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Smarter Every Day is the big one for me.

For explosives there Ordnance Lab, they have the paperwork for all kinds of stuff the Mythbusters couldn’t get their hands on.

Modern History TV for medieval life. Tod’s Workshop for pre modern weapons. Grand Thumb for firearms. Townsends for colonial/revolutionary american food and lifestyle. Primative Technology. Miniminuteman, archaeology.

Chemistry YouTube: Explosions and Fire, for an Australian synthesizing explosives in a shed. Nilered for interesting chemistry in an actual lab. Various others.

How to Cook That debunking cooking myths and tiktocs.

Donut Media, car stuff.

Visual effects and debunking: Captain Disillusion Corridor Crew

Law: Legal Eagle Steve Lehto

Special mentions: Lindybeige Sabine Hossenfelder

Start looking into this and you get loads more in your recommended. For all the low effort R-ddit and meme channels there are loads of people working on high quality content. Learning YouTube is vast once you get into it. Nebula is pretty good too.


Are there any good ones? Am I allowed to launch a coup?


Aged like milk has a lot less impact if you are good at it.

What do you think of Just Stop Oil?

My Views: I would love it if Solar, Hydro and Wind and other renewable sources of energy + Non Renewable Nuclear were to provide enough energy reliably to completely replace fossil fuels, but I know it’s not a feasible solution at least at this point. And maybe it will never be. Renewable sources of energy are highly dependent...


Good on you for checking in with all those people, it must have taken a while.

Lifting the whole world off of fossil fuels is going to be hard, especially if we want to do it quickly. This isn’t however a problem the capitalist and nation-state models are well equipped to solve. It should not be a question of can a given people afford the technology or if someone can turn a profit on it.

We need to do this as a species, for the species. It should be given not as charity, not because wealthy countries owe it to poor ones, but because it is right that everyone should benefit from this.

The difficulty is how to convince the politicians and their masters of this, and I don’t think throwing paint on things is going to be sufficient.


Generally I find the wait times aren’t really longer. The perceived time maybe, as I can ring ahead and then go pick it up, but for me it’s just the usual calculus of what could I alternatively spend the time doing and is it worth the added cost. It’s the same as do I call a tradesperson or fix something myself. Replace a washer on a tap? Sure I will do that. Install a new toilet? Nah, get a plumber.

If money is tight and I’ve got the time then I’m going to cook myself. If both are tight then there’s always ramen.


A lot of them assuming you don’t get the required secondary powers.

Super speed, if your perceptions aren’t heightened it rapidly becomes impractical, if they are things are going to get painfully boring real quick. Even thinking at double speed means you are going to be waiting for the world to catch up a lot. Never mind what even relatively low G-forces can do to someone.

Super-hearing. Imagine if you really could hear conversations a block away, it can be hard enough discerning one conversation in a crowded room, imagine it being like that everywhere. All the rats and insects you will be hearing, the sound of people’s clothes rubbing together. Even if normally loud things aren’t deafening just focusing on one thing will be taxing.

If you don’t get secondary powers then super strength is going to suck. The human body is already capable of injuring itself with its own strength. How many fastball pitchers get arm or shoulder injuries just from throwing something really fast, or power-lifters who have something break or burst. Modern sporting records are starting to push up against the structural limits of the human body.


On top of that you need to account for the fact that the earth’s surface is moving at different speeds depending on latitude and elevation. Even if you can do the calculations to hit your mark, there is most likely to be some energy mismatch that needs to be accounted for.


Time travel would have to imply teleportation as well. If teleportation is actually instant or ftl, it would also be at least some level of time travel as you would be able to move outside your causal envelope.


Yeah, I don’t mean my own clothes, (though I do quite often hear them). I mean everyone’s. I’ve also spent quite a bit of time living in a building where you could hear the rats moving about rather clearly (through a combination of a rat problem and some poor construction decisions.) Yes it goes from a ‘what was that?’ alert to a ‘oh it’s the rats’ but you still notice. It’s very different to continuous background noises like AC or traffic.

Loving one’s life as if always at a loud party is exactly the thing I’m seeing as the problem. Yes you can actively focus on something specific, but always having to do that is going to be unpleasant. Never mind all the stuff you are going to overhear that you don’t want to overhear.


Off the top of my head, if a strike is declared illegal then the workers don’t get the usual protections, so the employer is free to retaliate as they see fit (generally dismissal). The state doesn’t have to actually do anything.


Hasn’t ever been a problem before. They can hire scabs, and some people won’t have the fortidude, you don’t need to convince everyone to cross the picket line to break a strike.

I’m not saying that illegal strikes can’t work, in fact I think the correct response to making strikes illegal is to strike illegally. It does however require people to be much more firmly committed to the cause.


Defiance of power is the only crime the state cares about.


I’m not saying you are wrong, but its: A) not necessarily a matter of expense, but one motivated at least in part by ideology (can’t let the union win) And B) mainly about perceptions. If people believe their job and possibly future employment opportunities are at risk, they are more likely to break. Scabs aren’t necessarily unskilled, they are just people who have decided the cash is more important than solidarity.

In an ideal world employers would realise a content, healthy, and properly compensated employee is better for the business and the economy in general. In reality they are going to keep cutting corners until the whole thing falls apart because line goes up.


Such workers tend to be better treated. There are many companies though that use a lot of what they see as commodity labour, and the staff involved at hlthat level as fungible and fluid.




As much as I like success counting systems, the speed of one die roll-under is really good if you are playing a game with lots of procedural rolls.

Success counting really benefits from games using concepts like let it ride from Burning Wheel (don’t keep rolling the same thing unless the situation changes significantly) and either extremely limited or highly abstracted combat.


Personally I think the whole ‘life/humanity begins at conception’ thing is a smoke screen. Life began a long, long time ago, and the cell line you belong to became human deep in prehistory.

The actual question is “does the state have the right to use one person’s living body to support the life of another?” It applies to organ transplants as much as it applies to the unborn.

How can I download this web comic? (

So, I would like to have a copy of this in maybe a .cbr or .pdf or whatever, but for it to also keep a little bit of its essence, like the background and also sometimes it has like parallel dimensions so right after one part it goes to another dimension so its hard to download, would it make more sense to save it as a website or...


So it looks like it’s already been formatted to allow you to just get the whole thing in one go (the megamanga). It would be just a case of making sure everything is saved in some meaningful order. Are the alternate universe things ever more than one link deep or are they more of a bonus panel?

It’s a bit left-field for this community but you might actually get some reasonable milage out of contacting the artist and asking for their help in archiving it. This isn’t corporate art-product as far as I can tell so something might be arranged that is more efficient than just sending a scraper out to lift it.

Let's talk travel/insulated mugs.

So can we talk mugs? I tend to make a half liter (~17 oz) of coffee in a French Press in the morning. I run into the problem that I get about a half hour to 45 minutes (I’ve never timed it this number might be wildly off) in before the, “Crap! Its getting cold!” moment and feel like I have to accelerate my consumption to...


You might get some milage out of looking at the camping end of the market. You can get double walled mugs without lids (or with simple ones) and you are still drastically cutting heat loss even if it isn’t sealed.

You could also get a more traditional flask, just fill it up then pour out into a smaller cup as you need it. You should still be able to get ones with glass inner walls.


A plastic ice scraper will help get the bulk off, then you can get a variety of solvents for removing any residue. If it is metal then it should be fine with most solvents but check the instructions and do a test patch somewhere discreet to be sure.


The specifics can be argued, (and have been, and will be). The Buddha said that evil action is rooted in greed, hatred, and delusion. He said he understood this when he saw the true nature of reality.

Kant said “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” And says this is evident if you reason through things.

Moses had a great big list of rules that he said the creator of the universe told to him.

Governments establish laws based on the interests of those in power, they say to obey the law is right and to disobey is wrong and they will use violence to punish those that disobey.

These are just some examples, there are loads more including utilitarianism, virtue ethics, various other religions and customary systems.


If you do it randomly they will all understand that the problem is ‘world leaders’ if you do it based on a ranking system you will have ones who think they are one of the ‘good ones’ and so safe.


To maximise staying under the radar, probably fabricate. You’d not be amazingly rich, but you could establish a decent living with a lot of free time. If you want to be amazingly rich and you squint hard enough at fabricate and what tool proficiency count mean in the modern world you can probably make some bank with a bit of study of chemistry or engineering. Being able to magically create complex drugs or something is going to draw attention though.


If it’s sending information to Microsoft then it has clearly been hacked. Likely by Microsoft. It was very nice of that young man to break protocol and blow the whistle on this whole thing. You should send him an itunes gift card as a thank you.


As others have mentioned, we are already kind of there. I can fully understand how someone could fall in love with such an entity, plenty of people have fallen in love with people in chat rooms after all, and not all of those people have been real.

As for how I feel about it, it is going to depend on the nature of the AI. A childish AI or an especially subservient one is going to be creepy. One that can present as an adult of sufficient intelligence, less of a problem. Probably the equivalent of paid for dates? Not ideal but I can understand why someone might choose to do it. Therapy would likely be a better use of their time and money.

If we get actual human scale AGI then I think the point is moot, unless the AI is somehow compelled to face the relationship. At that point however we are talking about things like slavery.


I think it is short sighted not to at least investigate if we should.

If an AGI is operating on a human level, and we have reason to believe it is a sentient entity which experiences reality then we should. I also think it is in our interest to treat them well, and I worry that we are going to create a sentient lifeform and do a lot of evil to it before we realise that we have.


Hypotheticals are pretty important right now I think. This kind of tech is very rapidly going from science fiction to real and I think we should try and stay ahead of it conceptually.

I’m not sure that AGI is necessary to achieve post-labour, a suite of narrow-ai empowered tools would be preferable.

By way of analogy, you could take a human child and fit them with electrodes to trigger certain pleasure responses and connect that to a machine that sends the reward signal when they perfectly pick an Amazon order. I think we would both find this pretty horrific. The question is, is it only wrong because the child is human? And if so, what is special about humans?


I think I the difference is that I find ‘human’ to be too narrow a term, I want to extend basic rights to all things that can experience suffering. I worry that such an experience is part and parcel with general intelligence and that we will end up hurting something that can feel because we consider it a tool rather than a being. Furthermore I think the onus must be on the creators to show that their AGI is actually a p-zombie. I appreciate that this might be an impossible standard, after all, you can only really take it on faith that I am not one myself, but I think I’d rather see a p-zombie go free than accidently cause undue suffering to something that can feel it.


“I am here, I move forward.” Might do for you. Say it, take the time to see where you are and what you can do next. Even a small improvement is valid, just make sure you move and don’t dwell on things you can’t control.

Best of luck.


You shall keep a civil tone when you talk to capital. Don’t get above your station, consumer.


Can probably extend that a bit. I’ve very rarely seen a sex scene in a movie and found it to actually be relevant.


Some graffiti is, I think, traditional at this point and a good mural can do wonders to humanize it. I have a feeling that patterns are not actually going to improve it though. The problem is often the form rather than what the material looks like. You could paint it to look like a row of thatched cottages but that would to me be even more depressing.

You are also then committed to repainting it regularly or it’s going to quickly look even worse than when you started.

Toys for dog who loves cardboard

I’m dog sitting a few times a week (same dog), and he loves chewing up cardboard. He doesn’t eat it or anything, just makes a huge mess. He has nylabones and similar chew toys, but he’s not very interested in them. He seems to prefer things he can rip to shreds easily. Any idea what sorts of toys would be a good...


You can get what are essentially stuffed toys without the stuffing that my friend’s terrier really likes. They are a lot harder to tear than cardboard and might offer a similar experience. They are also good for interactive play.

What is some very predatory, sneaky and popular among children game?

I’ll be doing a workshop in a few weeks, and I wanna raise awareness about predatory lootbox paytowin games. I wanna play live, an easy to start playing and understand game, that is so sneaky and predatory that some kid would very easily buy some microtransaction or lootbox without even realizing what they just did....


People have gone over the ptw mechanics for Diablo in some depth. It’s not exactly a kids game, but it has all the things. Kids are kind of a bad choice for the real predatory stuff, you might get them to give you a couple of grand once, but if you can hook an adult you get to hit them every month.

If it must be kid focused, have a look at those cutesy merge games. Or just hit a popular game and look at the ads it’s running.

Thing is, most of these games are kind of bad unless those little pleasure hits really work for you, so you might not find them ‘fun’. These aren’t supposed to work on everyone, rather they are designed to really work on a minority of people.


Depending on where you live (and therefore what legal protections you have) you can demand your details. In the UK this is the right of access and is exerted by making a subject access request (SAR).


Pretty much. I have seen a few services pop up recently that will do this for you, but that costs money, and is of course including a third party. This is why prevention is largely better than cure.


Nicotine (the main active ingredient in tobacco) is a mild stimulant. It can help people relax or focus better. You can also get a bit of a headshot if you smoke intensely

There are also cultural benefits. Hanging out informally with others, especially at work can be useful. A 10 min informal tea break every now and again would be better but that’s the world we have got in many workplaces.


In such a way that they understand what you are talking about like I would? Might not be possible.

Look up Mary’s Room for some more thinking into this subject.


Nah, worst is palindrome interpolated ymdyydmy

Why is 60fps a big deal for games?

My background is in telecommunications (the technical side of video production), so I know that 30fps is (or was?) considered the standard for a lot of video. TV and movies don’t seem choppy when I watch them, so why does doubling the frame rate seem to matter so much when it comes to games? Reviewers mention it constantly,...


You can achieve the appearance of motion at lower frame rates, but when things are moving quickly the distance they move between frames can get quite high. You can cover this up with motion blur effects but it’s just not quite the same, and not so easy a process as when you are capturing real video.

Think of the difference between when a camera does a fast pan and when you turn your head quickly. I think if you really focus in on what you are seeing you will be able to notice some difference.

There is also a bit of that audiophile effect where lo-fi is good enough until you have got used to something better.


Grids certainly don’t slow me down, though they do reduce the spectacle and I suppose lower immersion. They certainly make me more aware that I am playing a game rather than taking actions in a world that actually exists. I’d say this is a feature rather than a bug though as they are often used in games that I want to be handling in that analytic piece moving fashion.


Discord was (is?) rather aggressive about setting up new accounts. You could have clicked an invite link two years ago and it associated with your email and generated an account.


The problem is that money is permited to generate money. So the more you have beyond the threshold to sustain yourself the more you can generate without labour. The business with no interest loans accelerates things but it isn’t the problem. It is that the system rewards idle investors at the expense of those whose labour actually generates value.

Capitalism wasn’t fine until someone broke it. The core concepts behind it are flawed.


This has been disproved. We live on a globe in an experimental non-magical universe kept at a university run by wizards who live on a disc held up by four elephants on the book of the Great Atuin.


Pumpkins probably make more sense if grown in the three sisters style.


The stuffing is the worst part of an Oreo.


Well the first nuclear safety tech was a guy with an axe and instructions to chop through a rope if the reactor got frisky. So I suppose there is previous.

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