
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸

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@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Doctors Without Borders and some Palestine groups.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Any time I hop on BF 1943 on Xbox, every game I find is filled with people. It’s definitely not super active, but it’s also far from dead.

That one is going to sting the most for me honestly. It’s still a lot of fun to hop into for a few hours.

Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

Looking for those games that you may have heard about but never tried until you got a Deck. Or old games on systems you never had that you’re trying for the first time. Or new AAA games that just released in the last year or two that you picked up for the first time specifically to play on Steam Deck and have kept you glued to...

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I installed 1,000 old game ROMs for NES, SNES, Sega Genesis/Master System, N64, and PS1. I’ve been reliving all of my childhood games since I got it. Road Rash on the PS1 was one I never played (and forgot existed) until my wife told me about it. What a blast.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Oh, no haha. It was just nice to have them as categories in the Steam app alongside my 250+ PC games.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Yeah! I binged that game when I found it. Completed the whole story and then started another playthrough.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

After work I have a window of like 4-5 hours to do anything meaningful. That means 30 minutes to an hour just to wind my brain down, 1 hour making and eating dinner, and the rest of the time before bed usually involves doing nothing but playing video games because I’m too mentally tired to do any of the other hobbies I’ve since abandoned. Rinse and repeat.

But it’s all good! I get a tiny window of 48 hours before the pointless grind starts all over. Plenty of time to get the multitude of chores done that I had no time or energy to do during the week.

Narrator: it’s never enough time.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

We’ve been trying to cook more meals and it’s been nice. It’s just hard to stick with when you’re tired and have to clean all of the dishes afterwards.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Yup. I’d kill for a 4-day work week. Just that one day would do wonders, and I don’t feel like it’s a lot to ask after the amount of work that’s been demanded of me in all of my years of employment.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Christmas Pain in Christmas Town by Chowder Man.

If you haven’t played Hypnospace Outlaw yet, I highly recommend it.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Mr. Wizard and MacGyver were big ones for me. They hit a curiosity and adventure sweet spot for me as a kid. Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross also helped teach me empathy and kept my artistic side interested.

I’m really grateful for the era I grew up in and the television personalities it gave me. It’s nice knowing that my influences have stood the test of time and I appreciate the foundation they gave my young mind.

If only I could keep that energy and inspiration going. Anxiety coupled with depression can really get you lost.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Their System Shock remake is awesome, so this should be great too. I’m pretty sure they have a whole list of games they want to bring back.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I just had to help convert an old undocumented JS project to TS too. Fortunately had some help from 2 other devs but it was still a nightmare. Tons of intertwined code responsibilities that we shaped up back into lanes, and broke out a metric ton of interfaces from.

It’s much better now and has comments everywhere. It’s also earned the company record profits recently, so now I can point to it for the C-suite.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Facebook. I never willingly go on it, but my friends all use it for events and shit. It’s funny hanging out with them and having someone mention things from a group chat I’ve never even touched. I absolutely refuse to install that fucking malware they call Messenger.

Other than that, anything Google. Have to use it all for work.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

The majority of the stories around Hamas have been proven bullshit. So I’d stop and ask why that is. Palestine has been suffering for 70+ years and antiwar activists have been trying to educate people about it for ages. Yet as soon as a small handful of flimsy, debunked stories come out about Hamas violence, the people that ignored Palestine for years come out in full force.

That alone tells me what I need. Unwilling to face the massive pile of war crimes and bodies that have been piling up on the Palestine side for decades, but will immediately jump on any opportunity to force Palestinians and Palestine supporters to answer for the crimes of an extremist group that exists because of Israel’s war crimes and violence.

You can immediately see the disconnect and the pro-Israel brainwashing surface.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Dude just flying the ship around with the landing gear down.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’ve been using Arc and it would be really difficult to leave that flow behind. It’s so dialed in for how I work.

needs some advice a bit of a downer below

We had to put down our 14yo cat last night he had some neurological shut down but he was my partners for like 9 years and she’s devastated, I’m torn too but it’s not the same I’ve only know him for a year. I haven’t lost a pet in a long time does anybody have any advice? We had 4 cats now we have 3. I’m just trying...

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’m sorry for the loss you’re both facing. It’s hard but sometimes the only thing you can do is give them space to grieve. Grieving is never an exact science for people, and will always feel different. I’d be open and just ask what they need. Be engaged but not too overkill. Comfort as needed and give those other furry family members love. Play with them, engage, take pictures and videos, show them to your partner. I’m sure the other pets are feeling the loss to some degree too, and comforting them can be mutually beneficial.

Something I’ve done is create a picture book with the best photos of that pet. Give it some humor with captions, make it something that can carry the memory of your furry friend outside of your own brains. It can help with the grieving process and also give you something lovely to glance at when needed.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I can respect a manager that can’t do these things, if they can delegate and choreograph people well. Sometimes being a good manager simply requires one to be able to corral and give support where needed. They can admit to not being capable of things and respect their reports that do those things well.

If they can’t do anything and just take a top down, demanding approach all the time, they’re useless.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

A scrubber that adheres to the shower wall would be neat. Clean your back like a bear scratching an itch on a tree.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Hell yeah, collaborative invention 🤝

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

This game was not engaging at all for me until like the very end. It has no replay value like the previous installments did. Not really surprising.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Yep! This one took me a while to figure out because both my brother and I have ADHD, but he’s hyperactive and I’m inattentive.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I like EFD much better. “ADHD” has a stigma attached to it now and it makes me hesitant to tell people I have it. More often than not, they’ll immediately form an opinion about you based on that alone.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Ah yes, more misrepresentation and intentional misinterpretation of commentary in order to support the Zionist agenda. She didn’t praise or even mention Hamas in her comment at all. This article is just another cog in the propaganda machine.

This pro-Israeli propaganda cycle has been the most disgusting I’ve ever seen. People that never have a comment on anything are coming out of the woodwork, frothing at the mouth over anyone speaking out against state-backed ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Ah, the ol’ Overwatcheroo.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I saw recent studies show that Facebook is no longer cool to younger generations, and the older generations are either not remotely interested in VR, and/or aren’t interested in Meta out of principle (security, ethics, etc). I know that’s hand-wavy and anecdotal, but I’m trying to gather who is going to buy these in big enough numbers to make them profitable. Probably just another vector that they want to hoard your data from.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

It’s hard to separate yourself from it when the company you work for uses it heavily and leans on some of the extensions for things like containers.

I used to be a hardcore Sublime Text user until it started formatting all of my code like garbage. I had plugins conflicting with each other and couldn’t find alternatives that did what I needed without clashes happening. Plus, barely anything is alive over on the Sublime side.

It’s hard to say no to an editor with that big of a community. You can find 100 plugins for your one need, vs 2 on the Sublime side (and you end up finding that those 2 plugins haven’t been updated in years).

You can always fallback to VSCodium.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

They put cartoons on it for him so he’d sit still and eat his peas.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

There are people that benefit from Twitter sinking (foreign governments, the US government, Twitter’s Saudi investor), so this has been my theory as well. I don’t think it’s a scenario where he’s aware though. I think he’s a useful idiot that can be manipulated.

orca, (edited )
@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

If Twitter is at least hindered, it no longer works as a platform that gives people on-the-ground information about what’s going on in the country. When Twitter was at its peak, it was a tool for the working class to stay connected about protests and other events occurring in real time. That makes it more difficult for a government to control the narrative. Since the media can’t be trusted, Twitter would often become the place people go for information about shady shit a company is doing, outing cops trying to blend into protests, and other corrupt shit.

Now that Twitter is becoming almost entirely paywalled and stripped of any real value, one of the last bastions of information for the working class is essentially gone. It’s no longer a hub that people use for such things. If you want to stay connected to a mesh network of people in a mass protest or something like that, Twitter is no longer a viable option to get information out immediately.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

That’s precisely why they invested in it. Sinking that ship means that one of the few remaining lifelines for working class communication around the world goes down in flames. When mass protests, school shootings, the Capitol invasion, and police violence occurred, which social media platform was almost always the place you’d end up reading about it from someone on the ground? Twitter. Think about how much easier the narrative can be controlled when Twitter is gone (or at least behind walls).

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’m sure it will stay free for them, but the rest of us are expected to pay. That kind of puts a wrench in it sticking around as the go-to platform for events happening in real time. It used to be amazing for keeping up with things like protests. You could keep track of hashtags and watch video on the ground. It’s 100% useless for that now.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Thank you for reminding me of this amazing video! Such a great track too.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Wow, this game looks awesome!

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I dumped a ton of hours into Battlefield 3, and the Bad Company games. Now in terms of BF, I mostly play Battlefield 1943. I tried 2042 but immediately hated it. They gutted the game of everything that made the series so good.

Totally going to snatch this one, thanks!

I used to play Urban Terror a ton back in the day. Not a massive game like BF and BattleBit but it’s a super fun shooter (and it’s free!).

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’ve told a small handful of people. Most of the responses are either nothing at all, or pointless platitudes about how it’s made up or “everyone has ADHD these days lol”. You’ll probably know when to share or not, and just lean on not sharing as a safe fallback. It’s still a subject that has stereotypes attached and even the smartest, well-intentioned people will either make it about themselves, or look down at you. Err on the side of silence.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

I’ve always been told the Robots file is pretty much just a suggestion.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Had an anatomy teacher in high school that only gave a shit about students that did well. Everyone had a partner in the class so that no one had to dissect things or do projects alone. It was nice and helped a ton.

Part of the way into the year and my partner transfers out of the class. So now anything I worked on meant I fell behind by default because it was one pair of hands vs two doing the work. I was already struggling a bit in the class but when I was partnerless, my grade was basically in free fall.

I expressed that I was struggling to the teacher and then to my parents. We had a conference with the teacher and, this is the worst part for me, he said I was doing perfectly fine. He was not willing to even face the fact that one of his students wanted to do well but needed the extra help. He straight up lied about my performance, when I had the lowest grade in the class. Absolutely refused to acknowledge the problem so that he didn’t have to contribute anything extra. Even saying “hey, you might want to look into a tutor” would’ve helped, but nope. This dude offered nothing. Even my parents were taken aback by it.

I ended up transferring to another school entirely. On my last day, I basically had to go like it was a regular school day so that I could get my transfer paper signed by each teacher. When I got to the anatomy class, I asked the teacher to sign it, he did, I said absolutely nothing and walked out of the class. Not going to sit there and endure that insufferable twat any longer than I had to.

The shitty part is that I loved anatomy and biology. In my previous biology class, I regularly got the highest test grades and could name all of the various animal organs by heart. I was also an ADHD kid (and now an ADHD adult) that didn’t get anything of value from most traditional learning methods. So that teacher’s absolute shutdown was more of a blow to my self-esteem and willingness to give a fuck about school than he realized.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Does he ever stretch his back legs straight out? We have a ginger poly cat that will do a complete sploot—back legs and all.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Imagine getting arrested or fined for trying to protect your own privacy. Like what the fuck.

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

Such comPlex creatures!

@orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts avatar

No, I do. It’s just insane to think about.

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