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I have anxiety and I didn’t mind much when people called me, because I have caller ID, I could just ignore the unknown callers. But then emergency alerts are now a thing in my country and my phone has started to whine and ring multiple times a year, like the end of the world is coming, to tell me a child is missing, or that a big storm is coming. Plus, during the pandemic, my government thought it would be a brilliant idea to send general messages to the public using that emergency system…

The most frustrating part is that I can’t disable nor mute those alerts. My only way not to have my phone blasting the emergency alarm unpredictably, is to mute it permanently. I’m now missing calls but on the positive side, I don’t notice amber and emergency alerts.


I tried disabling them on two phones using Android 11 and 13. I can slide the sliders to “off” but it doesn’t change anything. I also tried to disable them using adb. Alas even if everything is disabled, the phone still blasts the alarm.

Apparently those are mandatory and you’re not supposed to be able to disable them.


If I understand correctly, the alerts can be classified under the different categories listed in the options (amber, extreme threats, etc…) and those can be disabled. However there is a categry called “presidential alerts” and those cannot be disabled.

Lucky for me, my province just blankets everything under “presidential alerts” and so that’s why the sliders don’t do anything in my case. Like… they should, but because my province just sends everything as super mega extreme presidential alerts, the options are useless.


No one organism is more evolved than another

There might even be a belief that humans are somehow ‘more’ evolved than chimps, or any other life form, but this is simply not the case. Humans have had exactly the same amount of time to evolve since the beginning of life on earth as any other organism on earth.…/10-surprising-things-you-might-no…


Before this week, Canada.

In Canada eyes and teeth are not considered “health” and thus is also not covered by universal healthcare.

It was up to the provinces and employers to implement whatever coverage they wanted for those. In my place, dental care is free if you are under 18, or if you live from government assistance. The only way to get healthcare for your teeth as an adult, is to have a dental plan at work. So a young adult working minimum wage in a convenience store doesn’t have dental insurance.

From personal experience, I didn’t have dental insurance between 18 and 30 because I had low wage jobs.

However this is going to change a bit soon, because the social-democrats just pushed a vote to expand dental insurance to everyone that needs it. It’s not universal yet but now people with low wage jobs will be covered.


Yet to me, G4 represents the downfall of TechTV and when everything became pretty bad.

The Screen Savers, Call for Help, X-Play… then G4 merged with TechTV and everything went downhill.

TechTV was the sole reason why I had satellite TV. When G4 turned it into a full gaming channel instead of a tech one, I just cancelled my subscription.


Canada’s Worst Driver.

It’s an interesting concept but it wears out fast when you realize most of the people on the show would either need help with their mental health, or should simply not drive at all.

It just shows that we have a bad health care system when it comes to mental health, and that we are dependent on cars on top of that.

Like, they had multiple people with severe anxiety issues that thought they should absoluuuuuutely drive a car no matter how dangerous they were. And unfortunately it’s not like we could encourage those people to use the inexistant transit system where they lived.

So most of the seasons are the same with different people, eventually all returning to driving a car, even if some should definitely not.

And they called it ‘rehab’. Ugh. They should have realized how cringe and immoral it all is after the first few seasons, not 14!


Going above warp 10 is definitely not recommended.


The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible.


I started calling them by their first name when I thought I was old/adult enough not to say mom and dad anymore. My sister does the same.

But this has also been different from every side of our family. I speak a T-V language so we have formal and informal. My father and all his family were formal with their parents. And my mother was informal with her parents. In the end, I went in between. I use informal with my parents and call them by their names.

My bother in law noted that and brought it up. Apparently, it’s weird and disrespectful from his point of view. Yet, to me it’s quite normal.

How can a 16 years old teenager feel comfortable saying “mom and dad”? To me, ditching those terms meant that I was not a child anymore.


I’m not American though. And English is not my native language.

But it just felt too close to continue calling them m’man and p’pa while I became an adult. I was a “rebel teenager” and didn’t want to spend time with my family. Much less call them “mom and dad”. And they stopped using the diminutive of my name years ago anyway. So I just did the reverse.


Bike touring on rail trails and quiet roads coupled with camping and visiting nature reserves and national parks.

I loved computers when I was a teenager and it became my work. I’m now working in IT.

I was fine with that for a while but because it’s now my work, I needed to find something else to escape, and be more active.

So I eventually started cycling “for fun” but now I have panniers, camping equipment, and lots of plans to go cycling and camping deep in nature.

By the way if you have rail trails and/or safe itineraries to suggest, that are somewhat long (over 80/100 km if possible), don’t hesitate to let me know.

My favourite here is 'Le p’tit train du Nord" which runs for 200 km, and I highly recommend it.


Of course there is a detailed list of all the chairs that have appeared in Star Trek. I never thought I’d say this about chairs but… interesting.


I kind of do that but in reverse with Google Maps Timeline and Strava heat maps. I can see where I’ve been and where I haven’t been so far.

I guess if someone has their location history something like this wouldn’t be too hard to accomplish.


Indeed. One can see the reverse of that idea on their Google Timeline.


The multilingual emergency messages with the high pitched beeps on cruise ships.

I’ve never been on a cruise but I’ve seen a few videos and documentaries and always find this terrifying. You have nowhere to run to but a muster station. Like, you may drown while hearing a foreign language that you can’t understand but is somehow telling you to GFTO.


Cars. They are everywhere and are like cigarettes. Addictive, bad for our environment and bad for ourselves.

And we even try to keep using them as long as possible by switching to an electric version, just like cigarettes. “But it’s electric, it can’t be that bad!”

Humanity is not running to its doom, it’s taking a car.


Addiction can be psychological.


“Anti-immigrant” but welcoming people from select countries. Reminds me of how a Swedish person told me he thought there were too many immigrants but that I, a Canadian, would be perfectly welcome to go there.

Apparently some people are considered immigrants and that’s bad, while others are just expats looking for a new home.


As long as you’re in Europe. Those things could be useful in North America but I can’t see how they will ever get approved in Canada or in the US. I don’t know about micro cars in Mexico and their laws but in Canada, everything between a full fledged car and an e-bike is considered “too dangerous, unsafe, not serious, toy-like” and is generally forbidden to go on roads and/or bike paths.

For example, in Quebec, it’s illegal to use an e-bike under 18 years old without a scooter licence. So the Ami has no chance at all here, unfortunately.


They are very different “vehicles”. The class which allows Ami to operate in most European countries does not exist in most North American jurisdictions. A Smart is classified as a car and is road legal but an Ami is considered a quadricycle and as such is usually not considered road legal in most of North America.

Where I live it’s not considered as any type of valid vehicle. If it sticks to quadricycle, the law is going to require pedals, limit it to 25 kph and a helmet for the passengers.

There are places in the US that have some “neighbourhood EV” laws that make these legal on local roads, but it’s far from being common.

So if you are successful in importing one, you will most likely only be able to use it on private land.

Also, no insurance company is going to want to insure it.

And, to top ot all, the dealer, Stellantis, is apparently much more interested in selling pick-ups to North Americans.

…don’t expect to get one through Canadian or USA Stellantis dealer networks. They are 100% obsessed on moving EV versions of Jeeps, RAM pick-ups, the new Airflow crossover and their ProMaster truck offerings.



There are some data centers that are water cooled though. I know OVH uses water cooling for some of its servers, and also seems to be developing immersion cooling.

OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login. (

Update…Per Microsoft’s instructions, disabled all tracking protections in Safari and requested desktop mode and it works. Their instructions say turn protections back on after using teams… 😐...


I work in the tech support field and Microsoft is making me want to quit and find a work that doesn’t involve using Teams. I’ve never liked them very much and been a Linux user for over 20 years, but I still have to deal with them for work. However they’re becoming increasingly difficult to tolerate.

They really really want Windows users to have a Microsoft account. I avoid that and prefer local accounts. But Microsoft likes to link my local account with my Microsoft account anyway, because I need to give it to them to play Minecraft on Windows. So now even if I didn’t want to, my Windows account is showing the picture of my Microsoft/Windows Gaming account profile because I must have passed over a box to uncheck somewhere while logging into Windows Gaming to play Minecraft… mildly infuriating Microsoft.

I used a personal laptop for work a few times and accidentally connected my OneDrive to my corporate account. Again, I must have misunderstood the configuration and login process because it synced (more like moved) all my personal files on my work’s OneDrive. Mildly infuriating Microsoft.

Same personal laptop used for work sometimes. I use Edge specifically to separate work from personal browsing and somehow, again, I logged in somewhere with my work account and it synced all my personal browsing history and saved passwords from a different browser, into my “Edge for business” online thigny. So when I was using Edge at work, on my work computer, it was suggesting me logins and passwords from my personal browser that I use on different computers. Mildly infuriating Microsoft.

Teams, OneDrive, Edge for business, their subscription model, forcing Microsoft accounts… individually they are mildly infuriating but combined together, let’s say it’s a powerful generator of rolling eyes.


Sure, free until you have to feed it and pay vet bills.


I don’t drive a car, so where’s my money for saving the planet? Where are my rebates for shoes and bikes?

Subsidizing the car industry is indeed dumb. I don’t think it’s hurting the economy though, as the goal is to continue to sell and replace millions of cars. Still, the infrastructure for cars is probably costing us much more on the long term though. Maintenance of expressways, space for parkings, and other infra for cars costs billions.

Just replacing a single expressway interchange in my city cost 4.3 billion! For ONE interchange.

So again, where are the rebates for people taking public transit? Where are the investments in public transit? Why is it only on the condition of BUYING A CAR?


I go camping and do touring on my bike and just as the article says, you are in a better position to sadly observe the carnage. It’s also sad when looking at all those cars and trailers on camp sites.

As someone that’s aware that my passage in nature will be destructive, I can never comprehend how some people can choose to “be part of nature” by driving to a camp site with an SUV. I already kill snails, caterpillars, snakes and frogs while cycling on my bike. At least I can see them and it makes me aware that it happens. I don’t drive a car so I can only imagine that nobody will notice running over a frog. Drivers are “sealed away from their sins”. And that may be part of the issue, as I know plenty of vegans that will drive a car and forget about the innocent raccoons and deer.


We’ve heard much about the good work you’ve been doing here.


I kind of moved on to other devices or older models, depending on what is needed. If you just need a low power computer that can run Linux for simple tasks and projects, there’s now lots of alternatives. So far I’ve tried a Banana Pi BPI-M5 and a Le Potato and they’re both promising.

There’s a few instances where an original Raspberry Pi is still needed. For example, it’s super easy to install Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi while not really supported on other experimental boards. Same with GPIO tinkering with some hit and miss implementation on alternative boards.

The only negative thing that I’ve began not to like about the Raspberry Pi was/is the power management and consumption on the version 4. The fact that I had to use a “dumb” USB-C charger and that everyone on forums and in comments were always “screaming” that you needed a beefier or more powerful power supply kind of killed the enthusiasm for me. Like, I can charge my laptop using a power bank and PD, while the Raspberry Pi 4 complains that it doesn’t get enough power from the same bank. I’m sure they fixed their power issues and PD negotiation in the version 5 but apparently, it will also necessitate a pretty “good” power supply because it can pump up to 25 watts. Personally I don’t need that much power for most of my projects and it’s even annoying because it significantly reduced/reduces the number of ways that I can power the board.

Still, I’ll certainly try it if I can get my hands on one. They are very nice devices and their popularity makes them very standard and compatible. But I’m not in any rush because I’ve since tried alternatives and some will also do just fine too, or even better.


AFAIK that’s one of the goals of the ARM (and maybe eventually RISC-V) architecture. It’s doing well on mobile and the low consumption is needed for a future that will require less energy. Or at least, do more with less. Having ARM desktops would also merge the mobile and the desktop environments.

Apple has moved to this architecture, and software wise, Linux is very compatible too. Even Microsoft knows and is trying (clumsily) to move to ARM.

The Pi5 will indeed open new possibilities on that front.


As a pedantic French speaker I’ll point out that “je l’aime” is neutral and doesn’t specify a gender. It could also be “I love him” depending on the context.

It’s Garak’s sentence so he can decide what it means, but knowing it could mean either her or him is an additional layer of subtlety.


Then they should get much smaller and lighter. If they have to get their tires and brake pad replaced for wear every so often, where are those particles going? Unless they evolve tires and breaks that don’t shed particles in the water and the air, or get very very light batteries.


Yeah. Surely buying more tech stuff will save us. We just need to sell even more cars, but “ecological”, and the car pollution problem will be solved in time, with even more cars, but less polluting this time! Truly a marvel of engineering.


In perfect conditions for Wi-Fi. I live in a high rise and the 2.4 Ghz band is hardly usable. My previous phone didn’t have dual band Wi-Fi and it was much faster on 4G than WiFi.

Plus, modern routers and APs often rely on band aggregation and so even with devices that have dual band, crowded airwaves will have a negative effect on speed.

Wi-Fi is very fast when I’m in my cabin in the countryside. But when I get home with the same devices, it’s barely usable.

You could argue that I need a better router with the newest protocol and gizmos but so far, even with new bands and protocols, Wi-Fi is still a competition of which router and devices will shout louder than their neighbors.


Nope. They tried hydrogen trains in Germany and are not buying more of them.…/hydrogen-train-germany/


This makes me ponder on how old some of those “issues” are. I remember using ESD over OSS and being very happy to finally be able to hear sounds from multiple programs all together instead of having a single program monopolizing the audio output.

History doesn’t repeat itself but it rhymes.

That being said, even with all its issues, ever since ESD and now pulseaudio, this has been one of the reasons why I prefer to use Linux over anything else. Mostly for RTP streaming nowadays.

In fact, for a while, pipewire didn’t support RTP streams and I kept using pulseaudio just for this reason.


I do tech support for a living. I once had a neighbor that is handicapped and she kept asking me why her computer was always asking her stuff and was rebooting ‘by itself’.

Turns out she had a very old computer that was using a very basic version of Windows Home (she couldn’t even change the background) and it was constantly choking and rebooting because of updates.

I installed Linux Mint on her computer and requests for support have dropped by 90%.

In fact, I have done this for a few unexperienced computer users and because they mainly just use a browser, it’s much simpler for them.

When you think about all the notifications Windows is showing to its users about everything, from antivirus to OneDrive, and all the actions its prompting, it’s easy to see how some very basic users may find that extremely confusing. For people like that, a stable Linux distribution will be bliss (and for the people helping them).


Yes but it was still a P4 running Windows 7 Home Starter so whatever modern OS would choke on that anyway. I eventually gave her an old Phenom with a triple core but with the condition that it was running Linux Mint instead of Windows.

I moved a few years ago but I’m still going to help her a few times a year to do the updates. It’s very low maintenance compared to Windows.


It is good to have friends, is it not, Mr. Garibaldi? Even if maybe only for a little while?


Or when you both have a few series and movies in common but not everything. A friend and I can make TNG and Voyager references but he doesn’t like DS9 or Enterprise so it’s a bit restrictive.

He tried and saw a few episodes of DS9 but apparently it’s not as insidious as root beer.


Honestly, there’s a nice community of people advocating for a better city in my area, and I enjoy the “circlejerk” of agreeing with them and see their stuff. And want it or not, lots of officials and cities still have accounts there. It’s easy to “Xcrete” about a shitty bike path to your local neighborhood mayor and include the right people to make it a bit more noticeable.


No. I’m just a “level 1” tech that have been doing this for many years, and I’ve always seen him and most of his channels as unprofessional, with the exception of the person now named Emily.

Linus himself didn’t seem like a great tech to me, mostly because he seem to struggle with anything else than Windows. I don’t care that much about hardware because I have been gravitating around hosting, mainframes (IBM i) and corporate so his channels and benchmarks are not of great interest to me. But that experience helped me see in his other tech videos that he was not serious.

And the way he “used” his employees to do anything unrelated to their job definition was weird. Like, I’m a tech and can install cable, but there’s people that you should hire for that. It’s not my job to move desks around or paint the walls while also having to do my regular tasks. Should have been the same with his employees.

He gave the impression of being someone that will use the “we’re just one big family” excuse to get his employees to do anything, while talking superficially about Windows computers and pushing merch.

I ended up asking YouTube not to recommend any of his channels.


I like Firefox for Android. It has an extension to play YouTube videos in the background, and you can block ads using uBlock Origin. It also blocks ads on the mobile Twitter website, so I can avoid using those two shitty apps thanks to FF for Android.


Apparently it’s common to forget about him, since since the crew of the Enterprise did the same for a few years, until he had to remind them of his existence.

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