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This is gorgeous. This is a work of art. I spent like 15 minutes looking at all the buttons


I think we’ll see some very cool stuff start to happen once Veilid’s block storage is off the ground


Optimus gets complex quick. You’ll be reading pci bus ids before you know it. Keep the wiki open, go slowly; you got this :)


lite-xl with LSP gives you most of the features of vscode (they’re both lsp) at a tiny percentage of the system resources


Time to dive into the wide world of VTTYs. I believe you’re writing to pts3’s output buffer - writing to its input buffer is a different virtual device / may be a process descriptor, I’m not sure. Look into the history of vttys and it should start to make sense.

You must pick a point in human history before the 1950s to be spend the rest of your life in. What era and place would you choose?

You would still have the same age, gender, personality, skin color, etc. and you would be able to speak at least one local language and would know basic information of the era and place. Your family, social standing, and such would be randomly picked.


I have a whole rant on this topic, but the short version:

It’s dentists.

The gnarliest mountain man, who hunts bears with his bear hands, can be brought to his knees with a toothache. The toothache never sleeps, can’t be fought, and always eventually wins. Even basic dentistry is life saving - even another human with a pair of pliers and some moonshine - but I’d much rather have novocaine.


The music streaming service, that I stream music from, knows which music I streamed. I’m shocked.


I listed to marina and the diamonds and tool. Maybe they could pitch me better headphones? I am actually in the market for new headphones.


That’s always a tough one!

I don’t mind the wire, but wireless could be very nice. I’m an audio technica fan.

It would be awesome to have headphones with a good microphone, for calls at work. They’ll also have to be comfortable - I like to jam while writing code for multi-hour sessions.

My home computer doesn’t have bluetooth, so I’m probably team wired.


Hail Eris!

May your surfboard be waxed and your toothbrush free of sand.


Shinji get in the god damn robot


This will go about as well as broadcom’s acquisition of Symantec (not well).

If you can get rid of vmware, you will have to, and if you can’t, you’ll ship buckets of benjamins to broadcom and in return they might keep your company alive.



How many of these devices do we have in our asset inventory? Do they have a cvss score yet? Let’s just do it ourselves with an ssvc score. Can this be exploited remotely? Call crowdstrike, tell them to get a network detection written and deployed. How long do we have before the quarterly audit? Can our soc do threat hunts against this? Get me the RTOs, RPOs, and business impact assessment. Let’s MOVE, people!


Sir, you are a hero. Thank you for your service.


Shinji get in the goddamn robot


Now tell me where the cops hide, even when they’re not there


The eu is very upset about this opposition, and published a hit piece “fact checking” pdf against it.

  1. Yes, because:
  2. It could
  3. And if it does, you probably can’t remove it

Streaming sites can embed an unhearable data stream into audio signal. It’s possible

That being said, it’s extremely improbable, given the costs to do it at scale.

If you’re part of a large company’s beta program and have access to some unreleased product, maybe worry.

If you grabbed a file from some mega host updown whatever site, don’t worry.

And if you’re still worried, take a sha256 hash and put it into google search. If you get any results that even mention your file’s title, then you’re good.


Spread-spectrum audio watermarks will survive multiple re-encodings and are extremely difficult to detect.

Iirc google widevine will embed a device code, and if a pirated copy of some content is found, they will blacklist the gpu’s device code so it can’t receive 4k content anymore. That’s video, but it’s the same idea.


You’ll want to learn the difference between SAS and SATA connectors. You can very probably use either. 3.5 inch is the “standard” size, while 2.5 inch was more popular for laptops. However, in the interest of density, servers started accepting 2.5 inch drives to fit more drives per rack.

You can get great deals on used sas drives on ebay, but if you don’t know how to monitor s.m.a.r.t. data / rebuild a zfs array, that can be very very risky. You need to be able to survive concurrent disk failures.

Honestly your best bet is brand new western digital or seagate drives. Buy them on amazon, but double check that the seller is legit. That’s it.


I recommend 3.5s - they’ll be a little cheaper and a little more readily available. It’s also worth noting that sata drives can plug into your SAS controller, so you can use any and all 3.5” drives that you can find :)


Extremely. It’s just slow, but once you get used to that, it’s solid.


I don’t know what a stör is and at this point I’m afraid to ask. I can guess it’s a fish? What the hell is going on


I would use z-indexes to setup the layering. Have a base layer, the “filter” layer, and then the ui on top.

Basically 3 divs, with z-index 1/2/3 respectively. Put elements on the base layer or ui layer based on if you should see them always or not.

For the filter, I would do an svg of a rectangle, big enough to cover the screen, and a hole in it. Then use js to set the svg’s position relative to the mouse.

The svg could easily be made transparent, black, or even get that fade effect around the edges.


It is exceptional, thank you for asking :)


10 minute intro

Proceeds the weedian

5 minute solo


song continues in this manner for another 45 minutes


Any form of bread with a filling, generally assembled cold

But, dare I say, does that not make a ravioli a sandwich? A poptart? Mayhaps even … Lasagna?

Ah, you proclaim! But those are cooked further!

But so too is a grilled cheese! And a patty melt!

Where will the madness end?

The loss of certainty in one's one abilities and the lack of trust in institutions

To know what I am talking about, let me give you an example. I have this friend who went crazy over the vaccine issue. She’s done so much research into it that I feel like I can’t talk to her about her vaccine skepticism. Whenever I start to talk about something, she would drown me with a ton of articles and youtube videos...


This is exceptionally well stated. I saw my parents, myself, and every reddit/lemmy/twitter thread I’ve ever read, in your description.

So much online conversation isn’t conversation at all; it’s posturing; saying something completely irrelevant that attempts to paint the “opponent” into an indefensible corner. The best response, then, also doesn’t respond, and does the same - end result being two people just saying stuff at each other.


I must disagree.

We need not wait for marginalized groups to be impacted to decry T1 ISP censorship. Ban whatever speech you want; the method of enforcement should be to arrest the perpetrators - not stop the sale of paper, the delivery of mail, or blocklist class A ip ranges.

On a more philosophical level, this is the question of “kindergarten policy” - do we punish those who crayon on the walls, or do we take away everybody’s crayons. To punish the ability to do wrong, or the act of doing wrong. Like most philosophical questions, there’s no good answer to this.


I can’t speak to current state; but with any luck we are approaching / entering the post-tracker era. DHT handles the actual “tracking”, and other components are (very slowly) coming out to handle search and reputation.


evangelion reference

navigatron, (edited )

Who wants to announce a partnership with me to promote irresponsible AI?

­Most Americans favor restrictions on false information, violent content online (

65% of Americans support tech companies moderating false information online and 55% support the U.S. government taking these steps. These shares have increased since 2018. Americans are even more supportive of tech companies (71%) and the U.S. government (60%) restricting extremely violent content online.


Who is the arbiter of truth? What prevents the power to censor from being abused?

The power to censor inherently includes the ability to silence its own opposition. Centralizing this power is therefore dangerous, as it is neigh impossible to regulate.

Currently, we can choose our forums - beehaw does a good job, /pol/ silences all but one worldview, and therefore I am here and not there. What happens when that choice is taken away, and one “truth” is applied universally, with no course for opposition?

Perhaps you believe you hold the correct opinions, and will not be affected. Only those who disagree with you will be silenced. Or perhaps you change your opinions to whatever you are told is correct, and therefore you do hold the correct opinions, though only by definition.

Consider that 50% of the country disagrees with you politically. If you follow a third party, it’s 98%. A forced shared truth is only “good” if it goes your way - but the odds of that are so incredibly small, and it gets much smaller when you consider infighting within the parties.


No single body can wield this power, and therefore multiple should.

/pol/ self-censors through slides and sages, and even maintains at least some level of toxicity just to dissuade outsiders from browsing or posting - you could call it preventative censorship.

Fortunately, we don’t have to go there. We have the choice to coexist on Beehaw instead.

Even on reddit, different subs could have different moderation policies, and so if you didn’t like ex. Cyberpunk, you could go to lowsodium_cyberpunk.

Freedom to choose communities allows multiple diverse communities to form, and I think that’s the key - that there are many communities.

When the scope of truth arbitration moves from lemmy instances to the us gov, the only alternative choice for any who disagree would be to go to another country.

The beauty of the internet is that there are no countries. Any website could be anywhere - there are hundreds of thousands of choices, from twitter hashtags to irc rooms.

I do not want one hegemony of information. I do not want 5, or one for each nato member. I want as many as possible, so I may find one (or more!) that I like.


So… what? Are you arguing for an expansion of “punitive models”?

Iraq has exceptional consistency in thought leadership. There are no drug addicts in Singapore.

Moxie marlinspike has an excellent blog post on “perfect enforcement” - if the law were applied perfectly, we would not have the lgbtq marriage rights we have today. If America had perfect consistency of thought, we would all be protestant catholic.

Consistency is not a world I strive for, and therefore, to return to the start of this thread, I do not believe the us gov should apply censorship to our communications, and I do believe that doing so would be a slippery slope, precisely and purely because censorship may prevent its own regulation.


This is an excellent way of looking at it, that is very different from my initial understanding.

This changes the concern profile entirely, from “who decides what is false” (big concern) to “how do we define advocating, how do we define violence, etc” - which are valid concerns, but apply to just about every law.

Off topic, the cyber security world has been wrestling with “unauthorized access” - is there implicit authorization when a device is attached to the internet? Nobody authorized me to use google - are web requests access? Is bypassing authentication access? It’s a mess.


The supreme court was non partisan. Do you expect the truth arbitration department to go any better?

The 50% of people who believe false things are going to vote for truth arbiters that we don’t like. Surely it will be amazing when the correct party is in control, but inevitably the wrong party will be in control sometimes too.

The issue is that bad truth arbitration is “sticky”. Once a bad actor is in control, they have the power to silence their own opposition.

In order for this to work, we must either make sure a bad actor never ends up at the wheel - which will eventually fail, or neuter the truth arbitration process to the point of inefficacy.

The risks here are probable and tangible. We may have the techniques to do it eventually, but I don’t think we have them right now.


Go a level deeper, beyond this news about news, and read the moat memo.

The third faction is the open source community.

The memo has an entire timeline section, dedicated to showing the speed at which the open source community absorbed and iterated on the leaked facebook model, LaMMa.

The memo puts a lot of emphasis on how google and co are building new models from scratch, over months, with millions of dollars - and yet open source is building patches, in days, with only a few hundred dollars - and the patches stack, and are easily shareable.

The open source models, through these patches, are getting better faster than google can re-architect and re-train new models from scratch.

The main point of the memo is that google needs to change their strategy, if they want to stay “ahead” (some would argue they’re already behind) of the competition.


Wireguard creates a new network interface that accepts, encrypts, wraps, and ships packets out your typical network interface.

If you were to create a kernel network namespace and move the wireguard interface into that new namespace, the connection to your existing nic is not broken.

You can then use some custom systemd units to start your *rr software of choice in said namespace, rendering you immune to dns leaks, and any other such vpn failures.

If you throw bridge interfaces into the mix, you can create gateways to tor / i2p / ipfs / Yggdrasil / etc as desired. You’ll need a bridge anyway to get your requester software interface exposed to your reverse proxy.

Wireguard also allows multiple peers, so you could multi-nic a portable personal device, and access all your admin interfaces while traveling, with the same vpn-failure-free peace of mind.


I recall eleventy being pretty good.

I had one issue with it, re how it generated links, that didn’t match how I needed it to in order to migrate my site, which was a dealbreaker for me. But other than that, it was solid.

I despise jekyll, purely from the standpoint of the state of their documentation.

There was another, that was extremely lightweight and configurable, at the cost of requiring much configuration - I think it was called “metal” - if I can find it I’ll report back

Edit: Hexo and Metalsmith. Hexo scratches my javascript itch; metalsmith is extremely versatile - it’s more of an erector set than a finished thing.


i2p is not a torrent client - but have no fear, you’re not missing much. i2p torrenting is slowwww (think gigs per day) and generally doesn’t have much.


Love me some DHT! The dht has saved some of my trackerless quests on many occasions.


Decentralized identity is a field of active research. It’s tough, but very interesting. I’m particularly a fan of what nostr is doing, where accounts are completely separate from relays, and can post anywhere.

I want to create a r/pinkfloydcirclejerk or r/beatlescirclejerk-like sublemmy, please give me advice! 🗿

I was missing some of the more obscure meme subreddits back on Lemmy, so I figured I’d try to recreate one. I asked people on if it was ok for me to create an r/beatlescirclejerk or r/pinkfloydcirclejerk type sublemmy there, they said yes!...


I am obligated to request a steely dan circle jerk, but I accept that that is too specific at this time.

Yacht rock circle jerk is probably also too specific. Dad rock seems appropriate - music in general might be too broad, you would lose the fatherly spirit; the spirit of the radio.

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