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@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not bad! I like how it looks like it’s collapsible and storable too, not one of these builds that just take up huge amounts of space permanently.

Definitely well thought out and executed, well done!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Look I hate YouTube ads too, and ads in general, but let’s say every user of a service is like you. Attention is all the currency they’ll ever get from you, that’s totally cool, absolutely. I’m totally that way too. But they’ve got to make money somehow, so if you’re not the paying customer, someone else has to be.

I’m not saying it has to be ad sales either, but if we want a world in which we can use services for free without ads, we need to come up with an alternative way for them to make money. It has to come from somewhere, and by the bucketload.

If every user thinks like you, then it doesn’t matter how many people you talk to or share links with, you’re not a net gain on their service, you bring nothing to it.

Why should they, or anybody, be thankful that you honour them with your presence, if you contribute nothing of value? What makes you so entitled to use somebody’s product for free with no strings attached?

Ads suck, I’m eager for us to move past them once we figure out an alternative that keeps products in business and us receiving things for free. But we can’t deny the reality we live in right now either. Even huge companies like Google (who yes, do suck) have to make money to survive.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Before reading the article: Is it the right wing fascist nutjobs that have infected every platform and space, destroying everything in their wake slowly but surely over the past decade?


@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Tipping culture is tipping culture out of control.

You should see the insane way it’s worshipped in the USA, all as an obviously thin front to avoid paying wages and giving workers rights. It’s wild.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Going from being in your 30s to 50s living a hard life in the desert wastes will do this, yes. Is anyone surprised?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

They’d be full of children after school, loud, sticky, annoying children.

It’s still a good idea, but libraries should be a quiet calm place, and I came feckin stick them when they’ve got kids running around and stuff. Ugh.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Who would put their phone and takes a photo at work? Come on. You’re on the clock, rules are the same as when you were in school, phone stays in your pocket.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes, genocide. Lovely.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

When I visited the USA, I was shocked at the number of clearly not sane people that were wandering the streets, shouting at things only they could see in their minds, etc.

Those are just the visibly mentally ill people, a vast number of others go under the radar.

In my country I’ve seen people like this maybe twice in my entire lifetime, in the USA I saw a dozen over a 6 month period. It was WILD. It’s something you should expect to almost never see in your lifetime, if you’re seeing it with any regularity? - There’s something very wrong.

These people need to be in mental healthcare, be it a mental hospital for those in most serious condition, or varying levels of care and assistance further down.

But… They don’t have a functioning healthcare system in the USA, let alone mental healthcare. All they have really are private companies acting like vultures picking at the dying masses pulling cash and misery out of them.

They’re the richest failed state I’ve ever seen. The wide dissonance between their existence as a functioning first world nation and their existence as a state with a deeply crumbling failed interior that’s only further falling apart year after year is kinda wild.

I really hope they can have a bit of cultural and societal revolution and right the ship, there are so many wonderful people there and so much to fight for.

But I think for all their supposed cultural love of fighting for their rights and freedoms, they’re just too oppressed by the rich and the powerful to organise and fight for a better nation :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’d be intrigued to see the results too, is crazy what’s happening over there and more context from a local cultural perspective would be most welcome.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If somebody is very tired they’re physically and mentally impaired in a manner similar to being drunk.

This is why you’re told to pull over and sleep of you feel significantly tired behind the wheel. It will kill just as easily as being a little too drunk will. Drive safe, protect others around you, be rested.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t get it, I’m sure these screenshots are supposed to be telling a story or comparing something but it’s lost on me?

"Jogging From the Perspective of Animals" by Jake Likes Onions (files.mastodon.social)

alt textFirst panel: [blank white space with black text] Jogging from the perspective of animals Second panel: Wolf by a tree looking at a man jogging. “What are you running from, apex predator” Third panel: Wolf: “Are you chasing prey?” “You need to conserve energy” Last panel: [second wolf peeking in] “The hell...

Jake Likes Onions comic.

First panel: [blank white space with black text] Jogging from the perspective of animals

Second panel:
Wolf by a tree looking at a man jogging. "What are you running from, apex predator"

Third panel:
Wolf: "Are you chasing prey?" "You need to conserve energy"

Last panel:
[second wolf peeking in] "The hell is that guy doing"
[first wolf] "I don't know. I don't understand"
@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If you think that’s bad, you should see the Americans with their conically gigantic SUVs, they’ll do anything to try to make up for their tiny… personalities

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Kevin would love this shit man, this is the shit

Someone get Kevin in here

Google app being flagged as a virus by Huawei phones (stackdiary.com)

I’m seeing a lot of reports from users of Huawei and Honor devices have reported that their phones are incorrectly identifying Google apps as Trojan malware, specifically labeled as TrojanSMS-PA. According to the alert, this “malicious software” has the ability to send SMS messages without user consent.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t recall anyone mentioning the USA?

I’'m not in that country, and Google’s spyware collecting data for the USA is just as concerning to me as China doing the same, neither country can be trusted to have my nation’s best interests at heart.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t even know if YouTube will be around in 30 years, let alone not have competitors.

All gigantic businesses think they’re too big and entrenched and used every day to fail, until they do. Just look at Yahoo! as one example from recent memory.

So, we’ll see, I suppose!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, he sure ramps things up for his new movies.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Considering the price of wood in 2023, no. Unless you’re upper middle class and think £300 is cheap or whatever.

I just looked at a 8x4 sheet of quarter inch ply the other day, nothing fancy at all, competitively priced… 20 bloody quid! Quarter inch ply!

I’d have to take out a loan to make a big set of cabinets, Christ 😓

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Some impasto oil paintings I particularly like, clocks, mirrors, and a few reproduction painting prints here and there :-D

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

remove the frenulum

Damn, you had the male clitoris removed? That really sucks, I feel for your loss :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Capitalists gonna capitalist, no surprise there.

To think that a company like Facebook could care less about some dead family members would be a mistake. They only, at best, occasionally pretend to care to ensure they keep the money coming in.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been trying out Rimworld for the first time!

Raiders sure are delicious, and their skin makes such comfy armchairs!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I grew up on games like Call of Duty 1 and 2. Nothing quite as cathartic as running through Stalingrad mowing down Nazis 😍

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve yet to see it happen, but if it does, let me know.

4chan seems to just be a place for emotionally stunted incels and wannabe sex offenders to hang out and share their deeply misguided views.

It makes you wonder what sort of human being actually pays to keep the place running and thinks they’re doing good :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Margot robbie is that woman from stranger things right? I’m lost on the reference here though, is she super sexist against other women or something? I only really know her from that show 🤔

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll be fucked if I’m getting a smart meter anyway, I’ll stick with nice normal top-up prepay meters thank you kindly.

I don’t trust British Gas as far as I can throw em.

Google Chrome to soon get a new ‘IP protection’ feature: Here’s what it does (indianexpress.com)

Google will soon start testing a new ‘IP protection’ feature for Chrome users, offering them greater control over their privacy. The tech giant the upcoming feature prevents websites from tracking users by hiding their IP address using proxy servers owned by Google....

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, and here I thought I lived in the United Kingdom.

I guess this is America? Who knew!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Starbucks and coffee chains are, you know, nowhere near my house, for one thing. How am I going to have coffee in the morning if I have to first leave my house and get a bus to where the coffee shop is, then get the bus home again and then go to work, or whatever?

Further, those places are EXPENSIVE AS HECC. The sort of people that can afford to buy coffee at those places every day sure do have it real nice.

For the rest of us, we make our coffee at home, and sometimes if we’re lucky we get the cheap “real” grounds instead of the instant powder, haha

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

So it’s like Kazaa, kinda? Are we basically going back to the decentralised P2P days? :-D

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

u startin m8? u startin? me cousin’ll bang u out m8 raaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz m8 quicktime quicktime

(hello from Manchester! 👋)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

This is literally exactly what I keep saying and people just look at me like I’m crazy. Exactly!

Do you by chance know any further reading I can do along these lines? Books are preferable to dubious random blogs and such but I’ll take anything written, really! Thank you :-)

Phishing Mails (lemmy.world)

This will be a quick post. We have received a phishing mail to our [email protected] mail address telling that they are “lemmy.world Security Team”, telling that they will “disconnect” your account from our instance. This is ofc, not us. Do not fall for it! The attached image is how the mail looks like....

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Why are these sorts of things always written by somebody who can clearly barely speak English?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

But why?

The image conveys everything I need, I don’t have any reason to load my browser up and visit a whole other website I don’t even use, when I’ve already gotten everything I could possibly need from the quote already.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe they’ve never been to the USA and think it’s amazing because they’ve only seen Hollywood movies?

Shhhh, nobody tell him that Beverly Hills Cop didn’t happen

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

They certainly improve noise and air pollution gigantically, Christ knows how fecked I am having to grow up around cars.

Obviously nothings perfect, but I’ll take a world of EVs over a world of combustion vehicles.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t believe that anybody seriously believes the incredibly thin obvious lie that China is not a capitalist state, just look at it xD

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Newcastle wouldn’t be issuing fines in anything but pound sterling :P

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know who this is, but I imagine there’s some sort of laws against openly calling for genocide in their country, or if nothing else, a firing from their job by a business that doesn’t want to touch you know, a public genocide lover, with a 10 foot barge pole…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Can you even contaminate things with a decontaminant?

Good question! It’s all relative. There are things for which water would be considered a contaminant, but we don’t balk at adding it to our tea! :-D

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

No, not really. Sure, a teeny, tiny, absolutely insignificant number of atoms from the disinfectant have landed on all the surfaces in the room, including food, but this is absolutely 100% insignificant (assuming it wasn’t sprayed near/towards the food where it was visibly landing on it).

To put this into perspective, consider that there’s poop particles in the air all throughout your house in varying amounts, carried from your toilet, most famously on your toothbrush, which is often very close to the toilet (often in the same room). But in such tiny amounts as these, it’s entirely benign, and you’d never know!

The world is slightly disgusting in harmless ways, like that. You have microscopic mites living in your eyelashes, there’s more bacteria per cell in your body than human, and I think we’re all very well educated nowadays on how easily bodily secretions such as snot, spittle, etc, are transferred to others through sneezing, physical contact with surface, etc, contaminating everything and everyone with potential illnesses.

Such is life! Don’t worry about it :-)

(Except the part about spreading things like COVID, do take precautions there).

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The ancient halo comedy sketch thing? They weren’t still making those, surely?

Could the advert revenue not be decreasing because fewer people are watching old niche Halo content these days?

Ah well either way, I wish them the best. Those videos certainly gave me a bit of a chuckle :-)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Well, a county, not the country. Would be nice to specify what country of the similar 200 in the world that you’re talking about in the title, you know? It’s not like we all assume you must be talking about one special country.

The conservative party has literally been running my country for over a decade now, so they’re probably not talking about my country xD One ruled out, 194 to go…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Aye, true, I’ll still never vote Tory though.

At least Labour don’t twiddle their moustaches while talking in frank terms about evil foreigners and using that god awful term the Americans invented to describe their enemies… “woke”.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I’m all for public transport, and limiting the need for cars, but public transport isn’t viable for EVERY journey.

What if you’re disabled and have special travel needs?

Or you’re sick/elderly/immunocompromised etc and need to avoid enclosed crowds to avoid catching COVID as it will surely kill you in your current condition?

What if you’re trying to transport something that can’t be taken on public transport, like your rotavator to go turn over your allotment? Or your big strimmer? Or even just your big gardening tools to do such jobs by hand? Or maybe you’re transporting a load of wood you just bought, or a new window, etc etc.

Or just a load of family grocery shopping for the week, which would take up several seats on the bus which isn’t allowed, assuming you could even get all those bags onto the bus - you cannot can’t carry them all once you get off, either, you’d be stranded at the bus stop. You could use a large personal shopping trolley, but again, those have nowhere to go on a bus.

What if you’re going camping and need to transport a bunch of stuff for the whole family down to a camp site?

What if you need to dump loads of old rubbish down at the tip, day, because you recently demolished your old garden shed, or had a big clean out?

Talking taxi every single time for these sorts of things is incredibly expensive and not viable, and those are just a few examples of the many reasons you might need to take a personal car over excellent public transport links.

I love love love public transport and reducing car usage, but getting rid of cars entirely severely limits people’s mobility. Cars fill an important niche. We shouldn’t all be taking cars for every single journey, that’s the main problem we have to tackle as a society, but they are important to maintain access to none the less.

Seeing news like this, and knowing how it will negatively affect the mobility and life options of the poorest and the most at risk, makes me sad 😔

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