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Has Windows startup repair or a troubleshooter ever fixed your issue even once?

Yeah, basically that. I’m back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It’s not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I’ve encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?...


I think it pointed out the right direction at least once, back when i was doing tech support (xp and pre-xp). Back when the toolkit includes whole stacks of cd’s containing every driver known to exist. I don’t even remember what it is, but it was something Realtek.


same here. it’s the real reason i don’t set it up for people, they need to be able to at least maintain it. My mother can’t get the update working either until i did it step by step with her and she practiced it several time.


No, there’s an A/B implementation going on. The UBO maintainers hadn’t seen the crackdown themselves and had to rely on troubleshooting reports to see what is going on which is wild to think about - both on their skill but also did google specifically whitelist them or are they exceptionally lucky


Or to recap from history, Internet Explorer has no incentive to follow web standards and web design was a stagnant table-based layout until Netscape shows up. Wouldn’t have complete separation of text and style the way we do today if css never took off.


you can go onto your youtube history, search for that video and remove it from your history, and it will stop influencing your recommendations.

every now and then i watch a video about a topic i’m not really interested in except for that one video, and then had to remove it from history.


It’s not relevant to me, i’m in a different country, but in i’ve seen daily completely turn off your hidden phones, and only turn them on when it is safe because the alert will still blare when you turn on you phone the entire week before the test and also months before. Certain circles take warning each other about ‘Loud Day’ seriously.


I’m found the survey through tumblr, i expect there’s quite a few from there.


i’ll see if i can find it, but my dashboard hits 99+ notification in about six hours…


There was an announcement, the Joja items are getting another way to get them, there will be another festival and winter clothing for villagers.


There’s nothing stopping you from just deciding to build an idyllic cottage and not pursue a path to the Ender Dragon or anything else.

Spent so long pretending it’s Stardew Valley 3D and now cries in wanting to change from peaceful mode but having so much villagers and building a large enough wall and lighting against zombie siege is taking so long.


There’s a mechanic advice community that’s not memey…

can i have link please

Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL?

For the uninitiated, generally NSFW is for sexual contents and NSFL is for gory contents. People may want to see one but not see the other at any time for any reason. I have seen this feature requested over the years in Reddit but it never happens. Maybe now some instance can finally implement it?


Intensity warning is a good thing. Though it does make tagging complicated, but in this case overlapping tags would do. blood-death and gore-death and simply death.

probably shouldn’t borrow the exact terms from fandom, but they have tag modifiers like ‘dead dove: do not eat’ which basically means this is an absolute celebration of the previous tag, so gore tag coupled with that tag is gore intensified to the max, while they also use tags ‘slight mentions of gore’ for only a bit of gore. but if you filter out gore both would still be filtered out.

AO3 runs on open source software and has a very robust tagging system.


Saying that the strike failed is playing into the studio’s hands. WGA considers the strike a victory, and furthermore, the studio downplaying the strike’s agreement is a disinformation campaign they had done before.

Twitter thread by David Slack @/slack2thefuture:

“As WGA leaders meet today to finalize our deal, we begin a new era for writers — and for labor in our industry. But we also begin to face the final and most insidious form of unionbusting propaganda: a years-long effort to sell the lie that our strike was not worth it.

Over the coming days, months, and years, the studios, streamers, and their surrogates will take every opportunity to undermine what we have won together. They will seize on the inevitable consessions and compromises made by our NegCom as proof that we “failed.”

They will urge us to overlook all that we won through hard work and unwavering solidarity. They will claim it wasn’t enough, that we should have gotten X instead of Y, that we lost more by striking than we gained in this new contract. And they will be wrong.

They will tell us that the strike was unnecessary, it was a waste of our time and our savings, that our agents or managers or lawyers could have gotten us everything we won through individual negotiations without anyone having to walk a picket line. Well… then why didn’t they?

As hard as it is to believe right now, these lies can work. They’ve worked before. During our 2017 strike authorization vote, it was shocking to discover how many members believed we lost the ‘07-08 strike, in which we went on strike for the internet — and won the internet.

This didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of years of whispering by studios and anti-union allies. And they don’t just do it because they’re bitter about losing. They push the lie that we used our power and lost because they hope to stop us from using our power to win.

Our strike was necessary because, in our individual negotiations, our employers consistently refused to acknowledge our right and reasonable demands. Because the profound changes we needed could only be won through the unique and overwhelming power of collective bargaining.

Our strike was necessary because our employers made it necessary by driving our income down 23% in 10 years. Because they refused to address free work in features, streaming coverage in comedy-variety, the abuses of mini-rooms and the threat of AI until we withheld our labor

Our strike was necessary. Our strike was effective. Our strike is a victory. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, it’s ‘cause they never want to see us stand up for ourselves again. Don’t believe it. We won this fight. We’re the WGA, and when we fight, we win.


Going from Neil Gaiman’s tumblr (easy guess which show i’m hoping will continue :D) he’s being very cautious and also advocating staying on the picket line for SAG. And he’s not updating twitter yet, hmmm.


technically, i dropped reddit for tumblr…lemmy is a sometimes indulgences


Chrome offers adherence to standards as one of their features. But it also introduces new features that look like standards, meant to increase profits for the parent company.

VB.Net was exactly that. Difference being Microsoft’s interest was locking companies and governments onto Microsoft’s enterprise products vs Google’s user tracking. Easy, quick internal web app put together in half a day? Would never work right on Netscape. It takes work to make them work to standards.


I’ve serviced computers where the ide cable key was hand-striped or with some other marking with a marker as opposed to the line (spoon’s red wire) already keyed from factory, somewhere mid 90’s. regular procedure at that shop i think at that time to mark any unkeyed cable found. not that i ever had to mark any single one, so even then they were really old ide cables.

Actually…i kind or remember a motherboard coming up in smoke from one of those when someone made a mistake. brand new first week technician i think.


Rewatching Stargate and international cooperation feels so strange and bereft somehow. A kinder path.


Do it like AO3 and enforce only about a dozen mandatory tags, and allow ‘choose not to tag’ tag if you don’t want to tag, and you can choose to filter out the choose not to tag content…

Miss Supranational Malaysia 2023 National Costume (lemmy.zip)

Miss Supranational Malaysia’s national costume is inspired by the Dayak people of Borneo Island. Borneo Island is a special Island that belongs to three countries. Rich with many indigenous traditions and cultures, the Dayaks are one of the largest groups living on Borneo. This national costume is designed to appreciate the...


Lois: shoots superman
Clark: haha got me i’m superman
Lois: the gun’s blank


Tagging. Flair. Hashtags. Some kind of meta information.

Even in reddit posts can have flair. Lemmy have come to the edge of not having a filtering system, and need one asap. community specific tags or lemmy-wide tags or organic loose tagging, something is needed.


Yeah, i found that. As it is pretty clear that official support for tagging is not there, causing mayhem here looks like the better idea.


I keep trying to twitter and :( not liking it and i want Mastodon but :( not liking it (likely for similar reasons) and my tumblr is my zero effort and is well and alive longer than anything else ever was.

you do you.


fediverse don’t seem to acknowledge there are different forms of posting, and each of them had to be treated differently. Asking for multiple different interfaces for is a bit too much. But it is what is needed. Interacting with mastodon is what - a top post, it’s reposts, a user timeline, followed timeline, hashtags, these are things that do not exist in lemmy.

There’s talks of tumblr should join the fediverse. But how are two, ten, fifty posts chained together, each one carrying upwards to twenty tags going to be handled through lemmy. A post can be five hundred different chains and more than ten million notes.

/u/username get’s a lemmy user’s comments and posts in lemmy.
maybe /u/username/shorts/ gets a minimal mastodon feed enough to view and reply.


Yeah…have you found monyet.cc yet



I am extremely disappointed by lack of matching theme 😁

Looks like you can't opt out of redesign by default anymore?

Had to check some health related subreddits today and my account seems to be automatically redirecting to new reddit. To see old style reddit I’ve got to manually put in old.reddit.com as the url. Looks like the account settings under old reddit were edited and changed to preferences, and there is no longer a toggle to “opt...


I hate that i understand…reasons. Despite that we all have…reasons.


In ten years some kids in a discord round robin gonna ask why the fake social media in fanfiction are little blue birds. Wait they used to be real??


The last r/place, the one before this, my sub coordinated with at least half a dozen other subs - borders, overlaying images etc, basically collectively defending a few sub’s patch of images. At least a few hundred people collectively constantly reworking and defending from takeover, it was hectic.

subs would have pinned coordinating post, we’d cross comment in bordering image’s subs, a few users who were relaying messages back and forth to discord servers - massively coordinated effort even for small areas and extremely satisfying making it to the end.


There’s proton drive…which i hasn’t actually used. It looks like google drive, and there’s a photo option, but so far I’ve only used the proton mail part.


Yeah, lemmy isn’t really suited. only the surface level is similar - I don’t think whatever i want or build matter, anyway. I’m just going to see how it falls out and drag myself to whatever the key players go to if they do.

oyenyaaow, (edited )

The names/addresses of these might create problems? Maybe lemmy.ml/c/user/blog and lemmy.ml/c/user/microblog

It’s already /u/user, /c/community

so blog: lemmy.ml/b/user microblog: lemmy.my/m/user

dash (posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/d/user
dash (long form posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/e/user
dash (microblog posts from users you follow): lemmy.ml/f/user
-lemmy.ml/d/b/user -lemmy.ml/d/m/user/m

tags (all posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/t/<tag>
tags (all long form posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/v/<tag>
tags (all microblog posts with this tag only): lemmy.ml/w/<tag>
-lemmy.ml/t/b/<tag> -lemmy.ml/t/m/<tag>


I tested with ublock origin (firefox), removing the shorts section via adblock works.

oyenyaaow, (edited )


Okay, as someone with their doctorate in plant health (specifically trees and landscape plants), I’m frothing at the mouth livid.

Pollarding is a type of pruning done where you remove the upper branches of a tree with the intent of forcing it to grow more branches. Historically, it was used to produce fodder for livestock and wood for fencing, crafting, etc. but now is more of an aesthetic choice - it creates dense shade and reduces the risk of heavy branches becoming safety concerns later.

However, that pruning is something that occurs in January - March, when the tree is dormant. Not in the peak of summer, when there’s a heat wave expected. By doing it during dormancy, the tree has already stored all of the nutrients and sugars the leaves held in the roots and trunk, ready for use in spring.

By pruning these trees now, they’ve severely damaged them, if not outright sentenced them to death. Leaves provide a tremendous amount of shade to the trunk, actively cool the area through respiration (pulling water through the tree and into the air around it), and provide sugars and nutrients necessary for growth through photosynthesis. These trees now have to work overtime to compensate and re-grow and entire canopy of leaves with reduced resources.

These trees are in what are sometimes affectionately known as “hell strips” - there’s a concrete sidewalk on one side, asphalt on the other, and they get hot. Not just upwardly hot, but they heat the soil underneath them as well. The root zone of these trees don’t get a lot of water to begin with (concrete and asphalt don’t let water in well) and it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of soil around the tree to begin with.

Trees in hell strips already have the heat and restricted root zones working against them - you can’t have healthy trees if you don’t have room for roots. Now these have to compensate and draw resources to push out new growth.

In addition, all of those pruning cuts are open wounds - places where infections and insects can enter into the tree. Usually mature trees can manage minor infections or infestations with no issue. But these trees are now extra susceptible because their immune response is weakened - all the extra energy available is going to new growth, not fighting off infections.

So there’s a bunch of factors here that have put these trees at a disadvantage: the removal of most photosynthetic plant material, an increase in surrounding temperature, a restricted root zone, the potential for increased infection, and a heat wave expected in the next week. These trees are going to struggle the rest of their lives because of the decision to prune these trees like this now - all over a desire to break a strike so the studios don’t have to pay their actors and writers and editors fairly.

I hope they get the book thrown at them with tree law. And then some.



Follow the link folks. Not me.


kittensgame windows, browsing windows, youtube windows, general stuff windows, all the languages windows, kdrama windows, stardew valley windows…


Why do you think it is listed first? 😅😅


A stab wound on good health heals better than a stab wound on bad health. Any injuries short of death is still better in a healthy body. I would not want a scratch on a diabetic body. And even if immortality is not on the table, severe chronic illness makes aging disgraceful.


Agree too. Perfect health isn’t immortality.

Be honest, do you still use reddit?

I used to check the front page at least once every day, and occassionally check specific subreddits. Now I don’t look at reddit unless theres some drama, like mods getting purged, then I’d go there and enjoy the drama. Occasionally there will be questions that only reddit has the answer to so I have to reluctantly use it. I...


2 subs, one of them i go in every few days and go through almost every new posts and some older ones for quite some time now, and haven’t found a similar one here. and /whatisthisthing because seriously there are a lot of new interesting things there. and i guess i’ll answer if i ever were there. if old reddit is gone, i’m gone.


Wasn’t there an insane internal politics war going on at microsoft at that time? desktop and tablet/phone teams were sabotaging each other.

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