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neshura, avatar

I go out of my way to actually purchase music/books if they’re offered in a DRM free way. If I can’t download whatever I just paid for without needing some crappy App to use it, I don’t own it. I don’t pay for things I don’t own.

While on the topic for people interested in Light Novels J-Novel Club offers DRM free Epub files of their books (username is embedded into the file but that’s hardly DRM), plus their subscription/pricing model is very fair imo. Can definitely recommend.

neshura, avatar

get an MakeMKV compatible BluRay drive and you’re golden, no need to worry about any crap BluRay DRM with it (at least to my knowledge)

neshura, avatar

I get the feeling they’re trying to get rid of that feature, whenever I try to download something there I have to jump through an increasing number of hoops to get the download option to appear.

neshura, avatar

I’ve got an unactivated VM I abuse as a server that’s been running for half a year now, no idea what you are talking about

neshura, avatar

Space Engineers has no Linux Dedicated Server so I’m forced to run a Windows VM. It’s the only piece of software I’ve encountered that problem with and it boggles my mind why they chose to do that

neshura, avatar

Getting Space Engineers to run on Linux is a constant experience of “Ooohh, it works. Now don’t touch anything or it’ll break!”. There are some docker containers out there that seem to work but then I’d lose the advantage of Torch and I’m not about to do that.

Really hope they provide a Linux Server for Space Engineers 2 (I assume that is what they will work on once Vrage3 is done)

neshura, avatar

Chiming in with my own thoughts.

I regularly see people calling for massive reductions in population and I don’t think they are as informed about the subject as they think they are. For starters I usually get the feeling that they think degrowth will be painless or relatively painless even when massive. It won’t, even a slight reduction in worker population each generation is massively going to decrease the standard of living, starting with pretty much every luxury service we have. Any innovation in tech? Yeah not gonna happen anymore, there is not enough breathing room in the economy to waste on fancy little toys. In a system set on degrowth any available resource will be exclusively used to maintain the status quo, forget improvements.

Thinking further beyond the immediate consequences there is the long term question of what we want to happen to humanity. If people think we should go extinct then degrowth is a perfectly viable strategy for making that take a bit longer, if we are to potentially survive indefinitely degrowth is not an option. We are consuming more depletable resources than any individual can count and a great many of them have already dropped below a level where we could rediscover them. For example: There is not enough surface ore (coal, iron, copper, etc) in the world anymore to repeat an industrial revolution. If we lose the capacity of mass production that’s it, no second attempt. And it is like that with many resources, Helium is running out in iirc ~100 years, Uranium for reactors in iirc ~80 years, nitrate needed for fertilizers is running low and concrete manufacturers are looking into alternatives to river sand because that is also running dangerously low. Now we can stop growth and extend the usable time we have left with these resources but they will run out eventually. Or alternatively we can stop pretending that stagnation has ever worked for anything (no not even nature works with stagnation, a forest with only old trees dies together with its entire animal population and is eventually replaced by a new forest with young trees) and start working on solution to that problem. If we don’t want to got extinct the only solution is to get off this rock and start mining the planets we don’t have to be careful with. We cannot strip mine earth because it’s the only habitable place we have but we don’t have that problem with any other celestial body.

As for the short term, getting rid of the excessively wealthy would be a good start, it’s not like we lack resources as is, it’s just that 0.1% of the population are hogging 99% of it for themselves. Imo eating the rich will net much better results than doing a china and having less kids (btw anyone check on how their industry is doing, cuz last I checked their government is panicking a bit about the side effects the decline in workforce brings with it)

neshura, avatar

I mean if the code is well written it shouldn’t be hard in the first place. You likely have a sinlge code var for the config path already so instead of hardcoding it to be in $HOME make it check if the file is in XDG_Config, if not check if it’s in $HOME. If the file is in neither of these it does not exist -> create a new one in XDG_Config. If it does exist in $HOME -> Move it to XDG_Config.

neshura, avatar

See the problem is, and I’ve experienced this myself, you leave Windows when it has a set of issues that have been long running. Then years later you get into an argument or make a meme and Windows now actually fixed that issue without you noticing because, well you’re not using it anymore.

Still would like some memes other than “hurr durr, Windows bad”, there’s plenty of memeable content within the Linux ecosystem (like every second app for a small niche ignoring XDG_HOME and just shitting the config files all over your home directory)

neshura, avatar

The 30% of all operation systems, which only gets beaten by Android.

funny you mention that, wanna know what you get if you look at the Kernel running underneath Android? Oh would you look at that, it’s actually Linux…

I do agree on the weird obsession with hating windows but lack of market share is not the reason it happens, it’s probably more due to people leaving Windows in the first place because they were immensely unsatisfied with it (Unlike Windows or Mac there are very few Linux Pre-Built PCs out there so chances are any given Linux Desktop User actively decided on that choice) and are now just hung up and bashing on it.

neshura, avatar

Ok I get how tranny is a slur but wtf is wrong with calling a hooker a hooker? Isn’t that word just a synonym for prostitute or is there some weird american subtext I’m too european to understand?

neshura, avatar

Glasses wearer here, I still see my nose with the glasses on. VR gives me mild motion sickness but only when moving around in a “smooth” way (Teleporting or walking irl is fine but using regular controller movement makes me want to throw up after ~30 minutes)

neshura, avatar

Yeah for most people getting the desire to throw up is going to prevent any future use of VR. Even if it’s known to get better after it’s still a case of “Oh it gets better, you just haven’t suffered enough yet” which is a deal people understandably don’t want to take

neshura, avatar

It isn’t (at least over here) but the “cost” for a game is really iffy to define because if you want to be pedantic the distribution cost for a digital game are cents and that only if you actually factor in infrastructure costs. So technically they can just price them however they want because technically a single game download has 0 cost.

Technically because we all know that the production costs have to be regained somehow, just that with enough lawyer bs you can ignore that as a product cost on paper (for example if you label the entire production a learning experience or smth)

neshura, avatar

I’d say PayPal problem but in reverse, customers hate Epic but still have to put up with it to get to the exclusives.

neshura, avatar

If I priate anything I still end up adding it to Steam as a non-steam game just because I am dependant on Proton working. Even then the ootb experience is better since Steam handles actually setting up the Proton environment for me when I actually buy the game.

neshura, avatar

I mean that’s the same side that steam is using their monopoly for, too

Steam only has a monopoly because they have the absolute feature advantage. There is no other launcher that offers all of the features Steam does. Steams Monopoly is a natural one, it formed because every other choice was worse and developers don’t want to put the game on another 30 stores where it won’t sell anyway. Epic is trying to create an artificial monopoly where everyone uses Epic because the developers literally cannot sell the game anywhere else (at least for a time).

Steam: Developers voluntarily restrict themselves to that single store out of convenience (99% of the customer base is there, why bother with another store). The customer base is there because the store is feature rich. Epic: Developers are artificially restricted to that single store. The customer base is there because they can’t get the game anywhere else.

Given the above I predict that, unless Epic gets their Store feature equal to Steam (which won’t happen imo), Epic will have to continue forcing exclusivity indefinitely. The moment they stop forcing people to use their store their customers will migrate back to Steam for a better experience.

neshura, avatar

Valve really understands how to get people to stay. Proton is an absolute life saver for gaming on linux and Steam currently offers the best experience with it. You just click play and most of the times that’s it, game works. I have no idea how VR works without Steam but I can only imagine it being a giant pain in the ass given how easy SteamVR is to use (a couple of Linux Bugs aside)

neshura, avatar

That quote is at the same time absolutely hillarious and still somehow true

neshura, avatar

True, which means he likely wasn’t involved or informed until too late to stop.

I just cannot see Elon agree to a passenger rail line to a factory of his. No way. He’d use individual zeppelin’s before admitting that rail is better than his bs pod ideas.

neshura, avatar

My username has pretty much become a nickname even with IRL friends at this point, I don’t think it would have settled as solidly if I kept switching it tbh. I am not too worried about doxxing but that is definitely a concern if you’re using a single username everywhere.

neshura, avatar

pointlessly shut down their nuclear plants

So you’d rather they instead got another round of fuel rods from the russians? Because afaik swapping out those fuel rods for american designs would not have worked without redesigns of the reactors (not feasible in the time available). Besides, the plants were scheduled to shut down for a while now, some of their safety certifications running out shortly after shutdown due to those plans. Renewing those certifications in time would have been a mammoth task better spent on more renewables.

There can be a discussion about the order of planned shutdowns here (coal before nuclear) but to argue the plants lifetime should have been emergency extended is pretty delusional. Such a thing was simply not possible given the constraints present.

neshura, avatar

Because we’re not fixing the problems, only treating the symptoms. Those genetic defects becoming more widespread means that the extreme cases become more popular as well, which will, while they are still manageable, be inherited to the next generation. Eventually defects will reach a point where they are just bad enough to be treatable for most people but still crippling to a good portion. Take bad eyesight for example, if no gene manipulation takes place, eventually most people will need glasses or surgery to fix the inconvenience. Unfortunately at hat point some people will have eyesight so bad that neither glasses nor surgery can fix the, at that level, crippling defect. The issue here is that an average increase in mild incenvience means also an increase in extreme cases of the inconveniences. And I don’t think it’s in the best interest of anyone to work towards more crippled people. Not because cripples are somehow subhuman but because being crippled means a life filled with needless suffering. Being able to bypass deaths due to these minor issues saves lifes, unfortunately it can also mean that more people will die/suffer far worse effects than if we never had invented remedies for these problems.

I think long term, despite ethical issues, meddling with our DNA to get rid of known defects is better than letting nature run its course.

neshura, avatar

Disclaimer: own stonks, so not exactly unbiased opinion here

From what I know they’re overhauling customer service to A) prevent stuff like with OP and B) make sure the customer isn’t disgruntled even if it happens. Not sure how successful they’ve been in that regard but at least it’s what managament claims they’re focusing on with seemingly at least some improvement. Aside from that there’s a couple experimental stores in Italy aiming for a more netcafe style service than the current store model as well as inventory/logistics slimming. They also announced a web3 game marketplace but last I checked there were no games but only loads of NFT vomit on there so not sure if that’s panning out as they intended it. Company is managing to become profitable though, last two quarters they beat estimates by a landslide and this quarter was almost profitable (iirc q2 hasn’t been profitable for them in ages).

I think key will be regaining customer trust, I see a lot of bad blood around with GameStop and I think if the company wants any chance at survival they need to work on clearing their image. They could offer the best service in the world but if people don’t trust their Customer Service that won’t matter.

neshura, avatar

I think the hate Last Jedi receives is overblown BUT it was trash. I was semi hopeful after TFA (in hindsight it set the groundwork for a lot of the bad parts) and forgave it some of its flaws due to being the forst movie in a while and having to restart the franchise when it came to theaters but I walked out of TLJ and wanted my time back.

I think there is a lot of hate for Rey that’s actual misogyny hidden behind the legitimate criticism. But the characters writing doesn’t help that situation. I don’t think any of the other characters are written much better so the fact Rey ends up getting most of the hate boils down to her being a woman and her being the main character (I cannot even guess which of these two weighs more into that equation, which is a shame. Her being female really shouldn’t factor into this). The entire movie just felt very silly to me. It makes for good eye candy but if you think deeper about anything that could be construed as a message in that movie it just falls apart imo.

Tl;dr: I don’t think it should come as a shock that the movoe got hate, it was pretty bad all things considered, but the amount sure was shocking

neshura, avatar

I heavily disagree, that movie disrespected the entire cast if you ask me. There was not a single story thread in TLJ that I found to be even slightly well thought out. Plenty of good ideas but the executions were horribly botched.

I cannot say anything abput Rise of Skywalker since I haven’t watched it but I don’t think tjat matters for the following. Imo TLJ was not the best movie out of the three, if we look at them in isolation, I could maybe see that being the case. But it isn’t a movie in isolation. It’s a sequel to a movie that already ate up most of the goodwill around. At least personally I was willing to cut TFA a lot of slack since it was the first movie in a good while for the Star Wars Universe. I was not willing to do so for TLJ sonce it was the second movie and they really should have had some idea of what the plan was by then. TFA probably screws over the trilogy harder than TLJ with its plot but TLJ doesn’t get the “Has to restart movie franchise” card that TFA got.

neshura, avatar

No not really, TLJ on its own sucks. TFA also sucks. Probably even moreso. But when TFA came out it had an advantage that counterweighed a lot of the issues. TLJ did not have that luxury. I think we think of this differently. I have not watched the movies again after their cinematic release so I’m rating them as I experienced them then. If I rewatched these movies now I might agree with you since TFA does not have any “new movie after ages” hype bonus clouding my mind.

The only thing I’m blaming on TLJ is in hindsight making TFA even worse since its failure turned the first movie into a premonition instead of a weak start.

neshura, avatar

Messing up the Sequels was a team effort. JJ’s Setup was shit but Rian’s own writing wasn’t any better. Nothing in JJ’s Setup requires a Bullshit Holdo maneuver, or turning Luke into a character from an alternate Universe. Yes the bag of Mysteries Rian was handed was full of steaming shit but that doesn’t really matter because in the end he decided to add some shit of his own before handing it back to JJ. You claim I say Rian fucked up the Trilogie, he didn’t. He only fucked up 1/3 of it. TLJ however did in retrospect change my view on TFA because, as we agree, JJ’s Mystery boxes turned out to be shit. I don’t claim that Rian fucked that up, he simply tore off the bandaid with his own bad movie. The blame for TFA (and Rise of SkywalkerPalpatine) lays solely with JJ.

As I saod in another comment chain: TLJ was bad, but the hate it gets is overblown.

neshura, avatar

That math doesn’t math. He was directly responsible for 2/3s of it, and the other third he plowed over.

Read this again:

You claim I say Rian fucked up the Trilogie, he didn’t. He only fucked up 1/3 of it.

I’m saying Rian only fucked up 1/3, not JJ.

Rian’s explanation was fine.

I sorta disagree. Other possible explanations aside (I dunno, maybe Luke went to undertake a serious ritual and didn’t want to get interrupted unless absolutely necessary) this explanation demands a lot more elaboration. The concept is fine but it would need some more fleshing out (I would prefer a short movie) to pick up the audience. The gaps between Episode 6 Luke, Flashback Luke and Episode 8 Luke are too large to bridge with suspension of disbelief/imagination for some. The trajectory many thought Luke would take does not match what we are shown, which means the audience should be shown a bit more to adjust that trajectory. The audience needs to see Luke drift off first before this transgression, not just told it happened. We do not need to see Luke attack Kylo. We need to see him drift off into intolerance to narrow the gap between Episode 6 and the Flashback. As it stands we see Luke on a trajectory to heroism in Episode 6, then an angry old man in the Flashback and someone who recognized the error of their ways in Episode 8, the difference between Flashback Luke and Episode 8 Luke is fine but the difference between Episode 6 Luke and Flashback Luke is not. His character makes a complete U-Turn in between and we, as the audience, have not a single clue why. It does not match the character we know to such an extreme extent that is completely takes you out of the movie. There was just not enough time in that movie to fit such an Arc for someone who is a Side Character+.

neshura, avatar

They’ll find a way, I’m sure

neshura, avatar

Or more cases of devs saying “Just pirate the game, it’s cheaper for us that way”

neshura, avatar

Google lässt den Kram zu weil es in Google’s interesse ist dir so viel Werbung wie möglich zu servieren. Das bedeutet im Fall der Suchmaschine, dass sehr viel Müll wissentlich in die Ergebnisse fließt. Ob das jetzt nur irrelevanter Müll oder aktiv schädlicher Müll ist, ist Google dabei egal. Hauptsache ist, dass dir mehr Werbung angezeigt wird.

Edit: Empfehle dringend auf eine andere Suchmaschine umzusteigen, sogar Bing ist mittlerweile eine bessere Suchmaschine als Google (zum8ndest aus eigener Erfahrung, hab da jetzt keine Fakten zu)

neshura, avatar

Nah man, they won’t listen.I tried to tell them the same in my RFC and you see how that turned out. I don’t think they’ll ever get why this is a bad idea but I don’t expect this RFC to get past dessalines or nutomic either so there’s that.

neshura, avatar

I have a chromium install lying around for that. Bizarrely the online conferencing tool my bank uses has issues with Firefox despite advertising Firefox support which is pretty much the only thing I need the Chromium browser for

Digital Markets Act: Commission designates six gatekeepers (

The European Commission has today designated, for the first time, six gatekeepers - Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft - under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). In total, 22 core platform services provided by gatekeepers have been designated. The six gatekeepers will now have six months to ensure full compliance...

neshura, avatar

I think the problem with M$ and especially Apple is that since their OSes are very popular their default Apps have a high install base. But since few people actually use them they don’t have the corresponding monthly active users. iMessage for example only serves as the SMS client for most people to receive stuff like shipping notifications or OTPs. I don’t think that will be enough to get them out of being designated Gatekeepers but it explains why their services are not yet decided on.

neshura, avatar

From personal experience with people whose parents are Muslim: a lot of those kids aren’t wearing this out of their own free will.

I understand how this is controversial but I think it is absolutely necessary. Parents have no right to force their religion on their kids and unless there are laws against it those kids will not have any second of time free from that oppression. And before you claim hypocrisy: The same goes for Christianity and any of its bullshit like crosses everywhere.

neshura, avatar

Christian Sabbath off but not Muslim Jumu’ah

hear me out: that just might be, really far stretch I know, but it just might be because the western weekend formed out of the Jewish Sabbath, which was adopted by Christianity. However it is not anymore the justification for having it. The only reason Saturday and Sunday are the weekend is because nobody bothered moving the date after the religious meaning was largely lost on the general population. Religion in Europe is in steep decline, unlike in certain other parts of the western world.

France has a population of ~40% Atheist/Agnostics. If you seriously think Christianity dictates the laws in France you are delusional.

neshura, avatar

but it’s worse than SDI in most ways

ima need you to expand on that one a bit because from what my amateurish search brought up SDI is pretty much garbage spec wise compared to DP

neshura, avatar

Why would you even want that, the locking mechanism is imo one of the advantages DP has over HDMI, I had one too many instances of the HDMI plug getting lose in the socket causing signal loss (granted, not a big issue for Home Theater but def. an issue for some people for PC usage).

Any chance to have a separated [PORN] tag to avoid blocking all kind of NSFW posts?

Many NSFW have nothing to do with porn. Sometimes are horror contents, some times are crude images, some times are just lazy people who don’t know of the Spoiler tag. Can we have a quick and easy way to filter off all the (very funny but not alway wanted) Porn posts without locking out those other contents???

neshura, avatar

Preffix: someone needs to fix comments disapearing when clicking on literally anything at all.

Commenting directly since ludrol tagged me.

CW and NSFW are too broad to be the only 2 types of tags.

There will be 3: NSFW, CW and Generic. Excuse the passive aggressiveness but this tells me you didn’t read the RFC at all

The suggestion to use tag urls as ids don’t work with the idea of using ids to share tags across instances. I don’t want the entire threadiverse to decide is the global nsfw tag and smaller instances being forced to use that or risk people facing unsolicited nsfw from their instance.

Your example makes no sense as people not wanting to see will block the entire NSFW tag type in the settings, not the instance tag. The id’s are for granular filtering, not for blanket blocking

There is no mention of filtering posts based on their tag category, which would make it impossible to block nsfw posts across instances without using the shared id.

Is there now? Gee I sure wonder what I wrote in that Outlook section…

There needs to be platform level tag categories (especially for things people might not want to see) so content filtering works in a consistent and decentralised manner. Then individual instances or communities can create their their own tags based on those categories to fit their needs.

Preset tags can and will definitely be included, not least of all because functionality of the current borked NSFW system will need to be preserved once it is replaced with the tag system. What you are describing here is pretty much what I wrote in the RFC, again: Did you actually read that thing?

The author seems to want to replace the spoiler mark with a (cw) tag called spoiler, but things can be both spoilers and fall under other tags (ie an image post, a leak, a discussion etc). Also this would pointlessly filter out regular spoiler content if a user blocks tags with the cw category.

See my point regarding NSFW filtering, if a user does not want to see some Spoilers they would filter out those Spoilers or Whitelist the ones they want to see (more likely option but both are possible). Problems like this are partly why the Filter System debate is still ongoing. Changing the tags to be limited to certain groups does not really fix this problem, it simply moves the workload from the moderators to the devs.

Users would be able to choose whether to show, blur or block content with these warnings in the settings.

Is the plan with my RFC as well, again your idea moves the burden of moderation to the devs which is a horrible idea, there already isn’t enough brainpower behind this project.

A user creating a post would see a menu to pick the content warnings (multiple if they want) that describe their post. Tags describe content to people who want to find such content. There could be generic platform wide ones like news, qna etc, but the majority would be community specific. Tags could also include default content warnings (eg ‘leak’ tag could activate the spoiler content warning).

You are almost literally describing my RFC, i ask again did you actually read it?!

but even what we have now feels better than what is proposed in that link


neshura, avatar

First of all I want to sort of apologize, my comment was a lot angrier than initially intended because first lemmy erased my first draft (which was not nearly as aggressive) and then my hunger caught up with me. Not meant as an excuse for it but rather an explanation that the anger wasn’t intended.

Your rfc doesn’t mention that, it only mentions blocking tags.

Currently ther e is an option to block NSFW entirely, under the tag system that functionality has to be preserved, therefore at the very least an option to completely block the nsfw type tag will be implemented. I did not think mentioning that no feature degradation should occur was necessary, given that it caused some confusion I’ll probably go back and write the implicit parts out.

Do you see tag type filtering anywhere?

As quoted by yourself later on:

Theoretically NSFW could be implemented using a preset “Content Warning” tag but seperating out this tag allows instances to better filter it out for moderation purposes (for example if no admin/moderator is willing to moderate NSFW content)

Again I did not think I needed to explicitly state that this easier filtering would be done via the type because I thought it was implicitly clear from the context.

it’s not clear in the rfc that tag names can be used for filtering.

Same reason as above but this time even more fundamental: I’m not gonna rechew programming basics in a document aimed at other programmers. The ability to filter by name is given since the thing has its own json field.

Makes it sound like only tags with the same id would be considered the same in the interface, so the same preset tag from different instances/communities would not be interchangeable.

They would not and that is indeed a minor issue with the entire thing. I don’t really think that will be a big issue since tag filtering will likely be done via type + name and not via id as well as tags being coalesced due to federation. Aside from that the default settings of tags should prevent accidental viewing of content (as mentioned in the RFC both NSFW and CW tags will be blurred by default, meaning until users can select to not blur a cw tag themselves)

Then your point is that it does make sense to have more tag types if they’re important enough, so that’s not a point against having a spoiler tag type. Anyways, I wrote that because I thought every post would be limited to 1 tag like on reddit and didn’t see the news example. Mb.

It’s fine, what I think I should include in the RFC is the possibility to include more tag types should real use of tags show that they would be beneficial. It’s a lot easier to add categories there than remove them later on which is why I want to keep the initial amount of types to the absolute minimum needed. In this case that’s 2+1 since NSFW needs to be split off from cw for feature parity with the current NSFW system.

content warnings (for filtering out) should be seperate than tags (for filtering in)

Programmatically speaking there is absolutely no difference between filtering in and filtering out, which is why I don’t think splitting CWs and Tags makes sense. From what I can tell the other Fediverse Platforms handle this in a very similar manner. It also assumes that everyone only wants to filter out CWs, but that is not true. Some people want to filter out porn, others want explicitly only porn in their feed. Some users might not want to see gore or spoilers while others like to read through those things. So in the end there is not even a line between clear “filter-in” and “filter-out” labels for posts.

Edit: forgot to include but to clear up another misunderstanding: RFC means Request for Change, comments are welcome but it is primarily a document aimed at people already somewhat familiar with the debate to find any major issues with the proposal. I wrote the RFC only after my basic idea received approval by the people already involved in the GitHub discussion.

neshura, avatar

Yeah I had a pizza before/while typing the 2nd comment.

Again sorry for the overly aggressive tone of the first one.

neshura, avatar

90% don’t use iMessage here becaise everyone and their grandmother uses Whatsapp. iMessage will still fall under this regulation despite low actual users becaise it’s a pre-installed app that also handles sms and plenty of companies send you text messages.

neshura, avatar

Can chime in as well on that. I sorta get where they’re coming from not wanting to merge tech debt but I feel like their going a but too far at times. Especially when it comes to the “I don’t want this” type of ‘reasosn’ for denying PR’s or closing Issues. I had a very lengthy debate with Nutomic about CW’s and Spoiler tags to even get them to understand why that is needed.

When a great deal of time is spent making a github mod come around to just let you put in the work you know is wanted by a lot of people it really takes the wind out of your sails. I think that sort of personal bias will be more of a long term detriment to lemmy than any problem with the tech stack it uses.

neshura, avatar

The problem here is, imo, that the curation is in a lot of cases based on the devs personal usage of lemmy. Meaning if Nutomic or Dessalines don’t think they need a feature you’re already facing an uphill battle to just get them to understand that even if they don’t want it, other people do. Best example I can think of is how lengthy the debate about post tags was until they relented and switched from “won’t implement” to “if somebody else does the work” (I’m still skeptical they won’t block any actual work there with nitpicks about implementation details) see this GitHub Issue for what I mean. It really takes away a great amount of motivation if you have to convince the devs about what you plan to implement. Instead of “Gauge Community need for feature” -> “Write Proposal” -> “Implement” it now is “Gauge Community need for feature” -> “Argue with GitHub Mods for a few months” -> “Write Proposal” -> “Implement”

neshura, avatar

I agree that Rust is definitely not ideal for server backends (imo it’s not bad, just fine but then again I use it a lot for private projects) but I disagree with your take on JS/Python. Sure that would work but given the performance issues on large instances already going for either of these two, even with JITs, is a bit of a hot take imo. Go probably would have been a way better choice given its relatively low entry bar.

neshura, avatar

Forking over the mentioned PR is definitely overblown but there is an issue with nutomic and dessalines blocking wanted features due to personal reasons. Mild example but stuff like

Also, its not difficult to right click -> open in new tab, or middle mouse click.

is not a rarity from my personal experience, horrible implementation details aside I had to waste a great amount of time to get nutomic to understand that people do indeed want Spoiler Tags. My idea for how that would work was ultimately idiotic but my experience up to that point made me really not want to interact with them. Instead of talking about issues with the implementation you have to first spend weeks arguing that the feature is actually a good idea in the first place despite multiple open issues with people asking for that particular feature. I’m currently working on a new proposal for post tags that should work a lot better but I really don’t look forward to having nutomic or dessalines review the proposal. Bit of a rant but the two lead devs on this project being what I can only describe as extremely stubborn is not helping this entire endeavor one bit and probably has chased away a lot of potential contributors, I know that once I’m done with post tags I probably won’t contribute again.

neshura, avatar

I think a large reason for why there are no forks (yet) is that so far we’re still in the “let’s try to make this work without a fork” part. Widespread interest in Lemmy is only pretty recent but there are already a lot of bad experiences when it comes to contributing to the project. If the two lead devs keep being as inflexible as they have been so far when it comes to popular requests I think a fork is sort of inevitable.

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