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Sweeney does not want to contribute in any way towards making the steam deck more profitable.

I think he actually wants a monopoly. He wants to be, functionally, the only digital storefront on PC. And doing anything that could help Valve, even in another market, would detrimental to that goal.


I’m 100% neurotypical and and find that pretty much every community is just a bunch of relatable memes. ADHD, Autism, Bi-polar disorder, depression, etc.

Same thing with all the various sexual identities. I’ll call out bisexual people because I think most of them will admit it: they’ll take literally any behavior and appropriate it as a key element of bi culture. Lemon bars? Bi. Bad sitting posture? Bi. Cuffed jeans? Bi. Finger guns? You’re not a goofy sitcom character, you’re bi! Appropriating any innocuous behavior as part of your sexual identity’s culture? Bi!

I’ve got no problem with it. Anything for more good memes.

paultimate14, (edited )

Traditionally, console makers like Sony and Microsoft often create a mid-cycle console refresh,

Am I tripping or did this only happen once each? Was there some PS3 Pro or Xbox 360X that I missed?

I’m not saying they aren’t going to do it again, but I wouldn’t call it a tradition just yet.

Edit: People I know there were slim versions and other variants of consoles. I’m talking about mid-generstion upgrades to performance. Like Nintendo handhelds: the New 3DS and Gameboy Color would be reasonable examples. There’s some things you can stretch: the N64 memory pack, the Sega tower of power.



Yes they’ve had slim versions of course, but their performance/feature mix has been the same (or even worse) than the original. I’m not sure why you’re bringing them up? That’s been a part of the industry for longer than Sony has- Sega had 3 models of the Genesis, Nintendo had the top-loading NES, etc.

I’m also not sure what you’re referring to with the Apple marketing bandwagon. The word “Pro” has been used for consumer goods for decades. Off the top of my head I always think of Bass Pro shops. Apple is just one of many, many companies doing the same thing. And also that only applies to Playstation- Microsoft is using their X terminology. Although we will have to see if Microsoft decides to upgrade the Series X what the hell they’d call it (2x? XX?).

My apologies if I come off as rude, but I’m genuinely trying to figure out what you’re talking about here.


Games keep getting bigger and bigger. This game is expected to be about 100GB, and that’s not uncommon for modern AAA games. The CoD games have been over 200GB for a while now. Previous FF games have been similar size. RDR2 was 120GB.

I would expect most people playing FF16 on PC to have a small SSD drive with their OS, key programs, and maybe a couple of games, then a HDD for bulk storage.

I’m not interested in the FF series, but if I was this message from the devs means “clear up some space on your SSD”. Which can sometimes be an inconvenience.


The PS4 has an HDD, and only partway through its life upgraded from SATA2 to SATA3 even.

Personally, I’ve got my boot drive, plus a 2TB SATA3 SSD for games that benefit from it’s plus a 12TB HDD for the vast majority of games that don’t need it (or to temporarily store games- it’s faster to move them between drives than re-doenload them). So if I was planning on playing this games hearing this from the devs would let me know I need to free up some SSD space.


“Just let us read everything on your our computer, bro. That’s all we need to make it awesome, bro. Trust me.”


Biological sex is also a spectrum


TL;DW: your understanding is a simplification. It an assumption that allows educators to move past complex nuances when teaching about broader topics as part of a general education. Chromosomes and gene expression are a chaotic mess in reality.


Steven Universe

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power


Don’t even talk to me unless your cat beds have weight-sensitice heating pads


I’m down voting not because it’s not funny, but because these jokes are too dangerous to dumb people.

The moon landing being faked, vaccines causing autism, the earth being flat, lizard people controlling the world. These jokes get a lot less funny when people actually start to believe them. There’s already enough “young earthers” out there voting without memes like this.


JK Rowling doesn’t consider herself transphobic either. Bigots don’t consider themselves bigots.


Eh this is kind of where he came from.

His mother was a high-ranking official in the DRoC’s government. She also worked for the US DoS and has been a professor and high-ranking official in various universities. His father was a dean and professor of vocal performance. They met in Yellow Springs Ohio, where Dave lives and still has other family. It’s the same home town as Mike Dewine, the current GOP governor of Ohio. It’s basically a college town around Antioch. Recently Chappelle has been flexing his money around the town to convince the city council to not build affordable housing.

It’s interesting looking back at how much of Chappelle’s Show’s humor revolved around “the hood”.


According to Chappelle he converted to Islam when he was 17. He was born to well-off parents in academia and lived in the suburbs. This is who he always was.


It was always an act


Without knowing the context of what drove OP to make this meme, my guess is they have some high and mighty idea for some sort of standard and someone else pointed out the XKCD comic is the most likely result.


I’ve been doing exactly this the past couple of weeks.

Also I’ve set up a JellyFin server to be able to access my backups. It takes so e tinkering with the folder structure and file names, but once I figured it out it does a pretty good job of scraping metadata. And it saves on the wear-and-tear on my optical drives only having to read each disc once.


If you use DD/MM/YYYY, dumb sorting algorithms will put all of the 1sts of every month together, all of the 2nds of every month together, etc. That doesn’t seem very useful unless you’re trying to identify monthly trends, which is fundamentally flawed as things like the number of days in the month or which day of the week a date falls on can significantly disrupt those trends.

With MM/DD/YY, the only issue is multiple years being grouped together. Which may be what you want, especially if the dates are indicating cumulative totals. Depending on the data structure, years are often sorted out separately anyways.

YYYY/MM/DD is definitely the best for sorting. However, the year is often the least important piece in data analysis. Because often the dataset is looking at either “this year” or “the last 12 months”. So the user’s eyes need to just ignore the first 5 characters, which is not very efficient.

If you’re using a tool that knows days vs months vs years that can help, but you can run into compatibility issues when trying to move things around.

The ugly truth no one wants to admit on these conversations is that these formats are tools. Some are better suited to certain jobs than others.


This is incredibly true.

Most of my family just does really dumb stuff with stuffing. Celery? Fucking gross, get that slimy wood out of my food. Putting it in the turkey? Far too soggy. I understand some people want to call it “dressing” instead of “stuffing” if it’s not “stuffed” into the bird, but I don’t care. If you want to get pedantic I’ll just say dressing > stuffing.

The worst is overseasoned stuffing. Under-sessoned stuffing can be saved by gravy. But I’ve had stuffing that’s way too salty, or just completely overwhelmed with black pepper.

The boxes stuff? Perfectly acceptable every time. A variety of flavors: traditional is great, but don’t be sleeping on cornbread either.

I’ve had some pretty good stuffing in restaurants. And I suspect it comes straight from the same factory as the boxed stuff too. I’m sure I could make a slightly better stuffing myself from scratch, but not significantly better enough to merit the increased cost, time, and kitchen resources.


Ah yes hardcore gamers, truly the most oppressed minority.


I’m looking forward to the ward between factions posting the two quotes in comments sections every time a game gets delayed for the next several decades


They do some indie game publishing. As far as I can tell I don’t think they have any development studio or anything.


I’m in a similar situation. Streaming fron the PC to the deck is fantastic. Games the Deck struggles with are suddenly playable. Intense games that would normally ramp up the fan and only get a couple of hours of battery are suddenly easy for the Deck to handle. I highly recommend it.


And yet it’s almost impossible to find just plain Cranberry juice in the US. The manufacturers do everything they can to try to trick you into buying “Cranberry Juice Cocktail” or “Cranberry-Flavored Juice”. It’s all just water, apple juice, and a bit of Cranberry concentrate. The real thing is ridiculously expensive and comes in small, artisanal, glass bottles.

Cran-Apple is probably better in most applications anyways. The deceptive marketing around it just irks me.


Passenger rail, in the places it’s successful, is often seen as a service rather than a profitable private business. Similar to the mail, or the billions of dollars that go towards car infrastructure.

The question shouldn’t be “why aren’t the private entities paying for it” but rather “why do private industries own this?”. Look at the UK: they famously privatized their rail network and it’s gone to shit ever since.


Hmmm who should I trust more: the statements released by the unions or some rando pushing a political agenda on the Internet?


Where do your figures come from?


The only morally correct metabolism is photosynthesis


Keto includes vegetables, mushrooms, and tons of other food beyond just meat. All Keto is is cutting carbs.

Essentially, stop eating grasses because you don’t have the digestive equipment large herbivores need to do so. Corn, rice, wheat, etc. Also cutting out sugar. I haven’t seen a single diet recommend eating sugar in my life, but maybe some bulking diets do?

It’s possible to be both vegan and keto. Incredibly expensive and difficult, but they aren’t mutually exclusive.


They have leaned hard into VR

Have they though? Sure they’ve made two headsets now, but it still feels like they are targeting a very niche, premium audience. It’s nowhere near as hard as Xbox leaned into Kinect for the Xbox One launch, for example.

They criticize the Q. Once again, a niche premium accessory that seems more like a test run for a later projeft than a real product. I don’t think Sony has a whole lot invested in that.

They claim the new PS5 slim models have a price increase. But that’s just the digital edition, which also now comes with a larger SSD and an upgrade path. The physical edition gets the larger SSD for free.

They criticize rumors of a Pro edition. Literally just tossing stuff against the wall to see what sticks here lol.

They cite Bungie failing to “teach” other studios how to make live-servicd games. That premise seems incredibly flawed to me: they bought Bungie for their existing productive portfolio.

They criticize Sony for going “off the rails” to try to stop the Microsoft-Activision/Blizzard acquisition. For es claims that Sony spent an “enormous amount of time and money and reputation on that fight”… But did they? Yeah lawyers aren’t free, but did Sony really spend an enormous amount? That seems like a stretch. And reputation is incredible subjective: a lot of people who aren’t Microsoft shills can see that mergers and acquisitions hurt everyone other than shareholders.

Forbes fails to cite any actual sales figures in this article, which would show that the PS5 has been dominating the Xbox series this gen. Comparing it to the Switch is tricky, but however you slice it the PS5 is selling well. Sony just released their fastest-selling game in history in Spider-Man 2. They just announced they are finally free of supply chain constraints on the PS5 and have told their shareholders to expect one of the biggest holiday seasons in history.

This article is a weird hit piece. Did someone at Microsoft write this?


ITT: “Bud Light is bad”

So are all of the top-selling beers in the world, and especially in America (which is the subject of this article).

We get it. You’re into craft beer that costs $20/pint. I like them on occasion myself. But when I want to get drunk on beer cheaply, I’m not going to my local brewery. I’m not even going to Great Lakes or Same Adams. I’m going for a cheap, light, mass-produced pilsner. PBR, Coors, Miller Lite, Bud Light, Youngling, etc. They’re all the same cheap swill.

It’s the same with everything. The average person who isn’t an enthusiast consumes tons of mediocre junk. Taylor Swift is probably a good analog for music: I don’t see a lot of academic musicians analyzing the new music theory she’s implementing, or literary analysts dissecting her lyrics. Marvel Movies are getting famous for being pretty much the same heroes journey with rushed CGI every 6 months or so. Tons of people still watch shows like Friends, the Office, and Seinfeld. McDonald still sells billions of burgers in spite of the existence of high-end restaurants.

And that’s okay. Not everything. You consume needs to be some ultra-expensive artisanal elitist product.

As for Bud Light in particular, this is a a great example of a bad PR team. Either stick to your guns or don’t enter the fight in the first place. The fact that they’ve backed down and caved to transphobes means they’re much lower on my list now.


You can find bottles for over $100 of you look for them.

I’ll admit I’m exaggerating a bit for effect here. Wine, Whisk(e)y, pretty much every other alcohol is the same. It also depends on if you get it at some fancy restaurant or a case at a wholesaler.

Southern Tier PumKing is a seasonal Halloween brew that’s pretty expensive. I see my local spot is advertising it for $16 for 4 12oz bottles. $16 will also get you 12 12oz bottles of Miller Lite, so 3x the volume for the same price. Southern Tier a moderately-sized brewery: not one of the big ones, but not a local microbrewery either. I can also see there is a listing for Weldwerks Old Rio Medianoche for $428.99 for 12 16oz bottles.

So Miller Lite is $0.11 per oz, PumKing is $0.33 per oz, and $2.23 per oz for the super expensive stuff.


I find it funny how every single European brewer thinks that their country is the only one that knows how to brew beer properly. Or anything else. In America, there’s such an incredible diversity that there is not much value in reducing the whole country to such generalizations.

Interestingly, the 5th most expensive beer in history was from Belgium. The De Cam & 3 Fonteinen Millennium Geuze. So no, Belgium isn’t immune to ridiculously priced beer.

The point I was making is that there is a wide range of price points available for beer (like most products). I started by defending the existence of the low-end, cheap beer. Once you get to a certain point, you’re paying for a weird gimmick or status symbol more than the quality. This isn’t some weird American quirk, but a global phenomenon.


Lol capitalism is ramlanr across the globe to various degrees.

Is Porsche American? What about Ferrari? Lamborghini?

Or we can look at something else like cheese. The most expensive cheese in the word is Pule, from the Balkans, ranging from $600-$1300/lb. The second is Moose cheese (Swedish, $500/lb), the third is White Stilton (British, $400/lb).

Kobe beef starts at $100/lb for low-grade stuff and goes up from there.

The most expensive champagne was “2013 Taste of Diamonds” and sold for over $2,000,000/bottle. It is, of course, French.

Does anyone in Europe, or anywhere else in the world, embrace “normal” as a marketing term? One of the cores of marketing is to differentiate a product from competition, so that only becomes an option if “normal” is itself abnormal. An example of that would be noname, and they are Canadian. Aside from that, there are certainly brands in America that Americans would describe as “normal”, but that is derived from the lack of marketing rather than a converted effort to use that term.

Once again it seems like you just learned what you think you know about America from reading some news headlines, and you’re generalizing that “Europe good, America bad, no where else exists”


Super Mario Maker 2 came out in 2019. Nintendo would probably consider that a 2D Mario game, but I’m not sure I do.

Do re-releases count? New Super Mario’s Bros Wii came out for the NVIDIA Shield in 2017. Kind of an edge case.

New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe came out for the Switch in 2019. Is the “Deluxe” significant enough to count? Probably depends on who you ask.


CVS BOUGHT my health insurance company earlier this year.

If we are going to be cursed with private healthcare, can we at least maintain a competitive market? Right now it’s an oligopoly at best, effectively a private monopoly for a lot of people.

Are phone notification LEDs still a thing?

Looking at all the features that older phones uses to have compared to newer ones, I never hear anyone talk about the removal of the notification LED. I personally really liked that feature, being able to see if I got an email, a text or missed a call without turning on my phone was awesome. My Samsung note 8 had this feature,...


Headphone jack, 2 SD card slots, physical shutter button, front-facing speakers

Sony is really behind the competition when it comes to making worse products.


When I first got an apartment with my wife, she brought an old denim couch from her parents’ basement.

It was old and the foam was worn out, but aside from that it was surprisingly comfortable. It resisted the cat scratching pretty well. I would totally be open to buying another one some day.


Interestingly it was unpublished until it showed up on a blog.

I’ve always wondered if it was made for a commercial use that fell through. It looks like it should be a goosebumps book, or a poster advertising a Halloween event at an amusement park.


Lol I was thinking the roller coaster transforms the people into zombies. So then they’re free to get off the ride and go get some funnel cake or hit up the bumper card or whatever.

Your ‘Set It and Forget It’ 401(k) Made You Rich. No More. — WSJ (

For four decades, patient savers able to grit their teeth through bubbles, crashes and geopolitical upheaval won the money game. But the formula of building a nest egg by rebalancing a standard mix of stocks and bonds isn’t going to work nearly as well as it has.


Control what you can control.

I’m a risk-averse person, so I’ve always favored reducing expenses. Definitely no debt of any kind at that point. Assets in good condition: hopefully 2 relatively new cars (unless my city gets better urbanism over the next few decades), a house, relatively new roof, appliances, etc. No major repairs or renovations expected, just basic maintenance for a solid 20-30 years.

Between my mortgage, student loans, and car payment today that’s about 60% of today’s budget that I won’t have to worry about in retirement. That just leaves food, utilities, clothes, maintenance costs, etc. If things go well I will be able to live in relative luxury (eating fine food at restaurants, traveling, etc).

From there, the performance of my investments and state of my savings (along with my health) will determine my lifestyle. Maybe I end up spending my twilight years in my house catching up on the backlog of books, videogames, and movies I never got around to. I can live with that.


I’ve noticed more often I’m getting two unskippable 15 second ads. I’ve been watching YouTube less and less because of it. A lot of creators I like are on other platforms, like Nebula or Spotify. It’s moved to the end of the line for when I’m looking to watch or listen to stuff.


If PSVR2 was PC compatible I probably would have bought it by now.

If it has a better library I’d be at least considering it. I’d like to play Horizon, but that’s not worth spending over $500 for. Gran Turismo 7 would be intriguing (both VR and regular) if it didn’t have micro-transactions.

Honestly the library issue kind of applies to the whole console. I kind of understand that the pandemic led to more cross-gen games, and multi-platform games are good for the industry as a whole. But I’m still not seeing a lot of reasons to buy a PS5 on this list. The list disregards PC versions, which I kind of get because Sony is publishing AAA games on PC and you often need to spend 3x the cost of a PS5 to get a PC powerful enough to run them. But some of these indie games like Stray and Tchia feel like a stretch.


I’ll say that fewer console exclusives is for the better.

Maybe my issue is just how console gaming has changed, and how all 3 companies have screwed consumers.

If I buy Stray on PS5, will I still be able to play it 10 years from now? 20 years from now? Will the PS6 and 7 be able to play PS5 games? Does it matter if I have the physical or digital version? Am I going to be able to rip and emulate PS5 games on a PC at any point? Once my PS3 dies, I lose my digital games and at the mercy of the emulation community to play my physical games. Once my 3DS dies… It’s all gone, and piracy will be the only way to play the games I paid for.

I already bought Stray on Steam. It’s not a guarantee, but I like my odds better there.

I bought my PS5 expecting that there would be some great exclusives there eventually, and that even the ones with PC versions would be better on PS5 (at least at launch and while I’m still rocking an RX580). But all Naughty Dog has done is remakes so far. I love Insomniac, but I’m not a Marvel fan and I miss their more creative work.

The biggest use I’ve gotten from the PS5 has been using the DualSense in PS4 games because I don’t like the DS4.


This looks like it exactly matches the comforter from a hotel I stayed at recently. It was a “Tru by Hilton”

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