 like that, but I couldn’t find any stls or 3D models of a d20 with raised numbers, since that wouldn’t make any sense for 99.9% of uses.

I found this video of someone making their own custom magic 8-ball with links to stl files with raised letters. Someone who knows how to create the files for a 3D printer could probably easily extrude the numbers on the faces, but that person isn’t me



The game’s size on PC is 139.84 GB. It’s 100.19 GB for the Standard Edition and 117.07 GB for the Premium Edition on consoles, which also comes with a digital artbook and soundtrack, skin pack, and the Shattered Space Story Expansion (when it becomes available).

Preload for Steam users will start on August 30 and require 125 GB of free space


Such a jam with great guest voices. I unironically love this movie and soundtrack, but this song is especially good


Yeah, that’s the other real killer. So many guest musicians on the album. It makes it a lot of fun


Honestly now I just want to put a normal, numbered d20 into a magic 8-ball and use that


Oh cool. Kinda surprised it’s not a more common idea. But I’ve been thinking it probably wouldn’t be too hard to make your own if you have a 3D printer and know how to use it (I don’t and I don’t)

Would be a really fun thing to bring to D&D night

Was anyone else kind of disappointed in the Pokemon presents? (kbin.social)

I was hoping for something new, like a new pmd or Legends, or another new spinoff entirely, but we got literally nothing new. We got detective Pikachu release date, a couple events for the mobile games, and dlc we already knew about. The applin and duraludon evos are great, don't get me wrong, but I really wanted something new,...


You’re not alone. I wasn’t expecting anything new, but I wasnt blown away by what I saw. I’m pretty excited for the SV DLC, but the way they are revealing info about it is killing my hype. I don’t know why, but the way they are dragging their feet has me caring less and less each trailer. Like there were some new forms or evos in this trailer, but I didn’t feel excited.

I can’t stress enough how little I care about Cafe Remix, but every Pokémon announcement has to spend 5 minutes telling me about the new visitors or outfits or whatever. I assume people must be playing this game or they wouldn’t be leaning so hard into it, but I really dont care at all.

I was into PoGo at launch but I’ve really grown to resent it and Niantic as a company so I don’t use any of their apps

I am a bit interested in Detective Pikachu because I loved the movie even though I never played the first one, but it’s not something I’m very hyped about. I may not even get it, but it does seem fun.

I would love to see another Legends game announced or something to actually get me excited. The same Treasure of Area Zero trailer 10 times with a couple new screenshots added each time is not doing it for me. I didn’t even share the video with my friends and talk about the announcements. I’m basically the only one still interested in giving Pokémon a shot and even I’m just so bummed with what they’re showing.

I will say that some of the anime stuff they showed looked kinda cool, but it’s probably not something I’ll actually watch at this point


Yeah most people I talk to about Pokémon these days just dismiss the franchise as crap and bring up things like Cassette Beasts instead. I’ll always be a Pokémon lover but I am a little bummed out by the state of things sometimes.

Check out Monster Sanctuary if you need another fresh monster taming game. Probably my favorite non-Pokémon monster game of all time


Haha, I totally get it. I had the same experience with Cassette Beasts. Like I love the mechanics and music and a lot of the monster designs I’ve seen, but after 5 hours I was done with it. Not sure why considering all my friends think it’s the best thing ever.

Infinite Fusion is another one they all love, but I couldn’t really get into. I loved Insurgence when I played it like 8 years ago. Radical Red was very enjoyable too but I did a lot of save scumming lol


The best feeling is knowing that your players had fun and want to play more. Glad you are all having fun. LMoP is great for new players and DMs alike


Been looking forward to this, but this drip feed of info is so tiring. I feel like I’ve seen this trailer like 3 times now with tiny bits added each time. Not a huge fan of that rival’s character design, but some of the Indigo Disc characters looked cool.

pikasaurX4, (edited )

Love this guy’s videos. They are hilarious. You definitely need to watch the RPG series if you like this one. Other honorable mentions are the Curious George one and the Lanky Kong one

Adventure awaits! Huzzah!


First one I saw was the YouTube algo showing me the Lanky Kong vid a few months back, but yeah, he has a unique, slightly dark sense of humor. The RPG one had me rolling though. An absolute gem in my book. Thanks for sharing this one. I hadn’t seen it

pikasaurX4, (edited )

I had to block the whole !random community because it was so out of hand. I was blocking the users and reporting the posts, but there were just too many. I can always unblock the community later after the mods clean things up.

Not sure what kinds of tools Lemmy mods have to prevent this sort of thing because it seems really obnoxious for users of all federated instances and also for the mods themselves to keep up with it


True. It also won’t help against malicious spam bots, but it helped me get rid of all the repost/rehost bots I was seeing when I first joined

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