This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Depends on what you’re using it for. Fedora’s release ver upgrades are fairly seamless. Just a big dnf update really.

Meanwhile I have a bunch of servers stuck on CentOS 7 that are going to need to be completely rebuilt by next summer. I’m also limited by them because the pdf generator I use requires a version of libpango that was released in 2019 and EL7 is stuck on the 2018 version.

I switched from Rocky to Fedora Server because I was sick of running into compatibility issues with dependencies that exist in the Fedora repo and not EL.

Specifically postgres. One of the projects requires postgis and gdal, which are in the Fedora community repo, but I have to use the official postgres repo on Rocky and the people that maintain those repos are literally incompetent. They have an automated script that generates all of the packages and they can’t even be bothered to double check that the packages are built against the correct version of postgres, so your install will fail because a PG14 package is looking for a dependency that only exists in the PG11, PG12, and PG15 repo.


It won’t work as live action, and Sanderson is probably a little cagey after working on Amazon’s WoT. He would need to have absolute control over the writing.

Wax and Wayne in the style of Fullmetal Alchemist would be amazing though. Comedic but also serious.


For the nearly $1500 spec they tested you can basically get a Framework 16, with much better upgradability and a 2560x1600 165hz vrr display.


I pay $10/month for copilot because it saves me a lot more than $10 in time not spent typing out boilerplate or searching through garbage documentation.

It frees up my mind to focus on the actual software architecture instead of the quirks of the language.


China, the country that is increasing the number of coal power plants they build every year?

Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9?

I’ve been re-watching star trek voyager recently, and I’ve heard when filming, they didn’t clear the wide angle of filming equipment, so it’s not as simple as just going back to the original film. With the advancement of AI, is it only a matter of time until older programs like this are released with more updated...


I want to see AI Voyager episodes like people are doing for the Simpsons and family guy. Basic 3d models interacting with each other using generated dialog.

Just Janeway and crew wandering the Delta quadrant violating the prime directive in the name of coffee.


My Reddit usage is highly correlated with whether or not I’m at my desk.

I feel like I need to wash my hands after opening the official Reddit app on my phone.


Ohh is that why boost still works? I should reinstall it.


I don’t know if it works differently in the US but the best way to build your credit score is to not take on debt.

Keeping your credit utilization low and not missing any payments is the key. It’s an indication of how likely you are to meet the payments.

If you max your credit cards out and just pay the minimum amount, carrying thousands of dollars of debt and as a result can’t get a mortgage or a car loan because your credit score is shit then the system is working as expected.


Many of these recipes come from Ukrainian immigrants in North America. The size of the cabbage rolls also vary from region to region.

My mother has a similar recipe to this that was passed down from my great grandmother, that she got from her Ukrainian neighbors in Saskatchewan in the 1920s.

I had a coworker who was second generation Ukrainian-Canadian who has almost the exact same recipe.

These types of cabbage rolls are hard to find because nobody wants to poach them in tomato juice for 6 hours, and the result is tough chewy cabbage. Can’t buy them, can’t find them in any restaurant.


No these look accurate. My mom adds extra tomato juice and cooks them low and slow until the cabbage melts in your mouth and the edges of the pan turn black.

The big issue I have with most cabbage rolls is they put too much emphasis on the filling. The filling doesn’t matter, the spices don’t matter. It’s all about the cabbage. Towards the end of the batch I usually end up scooping out the filling and just eating the cabbage leaves and leftover tomato.


I find it fascinating. You could play bingo with those people’s profiles.

The squares would be something like:

  • fuck Trudeau
  • Jordan Peterson
  • WEF conspiracies
  • fuck Danielle Smith
  • retweets Pollievere
  • lines in AB (free space)

I’m content to wait a few years to see if it gets any better. I bought D3 on launch and didn’t come back until a year after the expansion.

With the amount of microtransactions in the game it’s only a matter of time before it goes on sale for like $15, or goes free to play. I’ll get it then.


I found a polearm that happened to have decent base damage, and nothing else. Sold it for $20 on the RMAH and ended up using that to buy the expansion when I finally came back.

Can’t stand the way it works now either though. It’s basically one of those idle games now. You just play the same shit no matter what difficulty. The only difference is the number of zeros on the damage numbersnas you gradually gear up to whatever the season armor is.

That’s what keeps people coming back to D2R. You get a new piece of gear and suddenly you can run areas that you couldn’t before. You have that carrot of maybe one day getting an enigma or eBotD, or you’ll get a good drop for another class and now you’re levelling up an alt so they can use that gear.

Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....


Don’t forget that a large chunk of that money also goes to the creators. It’s significantly more than they get from showing you an ad.


Remember when Google said that if the result you wanted wasn’t on the first page that they had failed?

The problem is the first page is now 2 sponsored links, a widget suggesting 10 YouTube videos, 5 search results for a related search, and two actual search results for the thing you are looking for.

We almost need a browser widget that appends &page=2 to any google search result.


This is the way. There are so few places to smoke in BC that I pretty much only ever see people doing it 5 metres from a bus stop.

They are so expensive that the few people that still do it smoke maybe a pack a week.

We even banned the sale of no-nic vape juice because they were becoming a gateway to nicotine addiction for teenagers.


My mortgage payment plus property taxes is less than the going rental rate for an equivalent 3br suite, and I bought last year.

The thing that convinced me is that my mortgage payment stays the same every year while everything else goes up with inflation, including my salary.

We’ll see where we’re at when it’s time to renew in 4 years but the way things are going even if it costs me an extra $1000/month I’m still probably coming out ahead.


Could be an RCE exploit. Doesn’t matter if it’s privilege escalation at that point because it can be used to execute a payload that can.


Endeavor OS solves most of those problems. Out of box experience is fantastic, and the installer is the best I’ve ever used.

That being said, I still wouldn’t recommend it due to the Arch package maintainers willingness to break userspace.

You will do a system update and it will break something. Most recent for me was Python packages. I updated my system and suddenly pip stopped working because they decided to follow PEP-668 and force the user to install packages using pacman.

The rationale given was allowing the user to install packages outside of the distro’s control can potentially break system tools like Fedora’s DNF, which is python based.

Now, I’ve done this on Fedora, it’s not fun. But you know what else? FEDORA DOESN’T EVEN ENABLE THIS FEATURE YOU FUCKING IMBECILES.


I can increase my cellphone plan with the click of a button.

If I want to decrease it that same button redirects to a live chat where I have to talk to one of their agents.

Their agents will genuinely give you a better deal, but for some reason can’t change your plan to a lesser one without breaking your contract, causing hundreds of dollars in extra fees.

The brick and mortar agents can do it in 2 minutes with no hassle. You walk in and say I want this plan, show your id, sign the change request and you’re done.

I don’t even think they are doing it on purpose. Why would they have a button that connects me to someone they are paying to convince me to give them less money per month? They cut my wife’s bill in half because she is month to month.

It’s just Hanlons Razor. Supreme incompetence.


A good chunk of both my TikTok and YouTube feed is already Canadian content creators.

It’s in their best interest to promote local results because they tend to be more engaging.

I doubt any of the social media platforms will have to change anything, and the streaming services already have CanCon sections.


Because all of the other retailers do the same shit only with higher prices. Here in Canada they don’t pay their employees any less than the competition, yet their prices are 30-40% cheaper on average.

That extra 40% doesn’t result in better working conditions for the employees, it goes directly to the shareholders and bonuses for the C-suite.

I respect the hell out of Walmart because they actually keep their price increases tied to inflation and aren’t out there trying to sell a loaf of poverty white bread for $5 or a pack of 4 chicken breasts for $37.


They should release virus trading cards. Get vaccinated to receive a booster pack with the various variants and a chance to get limited edition numbered runs.

What do you think of framework and their methods? (

We are not sustainableAnd neither is any other device maker. This industry is full of “feel good” messaging, but generates 50 million metric tons of e-waste each year. We believe the best way to reduce environmental impact is to create products that last longer, meaning fewer new ones need to be made. Instead of operating on...


My laptop is 4 years old at this point. I spent $2400 on it before I wanted something future proof, and while it’s still plenty fast with it’s 10th gen Intel processor and 32gb ram, knowing that I could drop $500 and upgrade to the latest AMD or Intel chip makes me wish I could have held out another year and gotten the framework.

Given that we’ve more or less peaked in terms of non-gaming performance I probably won’t be buying another laptop until this one dies but my next laptop will be a framework without question as well.


Lol the US will invade not because they are our ally, but because they believe they are the only ones that are allowed to attack Canada.


New idea for Lemmy apps: drunk text mode. Between 10pm and 6am you have to answer a skill testing question before submitting.

Plex Will Block Media Servers at Abuse Prevalent Hosting Company | TorrentFreak (

In an email to customers who run Plex servers at the large German hosting company Hetzner, Plex said that access will be blocked next month. It’s not clear if Hetzner is the only hosting company this applies to, but several customers confirmed that they received the same email....


My favourite Jellyfin feature is the one where it doesn’t ‘accidentally’ reset my dashboard every few weeks to promote its garbage free streaming partners. I don’t think I could give that feature up.


I have a $2 USB C cable I got off of Ali that I use to charge my laptop at 65W. It’s rated for 100W but I have no way of testing it.

It’s actually higher quality than any official apple cable I’ve used, although that’s a pretty low bar.


The first USB-C Android phones were also only USB 2.0.

Although that was 8 years ago, when USB 3 was only just starting to become commonplace.


The argument was that Shaw and Rogers generally don’t compete in the same markets. Rogers wanted Shaw to expand their presence in the west. Shaw wanted the deal because they are actually a horribly managed company and didn’t want to spend the money needed to upgrade their ancient copper lines or roll out 5G towers. They are a shell of the company they were 10+ years ago.

The one area they did compete was in wireless, and they were forced to sell off Freedom Mobile.

Honestly as a Freedom customer this deal has been fantastic. Quebecor has done more in the past 6 months to expand their service than Shaw has done in the previous 2 years. Prices have dropped, they eliminated the nationwide data cap, rolled out 5G, and the overall quality of the service has improved substantially.

So on the surface it sucks because we lost a major player in the tv/home internet space, but they were rapidly fading into obscurity anyway. I would have seen Quebecor buy them in their entirety and merge them with Videotron, but as it stands not much of value was lost.


If I want to watch every game I need to subscribe to 3 different services and pay something like $60/month, and I’m in an out of market area.


It wasn’t a ban. It was a tax designed to funnel money into the media companies that own our politicians.

It failed spectacularly because it shows that Canadians don’t visit Facebook for news coverage, and that Meta was 100% correct to not pay for access to content that its users don’t care about.


I worked at a grocery store and the produce department got a big load of fresh cilantro in. My eyes watered as I walked into the back room. I thought they had just done a shitty job of cleaning the floors.


I know there is probably a historical reason but I hate how find parses its arguments.

Any other app would be fine --name or find -n.

Every time I use it I have to spend a few minutes checking the results to make sure that it’s actually doing what I want it to do.

  • Ubuntu deviates from accepted standards too often (Mir, Upstart, Snap) thanks to Canonicals ham fisted attempts to redefine Linux.
  • Arch has a tendency to break due to the maintainers commitment to staying true to upstream. Too often you end up on the Arch wiki looking up how to solve small issues that should have been in the original PKGBUILD
  • Gentoo, not everyone wants to compile everything from source
  • Debian’s commitment to FOSS results in frequent incompatibilities (both SW and HW) out of the box.

Fedora is the perfect middle ground. It implements the latest technology standards as soon as they are stable (eg, Wayland, Btrfs by default), stays fairly close and true to upstream while maintaining package stability, and overall just works with a large variety of lackages

Fedora is for people who use Linux as a tool rather than a hobby.


If Debian works on your hardware and you just want something that works and doesn’t give you issues then yes its a good choice. It will just work happily in the background for years.

Fedora Server is a great choice if its something you want to continuously tinker with. Each release averages a little over 1 year of support so you’ll want to do a dist upgrade after each new version comes out.

I’m currently considering switching to it on a couple of production servers I manage because they rely on PostGIS. EL9 and Debian rely on the official postgres repositories rather than shipping their own .deb/rpms and the official postgres repository’s GIS packages are so unreliable I think it would be more stable on Arch. With Fedora server however I can just install postgres and postgis from the official community repo.


I’ve thrown Linux on every laptop I’ve ever owned, and a couple of family members laptops as well and the past 15 years and haven’t encountered 1/10th of the issues they you have.

Complaining about broken suspend is funny because Microsoft basically killed S3 sleep in favour of the battery sucking S0. If anything it works better in Linux because you won’t open up your laptop to find that Windows Update fucking ran in the background while it was sitting closed in your backpack and rebooted.

I think your issue might be more of an AMD issue. They have a long history of buggy mobile hardware even on Windows.

I mean hell I threw Fedora on to my Intel MacBook Pro and the only real annoyance I had was not being able to reliably disable the SPDIF light in the 3.5mm jack.

I’m currently using the non-linux version of the XPS 13 2-in-1 and my OS experience is actually the opposite of your friends. I can install any Linux ISO without issue, but the standard Win 11 ISO refuses to work because it can’t detect any storage drives.

As far as daily driving Linux on it, the only things that don’t work are the fingerprint reader and webcam. It’s a bit of a piss off given that non-touchscreen version uses similar spec hardware that does support it but it doesn’t really affect daily use.


If a game can’t run on the Series S it means it also can’t be ported to the PC. Turn down the resolution and graphics settings until you get the same fps target and continue in with your day.

I would expect any game from a developer that complains about this to be so poorly optimized that it runs like it would on the Series S on the bigger consoles, and likely have garbage gameplay as well because they spent all of their budget on graphics.


He says it to get views. The only place you might hear ‘aboot’ is in Newfoundland. Aboat is I think an eastern thing as well. I rarely hear in in BC.

Dude is from Vancouver, which means he should have a PNW accent. There are some differences between Vancouver and Seattle accents but on the whole they are considered one of the most subtle and neutral in North America.

If you want the American equivalent word, ask someone to pronounce the word ‘roof’. Canadians will pronounce the ‘oo’ like in boot but a lot of Americans will say ‘ruff’ or ‘rough’.


My cellphone carrier hasn’t rolled out 5G service yet. I was disappointed when I got the vaccine and was still stuck on LTE.

USB-C confirmed for the iPhone 15 in new leaked images - Macworld (

We’ve known that the iPhone is switching to USB-C for a while now, but there was always a possibility that Apple would stick with Lightning for one more year. Based on the latest leaked images, however, Apple is all-in on USB-C for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models, with USB-C parts for the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, and...


My new connector hell is trying to find a micro usb cable to charge that one device I still have that uses it.


Nearly every food item on the shelf has plastic. Aluminum cans are lined with plastic on the inside, glass bottles have a plastic freshness seal/cap. Even pasta boxes, one of the few cardboard packaged goods that don’t have an inner plastic liner often have a little plastic window so you can see what the pasta looks like.

And yet we’re being told that plastic bags are the problem. Literally the only plastic thing you get from the grocery store that isn’t single use. Instead we have paper bags which are bulkier and have a higher carbon footprint, and we still end up with a bunch of actually single use plastic bags because we no longer have anything to use as small garbage bags.


I like Gnome Shell. It’s polished and extensible. Libadwaita and the header bars are nice as well. I generally prefer nautilus to dolphin, even if I hate having to ctrl-l to edit the path.

I use KDE however because Mutter is still dogshit slow, especially in wayland. My work PC has a R5 3600, RX 570, and 48GB ram and it struggles to maintain 60fps across 3 1080p monitors. KWin runs significantly better, so I use KDE and just configure it like I would Gnome.


I have to wonder how much of Reddit’s traffic is bots and lurkers though.

Post quality is a bigger indicator, and that does seem to be dropping. This is why Reddit banning 3rd party apps was such a big deal. It doesn’t matter if 99% of your users use the official app if 99% of the content posted to the side is posted by the 1% that don’t.

As someone who was around for the digg migration, it didn’t drop off overnight (hell is still around), but they gradually bled content until everyone was on Reddit. Lemmy right now is very reminiscent of early Reddit.


Even better get a NVMe enclosure and an internal NVMe drive.

Enclosures are $20 and you can get a 500gb Samsung 970 Evo for $35.

Smaller, lighter, cheaper and faster than any off the shelf portable drive you could get. I have one and it fully saturates the USB C 10Gbit port on my motherboard.


My aunt’s 2017 Mazda didn’t have my house in the GPS. It was built in 2011.


That’s the goal here too. If Google and Meta have to pay to link to Canadian news content they are only going to do it for a few mainstream media sources like Post Media because handling the payments for all of the smaller independent sources would be an accounting nightmare.

There is also a Microsoft subplot here. One of our senators was just on social media stating that Microsoft won’t have to pay because they fall short of the threshold. He encourages more people to switch to bing so that they will be forced to pay. The whole thing reads like a sponsored post.

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