Father of 2; husband; FOSS & Linux lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.

Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.




This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Some folks have stated in other places that Odysee is a separate company, but I remember when Odysee was launched by LBRY. I mean, maybe Odysee will still be around, how are they going to make money without LBC?

I noped out of LBRY when they started down the conspiracy nut route and really stepped out when it was clear they were more interested in crypto than content.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Boo! Hiss! Take an upvote!

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t agree with the Lemmy dev and won’t read his stuff, but I also stopped using Signal years ago. First they won’t allow third party appa or self hosted servers, then they got into Crypto and were building a wallet and currency, which is their right, then they announced a proprietary closed source part of their application that can’t be auditted in the name of fighting spam. Yes there’s a blog post out there about it that they themselves posted and no I can’t look it up atm. I’m personally tired of sacrificing privacy for the name of security so I left.

I moved to Matrix and Element. I have my entire family on it, all nontech folks except me, and none of them have any issues. We use it for text and video constantly and have for years. It’s gotten very intuitive.

To each their own, but Signal isn’t the bastion of free open source privacy anymore imo.

Be honest, do you still use reddit?

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don’t look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I’d go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I...

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Project Gorgon 20GB. Very old school, skill based, slow paced, made by 2 indie devs that worked on things like Asheron’s Call, Star Trek Online, etc.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Very excited about this! REALLY hope we can get this running on the Steamdeck!

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

The Jake Paul giving away $5,000 to someone that boosts his message is just disgusting. Those people see a CELEBRITY just oh so generously giving away money! YAY! I see someone in a position of power saying “DANCE MONKIES” for what’s peanuts to him and helps his celebrity even more and that’s fucking disgusting.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been around long enough to see many projects be extinguished.

To your first point, these companies essentially have infinite money compared to you, me, everyone combined on Mastodon. They can and will figure out a way to track you across servers and they will figure out how to exploit that. Cookies weren’t supposed to be used for tracking they way they are, but the money hoarders figured out how to exploit them. Browser fingerprinting wasn’t a thing, but it can now be used to track you. How you type and how you speak online can be used to ID you.

If you think that Facebook is willing to share anything, I just don’t agree. Facebook will create Threads, they’ll put it on the Fediverse, they’ll align, then eventually they’ll start building features that Mastodon, Lemmy, etc refuse to or literally can’t or won’t have the time to do, and then they’ll start selling how they’re so much better and you should come join them, or they’ll say they’re more secure, or they’ll just smear the others. People will flock to the new and better, because hey it’s still on the Fediverse and open, eventually they’ll close it off and strangle the life out of the Fediverse. I’ll still be on the Fediverse, but these platforms are all about content. If people stop showing up, they can still exist, but they’re basically useless. It’s happened before, it’ll happen again.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Ok, so I have a very unique background in systemd. I worked at Red Hat supporting it basically as the primary support and I’ve worked with the developers of systemd at Red Hat directly. I no longer work there.

So first off, it’s “systemd” all lower case. I don’t care, but for some reason Lennart Pottering (creator) does.

systemd was a MASSIVE change. And Red Hat did a TERRIBLE job relaying it. To the point where I’m still trying to get my company to understand that it can NOT be treated like the old init systems. You can NOT just drop an init script in place and walk away and hope it works. Because a LOT of times it doesn’t. Due to forks, switch users, etc.

systemd is NOT an init system. RHEL 5 and older had sysvinit as it’s init systemd. RHEL 6 had UpStart as it’s init system and looked exactly like sysvinit that no one even noticed. systemd again is NOT an init system. Init system is 1 part of systemd. systemd does a lot of cool things. It bundles applications together, it manages those applications and can restart them or kill children, it can do resource constraints, it separates out users from the system, and lots more.

Because it is not an init system there is a LOT LOT LOT of bad recommendations out on the internet where someone has X problem and person suggests Y and IT WORKS! … except it doesn’t REALLY work as far as systemd is concerned and you’ll hit other issues or your application takes longer to start or stop and people just blame systemd.

It is systemd’s fault that it has done an ATROCIOUS job of helping people adapt. It’s a great example of RTFM. systemd’s man pages are INCREDIBLE and extensive, but when you drop so much knowledge it becomes more difficult to find what you want/need. systemd.index and systemd.directives are your best bet.

So systemd does a lot of amazing things that sysvinit never attempted to do. It’s never attempted to explain anything it expects everyone just learn magically. it’s INCREDIBLY complex, but once you understand it’s basics you can more easily get an application running, but as soon as there’s a problem it’ll just break your brain.

To give you an example, sshd’s old init script is like 250 lines of bash. systemd’s unit file comparative is like 12. Because systemd handles a LOT of what you manually had to handle before. BUT to get to that 12 you literally have to learn EVERYTHING new.

There is no “is it good or bad” here really imo. It’s a completely different fundamental design. Red Hat made it for themselves. Other distros picked it up. It can be argued that lots of folks followed Debian and Debian had a few Red Hat board members that were pushing it. Whether they pushed it of their own accord or because they were with Red Hat I don’t have a clue.

What I can say is at my current company they’re suffering from a LOT of systemd issues and they don’t even realize it. I’ve been working with Red Hat to try to get Insights to alert people to the failures and we’re making progress.

To see if you have issues just to start run the two following commands:

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;"># systemctl list-units --failed
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># systemd-cgls

If you have any units that are failed, investigate those. If you don’t need them, disable them. As for the systemd-cgls this shows HOW systemd is grouping things. ANY application that runs as a service (or daemon or application or runs in the background or however you wanna say it) should be under system.slice. ONLY humans logging into the system (meat bags NOT applications switching to users) should be in user.slice. A LOT of times what happens is an old init script is dropped in place, they start it, it has a switch user and systemd assumes it’s a user and puts it into user.slice. systemd does NOT treat anything in user.slice the same as in system.slice and this WILL eventually cause problems.

So again, is it good or bad? Eh. It does a lot of cool things, but they did a MASSIVE disservice to ALL of us by just expecting to relearn absolutely EVERYTHING.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

As an end user, unless you’re running a server, then no you shouldn’t have to mess with any of it.

If you’re running a server or a sysadmin you absolutely 100% should be paying attention. Almost every single vendor I’ve seen selling their applications only have initscripts. Which then cause issues. I’ve gone to the vendors and told them and they’ve said go to Red Hat. Well Red Hat doesn’t support that vendor’s init scripts.

Not naming an application, but it was from a BIG BLUE company and they said their only instructions are to call their script from the user. But it won’t remain running if you do that because systemd will close out the slice when the user logs out. SO it’s obvious they haven’t tried what they’re suggesting.

And I’m not attempting to state that systemd is impressive in any way. systemd basically took what had been building over 40 years of init scripting and threw it out the window and said our way is better. I don’t think it is. I’m just saying, with a directive based unit file it’ll be simpler to parse than a bash script.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Outside of Firefox, and very niche browsers, every other browser is built on Chromium. Edge, Opera, Chrome, etc. They all just add in their own customizations and things. You have to go look directly for Chromium, which the vast majority of the world doesn’t know exist. That’s the only reason why.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Didn't we already fund this shit?

Time Warner Cable reported 97% profit on broadband before. They don't need anymore money.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

/me waves from powerlessness.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Guess me as an end user for Fedora should stop contributing my time and energy to identify and fix bugs, or get Fedora's name out there, because I FIND NO VALUE in giving Red Hat my FREE work.

One thing while I worked at Red Hat, they will under pay you, they will push you beyond the breaking point, they will under value you, because "we will change the world." And apparently you change the world by all those things I just mentioned.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

No mention of Matrix. Wonder if it's not on their radar, or they have nothing, or just wasn't important to put it on there?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Is there a link to this article or doc or anything?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Found a PCMag article indicating this:


So OP did indicate it's from 2021. That's a long time though in tech. So while interesting to see, who knows if this has changed in 2+ years.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

I stopped using Signal after they said no alternate clients, then got into crypto, then introduce a proprietary shim to their stack.

I plan on someday actually running my own Matrix server for myself and family, right now I'm on Matrix.org though. At this point I don't know how folks recommend Signal over Matrix. There are a lot of clients, so maybe the choice of clients is too confusing? IDK.

But anyone saying Matrix isn't easy enough for non-tech folks to understand, my sister, niece, even wife set up Element themselves on their phones without issue. My father and step-mother both use Element with us. I configured it but they know how to message and do video chat and things.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

We do voice and video chat every week with my family and it seems to work incredibly well. No real issues with any of it.

Anyone try the SteamWorld Build demo yet? (store.steampowered.com)

I gave it a try the other day and really enjoyed it! Really nice cartoon art style / setting. The above-ground portion of the game feels like a solid clone of the Anno series games. Then below ground adds a fun twist of exploration / resource gathering into the mix....

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, it's a LOT of fun. I always liked the Steamworld style for games. And I enjoy that they always try something new.

It has a great feel, the art is great. Apparently the demo ends before you get to the tower defense type mode. But I think they nailed the Anno feel while keeping it less complex and more interesting for me.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

IDK. But from what I've heard and seen of the trailer, there will be a sort of tower defense thing in the mines. IDK what it'll be like, but seems interesting.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Is this true? I never knew this. Is there another primary insect in the US that's a pollinator?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Thank you!

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

They gonna include my perspective that Google has helped foment discord in society and has helped strip away any type of privacy we had online while attempting to turn us into mindless addicted drones that just click and buy so they can make another cent?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

I'm not into FPS anymore, but even I thought about picking it up. The substance over style is fine with me, but that core gameplay seems like a rock solid thing. The only thing that has given me pause on picking it up is that they're planning on changing the anti-cheat that isn't Linux friendly and as a Linux user, just gonna wait for now.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

In my experience being vocal about changes doesn't do much. There's a million factors and Linux support is probably at thr bottom of their priority list. Or they've been told be the anticheat it'll be fixed someday, etc. I understand they're a super small team and they have to pick their battles as well.

I'm too tired for that fight/discussion anymore. I'll vote with my wallet. Plus I have a million other games to play.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Looks beautiful and delicious!

Thank you for sharing!

Weather Forecast and Weather Forecast Accuracy for Your City (forecastadvisor.com)

Meant to share this earlier in a discussion about weather apps, but forgot. This site is interesting because it scores different weather apps based on their previous accuracy in your area. Most of the best ones, unfortunately, at least in my experience, are probably going to be proprietary. I would always grumble to Mrs. Hedge...

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

weather.gov for anyone in the US?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Wife is a nurse that works at a hospital and when she'd come home from her shift, when Covid was raging, she'd derobe in the garage and run to the shower to wash. We had a 3 year old and 6 month old at the time. And she risked all our lives to help people that didn't take the issue seriously and some that even yelled at her that she faked their bloodwork because Covid wasn't real.

Thank you for trying to help others, even when they don't believe it's real.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

"This change means that we, as builders of a RHEL clone, will now be responsible for following the licensing and agreements that are in place around Red Hat’s interfaces, in addition to following the licenses included in the software sources. Unfortunately the way we understand it today, Red Hat’s user interface agreements indicate that re-publishing sources acquired through the customer portal would be a violation of those agreements."

Sad. Very glad I got out of Red Hat when I did. It's not the same place.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Really any PC could be made into a NAS. If you have any old PC laying around you can install Linux to it, and then set up disk shares. I'm assuming you mean an appliance like NAS and honestly the only one I know of, but never used, is Synology.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Every company wants to be a monopoly and not have to compete. Not sure why this is surprising especially considered Microsoft's historic monopoly on desktop.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Wonder how this affects direct RHEL copies such as Rocky or Alma.

I was at Red Hat when they moved CentOS to Stream and a lot of us were VERY unhappy about it. Kind of knew the writing was on the wall for them when Red Hat hugged them closer.

I don't get this move, other than to fight direct copies of RHEL, such as Rocky or even Oracle. This might push those folks to have to follow CentOS stream, which is NOT RHEL.

Though I don't know how the copies do their builds now.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Wonder if a dev subscription is enough.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Management ALWAYS knows what's best! Obviously!

Hence why they constantly come running for us to fix it when shit goes as we say it will.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

You mean one man with a sapphire spoon shoved up his ass from birth doesn't know more than an army of folks that have studied their entire lives, experienced worlds of issues around it, and are living and breathing this stuff everyday for this exact challenge? HUH! Well today I learned! /s

And when the lay offs come, who does it affect more? The billionaire douche bag? Or the people that warned him?

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Poor ISPs! Why does everyone pick on them?

Oh wait ... 97% profit margin on internet, they trying to get that up to 99%?


@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Black background with GREEN text is the ONLY way you HEATHEN! We are now enemies! And we shall settle this like gentlemen!



@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

I use GoToSocial with Sempahore for my microblogging (alternative to Mastodon).

Also Owncast as an alternative to Twitch.

And then I watch tilvids.com and other Peertube instances for videos.

And of course Lemmy. :-D

Oh and then there's Funkwhale for audio.

It's all in different states of usability, depending on the communities involved.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Understandable. But it’s the chicken and egg problem. Creators don’t want to create content, because there’s no consumers. Consumers don’t want to sign up, because there’s no creators.

So are you the chicken or the egg? :-D

If you’re on one you don’t like anymore you could always change instances and watch videos there. If you’re worried about losing comments, well you can comment from other Fediverse servers such as Mastodon or GoToSocial and they show up on the page for the video. :-)

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Nothing stopping Vimeo from plumbing in ActivityPun amd joining the Fediverse. It’s open and the only reason no one does is because the data is valuable and they don’t want to share and play nice.

These walled gardens were not how the internet was imagined.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

Currently reading “Brave New World”, Aldous Huxley. Next up Isaac Asimov’s Foundation.

@ozoned@beehaw.org avatar

That’s terrible … show me where so I never go there …

On a more serious note, if you’re going to the federated timeline, you can get all kinds of unwanted things. It’s usually best to search interests by hashtag and build out your community of folks you follow that way. Also most platforms allow you to block stuff market as but that’s completely on the person to do the right thing. Which in reality, sadly, you should never depend on someone else.

I personally run my own GoToSocial, so I can defederate with folks I don’t want and have more control over what I see. More work for me, and GoToSocial isn’t fully ready for primetime, but that’s always an option.

The Fediverse is still in it’s infancy, so it’s gonna have some growing pains, but I’m hoping it continues to grow and things like you’re suggesting become an after thought in the future.

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