This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

neshura, avatar

I watched it a while ago and while I was not on board with all the changes to the store she completely lost me with the changes to the UI outside the store.

Leave the download bar right where it is, also leave the friend list where it is. Multi monitor people actually use that stuff.

Also don’t touch the god damn library. It’s fine, good even. Not sure what she’s on about a easy “Play” button for recent games missing, it’s right there in the Library home page.

neshura, avatar

I’d be very careful with those words given that is rather trigger happy with defederations.

It is almost impossible to completely censor away content and anyone can bridge blocks by creating a new intermediary instance where they can view content of mutually blocked instances but it’s not like you see all the fediverse content on any instance.

Matter of fact you just need to look at the blocklists of most instances to get a pretty good guess at the other, less legal, Fediverse out there running almost in parallel to the popular one. But since almost every instance has those blocked you don’t see any of that shit in your feeds. Highly censorship resistant, but ultimately an individual is still at the mercy of their instance admins.

neshura, avatar

Und bitte nicht mehr als 20% über Mindestlohn wenn möglich

neshura, avatar

Hab ein paar Jungs im Verein PCs zusammengestellt und die durch die Anfänge geführt. Da fehlten bei allen absolute Kernkompetenzen. Ich musste denen quasi erstmal beibringen was ein linker Mausklick ist

neshura, avatar

“Öffne das Menü”

Auch große leere Augen

Threads testet Mastodon-Integration - was bedeutet das für Lemmy/Feddit? ( German

Auch wenn die Details alle noch nicht so wirklich feststehen - Metas Threads testet wohl aktuell eine Mastodon/Fediverse-Anbindung per ActivityPub und basiert auch darauf. Und da man ja auch per Mastodon hier unterwegs sein kann, könnte irgendwann demnächst eine größere Menge Threads-User (Threadisten? Threader? Thruser?)...

neshura, avatar

Bei der Historie die so ziemlich alle Tech Riesen haben ist die einzige logische Handlung (oder etwaige andere Fediverse Projekte von denen) vorzeitig zu blocken.

Wenn die es mit dem Fediverse ernst meinen, wird es kein Problem sein die Blocks in zig Jahren wieder rückgängig zu machen, aber bis durch Handlungen gezeigt wird, dass diesmal kein böser Hintergedanke vorliegt wird erstmal der Banhammer rausgeholt.

neshura, avatar

Anstelle von “does it display doom” kann man an der Stelle aber auch direkt “does it play bad apple” nehmen, da ist dann auch klarer, dass es nur um anzeige geht

neshura, avatar

You need some paragraphs my dude

neshura, avatar

I had to constantly skip back and forth to figure out where one word starts and another ends. Very painful to read, I’ve found new appreciation for whitespace.

neshura, avatar

England slightly behind worst regions of Germany would be more apt but yeah the title is severely misleading.

neshura, avatar

The only people I have ever seen claim that disabilities aren’t so bad and you can live completely normal etc. are people with no disabilities at all. I’m not disabled, my eyesight is just shit and I don’t know what I’d be willing to do to get normal eyesight. Just to get rid of a pair of glasses. I can’t imagine the lengths someone actually disabled would go to in order to get a cure.

neshura, avatar

Valid point, let’s work with it

Nitpick: “large sum of money” - at least here laser treatment is pretty cheap (less than 1k for both eyes)

1: My eyesight is too bad for laser treatment, by the time my eyesight would be corrected there would be nothing left of my cornea and likely retina as well.

1.5: I still have options available to me that, as you point out, just involve throwing more money at the problem

2: me having that option is beside the point. The point is that even just a minor nuisance like glasses is enough to seriously fuck with someone’s (perceived) quality of life, never mind something that actually severely impacts your daily life.

neshura, (edited ) avatar

I can only speak for myself but the slight issue I take with “woke” aspects in games is more down to the fact that it takes me out of the experience and forcibly makes me recall the very real discussion around it. That alone wouldn’t be a problem because quite frankly every game is political in some way but the “woke” discussion has been extremely loud and, at least for me, exhausting in both directions. So if I stumble upon an issue of it in a game it immediately pulls me back to reality, ruining my moment of escapism.

And I don’t think your conclusion of people’s actual desires is accurate. There is wanting all characters to be white, having a problem with 50% of a supposedly medieval european population being black and a lot of nuance in between those two extremes. Again, I can’t speak for anyone except myself but the vast majority of complaints I’ve met are from people who do not take issue with represantation itself but with the degree it is pushed with.

Disclaimer: please excuse the typos, I’ll maybe fix them later

neshura, (edited ) avatar

I suppose the health insurance covers a lot of it, but given the quotes my mother and I (well mine was more a “would cost this much but no can do with your eyes kiddo”) got respectively plus what the health insurance likely paid/pays the “normal” price would still be ~1.5k-2k for both eyes.

neshura, (edited ) avatar

Honest question: What is/are your problem(s) with Svelte? So far it seems a lot easier to use than react to me but I wouldn’t consider myself experienced so there might be unwelcome surprises waiting.

neshura, avatar

We already sort of did, it’s called tauri

neshura, avatar

yeah you’re right, wasn’t fully awake I guess

neshura, avatar

Just piling onto this I really hate how it’s always portrayed as if ftl would somehow break causality. I cannot for the life of me figure out any way in which something travelling faster than light would do that. Travelling faster than sound doesn’t break the air eithe (well it sort of does but the air is still there working as air once the sonic boom has passed it)r.

Bit of a tangent but I get the feeling a lot of scientists are stuck revering the old geniuses a bit too much. Einsteins formula is basically taken as gospel, to suggest it might be inaccurate is seemingly treated as heresy and I don’t think that’s a good thing.

Newton’s theory of gravity was also revered as undenoable fact but lo and behold it was severely inaccurate. What makes these people believe it’s any different with Einstein and co? (arguably this could be down to the media distorting sentiment among scientists but that only improves things marginally)

neshura, avatar

Not sure if possible but have you checked whether the running user is an application property? If so you could maybe manage it via application or window rules.

Can’t check rn because I’m away from my PC but it’s worth a shot checking imo.

neshura, avatar

Ich speicher mir den Post mal für das nächste mal wenn irgendein Trottel in meinem Umfeld meint die AfD sei doch gar nicht so rassistisch wie immer behauptet.

neshura, (edited ) avatar

Sort of but also not at the same time, for example there is a distinct difference between Central/Western and Eastern Europe. In Central/Western Europe each country has several regions with above average GDP whereas in Eastern Europe pretty much only the capitals, if that, are above average. Which just goes to show that the scars of the iron curtain have not healed yet and more needs to be done to even out the field. This becomes rather apparent if you look at Germany and realize that the border of below and above average pretty much exactly follows the former east-west-border

neshura, avatar

Same, really interested in that data

neshura, avatar

ironically investing between the middle and the end of a company crisis is a good idea if you are certain the company will come out in one piece at the end because the price is about as low as it will get due to the fresh outrage. Of course if the company goes under that’s a different story

neshura, avatar

during the entire API fiasco some people had a look at their financials and the conclusion was that they should be making a profit if their revenue numbers are remotely correct. Somewhere in this pit of dung they have several money pits of unknown nature

neshura, avatar

Superstonk is so brainwashed by the mods that they would “naturally” (more like: any opinion other than that gets removed) start theorizing that Hedgefunds want to buy reddit only to shut down Superstonk. Just to highlight how bad the Superstonk mods are: The word “Lemmy” gets you autobanned

neshura, avatar

What makes you think we expect any data? It was just a kind request if you had any lying around, if not that’s perfectly reasonable. No reason to get dickish about it.

neshura, avatar

sure buddy, it’s the beginning of a bad faith argument and gaslighting, suree… If it helps you sleep better we can all pretend that’s what it is and not just some random people genuinely interested in that data.

neshura, avatar

I would be less critical of this if it was not the same company managing Gitea, it seems like a decent enough platform but having Gitea be OpenSource is a detraction from possible profits because nothing stops anyone from creating a service like this for cheaper.

I hope the company behind this stays on the good path but I’m not holding my breath, I’ll be sticking to Forgejo for the time being.

neshura, avatar

From my personal experience running GitLab and Forgejo (Gitea Drop-In replacement/Fork):

  • Gitea/Forgejo is easier to get running
  • UI is less bloated/faster
  • GitLab redesigned their UI and imo it’s shit now
  • No features locked behind a “Pro” Version (Pull or Bidirectional mirrors are for example unavailable on GitLab self-hosted unless you shell out for premium)
  • Gitea Actions is a lot more intuitive than GitLab CI, this is likely personal preference but it’s still an important factor
neshura, avatar

From the way the explain it this is just “more secure” but only if you use a shared VPS for your hosting, which I have no idea what percentage of hosters do. Seems like confusing but valid marketing to me.

neshura, avatar

Forgejo has different development priorities but feature wise they should be identical since the Forgejo devs also push their code upstream into Gitea

neshura, avatar

huh, would you look at that. Pretty stupid move and something that makes this entire thing even more suspect. Glad I picked Forgejo over Gitea

neshura, avatar

I have honestly no idea what the GitLab devs did but their service is such an incredible memory hog it’s insane. Obviously GitLab has a pages service tacked onto it but my GitLab instance (mostly legacy but a friend still uses it so it keeps chugging along) eats a whole 5GB of RAM while my Forgejo Instance only uses 200MB. I have no idea where all of that memory is going because it sure as hell isn’t going into responsitivity. I’ve no idea if I configured something wrong or if it’s GitLab pages but it’s still excessive

neshura, (edited ) avatar

I’ll try to summarize:

  • Gitea is managed by a For-Profit that apparently popped out of nowhere -> profit motive conflicts directly with FOSS and since the corp isn’t well known it must be assumed acquisition was solely to make money
  • Gitea now requires Copyright attribution, meaning if you push code to Gitea in an existing file it ain’t your code anymore -> omega level oof for a FOSS project because this essentially kills any upstream contributing (as seen by Forgejo deciding to stop their contributions)
  • This Cloud Service being offered when Self-Hosting Gitea is really easy, again -> profit motive conflicts with FOSS but now on steroids because a “core” feature of their service will limit their ability to make more money
neshura, avatar

see my reply here

neshura, avatar

Codeberg is iirc the main entity behind it, at the very least they are using some of their funds to support it

neshura, avatar

That is one awesome set of new features

neshura, avatar

Aber Hauptsache Alk ist Kulturgut und wehe du sagst was dagegen

neshura, avatar

see the problem I have here is by banning a word that is used as a slur maybe once every 1000 times you remove the 999 times it was not used as a slur, thereby making the situation worse rather than better. Banning words does fuck all to promote a healthier culture, all it does is make the vultures migrate to the next word they load up with negative connotations

neshura, avatar

well let’s get rid of those 10 then, the other 2990 should be able to pick up whatever positive effect those 10 species have without building nests and swarming our homes

neshura, avatar

tiff weil scan einer Kassenrechnung auf nem A3 Blatt, 98% sind weiße Pixel mit verschiedenen weiß tönen weil der scanner aus 1990 ist

neshura, avatar

“Die Anbieter sollten mir Treue Rabatt geben, dafür wie lange ich schon da bin”

Derweil wenn Langzeitkunden Angebot per Post kommt: “Scheiß Werbung, warum müllen die mich mit so unnötigem Zeug zu, mein Vertrag reicht mir vollkommen aus!!!111!!!elf!!”

neshura, avatar

Ich hab die Frage jetzt 5 mal lesen müssen um überhaupt zu verstehen was da jetzt eigentlich gefragt ist.

Bei so komplexen Fragen kann man schon fast Wahlmanipulation vermuten, so n Kram geht auch lesbarer.

Messed up things a doctor did to you or someone you know? / Bad experiences with doctors

Today I spoke to a coworker who had bad experiences with doctors and was seeking recommendations for a new one, then other coworkers chimed in, and so I decided to ask you guys as well. Well, not for a doctor recommendation, but about your bad experienced with doctors?...

neshura, (edited ) avatar

Nothing serious but when I was a kid my doctor regularly forgot to mark my blood samples with my age, resulting in me having to take Vitamin supplements on and off because the values flip-flopped between “way too low (for an adult)” and “way too high (for a 10 year old kid)”

Luckily my parents wizened up to that after a year and we switched doctors, was not a nice experience but still on the more harmless side of things

Edit: I do have a really messed up one. Back when I was a little toddler crawling on all fours my parents gave me milk in glass bottles, which is a good idea because plastics are obviously bad until you consider toddler behaviour. Well things inevitably happened and toddler me dropped the bottle while sitting on a bench. Toddler me then had nothing better to do than to follow the bottles course and fall into the glass pile. Parents rushed me to a child surgeon, he removed “all” glass pieces from my elbow. A few days after the OP the wound starts watering badly, so my parents go back to the doc. Nope he says, all the glass is removed. Wound doesn’t get better so my parents go to a normal surgeon. Dude looks at the wound, cancels his plans and essentially emergency operates the wound because lo and behold there were still glass fragments in my elbow. Scars being what scars are I now have a ~10 cm and a ~5cm scar stretching across my left elbow. Guess the only good part about it is that I was too young to remember that shitshow.

neshura, avatar

Doctors can be so incredibly hit or miss and the worst part is there is no good way to check the reputation of a doc beforehand.

neshura, avatar

I guess the problem with modern medicine usually isn’t that treatment is unavailable but that the person in front of you is too arrogant or incompetent to properly diagnose that treatment is needed and which treatment would work best.

neshura, avatar

My Mother was on that whole trip for a long time, she still has some around but now admits and recognizes that the most you’ll get out of those damn pills is a placebo effect (ideal for children with minor woes like a scratched knee)

Was one hell of a ride getting her to that point though

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