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6 of the top 10 are verified or playable or 43% of the top 1000 games. But verified and playable is only a subset of the games that work, quite a few unsupported games do as well. If you go by medals the 7 of the top 10 are silver ranked or better (minor issues but generally playable) and 88% of the top 1000. So there are a lot of games that are playable that are still listed as unsupported on the deck.

You can see the numbers for various different things at as well as different reports for all the games (including some tips on how to get things to work or work better).


Yup, a big excuse I used to see a lot was

I would like to run Linux, but I want to game more so will stick to Windows

And this has changed a lot with what valve has done which opens Linux to a much larger market of people that can now use it for their usecases.


You dont even need a separate partition, just dont format and dont delete the /home folder. You can even keep the /etc folder as well to keep system wide settings.


I have done something similar following this post - loads of others have created similar scripted installers for Arch for their specific use cases and this guide takes it one step further with custom arch meta packages that hold deps and system wide config.

You can also do similar things with tools like ansible or saltstack or similar tools. Though these all take the approach of define your configs and system to automate the setting up of a system approach rather than the backup or clone an existing system. So are more effort initially but are able to keep multiple system in sync with system configs with far less effort then trying to create a backup/restore system for organically created configs.

that wouldn’t work (I think) because my laptop has vastly different hardware

Should not matter, you can install all the packages all your system need - such as both nvidia, amd and intel graphics drivers and the kernel will only load the ones for the hardware you have booted with. Or if you really need different configs or packages for different systems the various approaches have ways to do that.


Most done with the latter. But the nice thing is once you have done it once it is much easier to keep things up to date and in sync from then on words. You can also peace meal it - setup one application at a time and migrate things one by one over to it.

painstakingly manually code every unique facet

That makes it sound a lot worst then it actually it. It is only a bit more effort then setting something up for the first time manually. And pays its self back many times over when you next need to reinstall or install a new system. Assuming you keep up with making changes to the code and not directly to your system each time.


I set it up this way so that if I need to reinstall Linux, I can just overwrite / while preserving /home and just keep working after a new install with very few hiccups.

Even with a single partition for / and /home you can keep the contents of /home during a reinstall by simple not formatting the partitions again. I know when I tried years ago with Ubuntu years ago the installed asked if I wanted to remove the system folders for you. But even if the installer does not you can delete them manually before hand. Installers wont touch /home contents if you don’t format the drive (or any files outside the system folders they care about).

Though I would still backup everything inside /home before any attempt at a reinstall as mistakes do happen no matter what process you decide to go with.


There was no option per say, at least on the ubuntu installed I tried many years ago. Just a popup that happened sometime before the install but after the manual partitioning if the root partition had folders like /etc /usr /var etc that were needed by the installer. Not sure if all installers do this - but I would suspect if they didnt you can just delete the folders manually before you enter the installer and pick manual partitioning option and opt to not format any partitions.


I bet the 8 GB model ismore for lowering the advertised price then it being useable.


developers, i.e. people who are supposed to be good at looking up online how stuff works.

How I wish this were true.


UI for non trivial conflict resolution? Definitely.

I dont know about that… Never found they help that much in conflict resolution. They give you some nice buttons for accept their or accept our changes but really I find more often than not those are what breaks code as you often want a mash-up of both sides - which needs to be manually done even in UIs.

Otherwise it is just find the marked sections in the file, and make it look like what you want it to after the merge/rebase. And that is the hardest part - figuring out what it should look like. Which is made easier if you only ever have small commits and merge back to master frequently minimizing the amount your branches drift from each other.


Software that controls your body should always respect your freedom


But it is extremely worrying that so many devices that people require for their health and have no alternative for are so invasive and can be turned off without any warning.

Apple Argued Safari Is Three Different Browsers to Avoid Regulation in EU (

It has now emerged that after being informed that Safari was likely to fall under the DMA’s regulations, Apple filed formal a response to the European Union claiming that Safari is, in fact, “three distinct web browsers.” The company’s claim is based on the argument that Safari for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS are entirely...


Apple does force all web browsers on their devices to use the safari engine. Which is what the lawsuit is about:

Apple is now obliged to ensure that Safari adheres to the DMA’s requirements, such as by allowing non-WebKit-based browsers on iOS and iPadOS.


Almost like having companies track everything you do is not a good idea and easily raises many false flags that are hard to correct.


8,000 characters in five hours is 1,600 characters per hour, or 27 characters per minute.

This is irrelevant. Typing when coding is not evenly spaced out over those 5 hours. It is sporadic with most of the time thinking or reading documentation or reading source code and trying to figure out what you want to type. No good conclusions can be drawn from this logic and makes that whole part of the argument irrelevant.

If I were typing that slowly I would quickly forget what the hell I was even trying to do in the first place. Which is the bigger part - when you do need to type you want to quickly get the ideas you have down as fast as you can think them. Going too slow can cause your mind to wander and that can really hamper your productivity.

There is also the cost of context switching. And it is a context switch to go from writing ideas down to making sure I have all the boiler plate and syntax correct. The less of the need for doing that the better IMO.

And TBH I don’t really understand the rest of their arguments. They introduce two bits of code, one very short simple class then one with lots of helper methods to set various things while creating a new object. And then concludes with a short paragraph on some real benefits without really explaining why. With the whole paragraph being more of an argument about immutable code being better rather than longer vs shorter code. Then follows up with an entire section on why his code increases maintenance as refactoring requires more points to update with his immutable code and thus prefers languages like F# where the immutable version is a one liner… Which defeats the whole argument that typing is not the bottleneck? I really don’t follow his logic here.

Apparently, it has to be explicitly stated: Programmer productivity has nothing to do with typing speed.

I feel they have completely failed to convince me of this fact. Despite me already thinking it is not one of the more important factors of productivity and there are better things to optimise around.

My opinion is that code length is not that important a factor, but you should not go hog while and write the longest things you can either. Every extra bit of code should add some value somewhere. Like taking his examples, spending a bit of time writing the immutable version here lets you reduce the amount you need to write when using that code. Which is a trade-off that can be worthwhile - increasing typing now for reducing typing later. But also the reduced typing makes the where the code is used easier to read and clearer as to what is happening, get a copy of the object with one field updated. That is a nice concept to have and read. Without the need to refer to all the fields every time you want a copy.


IMO trying to write everything out in psudo code first is way slower. You are writing things out twice and you are not able to run things quickly. You just have to hope you got things right on the first pass and cannot quickly adjust things when you don’t.

I prefer constant feedback from my editor, compiler and test framework to write things quickly and make sure I am not doing something that is fundamentally flawed. There is nothing worst than writing a whole program without running it only to run it and realise nothing is working how you thought it should.

What are the recommended scripting languages for complex shell scripts beyond bash?

I’ve been struggling with a rather complex shell script, and it’s becoming apparent that Bash might not be the best choice for this particular task. While I usually gravitate towards statically typed languages like Go or Rust, I’ve noticed that many people recommend alternative languages such as Lua or Python for scripting...


for larger or more intricate shell scripts

Those are call applications. Use any language you like. If go/rust is what you know use them. I use rust all the time for things beyond run a bunch of commands and tends to be my go to when I need to process data in any way.


People that were running ad blockers were not seeing ads and business owners were not paying for those blocked ads. So I don’t see why they would care at all.


I don’t see how? This is targeting people already using ad blockers. People not already using them should not see any difference in service so why would they change their behaviour? At most a mild rise of awareness, though I bet most people following these news stories are also already running ad blockers. It is all the other aggressive shit they are doing with ads that will turn people towards ad blockers/premium.


What happened to the idea of small, non-intrusive banner ads

You answered your own question:

they bring much less revenue compared to in-your-face video interstitials per impression

And shortsighted profit driven thinking - can make a load more money now even if some users are pissed off, don’t worry about long term user retention. Oh what!?! The usersbase is pissed and leaving/blocking things, better double down to keep them profits high in the mean time…

Trump attempting to delay trials 'at any cost,' special counsel tells judge (

The special counsel leading both the classified documents probe and the Jan. 6 election interference investigation says that former President Donald Trump is trying to delay both trials “at any cost,” after Trump’s attorneys filed a motion for a stay in the Jan. 6 case....


Or he wants to delay things until after the election in hopes that he will get into office again and attempt to pardon all his crimes.


Damn how does Linux have standards !?

Linux has standards where interoperability is important. The more things needs to talk to each other the more they need a common standard to talk over. Things like X11/Wayland don’t have many alternatives as so many things need to talk over them. The only reason there are two standards here is because X11 has massive limitations that cannot easily be worked around.

For package managers applications don’t care about them. Interoperability only matters within a single distro. So people are more free to create what ever standards they want for their own distros. And when people can choose people have opinions and these opinions evolve over time. Which results in multiple competing products that effectively do the same thing.

And here is my hipotesis if the GNU project came up with a good and easy to work package manager in the early days of Linux

Probably, but creating a good, easy to work, fast and reliable package manager that meets everyones needs when you are discovering how you want it to work for the first time is extremely hard. And even if you created a perfect one at the start, requirements can change. This happened with X11, and even with package managers seeing the rise of things like flatpack, snap and appimage that all work fundamentally different from the traditional ones.


The package format is almost irrelevant TBH. Most packages are not interoperable between distros due to the versions and names of dependencies. That is not something that gets fixed by a standard package format. Packages don’t even work well between different versions of the same distro. largely due to libc - anything that depends on that is built against a specific version and when you upgrade it you need to rebuild and install everything that depends on it. Similar problems exist for all compiled dependencies on a distro.

And while some packages of the same format can be installed on multiple distros (mostly those based of the same foundation) most cannot. This is what the newer package formats (like flatpack) are trying to solve - by including all dependencies inside the package.

So a standard format does not really solve those issues, so there is little advantage for one. At least not one of the old school formats. And the wars are not really over the format, they are over the tooling required for that format. At the end of the day RPMs, DEBs, and arch packages are just tarballs of files and some meta data (and there is even a tool that can convert between them - though anything with dependencies quickly becomes a complete mess). It is the build and install tooling that makes all the difference.


IMO that is a disingenuous way to state that. It makes it sound like they had to work to find games that worked on Linux at all and suggests that most games do not. Which is far from the truth. Most games just work these days and it is only a handful that don’t, so only a handful work 100% better. Then it all really depends if you care about those few games or not.


Although AAA games also tend to work these days within days of release

And TBF, Far too many AAA games tend to not work well on Windows within the first few days of release either. Even a few like elden ring that worked better on Linux before Windows. Though I still avoid getting games on their release date. You are generally going to have a far better experience on either system by waiting a bit and seeing what others say about it.


I think it is a simpler case of legacy. They had the Linux/Windows/Mac symbols before proton was a thing and back then you needed it to be a native Linux game for it to work on Linux. Or you had to install all of steam inside wine and had pot luck as to if anything would work. Since they released proton they have kept the OS symbols the same. And since they released the steam deck they have added new deck verified/deck playable symbols which are a much better indication of playability on Linux.

Maybe not the best marketing. But I don’t think it is really due to legality issues, more so legacy ones.


The Linux OS symbol only tells you if the game is Linux native or not. Since valve released proton it is not very useful. The deck Verified/Deck Playable symbols are a far better indication of if a game will work. But even then, quite a few of the unsupported games still work on Linux overall, just less well on the deck. ProtonDB is the more definitive source of if a game will work as well as any tweaks you can do to make it run better.


check “Enable Steam Play for all titles” and restart Steam. Otherwise, you get ONLY games with a native Linux version (which are…hit or miss at times).

I don’t think this is fully true. You get all native games plus all verified games. Which is only a small subset of games overall, but quite a bit more than just the native games. Though most others do work and only really require toggling that switch.


I found clearings cookies for youtube to also help sometimes.


Probably a good sign it is doing something useful if YouTube thinks it is an adblocker.


I just wish it would stop leaking out everywhere.

Is it worth it using Rust+Axum for backend instead of Node.js? In which situations would you do so?

In practical perspectives, I’m mostly concerned about computer resources usage; I have computer resources constraints. So using Rust would benefit on that. But it is for a Web application backend. So, is it worth it having to learn Rust + Tokio + Axum, … in this specific situation? Also, that this is mostly for initially...


Because of that prototypes should be small - no more than a week or so worth of effort. Anything larger means it will take even longer to rewrite it from scratch which management will never like and is overall just a waste of time. Most of the time you don’t actually want a prototype - you want a MVP written in the language of the final project as it will become the final product.

Really the only time I would write a prototype in a different language then the final product is when you don’t yet know the language you want to (or more likely, need to) use or you know another language vastly more than the target language. The time saved by the language is often just not worth it overall when you are reasonably competent in both languages.

Fighting pedophilia at the expense of our privacy: The EU rule that could break the internet (

Hundreds of academics and engineers and non-profit organizations such as Reporters Without Borders, as well as the Council of Europe, believe that the Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR) would mean sacrificing confidentiality on the internet, and that this price is unaffordable for democracies....


This movement has gone from fighting against terrorism to combating the spread of online child pornography to request the end of encrypted messages

Switching between massively different excuses always with the same goal in mind - to end encryption. They don’t care at all about their excuses or else they would be proposing other ideas that might actually help. But no, all they want is to end encryption and the privacy of everyone online.

Black Mom Becomes A Better Detective in Her Son's Death Than Cops (

Highlights: In the wee hours of July 8, 2020, 37-year-old Freddie Lee McKee was found dead in Columbia, Mo. Authorities say two 911 calls went out before his body was found. Earlier, around 2:45 a.m., a neighbor called reporting a shirtless man in her trash who told her he was looking for his phone, per the police report. Then,...


I am not sure there is any killer feature that you cannot do in a cli application. It is just a different way of working. Slightly better at some things slightly worst at others. But the biggest difference is what you are used to more then and single feature set.

Though I don’t personally use them, I also use a shell with a lot more interactive features built in then default bash does. If I where stuck with only default bash maybe I would lean more towards them. But that is just the way I work, others work differently then ai do.


Or like that time gitlab found out that none of its 5 backup/replications worked and lost 6 hours of data.


I suspect you can, if there is a bias when no effort is applied I suspect you can train to increase it. I can think of two main factors at play - how fast the coin is rotating and how long it remains in the air. Both of which are under your control and I suspect you can train to become more reliable for though it might take a lot of effort. Or you can just learn to do this in 10 mins. Who is going to know the difference? It is cheating either way.


You might find the steam tinker launch useful. One thing it can do is download and launch Nexus’ Vortex Mod Manager inside each games proton prefix. Which should let you manage mods for various games especially elder scrolls and fallout games. Not tried it with fallout 76 though.


Huh? FSF counts the MIT license as free, though they call it the Expat license they list it as both Free and GPL compatible: It is also listed as an opensource licence by the OSI.

Thus by definition MIT is a FOSS licence.


All you get is a watermark in the corner

Well, that is a consequence. Just not a very big one. You also cannot change the background in the settings, though that is also a very small consequence. Yeah, they are only small and you can likely live with them, but small and tolerable are not zero.

there will be a subscription “premium” version like in any app that removes ads and enables AI features.

This makes me glad I no longer use it. An OS should not have ads baked into its core and there should not be a subscription for it.


Magic: The Gathering Arena? That has a platinum rating on proton DB so should work just fine on any modern Linux distro, like thousands of other games. No need for a dual boot unless you have one of a few problematic games.


Ok then.

Ticket marked as closed: won’t fix, cannot reproduce, not enough details


While it is free to download it, the license still costs. Though they seem to let you use it unlicensed for an unlimited amount of time with some restrictions (like not being able to change the background image and an ever present watermark). At least this was true for windows 10. No telling if/when they will drop that feature though, especially if loads of people start using it unlicensed like that (though I doubt that has any effect on people using it that way or not).


Helix was inspired by neovim. Though mostly the inbuilt LSP/tree sitter support. Its keybindings are a mix between what neovim has and kakoune, though closer to kakoune I think. The major advantage IMO that helix has over neovim is built in support for most things you need plugins for in neovim as well as sane defaults out the box. You don’t need 10s of plugins and 100s of lines of config to get helix to work like a modern editor - it just does out the box. All you need to do is install the LSP server for the languages you are interested in and launch helix.

The major downside ATM is it has no plugin support at all. Which is not as bad as it sounds as it includes so much out the box that you would typically require plugins for in neovim. They are working on plugin support though so it is only a matter of time for this to be fixed. Currently I don’t feel the need for any plugins when using it so IMO it is not a deal breaker for me or my workflow. But the need to manage large configs and sets of plugins had already become too cumbersome in neovim for my liking.


This is a bad response to this news. There are many reasons why you might want to run tor on Windows and gatekeeping people out of tor because they are not on a chosen OS is a terribly way to get more people into thinking about privacy and security practices. Yes if you have the highest threat model you might want to avoid Windows as well, but not everyone needs absolute privacy/security for what they do. But why should you not have access to a tool that can help improve things even if you are not able to switch everything to a more private/secure alternative?

Really you should want everyone and anyone to run on tor, even if they don’t need it, even if they are on windows. The more people using it the more secure it is for those that do require it.


You might not have intended to imply that, but your original words can be taken in many different ways. Such as a dismissive well this news does not matter because you should not be using TOR if you are on windows. You did not say that exactly, but either interpenetration needs some reading between the lines as you did not really say all that much. So it could be taken that way just as much as the way you actually intended. And on the internet if things can be interpreted multiple ways they will be.


No. So many things are miss represented in movies and TV or skipped entirely in the name of entertainment.


I use only free VPSs

So probably not entitled to anything from them.


The software can read from both locations in a backwards compatible way. Many tools already do this.

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