@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar


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@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Unless the regulations are about forcing automakers to release economy level cars (less than $35K) not just home-theater-on-wheeles models, this isn’t going to change much.

As wages fall farther behind Canada’s insane cost of living no one is going to be able to afford a new EV (or we will end up with 25 year car mortgages). So the financial elite will get their EVs while the rest of us are left to fight for a dwindling supply of used ICEs for which there will be no parts and no manufacture support.

We don’t need EVs we need affordable EVs. Get rid of the fucking home theater in the dash, offer a basic interior with manual windows, locks and seats, make a car that doesn’t cripple you financially.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

The “vast amounts of raw material” used in battery manufacturing are nothing compared to the raw petroleum required to fuel and lubricate an ICE for it’s lifetime. Also the metals used in batteries can be nearly 100% recycled, forever, once an industry gets built up around it. We could do it today but the process as it is, is energy intense (solved by using renewable energy sources). If the rest of the vehicle was designed by non-shitheads it’s possible to have a car that can be economically torn down and recycled in a closed loop like beer cans and bottles.

But no ethically designed car will ever be sold in Canada for the same reason that walkable cities and mass transit will never be prioritized. Crooked, ineffective politicians and a crazy vocal right wing.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

they don’t require a brunch of rare minerals mined by exploited children

ROFL, how many phones PCs, laptops and consumer electronics have you owned and thrown away? “Think of the children” is such a transparently fake argument to dismiss EVs as the ONLY way for consumers to avoid the products of exploitation.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

But that only helps ‘the poors’ how will Ford make any money when they can only sell one bus per 1000 people?

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

fuel made from the CO2 in the air

Like recycling, carbon capture based fuel is an oil industry distraction from the real problem: we are already so far into the red that we can not afford to put ANY more carbon in the air.

Fossil fuels are literally fossil carbon, fuels made from plants that extracted their carbon from the air millions of years ago. Burning them is returning our atmosphere to a state that has not existed since long before any mammals were around, let alone 7 billion that rely on fragile agriculture.

Even if EVs waste 3x the energy of an ICE to manufacture, that doesn’t matter if energy comes from a clean source (nuclear, hydro, wind, solar). Any use of fossil fuels at this point is too much.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Cops are unethical and prone to corruption, but first 5 ways to invest your money in crypto. Number 3 will shock you!

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

So this is definitely not for everyone but Thumb-Key is privacy friendly and designed to be used with just one thumb. I have used Thumb-Key (and it’s predecessor Message Ease) for about 4 years now and they are way easier for me than qwerty, there are fewer buttons so typos are less frequent and you can access all letter/numbers/punctuation while holding your phone one handed.


@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

What made you initially look for an alt keyboard? I have huge problems hitting the buttons on querty and started by looking for a chorded layout.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

In general or just on phones?

This is what Canada will look like in 20 years – are we ready for an aging population? (www.ctvnews.ca)

New data reveals Canada's senior population is expected to exceed 11 million people by 2043. This rapid rise in the number of older Canadians will have wide-reaching implications on sectors such as health care and employment, with experts sounding the alarm that Canada is not prepared to handle an aging population.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

About one in four Canadians will be 65 years of age or older by 2043

They’re making a bunch of bold assumptions there.

Video appears to show officer with knee on protestor's neck, police say it didn't happen (www.cbc.ca)

A group of protesters that demonstrated at a rally in support of Palestinians over the weekend in Toronto say a man who was protesting was injured during his arrest — which included an officer kneeling on his neck, something Toronto's former police chief said officers are not trained to do.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Cops are cops, most of them get into it because they want to lay down the law, very few are there to help.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Police and politicians should all have body cams. You get to make life and death decisions for the public and you are paid out of the public’s wallet, you should be held accountable for every minute you are on the clock (breaks and washroom excepted). No political deal should happen without video evidence and no police interaction should go un-recorded for the protection of both the police and the public.

Your Smart TV Knows What You’re Watching (themarkup.org)

These TVs can capture and identify 7,200 images per hour, or approximately two every second. The data is then used for content recommendations and ad targeting, which is a huge business; advertisers spent an estimated $18.6 billion on smart TV ads in 2022, according to market research firm eMarketer.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

God damn webp, why is support so inconsistent?

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

The price of TVs is heavily subsidized by the “smart” features. Same way that PCs are subsidized by having Windows pre-installed.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar


@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Because they cost an arm and a dick. I can’t afford a $40k car even if it’s cheaper per km to operate.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

This, an electric Ranger is 10x more useful than a crew cab Ram with a 4 foot box, super nova headlights and a 12L V8 un-tuned diesel.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Oh man, that’s what I want! My commute is 30 miles round trip and it’s shift work so there is at least 10hrs of charging time between commutes.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

YouTube sponsorship is the major use of VPNs. Hiding your IP does nothing to mitigate user tracking by application/hardware finger printing, tracking of users logged into a service, or tracking of user activity with cookies.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Fighting the good fight. I have about 25 torrents that have one one seed, me, and can’t be otherwise purchased. I just leave them on unlimited ratio and feel better when every I see a leech connect.

Disinformation is the 'threat of a generation,' but Canada is struggling to deal with it: National security adviser (theprovince.com)

AI-powered misinformation and disinformation campaigns are a “threat of a generation” but the government’s ability to do anything about it is “quite limited,” says the prime minister’s national security adviser. Article content...

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Advancements in artificial intelligence

Stop reading right there. Nothing generated by so called “AI” is new or exciting. Language models and image synths can only do what humans do but in higher volume and lower quality. It’s the million monkeys with a million typewriters thing but with spelling and grammar checkers.

Is linux good for someone tech illererate.

Now i’ve been considering moving to linux. I don’t have much of a history using a computer and find it tougher to use than my phone. But I also really appreciate the foss movement. I’ve currently got an old laptop running windows 11 I think and it would prolly speed up with linux too. But I’m afraid I’d fuck smth up...

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Because they are the Crayola of fuckin computers?

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I used Sony Vegas/what ever it’s called now for years, moving to kdenlive was pretty painless and I don’t feel like I’m missing any features.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Do people not sanitize links they share? 90% of an amazon url is garbage referrer info.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Apps are legitimately great.

Except they are mostly just lobotomized websites where you can’t copy the text or save media to your local device.

Switching to Debian on my gaming pc

Hello everyone - I have been wanting to ditch windows on my gaming pc for a while now, and since I have recently finished a large project, I now have the free time to switch. I am relatively comfortable with Debian having used it for a while on my web server as well as school laptop, but I am concerned about using it on my...

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Late to the thread but I would say yeah, Debian is good for gaming. The only place I have issued is with VR, otherwise it’s been smooth sailing for the past 3 years.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Canada lies to Canadians, but first some clickbait bullshit to distract you. musical sting

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

As long as people continue to worship money and stuff, and increased consumer spending is reported and regarded as “good news,” we won’t be able to shift from our wasteful ways.

Should we be worshiping The Fatted Calf or maybe just The Sun? Consumers have no choice but to wish for more and more money because without it you die. You can’t pay rent with anything but money, you can’t buy food with anything but money, you can’t trade anything but money for healthcare.

For anything to change there needs to be a global change in how “wealth” and resources are distributed.

But you know, lets just blame the guys at the bottom and not the insane billionaires club who’s choices trickle down to cause suffering and death for millions of people.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

“Everything the same, looked the same,” she told Global News. “You put in your bank account and your password. ”

QR codes had nothing to do with this scam, this is functionally equivalent to clicking a sketchy link (most QR readers will even show you the domain as a preview QR codes). They were sent to a page asking for login credentials without checking the URL or site certificate. It sucks and they should get their money back but Global could have just as easily headlined this “HTTP Scam.”

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Seems more like a tech-literacy issue that’s still ongoing.

Tech literacy never really existed. Even in the early 00s when PC based computing was dominant no one ever checked links before they clicked them and HTTPS was barely used. Now that everything is hidden behind opaque apps there is no way for users to even accidentally how to safely navigate unless they actively look for it.

Tech literacy and a basic understanding of how the internet works needs to be actively taught in schools to mitigate these issues in the future.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Who is better? The NDP and Liberal parties are only barely less worse.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Do I have the option to vote for an inanimate object? It could be a step up.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Would you rather be punched in the face, neck, or balls? There is no best option. The options are 3 parties who will, without a doubt, make this country less livable to varying degrees.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Proud to choose a punch in the neck because at least it wasn’t the balls! Our political system is woefully broken.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

When it comes to security, particularly at boot time, fuck the user. Users don’t interact with devices at boot time so it doesn’t matter if it shows a blank screen, a mile of logs or a screaming clown penis. If it was up to users no device or service would have a password or security of any kind, and every byte of information about your life would be owned by 'The Cloud." Let the marketing wanks insert their logo into the Windows boot process,

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

You gotta hold ctrl alt shift honk at power up.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll settle for the federal and provincial governments NOT actively selling us out. Even passive fuckups would be an improvement.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Store employees do not have the right to check your receipt after going through the self checkout (unless it’s at Costco)

You were never trained on the operation of a self checkout machine

Everything is a potato

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

The potato thing was really just more about life in general. But it is useful for some specific applications.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Huh, I wonder if it works on oil companies too, or does the threat of voilence only work on green projects?

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Boy, it would be a shame if someone hacked the personal devices of high ranking politicians and found evidence that they are knowingly running Canada into the ground for profit.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Because police are Heros.

Vehicle thieves taking up arms, police chief warns (ottawacitizen.com)

More than 1,200 vehicles have been stolen in Ottawa this year, a 16 per cent jump from the year before, with new model SUVs and light trucks the most popular targets. New model Toyota Rav4 , Honda CRV, Jeep Grand Cherokee and Ford F-Series trucks are especially popular, along with any vehicle with a push-button starter....

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Have a kill switch on a wire to the fuel pump/ECU/whatever hidden under your dash, second step.

Messing with the wiring of newer cars can brick them pretty quick.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

There needs to be some political and legal pressure on manufactures to STOP BUILDING DOGSHIT CARS. Specifically to build inherently safe internal networks and user facing systems. It is easier to steal a new car because it takes no skill, just $100 in easy to buy hardware and some software you download from the internet.

For example, right now to program a new fob to a Honda you need to have all other fobs in the car as well, except you can use some cheap radio gear to just relay the signal from fobs that are near by and the car can not tell the difference. This could be easily prevented by requiring digital signing (like every https enabled web server) to enroll fobs. It would cost you $100 at the dealer but it saves you from losing a $30k-60K car. And now that every car has a SIM and cell modem it would be trivial to revoke a FOB and disable a car should it ever actually be stolen.

Manufactures could also stop treating CAN Bus like their bitch. Some new cars will be totally bricked by getting water in the headlight because the same CAN network that does your engine and body control also goes through the obnoxious LED headlights. This also means that thieves can get direct access to the CAN network by popping out a headlight and connecting to it with a $5 dongle. Having multiple isolated networks would prevent this, or just not using a fucking network to control lighting, it makes the light modules cost >$1000 and just adds to the insane amount of plastic and electronics waste in a car.

There are dozens of other examples of brain dead design choices making new cars easier to steal or just brick and no one seems to care because having a non-replaceable Android device in your car, which is instantly abandoned by the manufacture, is “cool.”

TL;DR Old man yells at cloud

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

In other news, people are dumb af for accepting subscription model gaming (and software in general). But thanks to apathy and ignorace it’s what we have.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Quiet, peasant! This is a car-centric society! Not driving is a choice to not be a real person!

  • Politicians, Developers, police
@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

Violence against the property of the wealthy is the worst crime you can commit.

If your employer misses a paycheck you are fucked, if you go to the till and take the money you’re getting fired and a visit from the cops.

@nik282000@lemmy.ca avatar

People are split on this “war” because you have to understand 3 ideas but only one is being talked about.

  • Hamas are terrorists and need to be stopped
  • The Israeli military response has been primarily to punish everyone not systematically eliminate Hamas
  • The displacement of Palestinians should never have happened and lead to the development terrorist groups

The way that this is being sold by the news is that Palestinians have been waging an aimless, 60 year religious war against the innocent but technologically superior Israelis. While superficially “true” it doesn’t cover the whole situation and doesn’t help people understand that Hamas terrorists makes up a minority of the Palestinian population.

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