
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

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@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Etsy is now just as enshittified. Almost everything on there is dropshipped bullshit from AliExpress. You have to trudge through a massive amount of crap listings just to find anything handmade.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Typical government move. Have a blatantly obvious questionable agenda to make spying on citizens easier, but tie it to something like children or “freedom”. Makes it easy to go “don’t you care about the children?!” This approach is so lazy it’s both insulting and nauseating.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Had a friend open a conversation line by referencing something on Quora and I immediately tuned out. Quora is a wealth of nonsense.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Stone Temple Pilots? Fuck yeah.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I write JS/TS daily and I agree with this lol.

I’ve offset it with Golang lately.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’m pretty new to it. The types and struct stuff are a bit hand-wavey, but I like how quickly I was able to ramp into it. I built a simple API with it in a few hours.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

“Clunky” - this hit it on the head for me. When I was initially getting started, some of the setup and boilerplate felt awkward. It feels very barebones, which I can see the benefit if you’re not a fan of opinionated, but as a project grows, it seems like a dark corner that technical debt and spaghetti code would amass.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

For me it was an array of events.

The war in Afghanistan (I was a kid but this was one of the tipping points that sent me down a hard leftist path).

GWB… just collectively. Freezing when told the towers were hit; lying about WMDs so he could start an illegal war.

Watching Obama get elected and then turning out to be a fucking fraud that built the drone program and carried on the US legacy of being the worldwide terrorist organization.

A big one though was watching the police continue to terrorize the Black community over and over. Years ago on Facebook I had a couple of old high school friends that argued with me that you should do whatever a cop tells you. My response was to tell them how utterly fucking idiotic that was and that cops will violate your rights if it means they don’t have to do any paperwork. They’ll illegally search your vehicle (like they did mine one time), harass you (like they did to my friends and I when we were skateboarding), and if you’re Black, they’ll shoot you in the back if you run.

Needless to say, I am not friends with either of them anymore. I think that’s when I really started to solidify who I was and have rejected absolutely everything that America is and does on the world stage. I’ve become known as the white guy that hates cops. I’ve worked with Black revolutionary groups, activist groups, written articles and tons of thoughts on police violence in America, and have marched against the police on multiple occasions. Hell, the police have surveilled me for who knows how long a few years ago, and I know people that have been under surveillance by the FBI. As an aside, you’d be amazed at the lengths this country will go to to keep eyes on peace activists.

Everything America does as a collective has brought me to the conclusion that we are in a failed state, capitalism-in-decay freefall that I’m afraid we will never recover from. We no longer innovate; we continue to loot other countries; we are all a captive audience hitched to whatever whims the capitalists and other ghouls want.

I’ve been laid off, had companies fuck me over for money and control, harassed by cops (all the way back to when I was 15 in the 90s), tracked by my own government for having a voice… there is nothing anyone can say that will convince me that the United States isn’t the enemy of the world and it’s citizens are nothing more than a disposable capitalist resource.

I hate to be a downer but my view of this country is a product of what it has done to both its own people and people around the world. I feel like a prisoner in the US.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Tell that to the doc that diagnosed me with it in the mid 90s.

Spoiler alert: ADHD is a nuanced spectrum; a grab bag of issues that are interchangeable.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Meds are the only thing that gets me through the day and the inattentiveness just gets worse the older I get.

Anyone that thinks ADHD is fake is an asshole adding absolutely nothing to the conversation.

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (progressive.org)

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This is the same reason TV shows like NCIS get 500 seasons.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

People in impoverished countries with shitty internet and devices would like to have a word.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Vue and AlpineJS for me.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Ah, sorry, that was a bit confusing on my part. I use them entirely separate. Here are some real world examples:

Vue: new projects that will require multiple components, state management, etc.

AlpineJS: when I have a tiny project/demo that needs reactivity, or if I have an existing HTML setup that needs state management and reactivity bolted on after the fact (like an old site or something like that).

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Cops will go out of their way to scrape even the smallest modicum of power they can find from the bottom of society’s barrel.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I refuse to use anything Meta has its claws on.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

“Features board members demanded because they increase value for shareholders”

The Man Amazon Erased (www.tabletmag.com)

Jackson soon discovered that Amazon suspended his account because a Black delivery driver who’d come to his house the previous day had reported hearing racist remarks from his video doorbell. In a brief email sent to Jackson at 3 a.m., the company explained how it unilaterally placed all of his linked devices and services on...

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Their TVs are annoying as fuck. I’ll never buy anything Samsung again.

Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market (dappgambl.com)

TL;DR: The NFT market has drastically declined since its peak in 2021, with most NFT collections having no value. There’s an oversupply of NFTs, leading to a buyer’s market, and environmental concerns due to energy consumption. Top NFTs also struggle to maintain value, and the future of NFTs depends on utility and genuine...

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

In the wise words of Killer Mike: “I’m glad Reagan dead”

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I had a friend that shifted super libertarian and refused to join a union because of this. We are no longer friends.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

They initiated the end, but it was already on its way out. Being a libertarian was the last straw. Libertarianism is selfish, privileged bullshit. There is honestly no way to maintain a friendship when you’re a leftist that believes in community and people, and the opposing party is a libertarian that only ever thinks about themselves.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

My experience as a leftist with libertarians in the US is that they are selfish. Every libertarian I’ve known has been privileged enough to hold views that benefit them and leave other more vulnerable citizens in the wake of it all. They sit back and wax poetic about Jordan Peterson and come to conclusions that don’t move the needle anywhere. Pushing out platitudes that solve nothing and talk about philosophy. If being a libertarian means you help your neighbors in need, I don’t see it. I see leftist communities doing that more than any libertarian. One of the nicknames I have for the libertarian brand of centrism that I’ve observed is “militant centrism”. Basically people arguing to keep things the way they were and rejecting ideas that would strive to change society to benefit a wider array of people and not just themselves.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This thing should go out the same way digital doors did at Walgreens. In the trash.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

They’re the worst. The Walgreens near me has them and if they’re not completely broken, the data on the front of them is entirely wrong. You have to stand there with the door open, wasting electricity, just to figure out which drink you want.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It also means players get rugpulled whenever the suits decide the game is no longer worth maintaining.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Companies these days: “help us think of products we can sell to procure data. No, we don’t care what the product is; we just want the data.”

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I think the endgame is to speedrun getting filthy rich and buying up a chunk of the earth before it’s completely destroyed.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I still have a white HTC Dream, aka the G1. It’s still dope.

Sea of Thieves is adding private single-crew servers in December (www.eurogamer.net)

Five and a half years and endless requests from the community later, Rare has announced it'll finally be adding private servers to Sea of Thieves - meaning a single crew of up to four players can explore the world without fear of PvP encounters - starting this December, as part of the multiplayer pirate adventure's Season 10....

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I stopped playing because I was a solo sailor on a Sloop that got absolutely destroyed repeatedly by full crews on big ships. The excitement of trying to elude unfriendly crews was fun for a while, but sometimes I just want to explore, dammit.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

How do you confirm? I think I’m on 3.5 now but didn’t see settings or any way to confirm other than trusting my eyes I guess lol.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I feel like this entire thread forgot about the closet

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

He always struck me as a troubled dude that was shaped by being a child star. It was like his escape hatch was to revert back to a child-like state and thus his closest friends… were mostly children. I was pretty split on that whole thing because I was such a fan as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s. Insanely disgusted by it, but also saddened because he was a product of a toxic environment that we’ve seen time and time again is not a good place for children.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I remember seeing the video of it when it originally came out and it was some weird shit. His bodyguard said it wasn’t a closet and was instead a panic room. They had people that would parachute into the ranch and security would tell him to hide in there. He put things in there that brought him comfort and uhh… whatever else.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

What’s to stop every single corporation from leveraging third party contractor companies just to escape union bargaining? Cognizant seems like a company that basically exists for this reason. Both Amazon and Google play this game and it’s infuriating.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This is what I like to see.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I actually met employees from the company at a conference years ago and knew people that worked there off and on. It was a pretty toxic environment and the management was basically a frat party. The office had an in-house chef for a while before they had to tighten the purse strings due to the multitude of lawsuits they were getting hit with (most of which I learned came from Sony BMG). Their team of lawyers basically worked around the clock. They also underpaid devs but had an array of talent from every level that allowed people to cut their teeth and work on some cool UI.

I used to have a ton of stuff on Grooveshark and had stuff shared to me (and vice versa) from others. It was a cool UI even if it was a little clunky at times. Great place to find obscure stuff.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I used a tool that synced my Spotify playlists to Apple Music. It worked surprisingly well. I signed up the one time, moved everything over, and then made sure to cancel the service.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I work with AI and don’t necessarily see it as “dangerous”. CEOs and other greed-chasing assholes are the real danger. They’re going to do everything they can to keep filling human roles with AI so that they can maximize profits. That’s the real danger. That and AI writing eventually permeating and enshittifying everything.

A hammer isn’t dangerous on its own, but becomes a weapon in the hands of a psychopath.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I mean, they’re already doing it. Not in every role because not every one of them can be filled by AI, but it’s happening.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It’s a great handbook on what to never do.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

There’s definitely a lot of stuff that wouldn’t fly if The Office was written today. That’s kind of the point of Michael. He represents everything a boss/coworker should never be or do. I said to my wife the other day “all of these people would get fired if this was more realistic”.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I see we’ve teleported back into the 1990s during the violent video games scare among parents. Gotta make excuses instead of, you know, actually facing the real problems.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I don’t know if he’ll ever be 100%, but he at least recognized he needed help and that’s a big deal. We don’t talk anymore due to an array of reasons (he was a friend of a friend), but I wonder about him sometimes and hope he’s getting better.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

“Well I’m sorry that you feel that way.”

That’s how this comes off. The ultimate non-apology. Fuck off, Unity.

Edit: something to consider is that Unity intentionally made this change as terrible as it is so that they could put out this apology, and roll things back to where their main goal was the entire time. It’s kind of like when you list your house for a high price so that it gets negotiated down to the price range you wanted from the outset. Don’t be shocked if Unity changes this a bit but keeps it essentially the same. It means they can then reflect on history and go “hey, remember that time we listened to the developers?” while still fucking them over.

They seem to think we’re all stupid.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Reading this suggests they’re just greedy assholes and nothing more.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

TIL. Now I know how to refer to those methods. Thanks!

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