@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@[email protected]

Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

lmao his biggest critics have never read anything he wrote.

nice rhetoric, I’ll remember that

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

he was a misogynistic, homophobic, idiot.

have you actually read his stupid manifesto? he thinks the badness is when no tradwives.

Maybe don’t idolise psychopathic killers

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah and I studied physics and graduated with a load of morons.

I’m willing to concede he was good at maths, much better than I’ll ever be. Doesn’t mean he knew shit about fuck though.

I would’ve thought murdering random people working on computers would be enough of an indicator someone maybe didn’t have the most functional mind.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I find it kinds disgusting how rapidly some people will side with a killer if they did it in a slightly dramatic way and if you squint can be considered to share some elements of ideology.

Like if anyone upvoting this tasteless joke had ever wondered how chuds on 4Chan can idolise mass shooters well now you know. They’re doing what you’re doing.

Dude was a vile nutter.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

fun fact: it’s actually called a bastard sword because you shout “bastard” when you’re hit with it.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar
  • vegan
  • soft spoken
  • patient
  • hands scarred/calloused from work
  • creases in face from smiling
  • casual manner/attire
  • walks around other earthlings on footpaths etc instead of through
  • puts their shopping trolley away, bonus if they round up others
  • mocks authority
  • is kind to children and listens to them seriously
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Good to know you’re both cruel and insecure. Thanks for sharing with the group

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Of course, authority is a pretty fucked up concept as implemented in our society. It’s almost always nothing more than the threat of violence for not subsuming your own needs to the needs of another. The other usually claiming that privilege through nonsense like birthright, wealth, closeness to power structures or similar.

Anyone who uses such a ridiculous thing is at best a fool. Calling out injustice and laughing at awful people is definitely a green flag.

Consider say the difference between interacting with a cop and a firefighter. The cop claims authority, do what they say or be tortured into compliance. The firefighter has no authority and yet I’ll bet you trust everything they say a lot more than the cop and are far more willing to cooperate.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not a vampire, it’s not like waving the idea of death at me is going to send me slinking back to my verdant fields.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We’re all on our own journey. I spent 25 years eating, wearing, or otherwise using our fellow earthlings to various degrees before I realised I didn’t want to be someone who kills when I don’t have to.

I am grateful for what kindness you practice and I hope you will continue to reflect on your relationship with earthlings.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Mmm death murder blood.

You’re /so/ cool

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

my wife is the light of my life ^.^

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

There’s a lot of writing on subtle details of sorts of authority and it’s a bit of a problem with language.

You could say that you voluntarily grant the firefighter temporary authority in some circumstances or whatever but to avoid quibbling over language for essays let’s agree that there is a difference between someone imposing authority vs an individual deciding to believe someone should be listened to because of some domain expertise.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Nobody should feel shame for what their body can do. That doesn’t mean we should do it.

We have all sorts of abilities, we can drop kick babies for example. Doesn’t mean you should do that.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

See that breaks down when there are victims. Even if we stick to non human animals I’m sure you have negative opinions about some of the following: whaling, dog fighting, dog eating, skinning cats, horse racing, circus animals, pet hoarding, shark nets.

Like everyone is familiar with the idea that there are acceptable ways to seek pleasure in the world and some line beyond which they say “no you’re victimising another for your own gain. I do not think that is acceptable”. Even anti vegans rarely endorse arbitrary use of non human animals for pleasure.

So you are probably comfortable with the idea that you can’t just say “live and let live” and be done with it. That works for whether you want to plant red roses and I want to plant pink ones, or you like toffee and I like cake. It doesn’t apply when lives are on the line.

Killing/hurting beings that want to live and suffer when you don’t have to is wrong. It is a wrong thing to do.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

putting down the wheel of time and reading the malazan book of the fallen would be a pretty cool thing to do ;)

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I missed this.

Violent thugs claim authority regardless of the source. The cops claim the law enables them to torture you into compliance, the gangs claim it by right of might.

The reason is not relevant, laugh at them all (where doing so won’t get you killed).

This doesn’t mean fuck rules or cooperation. If my friends and I play a board game we all agree to be bound by collective rules for the pursuit of some mutual fun. Of course nobody has authority in the same sense, anyone is free to say “I don’t think this rule is fun, can we change it?” or “I’m not having fun right now, I’m sorry but I’d like to stop playing”.

I love people who help others, I just also love it when those helpful people burst out laughing when someone says “that’s Mr Bossman to you!”.

As to your reply to other person, yeah a lot of people don’t respect authority and laugh at it. I think it’s a green flag. Some people kiss the ring and lick the boot. Those people scare me because I can’t think of any reason except that they dream of being over another.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

why respect someone who’s threatening you? That’s the implicit case with authority “bow to me or I will make you suffer”

Who gains anything there except the authoritarian? Why do you want people to respect that?

We get on with each other fine without it.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not sure I follow. For the purposes of my example the firefighter has no legal recourse if you don’t listen. They’re just random volunteers where I live.

I don’t want to get too hung up on definitions because that’s counter productive I think. So what I’m talking about is that sometimes humans rely on power, real or perceived, in order to demand that others subsume their own desires and submit to those of the powerful.

Examples are police and other violent gangs - do what I say or I shoot you, capitalists - work for me or I will starve you, shitty parents - do what I say or I will hurt you.

I am calling that authority, notice that at no point is there consent from the person authority is being claimed over (it’s not consent if it’s coerced).

On the other hand people sometimes agree to perform certain roles with each other, or to be bound by certain rules in order to undertake some endeavour. For example when I am teaching my niece science she agrees to solve the problems I ask her to solve, but there is no coercion here. She is free to say at any moment “no” and I am free to either withdraw my offer to teach, ask a different question, propose a break or whatever else. Similarly working groups might elect someone among them to manage a project, but this isn’t authority (as I have defined above) if they are free to relect a project manager, refuse directions or whatever.

Various writers have waffled to varying extents trying to pin down specific definitions. I side with those who think it’s clearer to distinguish between the two social arrangements by not calling the second one authority.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

but it’s not the legal repurcussions that make you listen. If anything they undermine, as you need to establish whether advice is genuine or somebody throwing their weight around.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not a saint. If people are going to try and hurt me I’m going to ridicule them.

Go audit what that person has said.

Besides maybe I’m a piece of shit, there’s no guarrantee I fulfill my own green flags.

I actually frequently identify myself as a human garbage fire, which is funny really. Like I am a human garbage fire and even I am vegan, so what does that make non vegans?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not going to hide my values. They’re not shameful

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Earthlings are all of us, all sentient beings. We are from earth, we are the earthlings.

Like not just plowing through birds foraging, or lizards sunbaking, or ants doing a nuptial flight or whatever.

Considering others’ right to use space equal to their own.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I prefer to call it the stormwater drain of the information superhighway

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No probably not, except inasmuch as hallucinations are a known side effect of exhaustion.

Children for example are known to not have much/any (people who actually know shit step in and select right answer) but aren’t constantly tripping balls.

My understanding of how stuff like hallucinations normally happen is the brain can be though to be a series of networks doing their own thing and relaying information between each other. Some networks try to pattern match: “I just heard something, my name is often a heard thing shaped approximately like this. This is my name!” and others filter the results of these matches for truthiness by synthesis with a bunch of crap: “we’re in the middle of a highway. who the fuck is going to be calling out our name? you misheard the radio”.

those other networks for reasons I don’t know are vulnerable to disruption. Like when we’re tired, or taking psychedelics, or have a brain tumour or whatever.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

shit man, guess treating disease is a mistake. Those bacteria need to grow in us after all. Sepsis is the cycle of liiiiiiife.

The suffering is inherent, and intentional to RULE system (lemmy.tf)

The Democracy of the founding fathers was Greek Democracy, predicated upon a slave society, and restricted to only the elite. This is the society we live in today, even with our reforms towards direct representation. The system is inherently biased towards the election of elites and against the representation of the masses....

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So something that always sort of happens in these conversations is when someone says “we should remove X” people go “well then X would be removed!”.

Like you’re right, if nothing else changed and tomorrow we just said to farmers “grow food or don’t lmao up to you” that wouldn’t work. But we’re not saying “abolish capitalism and then do nothing” we’re saying “we need to abolish capitalism and replace it with a more humane system”.

That means some things like that farming would need to look different, the horribly alienating and environment destroying model of farming largely driven by debt would indeed not make the transition. That doesn’t mean nobody has ideas on how to grow food.

There are all sorts of models from everyone having rotations in hard jobs, to giving people certain privileges for doing them (e.g. farmers are honoured with a festival holiday after harvests etc). Societies have found ways to get people to do hard work that aren’t just predicated in violence.

Lots of people aren’t opposed to doing hard work, we generally enjoy feeling useful and helping our communities. What makes hard work unappealing is stuff like “do this for me, I won’t ever respect you for it, and if you try to stop you will be starved or shot”.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

you seem cool. From one earthling to another: thanks for advocating for a softer world.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Unfortunately where I live has basically no anarchist tradition. Food not bombs petered out about 20 years ago and I’m not the one to restart it.

A local book store though has become a bit of a gathering point for refugee activism and the owner there is an anarchist so some community interest is spinning up and maybe we can get stuff off the ground.

Australia, where I live, has generally been deeply conservative aside from Gough (but the usa couped us so :( ). Our cities are designed without public squares to prevent convict uprising for example. Organising has always been difficult.

However there are a lot of people deeply hurt and confused right now over the rejection of the indigenous voice to Parliment. A terribly tragic thing, but it does represent a good opportunity to spread different ideas as people look for ways of finding a way forward and healing together after being shocked by the racism and hatred the right mobilised on.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

we elect socialist. Constitutional crisis, foul play, and lies oust him. He is replaced by a neoliberal reformer with close ties to the CIA (hawke)

socialist dude wanted to close us military bases in Australia.

No evidence the usa was involved but I mean c’mon. That’s 100% their playbook. We’re essentially a protectorate now with very limited independent diplomacy.

naevaTheRat, (edited )
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

blackpowder rifles were actually really good just hard to use. Modern reproductions are interior copies and modern black powder is worse (it’s optimised for different things) .

For example many mid to late 1800s guns could hit point targets out to ~300 yards.

My wife is really into this shit and apparently being a first grade rifleman required something like being able to shoot accurately from a field position to 1000 yards. It was very hard to get that good but many did.

Keep in mind by this time they had all sorts of bells and whistles. Basic cartridges, specialised bullet geometries, progressively narrowing rifling etc.

They were quite slow to fire, but loading a cartridge wasn’t that slow. you basically either breech loaded it or just pushed it down the end and lightly packed it (bullet expands when fired to lock with rifling).

EDIT: she informs me that the 1850something Enfield had assessments hitting a 3 ft wide target at up to 900 yards.

The cartridges were not like modern brass ones but paper, they were more like 2 stage packets that you tore open and poured first the powder, then the bullet. The bullet would readily fall clear down the barrel and require only light tamping to make ready to fire.

apparently this rifle is basically the pinnacle of muzzle loaders.

Also apparently it was mostly used in the north American civil war, but they didn’t buy the English bullets designed for it and consequently it earned a terrible reputation in that war. Don’t cry though as the slavers used it so that’s kinda funny.

Anyway, people are smart and guns have been good for a long time.

l8er sk8t3r5

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I do 4x strength and 3x running. I split arms and legs rather than muscle groups and don’t run on leg days. I don’t strictly run before or after strength. Depends on routine. Usually I try fit the running in between.

Unless you’re pushing yourself crazy hard training your arms and back wont influence running much that day.

Would recommended everyone at least focuses on strenthening stabilising muscles in legs and hips + calves. Running isn’t super good at building strength, and when pushing hard can actually make stuff go backwards. All the stuff that keeps your knees and hips aligned is what saves you from injury so work in them.

Doing leg stuff bare foot can be useful in order to keep feet strong too. Although avoid doing that if lifting heavy shit haha.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Milk of the poppy, milk thistle, milk of magnesia…

it’s almost like the word means a white liquid, of which mammalian breast milk is one type.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

16 km. Still working back up to volume/intensity after an injury and last week was intense so this week is mild.

Did set a 5k PR this morning though, 36’ 55". Never actually raced one, so just times based off training results.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Does shrek get as horny over it as you? or are just using him?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Call me moopsy cause I do be slurping down those boners

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Context: This happened 2 weeks ago. It was a small group of like 20 people in a protest of hundreds. The organiser of the protest condemned them, and asked the police for help removing them. The police declined to help.

The media keeps covering the like 20 antisemites and ignoring the hundreds of peaceful demonstrators, that the police tried to stop the demonstration going ahead at all, or that the Australian government is uncritically supporting the IDFs genocide.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

beyond all reason is a remake/successor to total annihilation too btw

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

All* carnists endorse this implicitly

*except the like 0.1% or whatever who never use anything from anyone farmed.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

As they die I bet they scream out “Thank you for respectfully honouring us”

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Jesus, can you lay out more of how this might go down?

so we can watch and guard against the possibility…

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The un runs schools, hospitals, provides war crime investigators, hosts diplomatic talks, helps broker peace/aid deals etc but because sometimes superpowers are just going to damn the rest of us they’re the bad guys?

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s not, nor has it ever been, particularly funny.

The joke is basically “northern hemisphere is the default amirite? so everyone else must be upside down har har”

And before you think I’m just a salty Aussie there’s heaps of actually funny jokes you can make about Australia.

For example Danny bhoy has a fucking hilarious routine about the stupid fucking names we give shit like bottle-o

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

come on, be funny. please, please stop being so aggresively humourless

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh that’s a shame.

I should fix the imbalance.

Attention hexbear and lemmy.Mali: you should question why all the people you worship are men. Maybe you prefer strongmen to truth.

That oughtta do it

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Teasing is fun it’s just that’s all they have and it’s so boring.

Like do something different, mock our slack mouthed drunk accents, how fucking uptight the government is, how soft we are about cold, how much we drink, literally anything.

@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well I guess everyone has their own idea of what’s funny.

I mean here’s some winetraveler.com/…/funny-town-place-names-in-aust…

we’ve got silly names like bottle shop for where we buy booze (sells bottles), usually shortened to bottle-o, similarly you have stuff like service station -> serv-o.

Indigenous place names often have “wo” sounds and repetition, you get stuff like wagga wagga etc. Consequently we tend to say “it’s in woop woop” if something is the arse end of nowhere.

Plus there’s the sheer lack of imagination in the English colonial naming. I mean “new south Wales”? really? Not even like “yeah this is like Wales” someone looked at a fucking dry sandy cliffy bay and said " you know what this fucking reminds me of? Wales. Wait no, the southern part of Wales"

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