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@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Slower? The guy said he does 15mph, that’s pretty standard bicycle speed for me, I could go faster if I’m trying to really race somewhere but then my leggies get tireds >.<

Electric motor scooters are pretty neat, I wish I had one, but they’re sooo expensive :-(

One day, after the apocalypse makes money obsolete, I’ll take one from an abandoned shop while I’m scavenging for food :-D

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I really loved trying out Deep Rock Galactic, but it requires friends and I’ve not had those for years now ):

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Why not both? Like we’ve had for…decades.

The current generation, AND the previous generation (that being millennials, many of whom are now in their 40s) both would rather the natural beauty of our entire planet not be destroyed just so the likes of Elon Musk can sell a product.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

We can agree, at least, that they were indeed “slammed”, with, dare I say it, a thunderous “boom”.

I wish that good people didn’t have to struggle against the bad people that find their way to power, even in our cherished institutions. But… that’s just humans, I suppose. The corrupt and cruel will always seek power while the good ones won’t.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

But that’s the only time I feel like there might still be hope…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, there’s no Jellyfin application on my TV, or I’d swap :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I recently had a pretty crappy experience at a restaurant for a few reasons, the last being their tipping system. You won’t believe how they asked me to tip, it was mad.

  1. There was no menu, I had to Google their name and find their website (which was some obscure subdomain on some obscure food payment site).
  2. Their site didn’t work in Chrome (on any of the phones we had with us), luckily I had a backup browser installed that worked.
  3. I had to order and pay on my phone, unable to use the cash I had budgeted and brought with me for the meal.
  4. It asked me how much I would like to tip, but this is paying DURING MY ORDER, when I had not yet received any service or food. I chose not to tip.

Tipping, here in the UK, is only something you do when you were very happy with the service (and have the extra cash you don’t mind giving away as charity, basically). Our waiters, as with every worker in the country, are paid a real wage that isn’t designed to be subsidised by begging.

So, being asked to tip for the good service BEFORE receiving the service? That’s INSANE.

Due to the various ridiculous issues we had just trying to order food and pay for it, and the audacity of being asked to tip that way, I will not be going back there again.

What’s wrong with the tried and true system of a waiter taking your order, you eat, they take your payment at the table either with a normal wireless chip-and-pin machine or by cash, and then you leave? It’s simple, easy, smooth and fast 🤦‍♀️

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If you can afford to pay for all that mobile data usage, and if you’re walking through an area with good mobile data coverage, go right ahead.

For the rest of us, we have to suffice with saving our MP3s to an SD Card and listening that way, or using the radio, though as you pointed out radio sucks haha. But it is very low power and low barrier to entry!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’m nearing the end of Act 3… There are Alchemy recipes?!

Do cosmologists know for sure that the Big Bang is propelling all matter away?

Is it at all possible that instead of being pushed away, we are instead getting pulled toward something huuuuuge via gravity? As if we are falling into something way greater than ourselves? I thought this was a wild idea but after I Googled it I found out that there is such a thing as a “Great Attractor”. Something 150...

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

So I’m getting bigger? How much per year?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Do people not still do this? Isn’t it the most convenient way to store loads of DVDs and CDs?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

But how do you load the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows 🤓 hehe

I’m in the same boat honestly, I have a lot of stuff on disks still but I just pull out an old optical drive from the box if I need to read them, or an old laptop or tower or whatever that’s got an optical drive.

I do wish booting live USB was a little more universally easy though, it can be a bit of a pain in the arse compared to live CDs, these bloody TPMs and weird bios stuff getting in the way are a real pain. But overall, disks have had their day.

I do still use long term Blu-rays for bulk 10-plus-years cold storage backup though! Wouldn’t trust flash or HDDs for that.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

it has devolved into… what’s a torrent? is this site ok?

Ah yes, gatekeeping people who are new and asking for help.

A great way to build a thriving community that will be doing great 10 years from now, by alienating all the new people who are starting to take an interest and ask for some advice.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If I could afford almost 4 quid per meal I’d be laughing! Think of all the nice food I could eat!

We grow all of our vegetables for most of the year. Potatoes, carrots, leeks, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beetroot, lots of berries for jams, etc etc. I don’t know how we’d manage without that.

We live in the outskirts of a major city in England, not a stereotypically poor blackwater somewhere. This is how bad things are these days.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Is there a Dukat loving sub on Lemmy like there was on Reddit?

That sub was FIRE🔥

Twitter is losing daily active users. CEO Linda Yaccarino confirmed it. (mashable.com)

By now, you may have heard about Elon Musk’s handpicked CEO for X, Linda Yaccarino, and her disastrous interview with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin at Vox Media’s Code 2023 event. However, somewhat overlooked amid some of the more viral moments of the discussion, Yaccarino dropped some previously unknown stats that don’t exactly...

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Considering it’s a Fascist platform now, it would be alarming if it weren’t losing users.

Especially given that it used to have billions of users, back when it wasn’t Fascist.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The link says Peter, why does the post say Philip?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Woah now hold on there this is the Internet, nobody reads anything, we just scroll past titles and sob quietly into our microwave meals before crawling into bed alone.

…R-right guys?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Some countries stupidly accept non delivery as the norm, and that’s on them.

If your delivery person leaves your package outside your house, that’s NOT, I repeat NOT delivered.

They got 99.9% of the way to delivering it and then abandoned it on the street at the very last step. It must be handed to an occupant or pushed through the letterbox to be delivered. This is obvious.

What do real delivery companies in normal countries do? If they can’t deliver the parcel, they don’t just drop it on the floor and wander off, because they’re not insane. They either try to leave it with a neighbour, or they try to deliver it again another day (or depending on the service, they may leave a paper slip in the letterbox indicating that it can be collected from the local depot).

Countries that accept delivery people throwing their stuff on the floor undelivered have nobody to blame for that but themselves. That is not the norm, it is not reasonable, and they only do it because the people in those countries allow it, and don’t do anything about it.

It’s madness. Utter insanity. Imagine if the postman did this with important letters!? “The letterbox is stuck, better just leave then on the floor outside!” Can you imagine! MADNESS.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I wouldn’t think optimizing solar systems is something a child would watch, anyway. Not all YouTube content has to water itself down to try to capture the child market, the are plenty of adults using the website too.

I do see your point though absolutely, I’m just sick of potentially interesting videos being ruined by trying to appeal to every single age demographic under the sun, haha :-P

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Healthcare is all free to the patient (the one caveat being a small, fixed charge for prescription medication - which is free for some groups), all paid for via national taxes based on wealth. UK.

If we need a specialist Doctor, we are referred to one. There’s no money involved for the patient whatsoever.

Attaching an unaffordable fee to healthcare would be a clear barrier for anyone who is not upper class, and this would be seen as deeply discriminatory and thus unacceptable.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’d argue that we think about them more than we used to, what with the current war on the continent and the threat of Russia cutting our cables at any time.

Though still, not as much as we should be thinking about them for sure, but I wouldn’t say never.

They’re basically completely unprotected, and Russia, or any major nation or very well funded organisation, could easily rig explosives to all of our manor cables (there aren’t that many), and set them all off on the same day.

Which would bring chaos the likes of which we have never seen. We live in the Information Age, after all.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The big question:

When I try to click on anything on the page, does it try to load pop-unders, or try to redirect me to very dodgy looking URLs?

The smaller question:

Will this be another private tracker, inaccessible without a special invite that’s impossible to get (or having to tie in my personal information, like an email address, just to access it)?

If the answer to all that is no, I’m excited! :-D

P.S Bonus important question: Can it sort the whole database of torrents by most-seeded? You’d think that would be a given, but websites like TPB don’t do this any more and it makes it impossible to simply browse - which is what I do, one must know exactly what they’re looking for. Bummer :-(

Is there anyone working on a federated equivalent to letterboxd?

With today’s news of Letterboxd being acquired by an investment company, I got to wondering if I should start weaning my movie obsession off of there and onto something more open before the inevitable enshittification begins. I did a cursory search and found nothing promising, but figured the braintrust here might know...

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Is that like criticker.com ? I adore that website, it gives me great recommendations and drilling down into their film database with filters is great.

If you like it, they gave a thing to accept donations to keep it running too :-)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The only true time is GMT, all hail the ball

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

How difficult is it to apply these updates?

I was thinking of setting up a personal Lemmy instance, but the idea of getting it all set up and working, and then an update breaking things and my not having the advanced skill to fix it, worries me >.<

Suggestion: Ask doctors you know that give affordable remote consultation internationally to put their contact on this group

I read a lot of people on reddit’s r/adhd were they suffer with ADHD (or something similar, as they aren’t diagnosed) but can’t afford it. I read one that said they spend over US$ 1000 and had to stop looking because of the price....

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you, I hope to check back and find a solution for me in the UK, as the NHS wait list is many years long, and private is so hard to find and expensive :-(

I’ll just keep barely surviving in my hole until I find some affordable help or die I guess xD

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely, though to be fair I trust the anonymous random people running the thousands of fediverse instances and communities far less than a legitimate, traceable company that gets third party audited and has to, at least, follow national laws.

I don’t love Reddit’s owners obviously, but yeah. When it comes to privacy, I don’t have any misconceptions about Lemmy being private in the least. Unfortunately :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I assume this will be prohibitively expensive (I really can’t shell out any more than £60 and that’s pushing it already), and probably impossible to get my hands on.

But if it’s affordable and actually available? Hell yeah, this thing looks fantastic. I love that we’re making something awesome here in the UK and sharing it with the world.

Will we finally be able to run N64 games on this hardware, do you think?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Run a Lemmy instance ;-)

Also retropie <3

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Okay but hear me out, Linux.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Hey now, let’s not forget they killed babies too.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Strong words from the FTC.

Can you provide evidence that they called Amazon a “Shithole”, or are you just trying to be sensationalist and clickbaity crap?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

You haven’t said who this is? Is he supposed to be some globally recognisable celebrity?

He’s not famous here in the UK.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Dawg, I only upgrade phones and laptops once every 8 years or so. These things are EXPENSIVE, I can’t afford one more often than that.

My current tablet came out in 2014, that’s when I got it. It’ll be a decade old in just a few months.

Besides swapping the battery out twice over the years, it still works great and does everything I need it to do. Fantastic big AMOLED display, too.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Nobody is immune to propaganda.

That said, when it comes to advertisements, I hate them passionately, and will often note the brand in the advert so I can avoid it.

I don’t know how people can function while there’s a flashy animated thing to one side of their screen, I literally cannot read the main content until that is gone or covered up. It muddled my brain until it’s gone.

Heck, even an overly busy and colourful web page due to a bunch of static ads is very oppressive and difficult to deal with. An untidy website gives me an untidy mind, basically.

I just don’t get how people wade through this crap and get anything done. I’ve blocked ads for decades now, and I’m never going back.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Calling a stranger an ass because they’re not living their life exactly how you would, in such a minor unimportant way, is not nice.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

What’s the deal with this support person being unaware of how to use basic capitalisation and punctuation in sentences?

We learned that when we were 6.

Deeply, deeply unprofessional. If I had an employee that was this bad at presenting themselves to those outside of the organisation, I’d either insist they learn how to write properly in their own time and apply it at work, or possibly let them go.

It may seem harsh, but they write like a child, and that would reflect very badly on us as a team and organisation in every interaction they had, every day.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

How do we socialise these globally important services? Let’s say the Americans socialised all of the services we use heavily every day here in Europe. Netflix, Amazon, Disney, etc etc.

How will that affect our access to these now internal US National Services? How will it affect our rights and ability to take those services to court - now taking the US State to court instead, when they do something bad?

How does that increase my rights as a consumer, rather than stifle them?

You’re forgetting that the USA doesn’t live in a bubble. Other countries exist. This is a global issue.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Ha, sure. I’ll believe that when I see it.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, is the building on the cover in Manchester? More specifically up in Salford?

I remember that place…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Good thing you censored those naughty words, everyone on the internet are children and it’s not appropriate for them to know such no-no words.

I’m glad no child knows the word “kill”. Phew.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re spending 30 quid to get a takeaway delivered you’re an idiot.

Most takeaways charge what, £2 at most for delivery? The meal itself is only around £20 if you’re very very hungry.

You are getting utterly and completely ripped off, but if you’re wealthy enough to throw that sort of money away so stupidly, who am I to stop you.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

O’Biden, three to beam up!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Circuit breakers don’t work for plasma conduits.

Why not? Plasma moves like a fluid, and we are perfectly capable of shutting off or limiting the flow of a fluid in an emergency.

They wouldn’t employ a technology across an entire fleet of starships, and practically every corner of civilisation on and off world, if they weren’t able to manage it to am extremely high degree of safety.

Just look inside the armoured citadel on a battleship for examples of how every single thing no matter how small are designed to ensure the crew remain unharmed and the vessel functional.

Anyway, the real problem is that we fill our consoles with rocks.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see what people have against Epic, they’re just another company running a storefront, right? Or are they union busters or something?

Any competition that can take on Stream’s monopoly is good, it’s been a long time coming.

You might think Steam are the good guys because they don’t abuse their customers yet, but all good things come to an end, eventually. A company with their level of monopolistic grasp doesn’t remain benign forever.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Woah now, who said people over 30 are old? 😮

Anyway, your average internet user in 2023 wants to sign in to a platform with ease (preferably using one tap sign in with their Facebook/Google/whatever account).

They also want that one platform to have everything, in an easy to access and digest format, without having to learn complex rules about how a system works.

The days of needing to understand a bunch of stuff to use the latest social media service are gone, and if we build a website/service that requires us to know and understand more complex stuff, and add more barriers to entry, and MOST IMPORTANTLY if we split it up in to a thousand little corners instead of having it all in one place? People will shy away.

Another issue is consistency. People, myself included, want consistency and accountability. I want the people running the platform to be publicly known figures/companies that are accountable for the platform and how they run it, but with this fediverse stuff, it can be run by any anonymous person, who could be doing anything with the private data in our account back ends. And that could be the case hundreds of times over, with all sorts of groups, from all around the world.

There’s no accountability, no way to ensure they’re meeting requirements of our laws. It’s all very untrustworthy and wild west.

That’s fine for some people, but the majority of normal users? They want security, they want safety, they want simple ease of use.

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